Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-24-1995 The iH lltop 2-24-1995 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-24-1995" (1995). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 132. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/132 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ = ~======~==+~ ======= == ---------------------------'------------- Serving the Howard University community since 1924 February 24, 1995 ~rapplers slam. arry, City Council, Congress ~organ State, eliberate over District budget He said the District is burdened not paying hundreds of millions in job reductions. While reducing capture MEAC By Rasheeda J. Crayton with the fiscal responsibilities ofa bills. The District faces even other personnel. 1he District Hilltop Staff writer slate. bu1 does nol have the greater re\'enuc-expendi1ure gaps government increased lhc number au1hority of the s1me. tn the fu1ure:· said John W. Hill, of full-time equivalent po~itions, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is '"We cannot solve these director of Financial Management similar jobs. bu1 wilh different ~hampionship learning the hard way 1ha1 problems by ourselves because of Policies and Issues. titles. Congress may no1 be 100 eager 10 the structural inequities [of Home Hill suggested changes in '"The number of reductions bail the nation's capital out of its Ruic]:· Barry said. management and procedures to reported are significantly higher $722 million debt. ··The District is given s1a1e change the course of 1he dis1ric1·s 1han the actual decline in FfE's." '"Whenever I used 10 complain functions without state au1hority fi nancial situation. Hill said. "'The most outrageous of as a child, my mother would say - stale prisons, Medicaid, ··The District's rlan 10 address which was in DC. public schools. ·you·ve made your bed, and now Universi1y of 1he District of its current financia situa1ion mus1 The Dis1ricl°s announcement you have 10 he in i1." And now Columbia. We have 5-1 functions include major s1ruc1ural and showed 90 staff departures, lhe that's what\ happening to the outlined here that no 01her cil) in management changes if the plan is actual FTE data showed an District,"' said Congrc~,man James America has to deal with. If we to be cffec1i,-c," tlie director said. increase of 404 FTE"s."' Walsh. Chairman of the District of didn't have all 1hose functions 10 Management questions arose The GOA also 1cs1ified that the Columbia Appropriations perform. we would111 need to pax because theci1:(s quar1erly reports District has not complied wilh the 1 Subcommittee. al a Congressional all those people 10 perform them, ' were of ·'li mited usefulness:· Dis1ric1 of Columbia Fiscal Year hearing on the District"s financial the Mayor added. because they failed 10 provide 1he 1995 Appropriation Act, which situation Wednesday. Barry wanls the federal data necessary for a true capped the amount ofexpenditures "I will not bring an government pay $267 mill ion in evaluation. for 1995 at $3.25 billion. which appropriation bill 10 the Congress Medicaid expen~es for fiscal year The Dis1ric1 also provided See BUDGET, A3 10 give the District more money;· 1995. and $141 million for 1hc incorrect information concerning Walsh told Bttrry after the mayor 1996 fiscal year. asked Congress 10 help alleviate Barry also suggested allowing Portion or Cumnt Federal Payment Used to Pay Prior Billi the Dis1rict"s muhimillion dollar the District of Columbia 10 tax (In MlllloD! or Dollus) disaster. federal properly. which comprises $700 r;l.;;:Aodcrll=:;,Pa;::--:ym::-:en-.,~'-;l=Pri-:-or-·::-•.....:.• B::-:U~II.:....:;::.._ _____~ Barrr has gi,·en up on saving the majority of the District. the city independent of the Federal '"We can only tax 43 percent of Fleshman Jason Guyton overpowers his competition. government. saying an the land in \V.1shington," Barry $600 By Shana Harris diff~rcn1. mdependenl study show, DiMric1 said. ..The federal government H,1~op Staff Writer Last ),e.ar, I sai~ we would '".'" finances are irreparable. owns more than 50 percent of the the MEAC 1n 1995. the coach said. "Even if 1he Dbtrict did land. Yet, the federal allocation is ssoo Howard totaled 93 point,, while e,erything everyone was asking it only 60 percent of what ii would last 1imt 1ho lio\\ ard Morgan State finished second \\ith 10 do. it could on!} sohc a third of be 1>aying if ,the properly was $@ It) Wre,1iing team, the 70. the Distriet"s prtiblcm;· Barry said. taxable:· r,, \\Oil the l\lid-Ea,tcrn The Bison collected two ..Thal lea,e, IWO•lhirds tor the The United States General Conference championship individual awards: Freshman Jason federal governmen1:· Accounting Office, who reviewed $300 1973. J\lorgan Staie Guyton who wrestles in 1he 142- Bui the commiuee was the cities budget. 