SUPPORT TRAVEL TO THE WHITTIER Y DRIVE CIILlfORNl1I TECH TOMORROW CflliffJfnifl Institutl of TecllnoloKY Volume L. ____________________________~ _________ Thursday, February 3, 1949____________________________________________ No. 15 ASCIT Nomination Assembly Job Seeki~q To, YFinance Drive Set for Tech, Set For Week From Friday Positions Open for Nine on Board of Directors, B,~~~~:~~~:~ent, the Alumni-Beaver lectures Goal of $2,250 Establl·shed Publication Editors and Business Monagers turn to the jobhunting side of >$> On Friday. February 11, one week from tomorrow, the an· the placement picture. Next nual ASCIT nominations assembly will be held in Culbertson Hall M Ak d f St· f At this time nominations to the ASCIT offices for the third term ~~nn"~~:'ni~~~ S~~~~;r:~n~: Throopers to Vote oney s e or uppor 0 this year and the first two of the next will be publicly announced The procedure will be the same as that given by the corporation for Success," followed by "The 0 Off T d E d d P am of ServI'ce By·Laws in the Little T. Candidates for the offices of ASCIT ~~~b!~i:; t~~Os~il~!S f~~II\;Ot~~ n lcers 0 a~ xpan e roqr President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Athletic Manager, subJ·ect of "Summer Jobs." Throop men will decide today N ew Y A ctov,toes... lidnc u e G ra d uate L unc h eon CI u,b Seminars, Publicity Manager, a first Repre->$> The man talking non-techni- on the men to lead the club next cally will be an industrial engi- year. Voting is expected to be Christmas Vesper Services, Meeting of New Foreign Students sentative atLarge, and a second YSmokers WI'II neer, M.r. William V. Roberts. heavy at this election as most of The campus YMCA drive will get off to a flying start on Mon­ Representatlve at Large, Yell Mr. Roberts is a graduate of the candidates are eve n I Y day when more than 125 men will go out to raise $2,250 for the Leader, Rail y Commissioner, M.LT., Class of 1912, and has matched. Nominees include Ralf support of the Y. The drive will continue throughout the week Editor of the California Tech, worked with such organizations Erickson and Galt Booth for and during that time every person on campus will be contacted Business Manager of the Califor­ Feature Athletics as the Rolls Royce Company, PreSident, Walt Pfeiffer and Don by one of the solicitors. nia tech, Editor of the Big T, A Y sponsored Smoker will be The Boeing Company, the Cali- Jennings for Vice-President, Abe Harry Begg, general chairman of the drive and Y treasurer, fornia Container Corporation, George and Duane Neverman for announced that the Y needs to secure about one-fourth of its total and Business Manager of the Big held on the evening of Monday, and the Fisk Rubber Company. Treasurer, and Bob Cobb and <i> budget of $9,49'i from the cam- T, will be nominated at this February 7. in Culbertson Hall meeting. Starting at 7:30, the program will As an industria,l engineer, he Dick Weeks for Secretary. World Peace Talks pus. About one-third of the Y became interested in the mer- Voting will , take place at budget is secured from the Insti- Nominations feature lots of wrestling, and a tram polin troupe, the whole chandising aspect, and soon Throop Club Lounge between the S f tute Board of Trustees and the Nominations for a given office show being held under the em· found out that no matter how hours of 12 and 1 today, Thurs· et Dr Whittier PMadena YMCA and the rest must remain open for thirty sec­ ceeing abilities of Professor Hal'· good an item is, its sale largely day, February 3. must be secured in direct contri~ onds after the last nomination, vey Eagleson. depends on the methods of mer- Following elections, the social A one day Institute of Inter- butions from students, faculty, and during that time any addi­ chandising applied. He also be- program keeps underway with a national Relations will be held parents, alumni, and friends. tional nominations may be made Match lieves this is true of an engi. barn dance on Saturday night- at Whittier College on February In a pre·drive campaIgn among from the fioor. However, nomi­ Sta,rting off the program, is a neer's ability. to be held in the best barn avail- 12 under the auspices of the YM, the 22 Y Cabinet members, a to. nees for the offices of Business wres~ling match by two Pasa­ Time and pla.ce are the same, able, i.e. Throop Lounge. The YW, American Friends Service tal of $206.50 was contributed for Managers on either of the pul>­ dena business men, Wally Swan­ but for those who tuned in late, usual barn dance attractions Committee, and the Fellowship an average of $9.39 per man. lications must be approved by son, local butcher, and Caryl its Dabney Lounge, Wednesday have been scheduled plus some of Reconciliation. the ASCIT board as to business Spear, P.P.D., and following this afternoon, at 4:30. good 01' square dancin'. 