US 20120174031Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2012/0174031 A1 DONDURUR et a]. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 5, 2012 (54) CLICKLESS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (52) US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 715/808 (75) Inventors: MEHMET DONDURUR, (57) ABSTRACT DHAHRAN (SA); AHMET Z. SAHIN’ DH AHRAN (SA) The chckless graphical user mterface provldes a pop-up Wm doW When a cursor is moved over designated areas on the (73) Assigneez KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF screen. The pop-up WindoW includes menu item choices, e. g., PETROLEUM AND MINERALS “double click”, “single click”, “close” that execute ‘When the DH AHRAN (SA) ’ cursor is moved over the item. This procedure eliminates the traditional ‘mouse click’, thereby allowing users to move the cursor over the a lication or ?le and 0 en it b choosin (21) Appl' NO" 12/985’165 among the aforerrrifntioned choices in the? ?le or Zipplicatior'i . bein focused on. The 0 -u WindoW shoWs the navi ation (22) Flled: Jan‘ 5’ 2011 choiges in the form of 1; tgxt,pe.g., yes/no or color, egg, red/ _ _ _ _ blue, or character, such as triangle for ‘yes’ and square for Pubhcatlon Classl?catlon ‘no’. Pop-up WindoW indicator types are virtually unlimited (51) Int, Cl, and canbe changed to any text, color or character. The method G06F 3/048 (200601) is compatible With touch pads and mouses. .5 10a About This Cam pater Appearance 5;‘ Fort Menu ?ptinns System Pm?ler Talk Calculatar Coloriync J43 Chooser {antral Strip limltruli Panels; Date 3; ‘time I» f Favmjltes } Extensions Manager B "Dali?i ?' File Exchange Q Key Caps File Sharing Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 3 US 2012/0174031 A1 m2. mcv ESE-ma: 3.523Ebm 3?.2:;w $353.23 03:33.4 in.” mama-3 ummmm??m Amz?mzwt?kwmmzmi * wmamzuum2E warn-.52E 552E:mmém illaail page.“.2;EEK-E3. BEE-gnu ummaosvmbé.7 “33:3£25m “322E” .@mam-ma: mun-nu>3. at Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 2012/0174031 Al 2.2. 555g:55 3.523at“; 2:;a,3.5 LEE»55.3.5 * $5.222Enigma 9E2;2: 3233a: 25 "H5233 “2:52: A3:23am2: N.mt 3:555355;... ?wzmm3.52.3 muzmt?wmag?. “3.325 Q:amin-m. has33 bun-2:25 .5395 5 ari. Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 2012/0174031 A1 as; NF Q2. 02. mcuwncacme.‘ ER553. .....w,_w:.?wmin. “gum~555 LuamzmImzuizm?? wmgmivm2E 3:535...» E5 “555,3 E353: 2E2...2... 15In.‘ 55.EE.imam-45.51m mum-MG:@ EEG.53 arm...-.. US 2012/0174031A1 Jul. 5, 2012 CLICKLESS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE [0010] These and other features of the present invention Will become readily apparent upon further revieW of the fol BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION loWing speci?cation and draWings. [0001] 1. Field of the Invention BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0002] The present invention relates to a graphical user interface (GUI), and more particularly to a clickless graphical [0011] FIG. 1 is a screen shot shoWing a text-based embodi user interface (GUI) that eliminates the need for mouse clicks ment of a clickless graphic user interface according to the for activation of objects pointed to by a cursor. present invention. [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art [0012] FIG. 2 is a screen shot shoWing a color-based embodiment of the clickless graphic user interface according [0004] Many computer operating systems on personal to the present invention. computers, desktops, notebooks, and laptops have a graphical [0013] FIG. 3 is a screen shot shoWing a color-based interface that utiliZes clickable icons and menus on the com embodiment of the clickless graphic user interface according puter screen. To input commands to the computer, a user to the present invention. commonly uses a mouse to move a cursor over an object of [0014] Similar reference characters denote corresponding interest on the screen, and then physically clicks on an appro features consistently throughout the attached draWings. priate mouse button to activate an icon, button, Web page link, drag-doWn menu, or the like associated With the object of interest pointed to by the cursor. The trend of using mouse DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS clicks for input appears likely to continue into the future, as it has become ingrained into the Way We interact With our com [0015] The clickless graphical user interface has been puters. developed in a text-based embodiment of a clickless graphi [0005] Clicking on a mouse button requires a certain cal user interface 10a (shoWn in FIG. 1), a color-based nimbleness in the user’s ?ngers, especially for such opera embodiment of a clickless graphical user interface 10b tions as double-clicks (in Which the user clicks on the mouse (shoWn in FIG. 2), and a shape-based embodiment of a click button tWice in rapid succession), drag-and-drops (in Which less graphical user interface 100 (shoWn in FIG. 3), Which the user clicks and holds the mouse button, moves the cursor provide a pop-up WindoW or pop-up menu When a cursor is and then releases the mouse button), copy-and-paste (in moved over designated areas on the screen (it Will be under Which the cursor is moved to the beginning of the text, the stood that “moved over” means moving the cursor and retain mouse button held doWn, and the cursor dragged across the ing the cursor in the desired position for a predetermined text to be marked), and even triple-clicks (in Which the user period of time), e. g., by moving a mouse. The pop-up WindoW presses the button three times in quick succession, most com 12 includes a choice of menu items, e.g., “double click”, monly seen in Word processors and Web broWsers to select a “single click”, “close”, etc., that execute When the cursor is Whole section of text). HoWever, a clumsy user or one Who is When moved over the item. This procedure eliminates the suffering from arthritis or other ailments of the ?nger joints traditional ‘mouse click,’ thereby alloWing users to move the may lack the capacity to perform these actions, Which may be cursor over the application or ?le and open it by choosing required to operate the computer properly. among the aforementioned menu item choices provided for [0006] Studies have shoWn that a user may click the mouse the ?le or application being focused on. button more than tWo million times a year. Users are begin [0016] As shoWn in FIG. 1, the pop-up WindoW 12 can ning to tire of the same old interfacing methodologies, Which display the navigation choices in the form of a text (Y 1411 for strain users’ digits. There is a long felt need for a better yes/N 16a for no), Y 1411 causing the ?le or application to methodology for using graphical user interfaces. open, and N 1611 causing the ?le or application to close or go [0007] Thus, a clickless graphical user interface solving the back or cancel an action. Instead of “Y” and “N”, the menu aforementioned problems is desired. items may be the Words “Open”, “Close”, and “Cancel”, or any other descriptive Word or phrase suitable to the context. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0017] As shoWn in FIG. 2, the pop-up WindoW 12 can display the navigation choices in the form of colors e. g., red [0008] The clickless graphical user interface provides a 20, green 22, or blue 18, Where blue 18 is used to open an pop-up WindoW When a cursor is moved over designated areas application, ?le or folder, red 20 is used to close, and green 22 on the screen. The pop-up WindoW includes choices, e.g., is used to cancel an action. “double click”, “single click”, “close” that execute When a [0018] As shoWn in FIG. 3, the pop-up WindoW 12 can mouse is moved over the menu item. This procedure elimi display the navigation choices in the form of iconic indicia nates the traditional ‘mouse click’, thereby alloWing users to distinguished by the shape of the icon or symbol, e.g., triangle move the cursor over the application or ?le and open it by 14b for ‘yes’ and hexagon 16b for ‘no’. choosing among the aforementioned choices in the ?le or [0019] The pop-up WindoW indicator types of 10a, 10b, and application being focused on. 100 are virtually unlimited and can be changed to any text, [0009] The pop-up WindoW shoWs the navigation choices in color, character, or visual indicia. Thus, clickless ?le naviga the form of a text (yes/no) or color (Red/blue), or character tion is provided. The method is easier to use, faster to navi (such as triangle for ‘yes’ and square for ‘no’). Pop-up Win gate, and eliminates the noise of a mouse click. The method is doW indicator types are unlimited and can be changed to any compatible With touch pads and mouses. Thus, navigation text, color or character. Thus, clickless ?le navigation is pro style is re?ected in the type of text, color or shape used, and vided. The method is easier to use, faster to navigate, and the ?nal action choice re?ects the functionality to ?naliZe a eliminates the noise of the mouse click. The method is com navigation action initiated by the user positioning of a cursor patible With touch pads and mouses. on an object, item, or visual image displayed on the screen. US 2012/0174031A1 Jul.
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