UNHCR’S WORK WITH LOCAL NETWORKS IN SUPPORT OF THE WARAO INDIGENOUS POPULATION IN THE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTH OF BRAZIL: GOOD PRACTICES AND LESSONS LEARNED November/2019 to March/2021 © PARES Cáritas/Luciana Queiroz UNHCR | THE UN REFUGEE AGENCY NOVEMBER/2019 TO MARCH/2021 Datasheet Acknowledgment Institutional Coordination This document aims to strengthen the protec- UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has had the plea- José Egas tion and integration of the Warao indigenous sure of collaborating and dialoguing. Representative people in the South and Southeast regions of UNHCR Brazil the country through the recording of some of The UNHCR expresses its gratitude to the the many efforts undertaken by the hands of several partners mentioned in this document Maria Beatriz Bonna Nogueira several actors from civil society, public authori- and to the people who have volunteered on a Head of Office ties, universities, international organizations daily basis to support Warao families for sharing UNHCR São Paulo and host communities operating in the local their efforts and, above all, for their commitment networks of some of the cities that, temporarily towards a culturally sensitive listening of this Sebastian Roa or permanently, have received this population. population, which undoubtedly has represented Senior Field Associate the main tool for the access to rights and inte- UNHCR Brazil It seeks to highlight some of the strategies, gration opportunities. good practices, challenges and lessons learned Sílvia Corradi Sander from the daily work of actors from the most To the Warao families and individuals, our grati- Protection Associate diverse sectors and institutions with which the tude for the opportunity for continuous learning. UNHCR São Paulo Production Lyvia Rodrigues Barbosa Senior Protection Assistant UNHCR São Paulo Technical revision UNHCR São Paulo Team Maria Beatriz Bonna Nogueira Head of Office UNHCR São Paulo Sílvia Corradi Sander Protection Associate UNHCR São Paulo William Torres Laureano Da Rosa Senior RSD Assistant UNHCR São Paulo 4 5 UNHCR | THE UN REFUGEE AGENCY NOVEMBER/2019 TO MARCH/2021 Sumário Context Context 07 The humanitarian emergency situation in Venezu- response to the Venezuelan flow. It involves ela has affected all sectors of society, with a special the arrival of an ethnic group with no his- Arrival of Warao Groups to the Southeast and South 08 impact on historically vulnerable populations who, tory of presence in the Brazilian territory, in a Operating Strategy 09 without the means to survive the crisis, have been situation of forced displacement, with vulner- forced to flee to Brazil and other countries in the abilities and cultural aspects that are still little Working Groups 10 region. Among these groups, the forced displace- known and studied in the country. This unique Action Plan 12 ment of indigenous people stands out, which gener- situation, associated with the unpredictability ated a gradual flow to Brazil especially since 2014. in the movement of such groups in the Brazil- Capacity Building of Local Networks 13 With the worsening of the emergency, in 2016, there ian territory, creates additional challenges Good Practices, Challenges and Lessons Learned 14 was a considerable increase in the flow of indigenous for the institutions and networks that provide people of the Warao ethnicity towards the states of assistance to this population, who must pay São Paulo 14 Roraima and Amazonas. As of 2018, these groups attention to the specific needs and dynamics of Rio de Janeiro / Japeri / Nova Iguaçu 15 began to move to the states of Pará, Maranhão and these indigenous people in order to respond to others in the Northeast region. In 2019, the Midwest basic needs related to food, shelter, health and Campinas / Hortolândia 17 and Southeast regions are also reached and, and in support for the development of livelihoods. Belo Horizonte 18 2020 and 2021 new groups have been identified in the South region. By March 2021, UNHCR estimated Along these lines, UNHCR has been working Uberlândia 21 that about 5,7991 Venezuelan indigenous refugees to ensure that this population has access to Montes Claros 22 and migrants were living in Brazil, the majority (69%) rights and to services in Brazil, in conjunction from the Warao ethnicity, in at least 23 states2. with governmental actors, the justice system, Porto Alegre 23 civil society organizations and groups, foster- Final Remarks 24 The indigenous situation has been one of the ing protection and local integration in a cultur- biggest challenges in the Brazilian emergency ally sensitive way. 1 The UNHCR registers, through the proGres platform, the entire Venezuelan indigenous population that crosses the Pacaraima border in the state of Roraima. In this process, individual information is collected, such as personal data and specific protection needs of all family members. 