8:30 is Theme and Purpose Last Year ability. In the case an office has professional event are four box the time to be there if you don't The theme of the Institute will During the past year the Y has but one candidate, the nominar lng matches by campus celebri­ want to miss anything. be "Why is there no peace?" The been carrying on an expanded tions for that office remain open ties. Other events of this term will Institute was called for the pur- program of activities and serv­ for seven days after the assem­ Alumni Organize include the annual Throop-Rick- pose of enabling college students ices. A newall-time ' high was Next will be a slug fest be set in attenda.nce at Y activities bly. Offices which have two or tween Jack Ottestad (Dabney) etts semi-formal dance in Dab- of all races to come together to more candidates at the assembly and Hal Martin (Off-Campus), Place~ent Service ney Lounge on February 12, and consider the crucial issues un this past year with an aggregate are considered closed thirty sec­ followed by a thrilling mixup be­ the Pasadena Playhouse party dermining world peace. count of 8,3:'': participating in Y Many moons ago it was an­ on 25 February. Able Leaders programs and using Y services. onds after the last nomination tween Fred Smith (Fleming) nounced by the Alumni Associa- for that office. and Ed Welch (Dabney). The There will be some outstand- 'During the year, under the Y tion that a board of placement R d T lk S f ing leadership, and Martin Hall auspices, there were a lotal of Imminent evening's final bout will see Mal consultants for undergraduates Hickey (Dabney) meet an un­ a ar a et Dr and Malcolm Dana are scheduled. 255 meetings and 122 different It is now but a short time until would be organized. This feat Martin Hall is an able lecturer, speakers talked before Y spon­ known-at-press~time challenger. the nominations assembly, and Refereeing the bouts will be May has been accomplished, and now IRE-CES Meetl'n writer, and well known to lots sored meetings. yet 'many offices need capable a board of more than 60 experts, rr~ Barrs, assisted by timer Bruce of Tech students. Malcolm Dana There was increased participa· candida tes. The first nine offices in every field, are ready to give There will be another CES as- Hedrick, and Judges Dr. John is the former president of Pied- tion in the Luncheon clubs, Fire­ listed form the ASCIT Board of the students vocational guidance, sembly on Monday, February 7, Schutz and Dean Paul Eaton. mont C.ollege, Georgia and Olivet sides, and Forums as well as Directors, and the President and and thus help them make wiser 11 a.m., in 201 Bridge. This meet­ College, Michigan. more students making use of the Vice-President are members of More Yet decisions in their problems of ing is sponsored by the LR.E. Ante and Reservations book exchange and the loan the Board of Control. The stu­ But this isn't aJl! Included in options and job applications. The and features Mr. R. B. Bonney Reservations must be in by fund. dent body funds, activities, social the evening's ·prgram will be a operation is just as simple. The . of the Electronic Engineering February 9th. You may make New Activities affairs, and functions are all con­ Trampolin Troupe led by Jack interested undergrad, or grad, Compariy of California with his yours at the Y. The total cost New activities included a Grad­ trolled and guided by these elect· Brown, Physical Education In· merely goes to the faculty mem- talk on the "584" Automatic is $2.85. For more information uate Lunch Club, "Slide Rule" ed officers. structor at Carmelita Junior bers on this committee in charge Tra.cking Radar. This device, de­ see VVes lIershey. and "How to Study" Seminars, af division in which information High, and including two Junior veloped by the M.LT. Radiation and Christmas Vesper Service. Opportunity is desired, and obtains the names, High girls and two boys, 7 and 9 Laboratories, is one of the most Also new this year was the meet~ There is an unusual opportu­ addresses and phone numbers of Mus i c will be provided important defense weapons to ing of 45 new students upon ar· nity here at Caltech to take part the consultants who can help.
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