Tabel Atribute RO 11.05.2015

Tabel Atribute RO 11.05.2015

Garda Cod / Validare Justificari eliminare (doar la nivel Id trup ID judet / trup Judet Bazinet C1 C2 C3 C4 Forestiera Nivel risc finala de bazinete /trup) 7 AB-7 Cluj AB Molivis AB-7 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 9 AB-9 Cluj AB Miras (Cotul) AB-9 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 10 AB-10 Cluj AB Raul Mic AB-10 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 12 AB-12 Cluj AB Martinie (Marginea, Tetu) AB-12 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 14 AB-14 Cluj AB Grosesti AB-14 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 15 AB-15 Cluj AB Brustura AB-15 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 16 AB-16 Cluj AB Valea Tonii AB-16 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 19 AB-19 Cluj AB Chipesa AB-19 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 20 AB-20 Cluj AB Garbova AB-20 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 26 AB-26 Cluj AB Boz AB-26 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 27 AB-27 Cluj AB Vingard AB-27 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 29 AB-29 Cluj AB Ungurei AB-29 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 30 AB-30 Cluj AB Gardan AB-30 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 31 AB-31 Cluj AB Ohaba (Valea Mare) AB-31 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 38 AB-38 Cluj AB Cenade AB-38 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 39 AB-39 Cluj AB Tarnava (Tarnava Mare) AB-39 Total trup 0 0 0 0 galben 40 AB-40 Cluj AB Lodroman AB-40 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 41 AB-41 Cluj AB Valea Lunga (Tauni) AB-41 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 44 AB-44 Cluj AB Graben AB-44 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 45 AB-45 Cluj AB Spinoasa AB-45 Total trup 1 1 0 1 rosu 46 AB-46 Cluj AB Tatarlaua AB-46 Total trup 1 1 0 1 rosu 48 AB-48 Cluj AB Veseus AB-48 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 49 AB-49 Cluj AB Pe Dealul cel mai Departe AB-49 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 53 AB-53 Cluj AB Dunarita (Bucerdea) AB-53 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 55 AB-55 Cluj AB Odverem AB-55 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 57 AB-57 Cluj AB Farau AB-57 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 58 AB-58 Cluj AB Pusta Bagaului AB-58 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 59 AB-59 Cluj AB Ciunga AB-59 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 63 AB-63 Cluj AB Ciugud AB-63 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 64 AB-64 Cluj AB Mahaceni AB-64 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 65 AB-65 Cluj AB Miraslau AB-65 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 74 AB-74 Cluj AB Poieni AB-74 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 75 AB-75 Cluj AB Inzel AB-75 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 77 AB-77 Cluj AB Bedeleu AB-77 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 81 AB-81 Cluj AB Posaga AB-81 Total trup 1 1 0 0 galben 82 AB-82 Cluj AB Salciuta AB-82 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 83 AB-83 Cluj AB Aries (Ariesul Mare) AB-83 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 84 AB-84 Cluj AB Valea Larga AB-84 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 88 AB-88 Cluj AB Galda AB-88 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 89 AB-89 Cluj AB Galdita (Necrilesti) AB-89 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 95 AB-95 Cluj AB Cricau AB-95 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 98 AB-98 Cluj AB Valea lui Bibat AB-98 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 100 AB-100 Cluj AB Ampoi AB-100 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 103 AB-103 Cluj AB Paclisa (Stracila) AB-103 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 106 AB-106 Cluj AB Blandiana (Carna ) AB-106 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 110 AB-110 Cluj AB Cioara (Valea lui Stan) AB-110 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 111 AB-111 Cluj AB Freman AB-111 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 112 AB-112 Cluj AB Valea Vintului AB-112 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 114 AB-114 Cluj AB Rachita AB-114 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 118 AB-118 Cluj AB Ardeu (Glod, Almas) AB-118 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 122 AB-122 Cluj AB Valtori (Runc) AB-122 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 125 AB-125 Cluj AB Valea Cerbului (Valea Poienii) AB-125 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 126 AB-126 Cluj AB Valea Buciumanilor (Valea Alba) AB-126 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 127 AB-127 Cluj AB Corna AB-127 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 129 AB-129 Cluj AB Ciuruleasa AB-129 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 130 AB-130 Cluj AB Cernita AB-130 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 131 AB-131 Cluj AB Poiana AB-131 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 132 AB-132 Cluj AB Sohodol (Valea Seaca) AB-132 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 133 AB-133 Cluj AB Abrud AB-133 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 134 AB-134 Cluj AB Rosia Montana AB-134 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 135 AB-135 Cluj AB Valea Dolii (Valea Morii) AB-135 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 136 AB-136 Cluj AB Valea Caselor AB-136 Total trup 1 0 0 1 rosu 137 AB-137 Cluj AB Bistra AB-137 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 139 AB-139 Cluj AB Bistrisoara AB-139 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 141 AB-141 Cluj AB Valea Mare AB-141 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 147 AB-147 Cluj AB Valea Muscanilor AB-147 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 150 AB-150 Cluj AB Cioara AB-150 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 151 AB-151 Cluj AB Sartas AB-151 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 156 AB-156 Cluj AB Geoagiu (Manastirea) AB-156 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 157 AB-157 Cluj AB Plescuta AB-157 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 159 AB-159 Cluj AB Neagra AB-159 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 160 AB-160 Cluj AB Lazesti AB-160 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 161 AB-161 Cluj AB Vidrisoara AB-161 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 163 AB-163 Cluj AB Bucura AB-163 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 164 AB-164 Cluj AB Valea Cepelor AB-164 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 165 AB-165 Cluj AB Cobles AB-165 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 166 AB-166 Cluj AB Garda Seaca AB-166 