f?y?Te Star Wind Mills. Charter Used If you do'aot want Gasoline Engine, what do of a WindmillT I am sure Stationarles, Portables, Go- - you think that yon can't do better than to buy a STAR. Lots in use Gasoline uvm. around here, and all satisfactory. Vntrlrtt State Your Power Needs or; Your Customers' Needs. Bee. engine. E. N. Ct. E. N SIPPERLEY, ... Wbbtport, Conn. lie Newtown Sipperley, Westport, VOLUME XXV. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 16. 'Dry feet are essential to good health." LOCAL AFFAIRS. Rubbers LET US DRESS THE CON QREGATION AL CHURCH Will keep your feet dry. A FELLOWSHIP MEETING. Your Boy. At the Fellowship meeting, to be Foster's held la the Congregational church on Tuesday, April 29, this is the program, Is the to buy good rubbers. We as now place Glove-Fittin- well so far it can be given: sell the well known GOODYEAR g We will make him look as as you want; Rubbers and Boots. the clothes and furnishings and hat will be all MORNING SESSION. C. W. Brooktteld Cen- High-to- p boots just the thing for trout in the Rev Francis, made they ought to be quality; price willplease Bshing. The best see the new ter, presiding. you. Will you come and Spring 10.30. Devotional Service, led by W. ? ' boy-clothe- s E. Mitchell, South Britain. R S In place of Vestee suits come Norfolks, grace- 10.45. Brief reports from the church- FOS TE ful, becoming, loose and comfortable for the boy. es. 246 Main St. , Danbury. 11.20. Present-da- y problems In the Sailor collar on Norfolks lor bom to .. 8; after meet- Prices from country church, (a) The prayer that come regular collars. $2.98 $0, ing, Rev H. Da Witt Williams, South $7.50. ;, Y'. Britain; (b) The Sunday school; (c) The Quite thebest showing we eVer had of sailor Christian Endeavor Society, Rev Ed- blouse suits o kinds, all good, 1.98 to ward R. Evans, Redding. many Discission. ;" So of 2 -- $1.98 to $5. many styles piece suits, 12.30. Social hour and collation. 3 -- 5 to 7.50. $3.50, and of piece suits, f AFTERNOON SESSION. Rev S. Edmunds Breen, Danbury, If you are looking for a becoming hat for your presiding. can find it here. We show new 2.00. Praise service, conducted by boy, you every H. W. Wright, Newtown. kind of Tiead covering for boys and children, 2.15. The Church at work, (a) Doing Tarns, Caps, Alpines and Derbies. business in a business way. (b) Man's aw- - . far!? work, (c) Woman's work, (d) Touch ing elbows. Discussion. F. KE'ANE & Co. 3 15. Missionary address. We Are JOHN 3.45. Dismission. Tagging All of all denominations You about the secret out tolbuy a pa r of ? tAe PuLjc JLiirary SuiJin churches spectacles honest goods and properly fitted are most cordially invited to send del- to the eye. A public benefactor we. When we the ofMain & toAn will make other people see. The plaue is here, corner streets egations to this meeting, as that and we're about that you see clear, and have a Indeed. no doubt. El O .make it Fellowship meeting B RID G P BX.1 MISS MOFFATT TO ADDRESS THE LADIES. R. Randall Davidson, were out Scientific Missionary mite bags given Optician and,' Jeweler, last to the ladies of the congre- Main Conn. spring Street, Ansonia, ! gation, that the odd pennies might be An To All. j4Lock Box 1462. Invitation BARGAINS . i aroDDea in tueiu tiiue to uuieauu Clocks noui You will find a complete lme of Watches, uu the contents Dr0Ught to a meeting this is center of and a natural Fine Clock and 12 Our new store the Bridgeport shopping district, Jewelry at Bargain Prices. Watch, Jewelry Kepairmg,. 0yer $3Q oame in tnis way for When you come to town on a shopping tour ar- AS. I a x.vw . w meeting place shoppers. If want the best and .tlUlltllO Uf' "V you staple fancy 1 with to meet friends at our store, make it a center from which to take HENRY C. REID, bags are asked to bring them range your their contents on Tuesday afternoon your buying excursions, leave bundles here until you want them, use its easy of next week. April 22, to Miss Susan chairs as much as you like. We invite every woman, and man, too, for Main Conn. I resting GROCERIES 952 Street, Bridgeport, J. Scudder's at 2.30 o'clock. Miss to make use of our store as a place, meeting place, and a on the market call ii of the Congregational Home so- - that matter, resting the new store of fatt, best wearables for man and at ciety, will