Policy Congressional Report Opened Between 03/01/2003 and 03/31/2003 WP# Receive Date Congressman Name Subject of Request 21060 3/14/2003 Congressman Spencer Bachus Subject: TSA test at Birmingham Int'l Airport 19994 3/18/2003 Congressman Sherwood Boehlert Subject: QFR for Committee on Science 18432 Senator Michael D. Crapo Subject: Complaint against the Coast Guard Academy. 3/24/2003 DHS replied on 5/21/03 19879 Senator Charles E. Grassley Subject: Request for increased INS enforcement/ service 3/4/2003 presence in quad cities 21055 3/4/2003 Congressman Judd Gregg Subject: NH Police Dept. requests a federal grant 21057 317/2003 Congressman Judd Gregg Subject: Grant request for Deerfield, NH 22935 3/31/2003 Congressman Jane Harman Subject: Deployment of ACU-1000 for DHS 18425 312012003 Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo Subject: Oversight hearing on USCGs move to DHS 22897 Congressman Ron Paul Subject: Constituent complains of treatment by personnel 3/4/2003 at a TSA test site 22933 3/18/2003 Congressman Ike Skelton Subject: 1st responder funding 21058 Subject Ceasing of range operations of AFWTF at 317/2003 Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, PR on or about 3/9/03 21059 Subject: Inquiry into Federal Law Enforcement control 3/1112003 of U.S. borders Policy Congressional Report Opened Between 04/01/2003 and 04/31/2003 WF # Receive Date Congressman Name Subject of Request 18477 Senator Lamar Alexander Subject: Consituent is concerned about river traffic. DHS 417/2003 replied on 8/1/03. 21061 Congressman John Breaux 417/2003 Subject: Concern re transfer of APHIS personnel to DHS 18512 Congressman John Breaux Subject: Seaport and Maritime Intelligence capabilities. 4/16/2003 DHS replied on 6/30/03. 18534 Senator Benjamin L. Cardin Subject: Reg. to allow Curtis Bay Coast Yard to remain 4/23/2003 open. DHS replied on 7/2/03. 22937 Congressman Pete V. Domenici Subject: FY03 Approp. Fund to support purchase & 4/22/2003 renovation of the Playas, New Mexico facilities 19708 4/23/2003 Congressman Greg P. Dushane Subject: Violation of EEO Rights 22936 Congressman Edward M. Kennedy Subject: Hubs in Boston not covered under Urban Area 4/9/2003 Security Initiative 19796 4/16/2003 Congressman House Select Committee on Subject: QFRs followup of 4/4/03 meeting Homeland Security 22938 Subject: Urges President to make available all approp. First responder funds remainin in federal depts. And 4/23/2003 waive admin. Regulations that unnecessarily restrict the flow of funds Policy Congressional Report Opened Between 05/01/2003 and 05/31/2003 WF # Receive Date Congressman Name Sub'ect of Re uest 18617 Congressman George Allen Subject: Disregard for food safety and security of the american consumers by action of Nat'l Marine Fisheries 5/20/2003 Service (Seafood Inspection Program (SIP)). Spoke to Sen. Allen's staff, this is a DOC issue. 22939 5/8/2003 Congressman Allen Boyd Subject: Security brief - scheduled for Mon, 5/19 21063 517/2003 Congressman Steven A. Cash Subject: Brief - ODP move 22899 5/15/2003 Congressman Steven A. Cash Subject: Brfg. W /TSA re: No Fly List 22940 5/12/2003 Senator Richard J. Durbin Subject: TOPOFF 2 18553 Congressman James C. Greenwood Subject: Support for the Port Security Grlant application 5/1/2003 submitted by Maritime Exchange for Delaware River & Bay of Philadelphia 21065 Congressman David L. Hobson Subject: Constll- /s/ documents not involved in terrorist 5/13/2003 activities 21066 5119/2003 Congressman Peter Hoekstra Subject: Req. two DHS summll- 1st responders 22910 Senator James M. Inhofe Subject: Communll- potential widespread security 5/28/2003 implications 22941 5/22/2003 Senator Mary L. Landrieu Subject: Diaster relief 22898 Senator Charles E. Schumer Subject: Status of his complaint filed w/FPSD Criminal 51212003 Inv. Unit in NY Field Office 21062 Congressman Christopher H. Smith 5/1/2003 Subject 3-pg delegation ltr, 14 pg supplementary doc.. 19909 Congressman Henry Waxman Subject: GAO Rep: relating to safety/security of Nation's 5127/2003 railroads 22977 517/2003 Congressman Anthony D. Weiner Subject: Security @ JFK Int'l Airport Facility Policy Congressional Report Opened Between 06/01/2003 and 06/31/2003 WF # Receive Date Congressman Name Subject of Request 18794 Congressman Brian Baird Subject: Port Security Grant application Columbia-Snake 6/30/2003 River. DHS response sent 7/30/03. 18772 Congressman Joe L. Barton Subject: Port of Houston Port Security Grant. DHS 6/30/2003 response sent on 7/30/03. 22944 Congressman Evan Bayh Subject: Federal resources allocated for cities and urban 6/27/2003 areas 18672 61412003 Congressman Chris Bell Subject: Port Security Grant. DHS replied on 7/2/03. 