S5994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 3, 2009 In his Senate confirmation hearing, mously upheld the decision of the dis- So many of us have been touched by DOE Secretary Steven Chu said: trict court that the tobacco companies the ravages of smoking and lost family Nuclear power . is going to be an impor- had engaged in racketeering. The court and friends. Yet we still see too many tant part of the energy mix. It is 20 percent found that for at least 50 years, the young people become addicted to ciga- of our electricity generated today, but it is companies have knowingly kept infor- rettes or pick up the newest smokeless 70 percent of the carbon-free portion of elec- mation from the American public tobacco product without knowing the tricity today. And it is baseload. So I think about the health and safety risks of real risks to their health. We cannot it is very important that we push ahead. their products and that they continue leave this to court settlements or to For that reason and every other rea- to do so today. These companies have the industry itself. We have been wait- son, for the economy and for the envi- worked together to deceive the Amer- ing for 50 years, and the evidence shows ronment and for our ability to provide ican public and cannot be trusted to we are still being deceived. Regulation our own energy in this country and regulate themselves. is long past due. This bipartisan bill, lower our reliance upon foreign coun- As generations of customers died with the support of over 1,000 public tries, I believe we need to move for- from illnesses related to smoking, the health, faith, education, and children’s ward rapidly. We intend to do so with tobacco companies have kept their organizations, is the best opportunity nuclear energy. profits up by marketing their products to help protect our children from the I yield the floor. to children through cartoon advertise- menace of tobacco. We have delayed f ments, candy flavorings, and sports long enough. sponsorships. Public health advocates, I again thank Chairman KENNEDY, CONCLUSION OF MORNING lawmakers, prosecutors, and family Senator DODD, and my colleagues on BUSINESS members who have lost loved ones to the HELP Committee for their hard The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the ravages of smoking have attempted work bringing this bill to the floor and ator from Rhode Island. to take on the tobacco companies, but getting us closer than any other point Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I ask unanimous they confronted a coordinated effort in the long history of this legislation consent that all time in morning busi- backed by billions of dollars to protect to finally seeing the effective regula- ness be yielded back. this deadly business. tion of tobacco products. In the next year, 400,000 Americans The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I yield the floor and suggest the ab- will die from smoking-related illness objection, it is so ordered. sence of a quorum. Morning business is closed. and more than 450,000 children will be- come daily smokers. Every day, 3,500 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f kids pick up a cigarette for the first clerk will call the roll. FAMILY SMOKING PREVENTION time. The legislative clerk proceeded to AND TOBACCO CONTROL ACT— Even those who do not smoke still call the roll. MOTION TO PROCEED pay a price—$96 billion each year in Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under public and private health expenditures unanimous consent that the order for the previous order, the Senate will re- to treat illness caused by smoking. The the quorum call be rescinded. sume consideration of the motion to companies will, of course, point to con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceed to H.R. 1256, which the clerk cessions and payouts over the years, objection, it is so ordered. but it is clearly not enough. As we will report. CRAIG THOMAS RURAL HOSPITAL AND PROVIDER The legislative clerk read as follows: work to reform our broken health care EQUITY ACT system, we cannot ignore this public A motion to proceed to the bill (H.R. 1256) Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I rise health menace. to protect the public health by providing the today to again pay tribute to one of That is why it is vital that we finally Food and Drug Administration with certain the Senate’s finest: our colleague, the pass this legislation. The FDA is the authority to regulate tobacco products, to late Craig Thomas from Wyoming. Two agency most prepared to take on the amend title 5, United States Code, to make years ago this week, the Senate lost a certain modifications in the Thrift Savings regulatory, scientific, and public steady hand and a man who did much Plan, the Civil Service Retirement System, health challenges created by tobacco for his State of Wyoming. Craig was de- and the Federal Employees’ Retirement Sys- products. This carefully crafted com- pendable in the finest sense of the tem, and for other purposes. promise bill gives FDA the tools nec- word. He defined the word ‘‘depend- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- essary to take on the tobacco compa- able.’’ He was the epitome of a work- ator from Rhode Island. nies in three major areas: advertising horse, not a show horse. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I and sales to young people, the composi- rise to speak in support of the Family tion of cigarettes, and representations On a personal note, for many Sen- Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Con- of health effects of tobacco products. ators, why, Craig was not only a col- trol Act, a bill that will finally give We have wasted too much time fight- league but a dear friend. I will cherish the Food and Drug Administration the ing the same battles over the same that always. Craig was also a fellow authority to regulate tobacco products. issues for years. This legislation finally marine. In this case, Semper Fidelis— This was the first bill for which I had enacts tough but constitutionally always faithful—is most appropriate. If the honor of voting in my new role as sound regulations on advertising tar- anyone faced trouble in their life, the a member of the Health, Education, geted toward young people. It puts a one person you would want by your Labor, and Pensions Committee—the warning label on every pack of ciga- side would be Craig Thomas. newest member—but it is the result of rettes that covers 50 percent of each This is why I am proud and honored years of tireless effort by members of side of the package. The companies again to join with my colleagues KENT this committee and by their staffs. I will finally have to disclose the con- CONRAD and TOM HARKIN, and with the especially commend its primary spon- tent of tobacco products, and FDA will new Senator from Wyoming, JOHN sor, our chairman, TED KENNEDY, who have the authority to regulate haz- BARRASSO, and the distinguished Sen- has long been committed to protecting ardous ingredients. Tobacco product ator from Utah, ORRIN HATCH, to intro- our Nation’s children from the dangers manufacturers will no longer be able to duce the Senate Rural Health Caucus of tobacco and nicotine addiction, and make unsubstantiated claims about bill in honor of Senator Thomas. The Senator DODD, who is so ably leading their products—FDA will have to bill we are introducing is the Craig that fight in his stead today. I thank verify any health claim based on its Thomas Rural Hospital and Provider them and our colleagues in the House impact on the population as a whole in Equity Act, with emphasis on the ‘‘eq- for the efforts that have brought us order to protect tobacco users and po- uity.’’ this bill before the Senate today. tential tobacco users. This will be paid The people of Wyoming and all of This legislation is long overdue and for by the tobacco product manufactur- Craig’s colleagues knew he fought for very much needed. Just last month, a ers and importers themselves, taking rural America and always put the three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of no resources away from the FDA’s needs of his State above all else. On the Appeals for the DC Circuit unani- other vital missions. health care front, why, Craig was truly VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:57 Jun 04, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03JN6.009 S03JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with SENATE June 3, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5995 a champion for strengthening our rural BARRASSO’s staff: Erin Dempsey. I home health services. And it provides a health care delivery system and pro- know my staff has worked very closely 5-percent add-on payment for ground viding relief to our hospitals and other with Erin over the years, and I have a ambulance services in our rural areas. providers in our rural areas. great amount of respect for her hard One of the provisions in the bill—and He served for 10 years as the cochair work. We always have an expression: this is the one that Craig Thomas cer- of the Senate Rural Health Caucus. He We are only as good as our staff here— tainly championed—is a provision to actually took over the reins as cochair or at least some of us do actually allow marriage and family therapists after my fellow Kansan, Bob Dole, re- admit to that.
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