“Delivering news and information. At home and around the world.” • “Transmettre des nouvelles et de l’information, d’ici et d’ailleurs.” Volume 54 • Issue 28 • July 19, 2019 Posted in 2020? Call me for a Free Market Evaluation. Let’s get your home ready. CHRISTINA CHARBONNEAU, S e r v i n g 8 W i n g / C F B T r e n t o n • 8 e E s c a d re / B F C T r e n t o n • h t t p : // t h e c o n t a c t n e w s p a p e r . c f b t r e n t o n . c o m SALES REP. Cell: 613-243-0037 EXIT Realty Group INSIDE 437 Transport Squadron th 8 WING TO HOST BALL 75 ANNIVERSARY HOCKEY NATIONALS 75e anniversaire du 437e Escadron de transport Atheism, religion and the Canadian military Best Military Story on page 3 Discount ATESS LEADING THE WAY FOR 'RESPECT IN THE CAF' Anywhere! 1-877-857-7726 613-962-7100 bellevillenissan.com of members who don’t identify with a religion or reject the no- tion in its entirety. It’s simple, says Captain (Capt.) John Fune- las, a full-time padre at 8 Wing Trenton. He explains that while Story on page 7 he and his colleagues are able to offer spiritual guidance to those RCAF SEEKS NAME FOR who request it, one of the main NEW SEARCH AND RESCUE jobs of a chaplain is to just listen. “A chaplain is here to journey AIRCRAFT with anyone,” explained Capt. Funelas, “with religion or no re- ligion, because our purpose is to Photo by Makala Chapman support their wellbeing. We’re not here to judge.” To help pro- mote conversation and answer Members of the 8 Wing community gathered for an inaugural conversation on atheism, questions on atheism, religion, religion and spirituality in the Canadian military on July 10. spirituality and their role in the military, a public forum was held at the 8 Wing Chapel on July 10. Hosted by Capt. Fune- By Makala Chapman person full-time faith team is diverse with las and 426 Transport Training chaplains, also known as padres, of different Squadron’s historical of ce, the he chaplain team at 8 Wing Trenton is religious backgrounds including Protestant- event was attended by more Treassuring military members that they ism, Catholicism, Buddhism and the Islamic than a dozen members from the Story on page 9 don’t discriminate based on an individual’s faith. Even still, some may wonder what beliefs or lack thereof. In fact, the eight- role the military chaplaincy has in the lives Continued on page 5 QUINTE’S LARGEST STONE INDOOR SHOWROOM VENEERS FLOORING & TILE SINKS Ceramic, Porcelain, Mosaic, Granite, Quartz, Marble, Slate, Soapstone Marble, Hardwood, CABINETS Kitchen and Vanity Tops Laminate, Vinyl VANITIES Backsplashes Fireplaces and Showers www.blackbirdstoneandtile.com Mon - Fri 9am-5pm • Saturday By Appt. SELECT YOUR SLAB - 100’S IN STOCK 30 CREELMAN AVE., TRENTON 613-965-1800 2 - The Contact News July 19, 2019 CANADIAN SPORT SUBS 51 South Pinnacle St., Belleville, On K8N 3A1 (613) 966-8903 OPEN Mon. – Fri. 9 am –5pm PADI 5 STAR Saturday 9 am –3pm INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT of the CENTRE Photos Week • Guaranteed Personalized Service in the Underw • Dedicated Instructors-WeWorkFor-You Jo ater W d! • All Training Levels orl BELLEVILLE’S LEADING CFS Alert: Change of Mission Support SCUBA SCHOOL Established 1989 COURSES STARTING NOW Command Squadron CAMPBELL’S AUTO SHOP 327 COLEMAN STREET, BELLEVILLE • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS SINCE 1915 • ALL WORK GUARANTEED • FREE ESTIMATES • PAINT ROOM • CUSTOM JOB SPECIALISTS • FRAMES • UNIBODY & RAIL • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PAINTS E-mail: 613-968-5791 [email protected] Photo by Corporal A. Medeiros Pictured (from left to right): Maj T. Kerr, LCol D. Brown, and Maj M. Lepage sign the of cial Change of Command documents. Photo by Nathan Koutroulides By Lieutenant S. Mills SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE By Andrew Tam 25% OFF ALMOST EVERYTHING! The trip to Alert normally takes a few hours, but as a result We are a CANEX partner. of bad weather and numerous delays it was a three day 8 Wing Environment’s Contaminated Sites Manager, Mr. 16 Dundas St. W. near the bridge in downtown Trenton. trip for the reviewing of cer, LCol D. Brown, Command- Chris McRae, is shown on the left with Defence Construc- ing Of cer of Canadian Forces Network Operations Cen- tion Canada’s Summer Student, Ms. Claire Wood eld 613-394-4891riversidemusic.com tre. Despite the delay, the Station’s personnel persevered (Honours Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental), Car- “YOUR ONE STOP BUILDING CENTRE” and ensured a proper Change of Command parade took leton University) on the right, conducting surface water place. On July 12th, LCol D. Brown visited CFS Alert to quality sampling along