1es1ified the tv held a stranglehold on pound divi-.ion. was selected by unsr,mpathclic. District is still doing a poor job of !or 10 }e,trs Unlit Feb. four head coaches as the MEAC . If I WO-thirds of lhe handling its money. SlOO lhe Grapplers won four of Tournament's Outstanding responsibility is ours, why should '"The District is facing an 1dual 1itles to capture the Performer. while Conon earned his there be home rule?"' asked Walsh. enormous financial .crisis which Annual MEAC Wre,1ling first MEAC Outstanding Coach "Don't answer, that was a has increased si nee our report in SUXl _n,hip held at Delaware Award. rhetorical question."' he continued June. District spending is ,er-;itv. Senior, Damon Bryant and Sean with a smile. significantly above approved so end of last season, Head Cla) ton. and Junior Melvin Yates Barry blames 1he debt problem budgets, and the Dis1ric1 only ha~ 1991 1992 I993 1994 1995 1996(<0!)' .r, Coach Paul Collon on the limitations of Home Rule. casn now because the Dis1nc1 is d next year would be Set GR.\l>PLERS. A3 • 1996 Fbcle11! Payment lnol-Sl32 l!oorow 'son basketball Candidates vie for student support ams prepare for at General Assembly speak out Barney can implement change. Undergrad candidates spoke. ovation. AC tournament By Natalie Y. Moore "There are shortcomings at Clieo Hurley said being a Studenls said they left the Hilltop Staff Writer Howard. They can't be solved ··regular student"" will be an speakoul more informed. is ,1cpping up: it's now or never:· Though accused of apathetic overnight. But we spend lime on advantage if elected Undergraduate "The majority of candida1es By Kisha Riggins and senior forward Scan Turley ~aid. allitudes. voter, filled a standing­ solutions and arc taking internal Trustee. gave solutions and some were Shana Harris De:,pite the hardships faced by room only Meridian Hill Hall as sleps 10 solve them;· he said. 'Tm not going 10 be a politician. contradictory from the previous H ltop Staff Writers the Bison rhi, season, a few briehl Howard University Studelll HUSA candidates Oronde I'm a student fi rst. Forge1 the speakout. But it was effecllve. Now ffi)'. view has changed."' Kamilah t Howard Baske1ball spots have emerged. Junior Pnil Association and Undergraduate Miller and Melanie Alslon said the rhetoric and niers. Issues arc 10 Chenier was player of 1he week in Trustee candidates voiced student theme Sankofa symbolizes include each and every one of you Gilmore, a junior oiology major, lhe beginning of the Mid­ said. Athletic Conference season the MEAC last week and has concerns al the second General continuance of 1he Howard family and revam1_>ing the library sys1em. developed the confidence needed to Assembly Elections Speakout and their leadership acumen can I'm not JUSI talkin g bu t am Savoy Brummer said he became tr men jumping 10 a 4-0 ,1ar1 more enlightened after hearing the llit Lady Bison defeating the be a leader nexl year. Wednesday night. further the Uni\'ersi1y. implementing."' The Lady Bison picked to finish Elections Vice-Chair LaMonl '"We can't afford shaky Incumbent Omar Karim candidates. )•fa,ored Florida A&M "I go1 10 see different ii} Raulereucs to compile second in 1he Pre-Season MEAC Geddis was pleased wi th the leadershiP. when the administration defended his position of solely rankings are currently in third s1uden1 turnout. doesn'I take input of 1he Mudents," lobbyi'hg flat 1ui1ion for next year ~rspec11ves,"' the sophomore said. of 3-1. the, have cooled ··The speakoul was better ronsiderabl) going into 1hc place. When the regular season ·'This is one of the largest Miller said. ··we can relate 10 1he and the eleminated in1erna1ional ends tomorrow after the game turnouts," he said. •·sruden1s are problems:· s1uden1 surcharge. coordinated than last year, but I'll I.IC tournament. held at '"h's not me. Omar didn't do it. have 10 go 10 more speakou1s to be State in Baltimore. MD. against 1hc University of Maryland, gelling involved. We had a larger Jamal Joncs-Dulani and E.L,tern Shore. the Lady Bison ( 13- turnout al Meridian than on Earamichica Brown, also for the Ifs we, the movemen1:· he said. more educated." 1-1. If elected for a second 1erm. While fourth-year political le men arc currently in a two• 1O. I 0-4 in MEAC) will more 1han campu<· HUSA presidency slates. said it is likely go into 1he MEAC The candidates not only the responsiblity of the students to Karim hopes to improve the scier,ce major Memone Paden said ~iirthird place in the MEAC communication be1ween Trustee there was no mud-slinging.
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