http://www.tta.or.kr K-ICT Ver.2017 – /SW/ SW· - ( / , / , ), SW( , SW ), SW· ( / , ) TTA - 16142 - SD Service offering ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC34, IDPF, W3C ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC29 WG11 AR/VR App. AV App. ( ) KS X 6070-1~5 (EPUB) 3.0 , (EPUB) 3.0, (EPUB) 3.0, e-Learning App. (TTA) TTA.KO-10.0611 - Digital Signage App. Web App. , 2016-118 ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG11, SC24 ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG11 (EPUB) 3.0, (EPUB) 3.0 / SNS App. (HMD) (TTA) TTAK.OT-10.0337 - EPUB 2 , .0338 - EPUB 3.0, .0339 - EPUB , 2016-119 PC (TTA) TTAK.KO-10.0874 – (TTA) TTAK.KO-10.0317- 3.0, .0340 - EPUB 3 , .0341 - EPUB 3.0, .0342 - EPUB A/V/Data Terminal Control, (HMD) / 3.0, .0727 - EPUB , KR04-1 - EPUB3 EDUPUB , -2 - EPUB Service Info. Management (JTC1) Exploration Part # 12(Free-viewpoint TV) 1.0, -3 - EPUB 1.0, -4 - EPUB 1.0 DRM Service (JTC1) ISO/IEC 23000-13 Information technology - Call for Evidence on Free-Viewpoint Television: (JTC1) ISO/IEC 14496-10:2012 , NTP/ (ODPF) KR03-1 - EPUB 3.0.1 , -2 - EPUB 3.0.1, -3 - EPUB 3.0.1, -4 - EPUB Discovery ID Network DHCP DNS IGMP - Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part Super-Multiview and Free Navigation – update, Information technology -- Coding of 3.0.1, -5 - EPUB 3.0.1, -6 - EPUB 3.0.1 ( | ) ~'19, Web3D, JTC1 SC24 WG6/WG9, JTC1 SC29, JTC1 SC35, JTC1 SC36 MPEG / H.264, 265 audio-visual objects -- Part 10: Advanced agent Provisioning SNTP 13: Augmented reality application format, ISO/IEC Exploration Part # 12(Free-viewpoint TV) - FTV HDR (ISO TC171 SC2) ISO 32000-1 - PDF(portable document format) 23005-5 Information technology -- Multimedia Software Framework, Exploration Part # 12(Free- Video Coding, 23008-2:2015 Information (JTC1 SC34) ISO/IEC TS 30135-1~7 - EPUB3 RTP RTCP RTSP HTTP/HTTPs application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 5: Media viewpoint TV) - Use Cases and Requirements on technology -- High efficiency coding and ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG1/WG11 (IDPF) EPUB 3 Overview, EPUB Publications 3.0.1, EPUB Content Documents 3.0.1, EPUB Open Container Format ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC36, IMS Global streaming application format Free-viewpoint Television(FTV) media delivery in heterogeneous MOOCs (OCF) 3.0.1, EPUB Media Overlays 3.0.1, EPUB Canonical Fragment Identifier (epubcfi) Specification, EPUB Dictionary, environments -- Part 2: High efficiency (JTC1) ISO/IEC 18477-1 JPEG HDR Image Coding Open Annotation in EPUB, EPUB 3 EDUPUB Profile, EPUB 3.1 Overview Mobile Cloud Device DaaS Client video coding System -Coding of HDR Images, DIS, 18477-2 Scalable Compression and Coding of Continuous- Tone Still Images: Extension for High Dynamic Range Images, 29199-2:2010 : JPEG XR Image ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC36 WG4, IMS Global, DCMI, LRMI ( | ) ~'19, IMS Global, JTC1 SC36 WG8 Coding System – Part 2 : Image Coding rd Specification 3 Party 3D VR (ITU-T) T.832 - JPEG XR Image Coding System – (IMS Korea) IMS KR 1008-1 - Common Cartridge - ( ) - - 1 : , Cable ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC24, Web3D ( ) KS X ISO/IEC 12785 - , - 2 : Modem Image Coding Specification , 12785-1 1 , 12785-2 2 : XML , (JTC1 SC36 WG8) ISO/IEC TR 20748-1~2 Learning analytics User Terminal (SMPTE) ST 2084:2014 High Dynamic Range (TTA) TTAS.KO-10.0221 - VR Electro-Optical Transfer Function of Mastering 12785-3 3 : interoperability – Part 1: Reference model, Part 2: System requirements 도서관 , 2013-1144 - Reference Displays (JTC1 SC36) 12785 Content packaging, 12785-1 Part 1: POI (IMS Global) IMS Caliper Implementation Guide v1.0 Camera Information Model, 12785-1 Part 2: XML Binding, 12785-1 Part 3: (ADL) Experience API Cloud Client ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG11, Web3D Best practice and implementation guide ( ) KS X ISO/IEC 19774 - (IMS Global) IMS Common Cartridge v1.3 TV (H-Anim) (TTA) TTAK.KO-10.0716 - (JTC1) ISO/IEC 19775 - X3D Component 26 360 통합 플랫폼 기반 Humanoid animation(H-Anim), 19774-1 - (JTC1 SC29 WG11) ISO/IEC 23005 - MPEG-V Government 콘텐츠/서비스 Humanoid Animation -- Part 1: Architecture, ARAF 2.0 Edition, Expandable Data with POI for ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG11, W3C 19774-2 - Part 2: Motion Capture Indoor Navigation Format (모바일/차세대 웹) ( | ) ~'19, ISO TC159 SC4, IEEE-SA 3DHF WG, IEC TC110 WG6 ICDM (TTA) TTAR-07-0015 : Contents STB (JTC1) ISO/IEC 23009-1: 2012 Information , (TTA) TTAK.KO-10.0712 - HMD , .0713 - technology: Dynamic adaptive streaming over Storage / HMD API / HTTP Part1: Media presentation description Plenoptic (ISO/TMBG) IWA3:2005 - Reducing the incidence of undesirable biomedical effects and segment formats caused by visual image sequence Camera (IEEE-SA) P3333.1.2 - Standard for the perceptual quality assessment of three dimensional and ultra high definition contents 시청자 (ISO) ISO 9241-392:2015 - Ergonomic recommendations for the reduction of visual fatigue from stereoscopic images, 9241-333 - Stereoscopic displays using glasses Contents ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC29 WG1 ( | ) ~'18, ISO TC159 SC4 WG9, JTC1 SC29 WG11 Service Server (JTC1) JPEG PLENO / MR/VR (TTA) TTAS.KO-10.0274/R1 – , Provider TTAK.OT-10.0221 – , - ( | ) ~'20, IEEE 3DHF, JTC1 SC24 10.0222 – , -10.0268 SW Sensorial 4D / – ( ) HMD MR/VR (ISO) ISO DIS 9241-940– Evaluation of tactile and haptic Camera ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG11 ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC36, IMS Global Human Factor Mobile interactions (IEEE P3333.1) 3D Discomfort Assessment of Point Cloud Compression ( , ) (IMS Korea) IMS KR 1002.1~3 - IMS (JTC1) ISO/IEC FDIS 23005-3 Sensory Information Terminal 디지털 홀로그램 (JTC1) ISO/IEC 23005 - Information technology -- / / Stereo Videos - , XML ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG1/WG11 Media context and control 가정 , / (IMS Global) IMS Question & Test (TTA) Interoperability v2.1, IMS Accessible Portable ( | ) ~'19, ISO TC172 SC9 WG7 4D ( | ) ~'19, IDPF, W3C, DAISY (JTC1 SC29 WG11) PCCMA (Point Cloud Item Protocol ( | ) ~'18, JTC1 SC29 WG11, ITU-R Compression with Multiple Attributes) (TTA) 2014-403 – (EPUB) ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC29 WG11 , 2015-808 - (JTC1) ISO/IEC 23000-17 Information technology -- (W3C) Open Annotation Data Model (Draft 2) ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC34 & 36, IDPF, IMS Global – 1 : , TTAK.KO- (JTC1) Internet of Media Things and Wearables: Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 17: (IDPF) Open Annotation in EPUB (Draft1) 10.0862 – , - IoMT Camera interfaces, IoMT Display interfaces, Multiple sensorial media application format 10.0871 – , -10.0050 (TTA) TTAK.KO-10.0855 - , Audio/Video