Blessed are those who have not seenand have believed. Second Sunday of Easter Feast of Divine Mercy April 11, 2021 Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Missions of Our Lady of the Valley in Fall River Mills and Saint Stephen’s in Bieber Mission Statement We, the Catholic Church of Saint Francis, are a community of faith called by Baptism to center our lives in the sacraments and the Holy Eucharist. We gather together to mutually grow in our love for God and neighbor by studying the Word of God; by believing in the Faith and Traditions from the Apostles; by accepting the teachings of the Magisterium and by receiving and giving support, hope, faith and charity. Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís Misiones de Nuestra Señora del Valle en Fall River Mills y San Esteban en Bieber Nuestra Misión Nosotros la Iglesia de San Francisco, somos una comunidad de Fe llamados por el Bautismo a centrar nuestra vida en los sacramentos y la Santa Eucarísta. Nostros nos reunimos para crecer mutuamente en nuestro amor a Dios y a nuestro semejante a través de estudiar la Palabra de Dios; a través de creer en la Fe y Tradición de los Apóstoles; a través de aceptar las enseñanzas del Magisterio y a través de recibir y dar Apoyo, Fe, Esperanza y Caridad. Second Sunday of Easter Page 2 April 11, 2021 MINISTERSMINISTERS Rev. Apolonio C. Catada St. Francis NovemberApril 11 19-20 November April 18 26-27 Parochial Administrator St.Lectors: Francis John Klobas Bob Gartner Lectors: TomSandy Weber Ogden JohnKathy Klobas Billo St. Francis of Assisi Parish Sandy Ogden Carolyn Garfield PO Box 160, 37464 Juniper Avenue Ex.Ex. Min.Min. ofof HolyHoly Burney, CA 96013 Communion:Communion: Carolyn Garfield Sandy McCullar Tel. (530) 335-2372 David Wanat Sandy von Tersch Our Lady of the Valley (English) Website: www.stfrancisburney.org CALENDAR e-mail: [email protected] Lectors: Rick Phay Rick Phay Diane Phay Diane Phay www.facebook.com/stfrancisburney Ex. Min. of Holy Peggy Hansen Peggy Hansen www.facebook.com/francisco.deasis.16100921 Sat -Communion:Sun 4/24 -25 AnnetteDay of Holcher Prayer for Vocations Annette Holcher Bulletin Editor: David Wanat (530) 250-7466 Our Lady of the Valley (Spanish)Second Collection: Catholic Home [email protected] Lectors: Missions Appeal Ex. Min. of Holy MISSIONS Sat-Sun 5/15-16 Ascension of The Lord Our Lady of the Valley St. Stephen’s Communion: St. Stephen’s Second Collection: Catholic 43434 Hwy. 299E 201 Hwy. 299E Communication Campaign Fall River Mills Bieber Lectors: Joe Paul Joe Paul Trish Graham Trish Graham MASS SCHEDULE SunEx. Min. of Holy 5/23 Kevin Pentecost Mitchell Kevin Mitchell See “Parish Calendar” (opposite) for changes. Communion: Tammy Mitchell Tammy Mitchell Weekends Sat - Sun 5/29-30 Second Collection for CCD Saturday 4:30 pm Our Lady of the Valley MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday 9:00 am St. Francis Fri.Sat 11/19 6/114:30 pm SacredOur Lady Heart of ofLaura Jesus Ribeiro 11:00 am Our Lady of the Valley the Valley Sun 11/20 9:00 am St. Francis Pro Populo (Spanish) Sat -Sun 6/26-27 Second Collection: Peter’s Pence 1:00 pm St. Stephen’s PARISH (Collection CALENDAR for the Holy Father) Sat 11/19 4:30 am Our Lady of Catholic Campaign for Weekdays Tue 6/29 Sts.the PeterValley and Paul,Human Apostles Development Mon,Tue, Fri 9:00 am St. Francis Sun 11/20 All Masses Catholic Campaign for Thursday 6:00 pm St. Francis (Spanish) Human Development Friday 6:00 pm Our Lady of the Valley MonFor 11/21 more information Parish see Endour-Total website Consecration at to (Spanish) Jesus through Mary www.stfrancisburney.org ADORATION Wed 11/23 10:30 am Mayers Hosp. Mass for the Sick 1st Friday 9:30 am—Noon St. Francis 7:00 pm St. Francis Bible Study 1st Saturday 3:30 pm Our Lady of the Valley Sat 11/26 4:30 pm FinancialOur Lady Report of Communal Consecration the Valley to Jesus through Mary 1st Sunday 11:45 am St. Stephen’s July 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021 Thursdays 3—6 pm St. Francis Sun 11/27 All Masses Communal Consecration Fridays 11 am—6 pm Our Lady of the Valley This Year Last Year to JesusDifference through % Mary Wed 11/30 3:30 pm St. Francis CCD Collections 7:00 pm St.69,322 Francis 78,225Bible Study-8,903 -11.4% First Sunday of the Month: All the Masses are said for the Fri 12/02 9:00 am St. Francis 1st Friday Adoration & sick and following Mass, Anointing of the Sick will be Total Income 79,495 87,712Benediction -8,216 (after -9.4% Mass) administered. Sat 12/03 3:30 am Our Lady of 1st Saturday Adoration & Total Expense - 91,891 -98,359Benediction -6,469 -6.6% SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Sun 12/04 11:45 am St. Stephen’s 1st Sunday Adoration & Confession is available one-half hour before scheduled Masses. Benediction Otherwise, call the parish for an appointment. ThuSurplus 12/08 (- Deficit)9:00 am -St.12,396 Francis -10,648Solemnity of the ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD BANK Immaculate Conception Holy Day of Obligation Food is available on request. Call the parish at 335-2372 for food anytime you are in need or call Bob Gartner at 249-8641. 