USOO898.3365B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,983,365 B2 Capparelli et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 17, 2015 (54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR (52) U.S. Cl. COMMUNICATING AND RENDERING CPC ............... H04H 60/06 (2013.01); H04H 20/16 ELECTRONIC PROGRAM GUIDE (2013.01); H04H 60/07 (2013.01); H04H 60/72 INFORMATION VLADIGITAL RADIO (2013.01); H04H 220 1/183 (2013.01); H04H BROADCAST TRANSMISSION 220 1/186 (2013.01) USPC ................. 455/3.06; 725/62; 725/74; 725/32 (58) Field of Classification Search (75) Inventors: Armond R. Capparelli, Milltown, NJ USPC ........... 455/3.06, 121; 725/32, 80, 95, 39,90, (US); Joseph F. D'Angelo, Bedminster, 725/64; 370/514,473; 348/E7.071, 731, NJ (US); Joseph P. Haggerty, Madison, 348/E17.005, E5. 105, E7.061, E7.073, NJ (US); Steven A. Johnson, Ellicott 348/423.1, 429.1 City, MD (US); Bei Li, Clarksville, MD See application file for complete search history. 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No.: 12/003,323 Methods and systems for preparing data for broadcast via digital radio broadcast transmission is disclosed comprising (22) Filed: Dec. 21, 2007 the steps of receiving a plurality of content files correspond ing to programming information for program content to be broadcast; receiving an index file having a pointer for each of (65) Prior Publication Data the plurality of content files, wherein the index file is associ US 2009/O163137 A1 Jun. 25, 2009 ated with a first logical address; storing the index file and the plurality of content files; Scheduling a broadcast rotation of the index file and the plurality of content files (wherein the (51) Int. Cl. index file is scheduled for repeated transmission intermit H04H 40/00 (2008.01) tently relative to selected ones of the content files); and trans H04H 60/06 (2008.01) mitting the index file and the plurality of content files to an H04H 60/07 (2008.01) importer in accordance with the broadcast rotation. 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PDSPIDS S$ 338 - Control Layer 1 (Waveform 1 Transmission)- (L1 PDUs) 330 FIG. 9a HD Radio Wavefor B U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 9 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 Data Data 33 SPSD Service Interfaces MESBSPSD oE yoneE Ed PDUs PDUs & S Facts Bandwidth SPS Status Audlo Transport 333 PDUs (Fixed, SPSPDUs Opportunistic Stream 1 data) layer 2 (Channel Multiplex) 338 S2wer S3warrar S4way worwsS5 SIDS Layer 1 (Waveform f Transmission)- (L1 PDUs) FIG. 9b) U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 10 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 BOC DAB WAVEFORM LAYER1 (WAVEFORMRECEPTION) (L1 PDUs) 560 parapossess 565 LAYER2 (CHANNELDE-MUX) PSD PDUS STREAMO STREAM 1 (MPS, POUS POUS SPS1-SPSN) AUDIOTRANSPORTN SS PSD TRANSPORT TRANSPORT STREAM O :STREAM ENCODED ENCODED PACKETS PACKETS AAS TRANSPORT AUDIO DECODER MPSD, SPSO CONTROL STATUS PCM DATA DATA DATA (DECODED AUDIO) USER INTERFACE 6OO 585 DISPLAY SIS, MPSD, SPSD, DATA SPEAKER 605 FIG. 10 U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 12 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 Service Bureau Generic Directory lindex (Date: 1: 12/10/2005) MARKET CALLSIGNAM/FM wrilro FREQ (EXAMPLE)FCC ID Philadelphia, PAWBEN FM 95.7 158 Philadelphia, PAWDASI AM 1480 62 S. G Philadelphia, PAWHYY FM 90.9 192 it. Philadelphia, PATWIOQ FM 102. 19 Ce Philadelphia, PATWIP I AM 610 204 i Philadelphia, PAWJJZ FM 106. 255 S Philadelphia, PAWMGK FM 102.9 S Philadelphia, PA WMMR FM 93.3 145 Philadelphia. PAWPEN AM 950 Philadelphia, PAWRDW FM 96.5 295 Philadelphia, PAWRNB FM 107.9 168 Philadelphia, PA WRTI FM 90.1 173 Philadelphia, PA WTMR AM 800 222 Philadelphia, PAWDB AM 860 997 Philadelphia, PA WJZ AM 640 876 Philadelphia, PA WXTU 655 U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 13 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 High level Description of Transported Entries No. EPGSB0300602 2 03:58,62, 74 S ON - 1020050EPGSB 1030060212 2 07: 192,191,204, 255, 63, 145,154 9 O20050 5 (u EPGSB 103006032 05:5,295,168, 73,187 s O200502 s: EPGSBO3OO6042 02:222,324 S O200505 S H-526650iEPGSBO3OO60512 2 O3:997,876,655 No. EPGSBO3OO60 1 2 3 03:58, 62, 74 200503 EPGSB 103006022 3 O792, 19,204, 255, 163, 45,154 120050 EPGSBO3OO6032 05: 5,295, 168,173, 87 200506 EPGSBO3O06042 02:222,324 200506 EPGSBO30060512 3 O3:997,876,655 O 200502 No. EPGSBO3OO60 22 03:58,62, 74 3200504 EPGSBO3OO60222 4 07: 92, 91,204, 255, 163,45,154 32005O2 EPGSBO3OO60322 05:51,295,68, 73,187 g 320050 EPGSBO3OO604 22 02:222,324 3200507 EPGSBO3OO605 22 4 O3:997,876,655 320050 Fig. 12b U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 14 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 15 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 16 of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz AWWwww. U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 17 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 18 Of 39 US 8,983,365 B2 U.S.
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