Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 2000 Daily Egyptian 2000 7-25-2000 The Daily Egyptian, July 25, 2000 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July2000 Volume 85, Issue 182 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2000 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 2000 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. dailycgyptian.com .;;•". _ ·. :'. · · SOUTHERN llLINOIS. UNIVERSITY ,t\T CARBONDALE" ·. · - .c ·:,,__::"·,. =-;· •~ ,>~}\ ~m ' .' (left) Tim Carter hangs a gas lam;, at the base of their bat catching operation as Steve Carroll • prepares other aspects of the •camp in the Shawnee Forrest. (Below) Stretched out with a one foot wingspan, the Hoary bat is one of the largest · types of bats found in Illinois. Batmen A DAILY EGYPTIAN reporter travels into the Shawnee National Forest w:!!1 two SIUC graduate students in zoology. There, ~h.ey look for a mammal they say is misunderstood. Bats are not just mischaracterize_~! J!tey J!!Y, ·•~'-•. ____ ,.., ____ ,..,. ____ ' - .,,._, --,----.-~-···~·•·'- ~~ they could be disappearing. See related story, page 4 Vice president arrested Scott Belton is charged with driving without New president to be named Wednesday a 1:cense twice. KATE McCANN the Recreation Center to consider the appointmen.t of a Government President Bill Archer said he is confident page3 GOVERNMENT EDITOR new president. A news conference will follow the conclu­ any of the three finalists will adequately perform the sion of the meeting in Carbondale. Later that afternoon, duties of president. The SIU Board ofTrustccs will announce the final a press conference will take place in Edwardsville. "I honestly believe any of the people we interviewed candidate chosen for the position of SIU President at a The advisory committee to the presidential search will would do a good job," Archer said. special meeting Wednesday in Carbondale. not find out who the favored C:llldidate is until the morn­ Archer :ilio said the naming of a president will steer The final candidate will likely be in attendance at the ing of the announcement, according to an e-mail sent by the University into a more stable environment. Adult store meeting, according to Scott Kaiser, spokesman for the Sharon Hahs to the other committee members. "Once we get a permanent president and a permanent Obscenity debate Office of the President Because names of candidates an: never mentioned chancellor, the University could probably get out of the heats up in However, the permanent president will not begin over e-mails as in committee policy, a number used to mud hole it's in," Archer said. Williamson immediately. The projected date he \,ill take office has identify the new president will be released to committee As the end of the confidential and controversial six County over not yet been decided by University officials. meml,,ers Wednesday morning. month search draws to an end, at least one committee new store. The anticipated announcement comes eight months The Office of the President would not release any member says she is relieved. after former President Ted Sanders' resignati9n. Interim information on the three finalists, although it was indi­ Carolyn Donow, the Administrative and Professional page3 President Frank Horton currently tills the position, cated a favored candidate had been chosen: However, the Staff representative to the search committee, could not although he will step down when the new president offi­ final candidate will not be official until the board votes cially takes over. Wednesday. A press release said Monday the board will meet in Committee member and Undeigraduate Student SEE PRESIDENT, PAGES .Argersinger lawsuit to ·be ~agans - o~ of in· the courtroom friday the broom closet SIU BOT motion f.rgersinger, alleging the The board's attorneys weekend, but about 40 area board acted in violation of maintain that Argersinger Pagans picnic pagans came together to share •NdPMI to dismiss will the Illinois Open Meeting was asked to resign and in the park sodas, sun and spe~. lODAY Act by terminating her in presented with a severance The event, which was billed as Cloudy be considered May 1999. Called into offer at that meeting, and SEAN HANNIGAN "Pagans in the Park,• w-..s open to question by the motion is that she was not terminat­ DAILY EGYPTIAN REPORTER the public, but according to Tara High: 89 DAVID OSBORNE whether or not ed ~ntil a later, public Nelsen, head of the Southern Low: 60 DAILY EOVPT14N REPORTER Argersinger was actually meetmg. A gathering of witches and Illinois Pagan Alliance, not C\-eiy terminated in the special Amcrsinger has main­ pagans stood in a circle in god was welcome - even if they lOMORROW The SIU Board of meeting May 26, 1999, or tainecl' that because she Eveigreen Park Saturday with brought their own hot dogs. Trustees' motion to dis­ at an open meetingJune 5, was told her termination eyes closed and hands out­ Gods don't always work \,-ell Cloudy miss the lawsuit brought 1999. was wirrcvocable" when she stretched. Don Elwell walked with others. High: 90 by SIU C's former chancel­ The motion filed' by received the severance among them calling out the "You have to be careful which Low: 65 lor will be heard on Friday attorneys for the boarcl offer, final action was names of va.