• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ~s ~16# ~\.. 'l-~,":J' ~~ O ~c'0 Volume 14, Number 2 ~~ 15 NEWS DGA Helps Keep Dallas Police Reform Intact 27 COMMENT Letters to the Editor • 30 HIGHLIGHT The Two Texas Tigers by Phil Johnson •• 33 KALEIDOSCOPE Guide to Goy Men's Videa by David Meunier •• 39 HEALTH Q&A on Health Matters • 42 ART Photographs by Mitchell M. Bartlow •• 44 BACKSTAGE Soul Survivor, Son of Man. Little Lu/u...Reviewed by Don Maines • 47 CLASSIC 10 Years Ago This Week in Texas by Don Maines • 51 HOT TEA Westhelmer Art Festwal in Houston •• 61 SPORTS Rich Corder of the Houston Tennis Club Brings Home Trophy to Houston by Bobby Miller • 63 STARSCOPE The Tenth Planet by Milton von Stem • 66 PHOTO ESSAY Gymnast Dolace of Dollas photos by Doran Robertson • 70 Wont Ads and Notices • CLASSIFIED • 81 CALENDAR Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events • 83 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory •• CO")IIIIIII ----- • CO") •• TWT (This Week In Texas) Is published by Texas Weekly Publishing Co., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) HOUSTON ... 527 -9lll. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation • of sold person or organization. Subscription rates: $69 per year, $55 per half year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1988 by Texas Weekty Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or corrplete reproduction Thanks Houston, for making us the of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. PAGE 7 Number One Gay Video Dance Club in Texas. TWT MARCH 25 - MARCH 311988 THE~~~651CLUB FT. WORTH ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20,000 HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527·9111 Hours: 9 am.-5 prn, Weekdays 2205 Montrose Houston, Texas 77006 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 Hours: Fri.-Tues. 11am.-5 prn 3900 Lemmon Ave" Suite 220 Dallas, Texas 75219 PUBLISHER Chuck Patrick ART EDITOR/DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Richard Bang BACKSTAGE EDITOR Donalevan Maines NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick SPORTS EDITOR Babby Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 0. Flores Alvarez, David Fields, Brian Keever, Donalevan Maines. David Meunier, Mi~on von Stern GRAPHIC ARTISTS , Kent Edson Smith, James Lewis TYPOGRAPHERS 1'\ Richard Hebert, Babby Miller STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Doran Robertson. Loren Laureano, GW. King, Chris Zimmerman, Oscar Mendiola, Carl Davis, Richard Franks RECEPTIONISTS Dallas-Steve Miles Houston-Don Wibel SALES EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER Jim Veteto Advertising rates are available on request by tele- phoning the salesperson In your nearest city. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday, one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Bobby Compian and Chris Zimmerman . (512) 441-6126 DALLAS Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0622 FORT WORTH Steve Miles. (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON Jim Veteto. (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTONIO/CORPUS CHRISTI Tim Ramm. (512) 822-9213 GALVESTON Scot Roberts. (409)762-1077 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Arby Burnett TWTMAGAZINE Texas Weekly Publishing Co. PAGE 12 TWT MARCH 25 - MARCH 311988 NEWS Smotzer said they were citizens who support a strong, effective police force, a police force that carries out law and order ~uESIGNER in a fair and equitable manner for all cit- izens of Dallas. They support improved relations between the police and the com- munity, and they support the police reform policies and ordinances enacted by the elected officials-the Dallas City Council. These reforms originated from a task BODIES YljYlj force initiated by Mayor Annette Strauss, headed by Mr. Charles Terrell, and which COMPLETE GYM-The best Joan Smotzer speaks out at press conference in Dallas to included Dallas citizens, Police Chief Bil- protest police association's attempt to force a referendum ly Prince and other Dallas officers and a controlled-movement high on Citizens Review Board. consulting firm specializing in police pol- intensity weight machines TWTNEWSphoto by Doran Robertson. from Nautilus; an advanced icies. These reforms were passed into law training area with barbells, by the Dallas City Council in December 1987 and January 1988. dumbells, Olympic sets with KEEPING POLICE Smotzer said the coalition will join special benches, racks and forces with the black and Hispanic coali- rigs; and an expanded REFORM INTACT tions to make sure that the police reform cardiovascular training-area package remains intact. She said they featuring Lifecycles, Dallas Gay Alliance Joins would all work together as one to defeat Life rower, Pacer treadmills, Blacks & Hispanics in Big any effort to weaken this package. and aerobic classes. Effort to A void Changing In a followup conversation with Doran Dallas Police Reform Package. Robertson of TWT NEWS,DGA's William SPA FACILITIES-Beautiful Wayboum said the Dallas Gay Alliance will