4:00 pm Reflection St. Stephen’s Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception NEW PARISHIONERS Holy Day of Obligation Please register at our website @stfrancisburney.org 6:00 pm Our Lady of Solemnity of the Jesus revealed his wounded heart to RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION FOR CHILDREN (CCD) the Valley Immaculate Conception Please contact Josefa Johnston (294-5290) or Thomas, manifesting his HolyDivine Day of ObligationMercy. Elaine Shields (336-1003) or Now he is inviting us into hisBilingual heart, into Estella Valdovinos (524-6434) Spanish Mon 12/12 6:00 am Our Lady of Memorial of Our Lady of his risen life, thatthe we Valley may Guadaluperadiate -Mananitashis mer- MUSIC: WEDDINGS & FUNERALS 6:00 pm McArthur Memorial of Our Lady of Please contact Joan Knapp (530) 294-1234 cy to the world. Let us trust in his mercy! Fairgrounds Guadalupe -Mass & BECOMING CATHOLIC (RCIA) Potluck Program of study for non-Catholic adults or Catholics seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation. Contact David Wanat at Hospitality at St. Stephen's 335-2941 or email: [email protected] Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at St. Stephen's. PRAYER REQUESTS HOSPITALITY SUNDAY Please contact Bob Gartner 249-8641 Please join us for a nice lunch with soup/casserole, sal- Today ST. FRANCIS 10 AM ad, bread, dessert and drinks. All are welcome, bring Please bring something to share. something to share if you can. Second Sunday of Easter Page 3 April 11, 2021 Gospel Reflection from St. John Paul II (4/22/79) PLEASE PRAY FOR St. Francis We know why Thomas objected. Because he did not Ray Wanat, Nancy Longacre, Irma Welty, wish to accept the truth about the resurrection. In this he Melba Facey, Christina Mora, Glenda Pearson & was no different from the other apostles. They had simi- Barbara, Bob Heisinger lar difficulties. So much did the fact of the resurrection Our Lady of the Valley go beyond the awareness of the necessity of death and Rick Phay, Eva Rebay, Gary Freeland the irreversibility of its consequences. This fact was so St. Stephen’s difficult to imagine. Man, once dead, no longer lives Olivia Cox, Ryan Graham, Vernon Ferreira, Trish Bautista, Nancy Fenner, Liz Paul, among men, no longer finds his place among the living Breen Hofmann, Carl & Mary Doyle, Carol Mitchell on earth. The apostles accepted the reality of the resurrection on The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention (April) Universal intention Fundamental rights the basis of their experience of the Risen Christ. They reconciliation saw him, after death, among the living on earth, in Jeru- We pray for those who risk their lives while fighting for salem, in the Upper Room, at the sea of Galilee. And fundamental rights under dictatorships, they had to arrive at the conclusion that “Christ being authoritarian regimes and even in democracies in crisis. raised from the dead will never die again; death no long- er has dominion over him” (Rom 6:9), that he has be- come the Master of death. Religious Vocation Virtual Retreat Thomas was not with them, when Christ came to the Deus Vocat Retreat (God is Calling): The Upper Room for the first time. That is the reason for his Office of Priestly & Religious Vocations invites reservation. His “faithlessness”. He asked for a proof. girls ages 13 to 17 to our one day Deus Vocat The same proof that the others had already had. Their words and news were not enough for him. He wanted to Virtual Retreat for girls ages 13 to 17. convince himself personally. He wanted to see with his own eyes. He wanted to touch. And he obtained what Date: Saturday, May 1, 2021. You may regis- he asked for. His “faithlessness” became in a certain ter at www.scd.org/DeusVocat. sense an additional proof. Cost: $15 to cover the cost of supplies. Dead- Attention has been called to this fact more than once. line to register is April 15th. The very fact that he refused to believe the news of the resurrection, contributed, indirectly, to giving the news If you have any questions, please contact our even greater certainty. “Faithless” Thomas became, in a office at (916) 733-0258 or by email to certain way, an extraordinary spokesman of the certain- [email protected].
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