.. ..: -|MIT~~~. .', A- i| >Continuous :- nambridgle X|1 News Service Massachusetts Since 18831 Tuesday, September 26, 1989 Volume 109, Number 38 _AM - A.m i ·I - ---- I-- i kAnti.CO se;eks student input 5 - By Linda D'Angelo freshmen. through surveys or expanding the The creation of a freshman The main point of the commit- Financial Board to include a few evaluation committee is now in tee will be to get freshmen think- elected positions are among the I the works, according to Under- ing and writing about issues, pos- suggested reforms designed to graduate Association -President sibly through interviews or logs "give students more say," he Paul Antico '91. The move is one kept throughout the first year, added. of many that will be undertaken Antico said. He saw this new The policies and procedures of by the UA this year in order to freshman committee as an impor- the Financial Board will also be I increase student involvement and tant source of information, as reviewed by a new investigation "pull the UA back on it's feet," well as an opportunity for fresh- committee, Antico stated. In ad- Antico explained. men to "take the bull by the dition to students, independently- The committee was suggested horns and get actively involved." funded activities will be encour- in reaction to last year's UA edu- Antico also plans to renew the aged to participate in the I.. cational reform committee, practice of holding UA meetings committee, "pointing out the . which focused on reform of the in the different dormitories and problems as they see them., freshman pass/fail system, but independent living groups, a Student housing will also be a consisted - mainly of upperclass- practice first established by 1987 "big issue," Antico said. The Ad men who had lost touch with the UA President Manuel Rodriguez Hoc Institute Committee on first year experience, Antico said. '89, in an effort to increase the Housing, established to "look Aside from one upperclass advi- number of students attending the into the current housing system sor, the freshman evaluation meetings. Last year meetings and come up with an alternative committee will consist entirely of -were held in the Student Center plan," is-due to release its report and, sometimes, attendance fell soon, he noted. Antico is anxious David Rothstein/The Tech below the required thirteen. An- to see if this report has incbrpo- Jennifer Harris '90 tensely watches the ball during a tico saw a connection between rated the suggestions made in the tough game against Bates during the MIT Invitational the "cliquish" -atmosphere of UA Housing Committee report this weekend.- See story page 13. these meetings and the UA's diffi- issued last. year. He has also met i culty "in meeting quorum." with Provost John M. Deutch '61 Getting students more directly to discuss the "next steps" in the M IT groups set to hold involved in the search for MIT's housing reform process, Antico next president is also a goal of said. Ra ,e Awa re.ness Week the UA, Antico said. The main In addition, "this is the year" y Neil J. RIoss Scheduled activities will in- vehicle for this student input will that decisions will be made about In an attempt to raise the con- clude a men's forum on Wednes- be a UA report, which will focus the campus food service, Antico sciousness of the MIT communi- day of next week, which is de- on .the qualities necessary in the said. ARA, the catering company ty to the question -of rape, a signed to raise men's awareness new president and the issues he currently contracted by MIT, is week-long event designed to in- of the questions involved. A pan- .will have to address rather than under investigation "based on an volve hundreds of MIT students el discussion focusing on the is- on tlhe actual person to be incredible number of [student] is being organized for the week sue of date rape is also planned. -chosen. complaints," he explained. And of Oct. 2. This Rape Awareness The panel will include Cheryl An effort to make the UA Fi- although ARA has made "some Week is jointly sponsored by the Vbssmer of the MIT Campus Po- nancial Board "more account- improvements ... they need to Association of Women Students lice Crime Prevention Unit and Lisette W.M.. Lambregts/The Tech able" to students is also among show us something this year" or and the newly-formed Rape Ann Russo from the Women's ' UA Presid'nt:-Pau.bel-Antico. this ye.ars-UA goalS, Antico..said.. their. contract -mnay not be re- Awareness and Prevention. Studies Program. Other activities Researching stident opinion newedd-he aded.. Program.; include a self-defense class, a With -broad publicit, (includ- --dance, and-a movie. .