19888 Congressman Robert C. Byrd Subject: Proposed reprogramming of funds within DHS 6/27/2003 to bridge a FY03 funding shortfall ($913m) for TSA 21070 61912003 Congressman Steven A. Cash Subject: Rep. To Congress due 5/30 19892 6/24/2003 Senator Thad Cochran Subject: FY03 Expendll-VISIT 22901 6/24/2003 Congressman Jerry F. Costello Subject: Concern re: nonscheduled commercial flights 22904 Congressman Michael Doyle Subject: Assistance in implementing his plan on 613012003 combating terrorism 22893 61912003 Senator Richard J. Durbin Subject: US-VISIT (747) 21073 Senator Dianne Feinstein Subject: Recommend to serve on Homeland Security 613012003 Advisory Council 22918 6/27/2003 Congressman Jim Gerlach Subject: Employment w/DHS 22942 Senator Lindsey 0. Graham Subject: Distribution of Potasium iodide pills to 612412003 residents in/around nuclear power plant 18675 Congressman Ernest F. Hollings Subject: Maritime Security Act (P.L. 107-295). DHS 61412003 reply sent on 8/28/03. 18781 Congressman Ernest F. Hollings Subject: Security at nation's seaports (MTSA). DHS 613012003 response sent on 8/26/03. 22903 Congressman Steve Israel 6/27/2003 Subject TSA decision to lay off 6,00 baggage screeners 22900 6/10/2003 Congressman Ric Keller Subject: Operation Safe Commerce 22943 6/26/2003 Senator Mary L. Land1ieu Subject: Funding- Town of Livonia 22902 Congressman Ken Lucas Subject: Support reopenll-scheduled all- White House 6/24/2003 561241 21071 Congressman Kendrick B. Meek 6/19/2003 Subject: HR 2250, READICall Telephonic Alert System 18717 Congressman Ron Paul Subject: VIT, Inc. - grant monies. DHS reply sent on 6/18/2003 7/2/03. 18812 Congressman Donald M. Payne Subject: Reconsideration of Awarding Major Richard D. 6/30/2003 Winters the Congressional Medal of Honor. DHS referred to DOD on 7/8/03 via FAX. 18782 Congressman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Subject: Whereabouts and migratory status of her 6/30/2003 brother, Ramon Aguilar. Closed per DOS, no response. 21069 6/3/2003 Senator Charles E. Schumer Subject: Interagency Communications Deficiencies 22955 Congressman Pete Sessions Subject: Cll-Rescue Dept. application for $549,615 to 6/30/2003 purchase Priority One Heavy Resecue Fire Apparatus auxiliary rescue equipment 18742 Congressman Olympia J. Snowe Subject: funding for Casco Bay Coastal Watch. DHS 6/24/2003 response sent 6/23/03. 22945 6/27/2003 Congressman Jim Turner Subject: Allocations- San Antonio 21072 612412003 Congressman Chris Van Hollen Subject: AWS WetherNet (AWS) Policy Congressional Report Opened Between 07/01/2003 and 07/31/2003 WP# Receive Date Congressman Name Subject of Request 22953 Congressman Gary L. Ackerman Subject: Funding levels for high threat, high density 7/2112003 areas 21082 Congressman Doug Bereuter Subject: Potential for University of Nebraska's Medical 7/22/2003 Ctr in Omah to be designed as a research center 22951 7/1612003 Congressman Christopher S. Bond Subject: ODP funds for State of Missouri 21081 7/22/2003 Congressman Dave Camp Subject: Fingerprint biometrics systems 5 22925 Congressman Ben Nighthorse Campbell Subject: Behll- l(b)( l t hired as a 7/8/2003 consultant by DHS 22950 Congressman Hillary Rodham Clinton Subject: Need for development of homeland security 7115/2003 funding formula that is based upon threat, not population (823) 22947 7/2/2003 Senator Thad Cochran Subject: ODP formula grants 22919 7/16/2003 Senator Susan M. Collins Subject: awaiting enclosure - never assigned. 18865 Congressman Peter Deutsch Subject: FY03 Transportation & Related Agencies sction of the Consolidated Approp. Resol. $1,000,00 funding 717/2003 for procurement of Datum Marker Buoys (DMB) for USCG. OHS replied on 8115/03. 22908 7114/2003 Congressman Russell D. Feingold Subject No Fly zones over Disney 21079 Congressman Mike Ferguson Subject: Protecting Ameiica's electric utility 7/7/2003 infrastructure 22907 7/3/2003 Congressman Peter G. Fitzgerald Subject: Employment w/TSA 21076 Congressman Jim Gibbons Subject: Funding formula that excluded Las Vegas from 7/1/2003 the list of 30 cities receiving federal fu nding 21068 Congressman Tim Holden Subject: Concerns w/US hmng foreign individuals to 7/14/2003 assist w/implementation of DHS goals 19871 7/28/2003 Congressman John N. Hostetler Subject: Request A-Files 21077 7/2/2003 Congressman Peter T. King Subject: America's electric utility infrastructure 22952 Congressman Trent Lott Subject: Alcorn State Univ.- Tech. Support Working 7/21/2003 Group (TSWG) Grant 22924 Congressman John Murtha Subject: Req. mtg in celebration of Indiana County, PA, 7/3/2003 bicentennial 18824 Congressman Nick J. Rahall Subject: Designate Port of Huntington as a DHS location 711/2003 site. OHS sent response on 8/11/03. 22911 7/112003 Senator Harry Reid Subject: Deputll- complaint re: TSA 22906 7/1/2003 Senator Harry Reid Subject: Displeasure w/TSA 18822 Congressman Harold Rogers 7/112003 Subject: Coast Guard Approp. DHS replied on 8/12/03 22905 Congressman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Subject: Training for Caribbean ports and tourism 7/1/2003 personnel to improve security 22956 7/28/2003 Congressman C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger Subject: UASI Port Security Grant 22948 Senator Charles E. Schumer Subject: Req.
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