Cathedral Conservation Area Development Guide June 2009 Part of the Blackburn Town Centre Heritage and Design Series Blackburn Town Centre Heritage and Design Series This document is part of the Blackburn Town Centre Heritage and Design Series. The series has prepared on behalf of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to ensure that all development proposals in, or adjacent to, Blackburn town centre’s conservation areas are well-considered, of high quality and have regard to their historical context. Richmond Terrace The series is addressed to: J Residents and businesses; J The local community; Northgate J Ward members; J Council departments, including planning, land and property and highways; Cathedral J Potential public and private sector developers; J Statutory service providers, and; J Relevant professionals, including builders, architects and planners. Documents in the series are: King Street J Blackburn Town Centre Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Darwen Street This assessment details each conservation area’s known archaeological signi cance and evaluates its potential for future nds J Cathedral Conservation Area Character Appraisal There are ve conservation areas within Blackburn’s town centre J Darwen Street Conservation Area Character Appraisal J King Street Conservation Area Character Appraisal J Northgate Conservation Area Character Appraisal, and J Richmond Terrace Conservation Area Character Appraisal These character appraisals identify and explain each conservation area’s special historical and architectural character J Blackburn Town Centre Conservation Area Management Plan This management plan programmes short, medium and long-term actions to preserve and enhance the conservation areas J Cathedral Conservation Area Development Guide J Darwen Street Conservation Area Development Guide J King Street Conservation Area Development Guide J Northgate Conservation Area Development Guide J Richmond Terrace Conservation Area Development Guide These development guides indicate the degree and type of development that will be acceptable within each conservation area J Blackburn Town Centre Public Realm Strategy This strategy provides guidance on the degree and type of surface materials and street structures that will be acceptable 2 Cathedral Conservation Area Development Guide Contents 1. Introduction 2. Historical Background 3. Built Form 3.1 Urban Grain 3.2 Density and Mix 3.3 Height and Massing 3.4 Façade and Interface 3.5 Details and Materials Bibliography and Sources of Further Information This document has been prepared by: OM ARCHITECTS Cathedral Conservation Area Development Guide 3 1. Introduction 1.1 Aims of the Development Guide fundamental aspect of the town’s evolution. It is therefore important that measures are in place to encourage the The purpose of this development guide is to outline how the advancement of the town whilst reinforcing the positive buildings, streets and places within Cathedral Conservation aspects that make it a special place. Area can be conserved, improved and developed to enhance the area’s special qualities. The publication of the Blackburn has succeeded in retaining much of its Georgian Supplementary Planning Document ‘Blackburn and Darwen and Victorian buildings and street patterns. Major changes to Design Guide’ in 2006 established a set of principles for the town in the twentieth century, such as The Mall shopping urban design in Blackburn and Darwen. These principles centre and the ring road, have unfortunately had a partially were informed by the recommendations contained within negative impact upon the street scene and compromised the publication ‘By Design: Urban design in the planning many of the views and vistas across the town. system: towards a better practice’ (CABE and DETR 2002). In this development guide these urban design principles are Since the Second World War redevelopment within the town reinforced by speci c guidance on the development form has, in general, fallen below the aspirations of its population. within the Cathedral Conservation Area. This development However, the town centre retains an intrinsic quality that, guide aims to give building owners and development with encouragement and sensitive restoration, conversion professionals an appreciation of the historic area and and redevelopment, can ensure Blackburn’s prominence as guidance on how it can be enhanced. an attractive, safe and diverse multicultural northern town is enhanced. To achieve these objectives there is a need to understand how the town has evolved and what is special about its 1.3 Assistance to Applicants buildings and places. Section 2 of this development guide outlines the history of Cathedral Conservation Area and It is essential that changes to the town’s conservation areas how its buildings and streets have changed over the years. are well-considered and of high-quality. Conservation Section 3 deals with those aspects of the built form that de ne Area Consent is required for material changes to buildings Cathedral Conservation Area’s special character and sets out and prospective applicants are encouraged to enter into a series of principles to be adopted in future developments. pre-application discussions with the Council’s planning This covers aspects of urban design such as urban grain, department as early as possible. This development guide density and uses, height and massing and façade and should assist applicants, gain an appreciation of Cathedral interface. It also deals with details and materials of the Conservation Area’s character and indicate the degree of development that would be supported by the Council. buildings. Fig 2: Cathedral Church of St. Mary the Virgin 1.2 Blackburn’s Past A number of publications provided by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council accompany this development guide dealing Blackburn is a modern, successful and multi-cultural town with speci c issues in more detail. They are as follows: that takes pride in its nineteenth century cotton manufacturing roots. The town was substantially transformed by the J Cathedral Conservation Area Character Appraisal; industrial revolution, yet it also has a rich legacy of medieval J Blackburn Town Centre Conservation Area Management and Romano-British history. Plan; J Blackburn Town Centre Public Realm Strategy; The character of the town has been strongly in uenced by J Blackburn Town Centre Archaeological Desk-Based the diversity of activities and functions that have occurred Assessment, and; within its boundaries. Change to the built form has been a J Blackburn and Darwen Colour Study. 4 Cathedral Conservation Area Development Guide In addition to these the following publications are suggested This should include the following: as good reference resources in connection with development in the conservation area: J Analysis of the context beyond the site; J Photographs at street level, and aerial views; J By Design- Urban Design in the planning System: J Contextual street elevations indicating the adjacent Towards Better Practice (2002 DETR/CABE); building frontages; J Safer Places – The Planning System and Crime J A physical context model at an appropriate scale; Prevention (ODPM 2004); J Written justi cation in support of the development and the J Building for Life – Delivering Places to Live: 20 Questions proposed usage, and; You Need to Answer (CABE/HBF); J Precedent illustrations. J Planning and Access for Disabled People: A Good Practice Guide (ODPM 2003); 1.4 Design Principles East Lancashire Sustainable Development Framework (ELEVATE) found at www.elevate-eastlancs.co.uk The principles adopted by this development guide are as J Streets for All (English Heritage 2005); follows: J Start with the Park (CABE 2005); J Urban Design Compendium and Compendium 2 (English J To enhance the setting of existing buildings and spaces; Partnerships and the Housing Corporation, 2000, 2007 J Ensure new developments sit comfortably within the respectively); established street pattern; J Building in Context (English Heritage and CABE, 2002), J To ensure new developments respect the scale and and; massing of neighbouring buildings; J Car Parking – What Works Where (English Partnerships J To exploit attractive views and vistas; 2006). J To use materials and building methods that will last and age well and are at least as high in quality as Applicants are encouraged to take appropriate steps to neighbouring buildings; ensure design proposals involving buildings in, or adjacent to, J To encourage high quality new developments and the conservation area are of a high quality and appropriate for discourage historical pastiche; their setting. The following points should be noted: J To encourage mixed-usage and diversity; J To provide attractive and active street frontages that , It is important to understand the character of the provide good natural surveillance; conservation area; J To clearly de ne the edges of public and private space; , Applicants should de ne clearly the scope of their J To reduce the negative visual impact of vehicles; development and the proposed usage; J To promote particularly high design standards adjacent to , The commissioning of an architect with a good track important spaces or buildings; record of working is essential; J To achieve sustainable development; , Applicants should consider how their proposals can J To promote a safe and easy to understand network of enhance the conservation area and bring added value. streets that provide good connectivity, permeability and accessibility,
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