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 168 AB-168 Cluj AB Albac AB-168 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 170 AB-170 Cluj AB Arada AB-170 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 171 AB-171 Cluj AB Lamasoaia AB-171 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 174 AB-174 Cluj AB Rat AB-174 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 176 AB-176 Cluj AB Sebes AB-176 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 177 AB-177 Cluj AB Veza AB-177 Total trup 1 0 0 0 galben 1 AG-1 Ploiesti AG Bratia 1 AG-1 Ploiesti AG Slanic AG-1 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 4 AG-4 Ploiesti AG Bratia 4 AG-4 Ploiesti AG Navrap AG-4 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 6 AG-6 Ploiesti AG Bratioara AG-6 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 7 AG-7 Ploiesti AG Raul Targului 7 AG-7 Ploiesti AG Bratia 7 AG-7 Ploiesti AG Bughea AG-7 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 8 AG-8 Ploiesti AG Raul Targului 8 AG-8 Ploiesti AG Argesel 8 AG-8 Ploiesti AG Bughea 8 AG-8 Ploiesti AG Valea Romanestilor 8 AG-8 Ploiesti AG Poenari AG-8 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 9 AG-9 Ploiesti AG Bughea AG-9 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 10 AG-10 Ploiesti AG Raul Targului AG-10 Total trup 1 0 1 0 rosu 12 AG-12 Ploiesti AG Raul Targului 12 AG-12 Ploiesti AG Batrana (Catunul) AG-12 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 13 AG-13 Ploiesti AG Raul Targului 13 AG-13 Ploiesti AG Argesel AG-13 Total trup 1 0 1 0 rosu 14 AG-14 Ploiesti AG Valea Badenilor AG-14 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 15 AG-15 Ploiesti AG Dambovita 15 AG-15 Ploiesti AG Valea Badenilor 15 AG-15 Ploiesti AG Valea lui Coman AG-15 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 16 AG-16 Ploiesti AG Dambovita 16 AG-16 Ploiesti AG Rausor 16 AG-16 Ploiesti AG Valea Caselor 16 AG-16 Ploiesti AG Hotarul AG-16 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 17 AG-17 Ploiesti AG Dambovita 17 AG-17 Ploiesti AG Rausor AG-17 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 18 AG-18 Ploiesti AG Dambovita 18 AG-18 Ploiesti AG Cascue AG-18 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 19 AG-19 Ploiesti AG Dambovita 19 AG-19 Ploiesti AG Cascue AG-19 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 21 AG-21 Ploiesti AG Dambovita 21 AG-21 Ploiesti AG Dambovicioara AG-21 Total trup 1 1 1 0 rosu 23 AG-23 Ploiesti AG Valea Cheii (Rudarita) AG-23 Total trup 0 1 1 0 rosu 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG VEDEA 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Vedita 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Marghia 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Bumbuieni 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Ulmul Mare 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Ursoaia (Vlascuta) 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Burdea 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Cupen 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Runc 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Sbagreaza 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Tecuci 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Ceroaia 24 AG-24 Ploiesti AG Balacel AG-24 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Paraul Cainelui 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Burdea 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Lazaroaia 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Bucov 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Elesteu 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Teleormanel 25 AG-25 Ploiesti AG Zambreasca AG-25 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG ARGES 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Teleorman 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Albota 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Rogoz 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Neajlov 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Dambovnic 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Rata 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Valea Copacilor 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Mozacu 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Bumbuieni 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Gligan 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Ungureni 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Holboca 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Paraul Cainelui 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Baidana 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Berivoaia 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Burdea 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Negras 26 AG-26 Ploiesti AG Lazaroaia AG-26 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 27 AG-27 Ploiesti AG Neajlov 27 AG-27 Ploiesti AG Dambovnic 27 AG-27 Ploiesti AG Mozacu 27 AG-27 Ploiesti AG Neajlovel 27 AG-27 Ploiesti AG Holboca AG-27 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Vedita 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Valea Boului 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Cires 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Tisar 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Marghia 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Ceptura 28 AG-28 Ploiesti AG Ulmul Mare AG-28 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 29 AG-29 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 29 AG-29 Ploiesti AG Vedita 29 AG-29 Ploiesti AG Valea Boului 29 AG-29 Ploiesti AG Cires 29 AG-29 Ploiesti AG Ceptura AG-29 Total trup 1 1 0 0 rosu 30 AG-30 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 30 AG-30 Ploiesti AG Vartej 30 AG-30 Ploiesti AG Teleorman 30 AG-30 Ploiesti AG Albota AG-30 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Teleorman 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Albota 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Murbea 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Lipia 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Valea Copacilor 31 AG-31 Ploiesti AG Bumbuieni AG-31 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG VEDEA 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Cotmenita 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Cargrea (Cunorea) 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Trepteanca 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Vedita 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Cioraca 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Lungot 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Topolog 32 AG-32 Ploiesti AG Topolog AG-32 Total trup 0 1 0 0 rosu 33 AG-33 Ploiesti AG Cotmeana 33 AG-33 Ploiesti AG Cotmenita AG-33 Total trup 0 1 0 0

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