- Continuous . - | i MIT NewsSenrjCB i .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cambrid~ie Since 1881 0jSirace 1891 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Massachusettabig Volume 99, Number 6 Tuesday, February 27. 1979 TCA blood drive. DSA -offi icetoggtfacsli C:E" ·/U, By Stetven Solick :··:- *. ·i -- 5, ·;i:' · '' A new facu-ty committee and a -· aims for 2000 pist ··- d variety of redefined services 6;;· 2-' '" -" By Jay Glass -6t ,'z highlight the proposed changes in 91F"B;:1"" : r· The spring blood drive sponsored by the Technology Community: =E;E·t.; 5 r h the Office of tlei Dean for Student Association (TCA) and the Red Cross will begin next week, with a Affairs (ODSA) outlined last special drive cosponsored with Draper Laboratories at Draper on night at Feedback '79 by MIT March 5-6 preceding the regular Institute drive held on March 7-9 and Vice-President Constantine 12-16. Simonides. The Institute drive, located in the"Sala de Puerto Rico in the Student 1 he new committee, to be Center, will operate from 9:45am-3;30pm daily,'except for the evening named either the Committee on drives of March 8 and March 12 which will be open from 2:30-8: 15pm Student Affairs (CSA) or the and the last day of the effort, March 16, when the nurses and tables will Committee on Student Life, will be working. from t Iam-Sprn - most likely be charged with ex- The goal for this spring's drive, according to.Blood Drive chairman amining the Jerry Marks '79, is "to realize a full two thousand various Institute- pints collected} or wide student support services and approximately 250 pints per day. 2000 isn't TOM." offering policy, recommlendations Appointment forms have been distributed to all living groups and and advice to the DSA. The new throughout the Institute and Draper Lab. In order to get enough nurses committee is currently under con- and'equipment from the Red Cross, blood drives must have registered Some directions Qf change for the :SkA were announced last ni sideration by the Committee on enough appointments to justify their requisition of nurses and equip- Feedback °79. (photo by Steve Solnick) Educational Policy (CEP) which ment. Large numbers of registered appointments allow TCA to obtain, will probably propose it at the In addition, the.administrative Committee on Student Environ- March 21l faculty meeting. support services for the Commit- ment (CSE). Turkle requested Changes to take place within tee on Academic Performance that the duties of the CSE, cur- the ODSA will probably include (CAP) would be moved to this rently listed in the Rules of the the redefinition of two branches branch- of the DSA in order to Faculty as being "concerned with of the Dean's Office. The Office strengthen the Dean's office sup- student life," be redefined to give of Freshman- Advising will port of that committee. Louise the committee a clearer focus. become, the Office of Antone '80, a CAP member, said The CEP then began to consider rUndergraduate Academic Sup- that "the Dean's office already the possibility of creating a new port Services (OUASS). This of- plays a large role in the CAP-as coanmittee (the CSA) to examine fice would control freshmnan an information source," and in- policies relating to the Dean's of- Orientation and advising as well dicated the change would fice - a relationship similar to as have more input into up- probably not affect the committee that existing between the Com- perclass advising. These changes greatly. mittee on Freshman Advising and' would include greater liaison with The Counseling section of the the OFA. The new committee, as rIIv . i n ust--I _fs undergraduate departmental of- DSA would expand to become currently envisioned by the CEP, fices to support the: upperclass ad- Student Assistance Services would Consist of 10 faculty An Mtswdee grimaces while donatinO blood vising system ai,, ~vn (SAgS, dealing more with student members, 3 undergraduates and 2 1 drive in the Sala. (photo Ijy Rob MitcheIl)- departmnental rbk iitreg-hman ad- activities and` problem's' and less graduate students. The future of I - -- I -- .11vising., with acadenmic matters and the USE, however, is unsure and faculty relations than the Turkle described its current status Undergraduate Academic Sup- as "incredibly transitional." One 1C Spamm shuttle trouble verifid port Branch. Student Assistance CEP member told The Tech there would include increased personal is "a clear indication the CEP will By Hams von Sjpakovsky date was "purely a guess - a nent criticality..r. will counseling, increased graduate- dissolve the CSE." A delay in the 'Space Shuttle 'Kentucky windage kind of thing' review... the current inspee- student support, and an inter- It is hoped the new committee launch date as reveaaled in a story - that was not based on any tion and checkout problems national student advisor (current- would improve sagging relations by The Techi on Felbruary 16 has analysis. We are