address this meeting; anu place to buy the boy. i who heard her know that she Just Received, Direct From the Factory, all have BETT'S can tell her story well. EVERYDAY TROUSERS. A STERKOPTICON LECTUBK. SANDY BOOK, CT. No use working trousers that won't work full time. Many men have found that we White Flountain Ice Cream E. T. Bales, State Secretary of the buying New-Good- s 1902 of trousers. We want man to know it. All Prices Right M. C. will an address Jn sell the kind working every Y. A., give right of but know how well cotton Freezers, the church on Sunday evening, April Good trousers for $1 all cotton, course, perhaps you don't 2 wool and a combina- 27, at 7.30 o'clock, on the wOrk of the wears. Better trousers at $1.50: At f you get part part cotton, great f C. can all With all the up to date improvements, 2 to 8 quarts. Also a new lot kY, M A.jillustratedbystereopticon tion for wear. At f2.50 you get the best working trousers you buy at any price wool, Wall Papers! Clad Pails. The kind that are heavy enough to drive a nail views to show the buildings, gymnasi- seams and buttons. Iron Dairy etc. warranted in fabric, ums, leaders in the movement, head-t- o with should you lose your hammer. - new and store is a foot store everything man or boy wears from hat Wall Papers! Onuntrv towns are especially interest- This greater uu do us credit in looks and and wear. Wall Papers will lie sold during the next cd in this work, as they are constantly to shoes shoes that style days at very low prices. Call, look at our large Lead Pipe, Gutters, Tin Pnnfincr etc next time in town. We'll ba to welcome and stock and get prloes before you buy. Our dis- Pumps, Sinks, Visit our new store the you're glad you counts will astonish you. They must (to to cities where the X. M. u. a. make for new goods. great show about. place one with reservoir to extend a friendly hand. you W. W. WALKER & We also have 2 second hand wood Cook Stoves, stands ready SON, one without which are in good repair at and CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR FOR APRIL 20. 500 Main St., Bridgeport, Ct. The Christian Endeavor meeting on INCORPORATED next Sunday evening, April 20, will be Three Store Hcad-to-Fo- :e led by one from a neighboring society ot Main Street and Fairfield Avenue, BRIDGEPORT, 1. The. Sandv Hook are also in MEW HAVEN.! DEALER IN society Clothiers (NORTHWEST CORNER) BPRINQrWD lewis, vited to ioin their forces to the meet-- E. J. HALL'S Conn. and Snhipct,. "How can I know that 'Bridgeport, Harness, Blankets, Kobes Conn. w Stable Goods. Sandy Hook, I am saved?" John 8: 32; 1 John 3: 14; Rev. 8: 6; 1 John 4: 7. A beautiful Farm produce taken In exchange. hoc inct. Vtoan lmnc llnon the $y .!.(n.piliuic AAtio j uow o f 184 John St., Bridgefokt. of room, a copy We have had prac- wall the prayer meeting tical exDerience dt of one of the famous Maaonnas secu red X Of A Centurv the bench. This. in of Allison Elbert Wilson, in Taunton, has Onarter. , , 1 and his charge Prr . 1. T VflTT writings, .... a position iniDanbnry. Patterns THE "RALLY" PRAYER MEETING. P. Smith. Very Pretty 22awUa ..-- . - mi Are among our new wall tobedone. Thlcau uwiay iv.tiv. w.uj You never had more to choose iMF.anni.t.nt.fnn. It, also enables us to Klve Detter service ax less cusv.. Aim The "rally" prayer meeting R. s. Tomiinson moved his house aper stock. Is our and service are April of Postmaster G. F. Good Shoes Lowest Prices rora and you are bound to be pleased. This of work turned out by us evidence that ability good appreciated. comes evening at 7.30 Th residence to Suffleld. When You Want at the time to have home made beautiful this (Friday) handsome in its hold goods, last Saturday, your now. from Buncombe looks very to Give reasonable prices. Call and see us TAYLOR & GREGORY, o'clock. Subject, "Fleeing and John R. Tomlinson of Bridgeport is to ;hnp that are Warranted 3. white green tmntation." 1 Cor. 10: Leader, new dress of paint Mr Tomllnson's farm on Mile OOUGHLIN BROS, Practical Jewelers, Elizabeth St., Detby, Conn. the contract having been ex- take Good Wear Go To w.nrv M. Smith. "Come thou with blinds, - Main Ct. Ruffles & Nichols. til"- 1117 St., Bridgeport, os and we will do thee good ecuted by Messrs .Tames Haugh of Botsford returned, Newtown.
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