-ious gods and imit­ spirits you summon. They don't in Jackson County Cimut claims no wfinal action" taken at the closed meet­ ing them to join the picnic. all get along," Nelson expfained, Court. was taken at the May 26 ing It's not known if any deities as she sat on the roots of an SINGLE COPY FREF. The motion seeks to meeting, and as result, no . took him up on the offer, espe• \'OL 85, :S:O. 182 dismiss the lawsuit violation of the Open cially since there was a competing 8 PAGl:5 brought by Jo Ann Meetir.g Act occurred. SEE AGERSINGER, PAGE 5 pagan gathering in Sr. Louis this SEE PAGI\NS, PAGE 5 ,,:' ..,. :- . _..·. Dm.r Fllffltt C? · TUESOAY, JULY 25, 2000 .. -PACE 2 Wt41W-ni;M -~ DM~in. ,. :. ,: . .. to 3 p.m. July 27, Morris Library Room· THIS DAY IN 1967: ·--:_ itpublishcaM~y 103 D, 453·2818, ·. · 1hrough Frid>y, during • The Board of Trustees discussed the lheC.Uandspring • BlbJe·study by Black Student'· • campus Senate's decision to discontinue acmc.tmi and four rimn Ministries, 5:30 p.m. July 30, Student financing the student bus service for the aWttkduring1he Center, cambria room, Lamel 351-8734. next fall semester. ,ummicr tcmntcr CX"J'I duritig vxations and TODAY • Southern Illinois Pagan Alliance, · • SIU Transportation Institute was funded a · cnm w«b by the : • Chi Alpha presents an African Literary Discussion Group. Meets every S25,000 federal contract to conduct a •. students of Southern .~ · • Library Affairs lntroducti~n" to Constructing.Web Pages (HTML), 9:30 American Bible Study, 7 p.m. Every Mon. regarding the first Mon. of the ~~~~~1;a~f:cilh~~nland ~atery.'ay port . IUiooi1UniV'ICnityar .--1· Wed. Student Center's Mississippi month. 7 to 9 p.m. Longbranch CarbondJ.le. , .... to -11:30 a.ni. Morris Library Room 103 529-7197. D, 453-7~18. Room located on the Sl!cond floor, Coffeehoure. Marcus Editor-in·Crucf: ~' Kudzai 54!:l-7088. • Pope Paul VI inade his fifth trip abroad to DAPIINtRf:nEA'.-, · · • Salukl Volunteer Core needs volun• lstanbu~ Turkey, despite a disastrous earth- • library Affairs Finding Full Text leers to assist with on-air fundraising quake. • AdMan,gcr:_ .. Artides, 2 to 3 p.m. Morris Library • Library Affairs, Java Script. 10 to RAcllEL n10MASSIE • foom 103,D, 453-2818.351-7573. , 11 :30 a.m. July 27, Morris Library Cu.nificd: Room 1030, 453·2818: . .. :~~~~~/i~.dl!~=;;~~~~s • Conrad Optical, located in Carbondale and T.UIEKA 8UL Building. Frances 453-4161 or 800-745· . Herrin: had a special for a S3.50 thorough 1 Bu,in«s: UPCOMING . • Art In the c;'arden, Ear-Relevant. 12 to 9748. · '!fl! examination and a one-day service that was available for most eye wear starting at a Tm MAmscLY , ·• SIUC and IDOT are offering free 1 P.M. University Museum Sculpture Ad Production: ; Saulukl Volunteer Corps, 1/olunteers low price of S9.50. · · . motorcycle rider course, August 18-20. Garden, northwest side of Faner Hall • needed to sell tickets for tlie Science 'TRA\1SASCEL Safety Center Building #56, Pre-register William 453-5388. General M1nagcr: Center, 6 to 8 p.m. August 12, • "Eldorado: starring John Wayne and at 1-800-642-9589. Robert Mitchum, was showing at th_ e Fox RoBERTjAROSS • Library Affairs, Forms with HTML. 2 · University Mall. Jim 529-5431._ Foru!rylll.rui;ing&li11><: . Eastgate Theab'e \n car~cmdale. , LAsctSMDU: ·."t Display Ad Dim:cor: SIIERJU KIWON •.. : .. H·Ht•l;H-hl!i• -.··•i•hhH•UdU~ -. Cw,ificd Ad :,bn,gc:r: R~~d;rs whci spot an error in a news }ERllYBUSII . UNIVERSITY artide PrcssroornSupervisor: arrested at 4:04 a.m. Sunday and bicyde and Hee on foot next to the rear , should contact the DAILY EGYPTWf Accuracy EoDEL\IASTllO • Matthew D. Pyle, 18, of Du Quoin, charged with domestic battery, . entrance bf the Uptown Motel in the Desk at 536-3311, extension 228 or 229• was arrested at 8:08 i,.m. Thursday in obstructing j'ustice, unlawful restraint 300 block of East Walnut Street The '02000D.ULY Ern-r11.\.'i.Allright1 · the-Old Main Mall anil charged with and crimina damage to state property.
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