ForFor thethe PeoplePeople A Ne w s l e t t e r of th e Ab r a h a m Li n c o l n As s o c i a t i o n Volume 1, Number 1 Spring, 1999 Springfield, Illinois Abraham Lincoln, John Hay, and the Bixby Letter by Michael Burlingame Moreover, this beloved Lin- Although no direct, firsthand coln letter was almost certainly testimony shows that Hay claimed ost moviegoers are aware composed by assistant presidential authorship of the Bixby letter, that Abraham Lincoln’s secretary John Hay. Several peo- Hay did in 1866 tell William H. M letter of condolence to ple, including the British diplomat Herndon that Lincoln “signed Lydia Bixby, a widow who pur- John Morley, literary editor without reading them the letters I portedly had lost five sons in the William Crary Brownell, United wrote in his name.” Civil War, looms large in Stephen States Ambassador to Great Brit- Most Lincoln specialists have Spielberg’s recent film, Saving Private Ryan. Dated November 21, 1864, the letter reads as fol- lows: “I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts, that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so over- whelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the conso- lation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of Freedom. Yours, very sin- cerely and respectfully, A. Lin- coln.” Although extravagant praise has been lavished on this docu- ment, it is surrounded by ironies. The original copy of the Bixby Letter has never been located. Mrs. Bixby was deemed “the best specimen of a true-hearted Union” ain, Walter Hines Page, Louis A. doubted that Hay composed the ever seen, yet she was in fact a Coolidge, a Washington corre- Bixby letter. In 1982, Mark E. Confederate sympathizer who ran spondent for a Boston newspaper, Neely, Jr., declared: “There is not a whorehouse. In addition, Mrs. and Spencer Eddy, Hay’s personal a scrap of reliable evidence to Bixby lied about her sons; despite secretary, testified that they heard prove” Hay’s authorship of the her claim that five of them had Hay claim authorship or had Bixby letter. been killed, she had really lost heard that assertion made by a But there is. Hay’s papers at only two boys in the war. third party quoting Hay. continued on page 3 2 For the People For the People: A Newsletter I Can’t Recall of the Abraham Lincoln the Name but Association the Face is Familiar President’s Column he earliest known image of Abraham Lincoln is housed by Donald R. Tracy T in the collections of the time to read all there is to read Library of Congress. Generally hen I had the good for- of Lincoln, to nevertheless be attributed to Nicholas H. Shep- tune to be elected as involved and interested through herd and taken in 1846 or 1847, W your President, I set relatively short articles and book the daguerreotype is a companion forth four goals in my term that reviews that can be consumed in image to that of Lincoln’s young I believe are worthy, realistic, short order during breaks in attractive wife, Mary Todd. and attainable. 1. To increase action. Robert Todd Lincoln recalled membership from seven hundred With these goals in mind, I both photographs being hung in to one thousand members, which am extremely proud to present the parlor of the Springfield home is the level recommended by the to you this our first ever when he was growing up. Robert publisher of our journal, the newsletter, an issue that takes a also remembered them being the University of Illinois Press. 2. gigantic first step toward the first images of his father and To put our publications, The goals aforementioned. My opin- mother. But a number of other Collected Works of Abraham ion on this, however, does not Lincoln and Lincoln Day By Day, matter. What matters is your on our website on the Internet opinion. Therefore, please let us by February 12, 1999, and know what you think about this February 12, 2000, respectively. newsletter, whether you believe 3. To encourage greater involve- we should continue, and give us ment by younger people in the your ideas and suggestions for study of Abraham Lincoln. 4. improvement. To publish a first-rate quarterly In considering this, please newsletter. keep in mind that the newsletter There is no scarcity of is not an inexpensive proposi- newsletters in today’s world. In tion. It is estimated that this my profession, the law, I am in- newsletter will cost the Associa- undated with newsletters as I am tion $10 per member. Our min- sure you are in your profession. imum annual membership is only Likewise, newsletters abound $25 and most of that is already and multiply in the historical committed to paying for our community, particularly the Lin- Journal, symposium, and other coln community. Nevertheless, I endeavors. If we are to maintain believe there is a need for our a quality, quarterly newsletter we own newsletter for the following will need to either convince the images have been recently ad- purposes: To promote greater majority of our members to vanced asking scholars and the participation by our members in upgrade their membership (as public alike to accept the likeness- our works and functions, partic- many already have) or generate es as genuine photographs of ularly our annual symposium additional revenues in other Abraham Lincoln. The Hoffman and banquet; to promote our ways. In sum, I hope you enjoy “Lincoln” daguerreotype had a scholarly publications; to pro- this newsletter and I hope your computer imaging analysis sup- vide our members with an addi- will write us with your views port its claim while a vein pattern tional opportunity to communi- and suggestions. Also, remem- analysis rejected it. The image cate with one another; and to ber to check our website at was rejected in a non-scientific allow our nonacademic mem- www.alincolnassoc.com for oth- public poll at the Old State bers, who might not have the er news and information. continued on next page For the People 3 continued from previous page Abraham Lincoln, John Hay, and the Capitol with people voting eight Bixby Letter to one against it. The same image was withdrawn from auction when continued from page 1 Lincoln’s works; others appear it did not meet the minimum Brown University and at the Lib- much less often in Lincoln’s works rary of Congress contain scrap- than in Hay’s. They include “be- books full of newspaper accounts guile,” “I pray that our Heavenly of Hay’s own writings. Nestled Father,” “I cannot refrain from among various poems and notices tendering you,” “glory,” and of Hay’s lectures and books is a “cherish.” copy of the Bixby letter in each of This evidence suggests that it two scrapbooks. Moreover, Hay is highly probable that Hay, not frequently used words and phrases Lincoln, is the true author of “the that appear in the Bixby letter, most beautiful letter ever writ- some which never appear in ten.” reserve bid, adding collectors and institutions to the ranks of the image’s naysayers. A recent pho- tograph surfaced claiming to be taken in 1836 or 1837 showing Lincoln holding his law certifi- cate. The main problem with this claim is that the photographic process was not invented until 1839. Perhaps the oral tradition is mistaken about the date. But unless further credible evidence surfaces to make a case for the image, it is yet another added to the list of questionable Lincolns. The Abraham Lincoln Association Donald R. Tracy, President Molly Becker, Vice-President Richard Hart, Vice-President Richard Mills, Vice-President Thomas F. Schwartz, Secretary Judith Barringer, Treasurer For the People is published four times a year and is a benefit of membership of the Abraham Lincoln Association 1 Old State Capitol Plaza Springfield, Illinois John George Nicolay, John Milton Hay, and Abraham Lincoln 62701-1507 From Harper’s Weekly, June 11, 1864 4 For the People ters “denouncing the forgery.” Lincoln Never Said That According to Nicolay’s daughter, Helen, an exchange of letters by Thomas F. Schwartz ey Publishing Company, 1896). ensued between her father and Caroline Thomas Harnsberger’s, George C. Hackstaff of the hile Abraham Lincoln The Lincoln Treasury, cites Shibley Caldwell Remedy Company, re- may be one of the most as her source but also warns the garding the propriety of using a W quoted American Pres- reader that “this letter, often quot- spurious Lincoln quotation to idents he is unquestionably the ed is considered by the Abraham promote patent medicines. Hack- most misquoted. More times than Lincoln Association to be spuri- staff took umbrage at Nicolay’s not, the origin of the spurious ous.” Archer Shaw’s, The Lincoln accusations and demanded that quotation is elusive. When one is Encyclopedia, also includes the let- Nicolay prove the utterance to be able to locate the source of the ter without any editorial warn- false.
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