Studii şi Cercetări Martie 2020 Biologie 29/1 14-19 Universitatea”Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău OBSERVATIONS ON THE RESTORATION OF HERBACEOUS VEGETATION IN SOME AREAS IN BACǍU END HARGHITA COUNTY Milian Gurău Key words: natural ecological reconstruction, Calthetum laetae- Ligularietum sibiricae N. Ştefan 2007, Botriochloetum ischaemi (Krist 1937) I. Pop 1977, Thymo panonici-Chrysopogonetum grylii Doniţă et all 1992 INTRODUCTION the association Calthetum laetae - Ligularietum sibiricae Ştefan 2007. Since 1990, the social situation in Romania The Trotuş River has its source upstream has changed in all fields, nature it self has not Făgetul de Sus village (Harghita County); the first escaped some of this influence, often negative stream, a tributary on the right side, located near the aspects have been reported, although the areas of village of Lunca de Sus, has a swampy area protected nature have increased. After 1-2 decades completely surrounded by spruce. Here there was from the decrease or even disappearance of identified an area with numerous specimens of anthropogenic influences on insignificant areas of Ligularia sibiricaand other rare plants. It is an easily low-quality agricultural land, there was an accessible area, surrounded by forest and pasture, but unexpected return of plant formations, which are not which has never been destroyed by the locals’ cattle. identical to those of the primary vegetation, but It currently benefits from the existence of a small which have many elements in common. These electric fence. natural experiments have transformed agricultural Regarding research history in these places, we lands without economic yield into transitional can mention that two more such areas were cited, one meadows which, after 2-3 decades, also came to nearby, in Făgeţel (Ghergheli şi Raţiu, 1974; Palfalvi include extensive scrubland regions. It is to be 2011; Kovacs şi Palfalvi 2013, Mânzu, C.C., expected to see the emergence of some trees in the Cîşlariu, A.G., 2019) and another at Valea scrubs and the decrease of the grassy areas. Întunecoasă - Lunca de Jos. The flora of cormophytes in the analysed MATERIALS AND METHOD perimeter includes the following species: Alnus incana, Ajuga reptans, Blysmus compressus, Over the past two decades, places have been Chrysospleniuum alternifolium, Carex remota, C. sought where vegetation has flourished, where the flava, Crepis paludosa, Cirsium oleraceum, Daphne floristic composition has been enriched and portions mezereum, Doronicum austriacum, Equisetum of ecosystems have been naturally restored. Where sylvaticum, E. hiemale, Eriophorum latifolium, the conditions permitted it, phytosociological Festuca drymeja, Geum rivale, Glyceria notata, investigations were performed and the evolution of Hieracium murorum, Juncus articulatus, the anthropogenic pressure was assessed. We hereby Leucanthemum waldsteinii, Listera ovata, Lycopus present some analyses stemming from these exaltatus, Mentha longifolia, M. aquatica, Orchis observations. maculata, O. laxiflora ssp. elegans, Pedicularis palustris, Pyrola secunda, Salix incana, S. aurita, S. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION pentandra, S. silesiaca, S. cinerea, Scirpus sylvaticus, Spiraea ulmifolia, Tussilago farfara, 1. Swamp with relict species from Lunca de Valeriana simplicifolia, Viola palustris, V. montana, Sus - Izvorul Trotuşului Vicia sylvatica. There exists an area of about 1 Ha, with Relict glacial species are Ligularia sibirica specimens of Ligularia sibirica accompanied by and Viola palustris. Both can reach complete Pedicularis palustris, Blysmus compressus., Viola fruiting.There are 11 circumpolar species (27.5%). palustris, Orchis laxiflora spp. elegans, Listera The tree layer has a coverage of 70-90% and ovata, Leucanthemum waldsteinii, bryophytes, etc., consists of Salix silesiaca, S. pentandra, S. aurita, S. which was more affected over time by the vegetation incana, Alnus incana. series that complemented the growth of the canopy of The shrub layer is dominated by Salix trees and less bygrazing. This vegetation is part of silesiaca.The herbaceous layer forms a clump only 14 downstream, also presenting specimens of Viola to a vegetation in which woody plants such as Prunus palustris. spinosa, Crataegus monogyna and Rubus caesius are This biotope, observed twice at an interval of present, of which we know that they later form 10 years, has a great taxonomic diversity, 40 species populations that expand over the years. If these lands of cormophytes having been identified. The willow had been exploited under vine cultivation, they layer restricted the density of these specimens by would have been subject to erosion; in a situation retaining alluvium. Ligularia sibirica grows better on where they were abandoned due