not that pes- that are design-related. ly the foreign student advisor in between the Dean's office and the been substantiated by1 an outside simistic. .. .. allow the team to form the Admissions Office). Faculty. Numerous faculty -review committeee, testifying The Tech, however, has a letter, a preliminary assessment and Simonides inldicated that he wag members have complained that before the Senatev Commerce, confidentially obtained, addres- to develop an approach for a hoping to provide a women stu- there is no fNculty channel to the A Science and Trarnspoortation Com-- sed to Yardley from a top director further assessment that will dents' activities coordinator and Dean's Office. However, one .m i ttee's S ubccn mmittee on in- the shuttle development result in constructive sugges- minority students' activities coor- member of the DSA staff l4.A.0Science, Technologyy, and Space . program. The following are ex- tions to improve the overall dinator (distinct from the Office reportedly expressed concern to According to a r eport in the cerpts from that letter: confidence in the engine... of Minority Education), but he .the CEP that "faculty interven- February 23 issue of the New I share your concern over onsite activity. will added that the exact scope and tion in the Dlean's Office could be York Tihes, a Naticonal Academy the recent problems that improve our ability for nature of these posts was "subject .deadly and demoralizing to the of Sciences committtee said that have developed in testi g of detailed engineering review, to bidget and personnel con- DSA stff." Another indicated "any additional testting problems the Space Shuttle Main will improve the mechanism siderations." that the CSA could provide stu- le would delay launlching-.of the Engine. The additional for a quick and proper Anitta Bliss '81, president of dent input to long-term policy is- 1Y shuttle fronm Capete Canraveral, review of the enginfe design response to a problem. McCormick Hall, told The Tech sues but should not deal with in- Florida, now set:heduled for and Melated engineering she felt a women's coordinator .. I intend to keep these dividual "student gripes." November 9." The delay may be documentation from the extraordinary actions -in ef- was "something *e've needed for as late as April, 198 8. standpoints of manufac- fect until engine availability a very long time." She said, "'Cur- Other potential changes an- National Aeronnautics and -turability, checkout, and for STS-I is assurted. rently it's difficult to get informa- nounced by Simonides include a Space Administratilion (NASA) -quality control by a team 'rhese statements seem to verify tion to women students. It would full-or part-time business coor-# officials are still ve,ry optimistic, separate from the on-going the information obtained by The be good to have someone to talk dinator for fraternities, increased and the Times's aarticle quoted project, is prudent and Tech from a confidential source to." support to graduate student ac- John Yardley, NAS.'As Associate timely.... The team.. will associated with the shuttle The creation of tihe new CSA tivities, closer DSA ties to the I Administrator for Space Tran- hear briefings. summariz- program printed in the February was reportedly prompted by a Placement Office, and a review of sportation Systemsaas saying that ing the project status, the re- 16 issue, a week before the Times report to the CEP by Professor the residence/orientation the predicted April,, 1980 launch cent test failures, and compo- story. Sherry Turkle, chairperson of the program. Record number of app~iatioons sent Richmonld Cohen contacting students consists of one or more ""central MIT Admissions has been confronted with the meetings" in each regional area. Invitations to at- greatest number of undergraduate applications ever. tend the meeting to talk about MIT are mailed out The record number of 5220 applications is over 500 to potential students. Richardson feels that the The entering fresihmen of 1947 more than last year's total of 4717, and about 2000 central meetings provide more efficient coverage of boasted of a "reccord crop" of The music of Gustav Hoist is more than the 3200 sent in six or seven years ago. the area because only students who are truly in- r new "coeds" terested i women, as eleven considered by Joel West inap- The, number of female applications this year, 836, in applying tot MIT attend them. In areas were interviewed where large numbers of students are I in The Tech. propriate for the MlIT Choral is almost thirteen percent more than last year's 740. expected to ap- Page 3. ply, more than one meeting is held. Society. Page 6. In addition, the number of applications sent in by Previously, an MIT representative would to to minority group members increased from last year's individual high schools to discuss One of Presidentt Carter's ret total of 302 to this year's 381.
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