-:- ~ 91· w *. E S caZd e. ing a booth in lobby'10) the event This Rape Awareness Week is PresS warns 'dglobal-cli~m-ate:-ch~ange- could provide the same sort of part of a mood of rising concern rallying point for the fledgling over rape on campuses. The FBI By-Brian Rosenberg Rape Awareness and Prevention recorded a 4.9 percent increase in The world climate could under- Program as the April 9 March on reported rapes nationially fiom go severe changes over the next Washington provided for the As- 1987 to 1988. several decades, warned Frank sociation for Women Students, Northeastern University Pro- Press, president of the National according to organizer Michelle fessor William Kay, who was in- Academy of Sciences. But Frank Bush '91. volved in coordinating a series of warned against taking drastic Organizers of Rape Awareness talks by MESA for male fresh- measures- such as economic re-, Week hope to reach the whole men in the School of Criminal structuring and legislative carbon MIIT community, extending be- Justice at Northeastern, noted dioxide production limits - in yond an exclusively female audi- that often programs are aimed at response because of the lack of ence. As Fred Pelka, a founder precautions which inhibit wom- scientific: consensus on the of the Boston/Cambridge Men en's freedom. The MIT event will subject. Against Sexual Assault-(MESA) end with a demonstration, "Take Press, a member of the MIT pointed out, it is important "that Back the Night," highlighting the Corporation and former head of men see other men raising con- restrictions .women feel in city what is now the Earth, Atmo- cerns about rape." Kim Morrison environments. spheric, and Planetary Sciences of the Boston Area Rape Crisis MIT Campus Police have seen Department, gave a lecture yes- Center. also noted that anti-rape the brutal effects of rape, accord- terday on global climate change. campaigns tend to start where the ing to Chief of Police Anne P. The lecture was the first of a job is easiest: that is among Glavin. Glavin, in her 15 years at series sponsored by the Technol- women. MIT, has had to deal with vic- ogy and Culture Semina' which MESA has strong MIT connec- tims. "You are dealing with a focuses on technology and the tions with three out of the ten ac- person in crisis ... [who] feels environment. tive volunteers being MIT stu- violated, victimized, embarrassed -Press cited the results of four dents who participate in the and ... [wrongly] guilty," she I _ --_ x w Be ; i AeA us X2 models developed by researchers educational speaking and presen- said. he described as "a range of re- Jeremy Yung/The Tech tation engagements, according to In order to prevent a repeat of sponsible people." He-stated that Frank Press, president of the National Academy of Science Pelka. these experiences, the Campus by 2050, "most modelers agree Police have been running a night- that the atmosphere will warm to Seidman heads Special Librarnes Assiciation time escort service on campus . .. temperatures possibly higher since the early 1970's, and By Neil J. RIoss portunities to explore the organi- last than [at] any time in the past While she has interests in the year carried out about 7000 es- Ruth Seidman, head librarian zation and its potentials. From million years." computerization of libraries and corts. There are also 18 distinc- of the MIT Engineering and Sci- 1980 to 1981 she was president of According to one model, glob- the impact of technology on the tive blue direct line telephones on ence Libraries, has been appoint- the Boston regional chapter, and al mean temperatures will in- libraries of the future, Seidman campus for emergency- use. ed president-elect of the Special in 1986 she was program chair crease between two and five de- said that the most rewarding part In addition, three out of seven- Libraries Association, a national for the organization's national grees Celsius within five years: of the job was developing staff teen items ox ganization of libraries with annual conference. in the freshman crime The'same model predicts an in- -finding out what their skills prevention package, due to be more than 12,500. individual As part of her duties as presi- crease in sea level between 10 are and developing those skills. distributed after Columbus day, members divided into 55 regional dent-elect, Seidman last week centimeters and one meter within "The most enjoyable part is when are. on the subject of rape. chapters. presented talks at several regional And the next five to twenty years. I meet people who- worked for every female Campus Police offi- This position Will hopefully en- .chapters of the SLA in North These figures have a high degree me and find they are running a cer receives special':-airading able her to work more closely Carolina.
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