the ooded Bay of Quinte shore- oversee the Change of Command from outgoing CO, Maj line on 8 Wing/CFB Trenton’s Federal Lands. DND/8 M. Lepage, to incoming CO, Maj T. Kerr. The role of Com- Wing Environmental Management provides contaminat- manding Of cer at CFS Alert is a challenging yet reward- ed sites management under the Government of Canada’s ing experience. The CO typically holds command of the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan. Demonstrations COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES Station for six months and during that time faces unique of scienti c eld sampling techniques and methodolo- KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM challenges due to its isolated location. However, the team gies, while using proper personal protective equipment, DELIVERY AVAILABLE • RENTAL CENTRE at CFS Alert works tirelessly with the CO to ensure the are great learning experiences for eld scientists and en- www.colestimbermart.ca ful llment of the Station’s missions: signals intelligence, gineers. The results of the water samples will help us to arctic sovereignty and scienti c research. CFS Alert wishes better understand the general chemistry and composition outgoing CO, Maj M. Lepage all the best in her future en- of our shoreline and waters. For more information and deavours, and welcomes incoming CO, Maj T. Kerr to the to inquire about contaminated sites management, please CFS Alert team. contact +8 Wing Environment. Visit our Downtown Catching up with the Trenton Cadets Trenton location 103B Dundas St W 613-392-3383 HD Rolf the Jeweller QuinteWestJewellerforover55years “Fireplace Showroom” pecializing in your Home Comfort REDUCES YOUR ENERGY COSTS WITH AN AMANA HI-EFF NATURAL GAS OR PROPANE FURNACE BuiltBuilt better than it it has has to be with a lifetime unit replacementto be with a warranty lifetime unitplus replacement10 years parts warranty & labour. plus 10 years parts & labour. plus THINKING$250.00 CENTRALO.P.A. rebate AIR? Heating & Air Conditioning CALLOLD TODAY MANTHINKING WINTER TO BOOK IS ANCENTRAL APPOINTMENT.COMING!!! AIR? Photo by Major Susan Blakely-Bazinet LASTS AND LASTS AND LASTS CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR FURNACE TUNE-UP Call or visit us today for your Content courtesy of the Trenton Cadet Training on our leadership team and is responsible for maintaining FREE No Obligation quote Centre standards and discipline and mentoring the Cadet Regi- “You’ll Be Glad You Did!” mental Sergeant Major. On behalf of all adult staff and Ca- dets, we will like to thank outgoing CWO Brake for his dedi- On June 25, Trenton Cadet Training Centre hosted a Change 122 Parks Dr. Belleville cation to the TCTC these past 5 years. We extend a warm of Appointment Ceremony from Chief Warrant Of cer A. welcome to CWO Henley and we wish him all the best as he 613-966-8848 Brake, CD to Chief Warrant Of cer D. Henley, CD. The Locally owned and Operated to Serve You Better Since 1995 takes on this important role. Training Centre Chief Warrant Of cer is an important role July 19, 2019 News 3 - The Contact 8 Wing Trenton to host National Ball Hockey Championship Members of 8 Wing Trenton snagged gold at this year’s regional ball hockey tournament held on June 21. and the morale and wel- bers to achieve higher standards fare of our members,” said of prociency all provides im- Laeur. “One of our goals mense transferable development with hosting this National opportunities for members. It Championship is to ensure also supports teamwork, cohe- we bring added value to sion, morale and pride while the members by creating a developing leadership and self- memorable sporting expe- discipline skills.” Opening cer- rience. We strive to show- emonies for the upcoming ball case not only the base but hockey championship will be at also our community and 8 a.m. on July 22. For more infor- have implemented many mation on this event, contact the events throughout the week manager of tness and sports at in order to do so.” Some of 613-392-2811 ext. 3754. these events include “cof- fee breaks” planned for July 22 and July 23 at 2 p.m. Laeur noted that it would be a great opportunity for the community to come out and show support for 8 Photo by Makala Chapman Wing Trenton’s team who have the home advantage. Trenton earned their way By Makala Chapman West on July 21. Present at this Kendra Laeur, 8 Wing’s man- to nationals thanks to last year’s championship will be ager of tness and sports, spoke month’s 6-1 win over Garrison Dr. Arin Por Wing Trenton is set to be a teams who have won their re- about pleased she was to have Petawawa at the regional tour- Dr.
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