2 UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES. The Warao in Brazil: Anthropology contributions to the protection of indigenous refugees and migrants. 2021. 6 7 UNHCR | THE UN REFUGEE AGENCY NOVEMBER/2019 TO MARCH/2021 PROFILE OF THE WARAO INDIGENOUS POPULATION MONITORED BY UNHCR SÃO PAULO IN THE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTH Arrival of Warao Groups to the BETWEEN DECEMBER/2019 AND MARCH/2021 Southeast and South Regions GENDER X AGE FAMILY COMPOSITION The movement of Warao groups within the Through the articulated action with the Working national territory has intensified in the last two Groups in the municipalities that received Warao GENDER 0-4 5-11 12-17 18-35 36-59 60+ years, reaching most of the states of the North families, it was possible to map, especially throughout 306 and Northeast, and arriving in the Southeast 2020 and the first months of 2021, the trajectories of Total of Individuals mainly after the second semester of 2019. Since the Warao groups that arrived in the Southeast and MALE 32 39 19 37 19 3 the arrival of the first group to the Southeast, the South regions. It was noticed, in this context, that the 69 UNHCR Field Office in São Paulo has supported groups have used two distinct routes that split from a FEMALE 26 30 11 47 12 6 Total of families states and municipalities through networking common path, focused, mostly, on the route via Pará, with government agents, civil society partner passing through several capitals of the Northeast organizations, social assistance networks, col- region, until reaching the Southeast; and, to a lesser *25 individuals had no information about gender and age. © ACNUR / Lyvia Barbosa lectives and community groups. A series of joint extent, the route via Rondônia, passing through the activities have been developed, with emphasis Midwest and arriving at the Southeast and South. In on the training of the networks for the culturally the same way, it was possible to trace the profile by sensitive assistance of this population, coordina- gender and age of these groups, identifying that, fol- tion of working groups and implementation of lowing the general profile of the population Warao in actions to protect and integrate indigenous refu- the country, they are composed of numerous family gees and migrants in response to the specific nuclei, in which over 50% of the members are children needs of this population. and adolescents, with a proportion of men slightly Operating Strategy above that of women. TRAJECTORY OF INDIGENOUS WARAO TO THE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTH The unique characteristics of the culture and integrating Warao people in transit in the South- the displacement of the Warao population, as east and South of the country has been based COMMON PATH Pacaraima well as the specific needs for protection in on the tripod (i) mobilization and support for the Boa Vista urban contexts, require intersectoral work sup- coordination of local networks through Working Pacaraima Boa Vista Manaus ported by previous information and conceptual Groups; (ii) support for the elaboration and imple- Belém SÃO PAULO GROUP São Luís alignment that consolidate the performance of mentation of joint action plans, aimed at the pro- Fortaleza Manaus the various actors to be involved in coordinated tection and local integration of Warao families and Belém São Luíz São Paulo Natal Teresina strategies for mitigating risks and promoting individuals; and (iii) strengthening the capacities of RIO / CAMPINAS / RIBEIRÃO PRETO GROUP local integration. In this sense, UNHCR São local actors through training aimed at interventions Porto Velho Recife Paulo’s action strategy aimed at protecting and tailored to each specific context. Porto Goiânia Brasília Rio de Campinas Ribeirão Feira de Santana Cuiabá Brasília Montes Claros BELO HORIZONTE GROUP Goiânia Uberlândia Belém Teresina Fortaleza Belo Horizonte Belo Horizonte Ribeirão Preto Campinas UBERLÂNDIA GROUP PORTO ALEGRE GROUP 1 Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Cascavel Belém Teresina Fortaleza Uberlândia Belo Horizonte Porto Velho Cuiabá Cascavel Porto Alegre MONTES CLAROS GROUP PORTO ALEGRE GROUP 2 Porto Alegre Belém São Luís Fortaleza Natal Recife Feira de Santana Montes Claros Porto Alegre © ACNUR / Lyvia Barbosa 8 9 UNHCR | THE UN REFUGEE AGENCY NOVEMBER/2019 TO MARCH/2021 Working Groups UNHCR São Paulo has worked on the articula- Warao individuals have been accompanied by tion and establishment of Working Groups the WGs established in the cities of Belo Horizon- involving actors of the public authorities, justice te (MG), Campinas/Hortolândia (SP), Montes Claros SÃO PAULO system, civil society, international organiza- (MG), Nova Iguaçu/Japeri (RJ), Rio de
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