Terminal Control and Management Data Appl. IoMT Storage interfaces, IoMT Media Analyser – ( ) 0905-Part1- - ( | ) ~'19, EDitEUR, BISG, BIC, ANSI, IDPF Application interfaces 1 : , 0905-Part2 - Conference Management (JTC1) N3747 – Digital Hologram Representation (TTA) TTAS.KO-10.0174 - , 0376 - in MAR, N3754 – Resolutions of 29th Meeting of - 2 : ( | ) ~'19, RTCA, SAE, EUROCAE , 0135 - , 0192 - , G.7XX H.26X H.225 T.37, H.225 Call ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 24 London, UK ( | ) ~'19, IMS Global, JTC1 SC36 WG7 (IDPF) EPUB3 Education Profile RTCP H.245 T.12X 0220 - , 0624 - DRM , 0625 - DRM e- RAS 38 signaling (RTCA) DO-278A - Software Integrity Assurance , TTAS.OT-10.0058 - UCI , 0332 - DRM RTP ( ) KS X ISO/IEC 24751-1~3 - , Considerations for Communication, Navigation, ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC36, IMS Global , 0333 - DRM 1 : , Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) ( ) KS X 6004 - ISBN (ISBN), 2 : , Systems, DO-330 - Software Tool Qualification 6006 - KSSN (KORMARC : Korean machine readable cataloging format ) (TTA) TTAS.KO-10.0223 - e-Leanring , TTAK.OT- 4 Considerations 3 : ' (KEPA) ECN, eBook Certification Number 10.0247 - m-Learning ( | ) ~'18, IMS Global, JTC1 SC36 (SAE) ARP 4754A - Guidelines for Development of (JTC1 SC36 WG7) 24751 - Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e- (ISO) 32000-1 - ISBN (International standard book number), 3297 - ISSN (International Standard ( ) KS X ISO/IEC 24703 - SW SW Civil Aircraft and Systems, ARP 4761 - Guidelines learning, education and training Part 1: Framework and reference model, Part Serial Number), 15836 - DC (The Dublin Core Metadata Set), 15459-2 - Unique identifiers, 2709 - (IMS Korea) IMS KR 1003-1 - - , 1004- (IMS Korea) IMS KR 1009-1 - Basic Learning and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment 2: "Access for all" personal needs and preferences for digital delivery, Part 3: MARC Information and documentation : Format for information exchange, 21047 - ISTC ( | ) ~'19, JTC1 SC7 1~3: e-Portfolio( )- Part1: , Part2: XML , Tools Interoperability - Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment "Access for all" digital resource description (International Standard Text Code), 26324 - DOI (Digital Object Identifier), 27729 - ISNI ( Part3: (IMS Global) IMS Learning Tools SW (EUROCAE) ED-109A - Software Integrity Assurance (IMS Global) IMS Access for All (AfA) Information Model Data Element International Standard Name Identifier) (TTA) TTAS.KO-11.0048 - Interoperability v2.0 Considerations for Communication, Navigation, Specification, Digital Resource Description Specification Information Model, (JTC1 SC36) ISO/IEC 20013:2015 Information technology for (EDItEUR) ONIX (Online Information eXchange) 2.0, 3.0 HFC Network , 0049 - Ethernet GS SP Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Personal Needs & Preferences (PNP) Specification Information Model learning, education and training – A reference framework of e- (NISO) Z39.50 - Information Retrieval : Application Service Definition & Protocol Specification, Cellular , 0059 - Systems, ED-215 - Software Tool Qualification Portfolio information Z39.85 - The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Z39.88 - The OpenURL Framework for Context- (JTC1) 9126 - Quality Model, 14598 - Quality Network Considerations, ED-79A -
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