wet areas with steam room, DALLAS - Members of the Dallas Gay be very active with the coalition because the sauna, whirlpool, and Alliance (DGA) and people representing fif- gay community has a vested interest in swimming pool. ty groups and organizations joined forces these reform policies and how they protect to form a "white coalition" to express their all citizens of the gay community. A.I.D.S. EDUCATION-A opposition against the petition drive by the program to learn the truth Dallas Police Association (DPA) to abolish about A.I.D.S within a drug the Citizens Review Board in a press con- GLHU PRESENTS free, sober, healthy ference at City Hall Wednesday, March 16. environment. The "white coalition" consists of mem- JUANITA RAMOS bers of the anglo community of Dallas who share the same concerns as the black and "Compeneres" Editor Featured Hispanic communities about the DPA's At Saturday's Cultural and CALL NOW! petition drive. Political Awareness Workshop. DGA president William Waybourn said CLUB BODY CENTER the alliance was invited to participate in HOUSTON - Gay & Lesbian Hispanics the coalition, which formed the Monday Unidos (GLHU) will present speaker prior to the press conference, and the DGA Juanita Ramos in a workshop entitled (214) 821-1990 played an integral role in formulating "Networking and Organizing Within the the statement and arranging the press Lesbian and Gay Hispanic Community" 2616 Swiss Ave. • Dallas ~ conference. this Saturday, March 26, at the University AMPLE PARKING • ALWAYS OPEN ¥ Neighborhood activist Joan Smotzer of Houston main campus from 3 to 6 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION • FREE EXERCISE LESSON ~ served as spokesperson for the coalition This Saturday'S seminar will be held in at the press conference and read from the the World Affairs Lounge, in the Under- ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l prepared statement expressing the con- ground of the University Center, 4800 cerns of its members. Calhoun, Entrance 1, at U of H, University TWT MARCH 25 - MARCH 311988 TWT MARCH 25 - MARCH 311988 PAGE 14 Park. This program is being made possi- ble through the sponsorship of the Na- tional Organization of Women at U of H. Ramos is compiler and editor of Com- paneras: Latina Lesbianas, in which she describes herself as "a Black, Puerto Rican, Lesbian-feminist. ... " Companeras is an anthology of written and transcribed oral histories/herstories by and about Latina lesbianas. Ramos has been an active member of the lesbian and gay movement for many years. In late 1977, she joined EI Comite Homosexual Latino-Americano (COHL), a lesbian and gay Latino organization found- ed in New York City. Soon after, she became an active mem- ber of the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and one of the national organizers for the first National March on Washing- ton for Lesbian and Gay Rights which took place on October 14, 1979. Appearing at public forum on Westheimer problems were (l-r) Police Capt. Michael Walker, Assistant Chief Thomas GLHU said it will also present a reading Koby, Kit van Cleeve of Guardian Angels and Montrose City at 7:30 p.m. at the Montrose Counseling Councilman Vince Ryan. Center,900 Lovett, Suite 203, at which time TWTNEWSphoto Ramos will read from her book. "Everyone is encouraged to bring writings to share and participate in the reading. Attendance BIG TROUBLE is free of charge," said Rossana Dumas. "These two events will give us an oppor- ON WEST HEIMER tunity to discuss and learn about issues that will make us stronger and more Gangs, Drugs, Prostitution unified as an organization," said Joe Perez. & Traffic Jams Jar Civic Groups to Call for Action. NEW PWA ARTS HOUSTON - "This Neighborhood is in & CRAFTS CO-OP Big Trouble," says a new poster which has been put up in Montrose by area civic San Antonio PWA Coalition groups. And Westheimer Road continues CALL AND TALK TO OTHER; Forms "Bear Necessities. " to be the focal point of this concern, say Now Meeting on Wednesdays. neighborhood businesses, residents and HOT SEXY ""EN LIVE! developers. This party line number is FREE if you call (214)939-1500 SAN ANTONIO - Bear Necessities is Their concerns were voiced at a public the name of a new arts and crafts co-op meeting last week when the local chapter or (214) 939-1563. But if these numbers are busy, that has been established by the local of the Guardian Angels called the com- immediately call PWA Coalition. The group is open to any- munity together to discuss a plan of ac- one who enjoys crafts, good conversation tion. The meeting was held at Angel and is willing to learn, TWT NEWS was House, 500 Westheimer. advised. Assistant Chief of Police Thomas G. (214) 976-4242* The group meets from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on Koby told the approximately 75 gathered and guarantee yourself an opportunity to hook up with Wednesday evenings at the San Antonio at the meeting that it's hard to limit crime Tavern Guild AIDS Foundation headquar- in Montrose because of city budget cuts.
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