to their economic the edge of the stream where it reaches 1m in height inefficiency, an anti-erosion vegetation has been and we cannot assess the evolution of this type of restored which properly stabilizes the soil and which vegetation in the long run. The surfaces with Viola could be better exploited asa pasture. palustris shrank with the closing of the trees’canopy. The analysis of bioforms shows that 50% of Animals generally avoid entering the swamp when the species are Hemicryptophytes, 18, 75% they have enough fodder, and this aspect is solved by Therophytes, 15.62% Hemitherophytes, 1.56% the electric wire of the fence. The deforestation of Geophytes. It can be observed that Therophytes, some of the Alnus incana specimens from upstream plants that are common in cultivated areas, still and the nearby road did not cause any damage. represent a large proportion of the vegetation and some of them were present still in large quantities. 2. Vine terraces which have been The biggest part of geophytes has not been restored. abandoned or not worked upon have To these may be added Phanerophytes 6,25% and reconstructed their grassy vegetation specific to Chamaephytes 7.81%. the region The phytogeographical analysis indicates the The Botriochloetum ischaemi plant presence of 15.60% species specific to the southern association (Krist 1937) I. Pop 1977 European region, which generally settle on the sunny Spread: The hill sandvalley from Baloteşti- slopes of many of the areas around Colinele Tutovei; Stănişeşti (Bacău County) this category also includes the representative species, Floristic composition: over 50% of the Dicanthium ischaemum. inventoried species fall into the class Festuco– The analysis of the indicator species in regard Brometea, the others are grouped in the classes to the nitrogen dissolved in the soil reveals the Molinio - Arrhenetheretea, Artemisietea, Stellarietea, presence of some species adapted to biotopes which etc. are very poor in nutrients, with moisture deficit, These phytocoenoses inhabited the vine intense light and slightly alkaline pH. The terraces that existed before 1990. Two decades after representative species did not spread the way the the cessation of agricultural work, secondary weeds or plants in wetlands did; it existed in very vegetation with dense phytocoenoses of Dicanthium small proportionsin the space between terraces, later ischaemum set in, which is still presents scattered filling the land with a slightly higher competitive weeds and which acts as a precursor for the transition capacity (Table 1). Table 1: The Botriochloetum ischaemi plant association (Krist 1937) I. Pop 1977 Survey number 1 2 3 4 5 Surface (sqm) 100 100 100 100 100 Slope (º) 30 30 20 20 20 Vegetation coverage (%) 98 95 95 90 95 Exposure V V V V V Car. Ass. Dicanthium ischaemun 5 5 5 5 5 Thymo-Festucion rupicolae Festuca rupicola . 1 . + . Festucion valesiacae Centaurea stoebe ssp. australis + + . + + Lathyrus nissolia + . Salvia nemorosa . + . Verbascum speciosum + . Veronica incana . + . Dorycnium pentaphyllum ssp. herbaceum + . 1 + + Festucetalia valesiacae Achille acolina . + + . Achillea setacea + + + . + Artemisia austriaca . 1 . Centaurea scabiosa ssp. spinulosa . + + . Hypericum elegans . + . Thymus pannonicus . + . Festuco - Brometea Agrimonia eupatoria + + . + + Asperula cynanchica + + . + . 15 Crepis foetida . + . Eryngium campestre + . + + Euphorbia cyparissias + + + . Kohlrauschia prolifera . + + Hieracium pilosella . + . Hypericum perforatum . + + . + Medicago falcata . + + + . Salvia verticillata + . Senecio jacobaea . + . Dianthus carthusianorum . + . Teucrium chamaedrys + . Trifolium campestre . + + + Plantago media + . + . Pimpinella saxifraga . + . Cynosurion Odontites vernus + . + + + Arrhenetheretalia Cichorium inthybus + . + + . Plantago lanceolata . + . Tragopogon pratensis . + + . Molinio - Arrhenetheretea Lotus corniculatus + . + + + Sedo - Scleranthetea Dianthus armeria + . Agropyro- Rumicion Inula britanica + . Artemisietea s.l. Cardus acanthoides . + + . Verbascum phlomoides + . + . Berteroa incana + . Xeranthemum annum , . + . Quercetea pubescentis Rosa canina (juv.) . + Vincetoxicum hirundinarium . + . Trifolium alpestre . + + . Rhamno - Prunetea Origanum vulgare + . + + + Prunus spinosa . + + Rubus discolor . + . Vicia tenuifolia + . + . Crataegus monogyna (juv.) + . Stellarieteamediae s.l. Lathyrus tuberosus + + + + + Medicago lupulina . + . Melilotus officinalis . + Xanthium strumarium . + . Trifolium arvense 1 2 2 + + Convolvulus arvense . + . + Daucus carota . + + . Place and date of the surveys: 1, 2- Baloteşti - Stănişeşti (Bacǎu County (10. 8. 2010); 3, 4, 5- Valea Rucii - Stănişeşti (Bacǎu County). 3. Grassland returned to the owners, Overthe past 3 decades, non-forage
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