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Rob Harkavy co.uk PHOTO CHRIS © JEPSON [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 PAGE 06 Head of Business MY LONDON Development HUDSON’S LETTER DJ Ariel gives us his Lyndsey Porter capital highlights… PAGE 48 [email protected] Gay parenting stories have Increasingly, adoption and SUPERMARTXÉ AT PULSE + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 been featuring more in fostering agencies across PAGE 08 Advertising Manager the news recently. This the capital are keen to SHOPPING PAGE 28 PAGE 68 Dan Goodban month’s cover star, Ricky hear from LGB people who Bluebuck underwear FILM PARENTING [email protected] Martin, is famously the think they may have what and wormwood Source Code, Oranges The London Sperm +44 (0)20 7258 1777 out and proud father of it takes to off er a child a vodka… and Sunshine and The Bank and Circle twin boys. Elton John and home. Way reviewed… Surrogacy partner David Furnish Also, there’s the Albert PAGE 11 became dads at Christmas, Kennedy Trust, who are DIARY PAGE 32 PAGE 76 and at the time of going always seeking LGB people April’s cultural THEATRE CAREER to press, news had leaked who can off er a safe highlights in and The Wizard of Oz We chat to Deputy that Coronation Street was home to a teenager who around London, plus reviewed and theatre Mayor Richard Barnes to run a gay parenting is having diffi culties at exclusive news about news about his job storyline for established home. Shockingly, there is this year’s Lovebox gay character Sean Tully still a large number of gay festival PAGE 34 PAGE 82 (played by Antony Cotton). youngsters who are forced MODERN FAMILY PROPERTY Of course, not every gay to leave home because of PAGE 20 Jesse Tyler Ferguson Cutler Apartments in man has the desire to be their sexuality (the trust RICKY MARTIN and Eric Stonestreet Elephant and Castle Square Peg Media Ltd. a dad, but it’s great that handled 300 such cases The sexy Latin from hit comedy 37 Ivor Place those who do now have from its Manchester offi ce superstar talks about Modern Family PAGE 90 London NW1 6EA a range of options open alone in a recent two- his decision to come TRAVEL Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 to them. month period). out, fatherhood, and Fabulous Paris! Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, Although fi gures such If you’ve got a spare his latest album either in whole or in part may not as Ricky and Elton have room, plus the will and PAGE 96 be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any raised the profi le of motivation to help and PAGE 24 HOROSCOPES form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission surrogacy, it’s not the mentor a young person, MUSIC from the publishers. Opinions only route to parenthood. you could be the type of New albums from PHOTO CHRIS © JEPSON PAGE 97 expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. There is an adoption person the Trust is seeking Katy B, Britney Spears GROOMING © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. and fostering crisis in to recruit. Check page 75 and Glasvegas, as well Steiner Hair Units Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In London at the moment of this month’s issue for as an interview with The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim because thousands of more details. the Human League’s PAGE 98 resulting from a transaction with one children are in care homes. [email protected] gorgeous Phil Oakey PAGE 76 BODY LANGUAGE of our advertisers/ Media Partners. RICHARD BARNES Ricky Williams ! =C :3BB3@A bT`]\b bV]aSRS[]\ab`ObW]\a RSS[SR=9PcbbVWa ]\SeOaRSS[SR ON FIRE \]b=9-EVg³b] a][S^S]^ZS³WaO\ Sf^`SaaW]\]TUOg ^`WRSa][SbW[Sa TUBE CRUSH RSS[SRO^^`]^`WObS A blog of pictures of sexy PcbOb]bVS`bW[Sa men spotted on the London \]bO^^`]^`WObS-/a Underground. We like very TO`Oa7QO\bSZZ3Oab much. STAR LETTER 3\R>`WRSeOaPSW\U www.tubecrush.net MAKING PLANS ^`][]bSROaO\ PRAISE BE SdS\beWbV\]a^SQWTWQ FOR NIGEL /ZbV]cUV7O^^`SQWObSeVS`S6cRa]\WaQ][W\U ^]ZWbWQOZOZZSUWO\QSO\R 7eOadS`gW\bS`SabSRb] T`][eWbVVWaQ][[S\baOP]cb`SZWUW]\I;O`QV eOa]`UO\WaSRaW[^Zg COCK’N’BULL KID `SORbVSW\bS`dWSeeWbV KOaOUOg1V`WabWO\[gaSZT7R]a][SbW[Sa PgOPc\QV]T:50B Like a sassy, Shoreditch mix ;><WUSZ3dO\a7¸[ bVW\YbVObbVSUOgaQS\Sa][SbW[SaVOaO ^S]^ZSeV]eO\bSRb] of Aretha Franklin and Amy UZORVS¸aTW\OZZgVORbVS bS\RS\Qgb]RWa[WaaOZZ`SZWUW]caPSZWSTOa·POR¸ ^`]cRZgeOZYR]e\bVS Winehouse… without the \S`dSb]Q][S]cbPcb ;]ab`SZWUW]ca^S]^ZS7Y\]eO`SYW\RRSQS\b ab`SSbRS[]\ab`ObW\U drug problems, obviously. 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