Boris Wolfgan • as-:=;:..s~ ; . = tI. s. s. R. nZlC· WEST GERt1t ,------------------------------------ -----------, USCF BRINGS YOU The very newest chess teaching sensation, available immediately to members! Learn ta think the same way Bobby does. Learn by progressive understanding, not just by reading. Learn through the insight and talent af our greatest player, brought to you in easily absarbed, progressive, Programmed Instructian! A new method for learning chess hos been created by the education division of Xerox Corporation and co-authored by the youthful United States Chess Champion. The system is unique in that it is easy to understand, trains the player to think four moves ahead, and does not require the use of 0 chess board nor the Icarning of chess notation. It hos solved many long.standing proble ms in teaching chess and presents the course as a tutor would to a stude nt. The learner becomes on active participant from the very beginning by acting on 275 differe nt chess situations and immediately putting to use the new idea expressed with coch position. The reade r of this book require s no prior chess knowledge becouse of the introduction on rules and moves and the fact that chess notation is not used. Designed primarily for the beginner, " Bobby fischer Teaches Chess" will be inte resting to players in every category. Lower-rated USCF tourname nt players will find the course especially interesting, since al­ most every page contains (II problem-solving situation. The book is writte n in the first per­ son, with Fischer actually " talking" to the learne r-correcting and coaching him through the program like (II private tutor. The re are several positions from Bobby's championship games and the learner is taught to make the move Fischer would make. By the end of the course, the reader will be able to ploy the winning combination by thinking up to four moves ahead. " Bobby Fische r Teaches Chess" was co-authored by the champion; by Or. Stuart Margulies, a top psychologist of Basic Syste ms, Inc.; and by Donn Mosenfelder, a leading innovator in education. THE PERFECT GIFT TO THAT FRIEND WHO WANTS TO LEARN CHESS THE PERFECT BOOK TO SHARPEN COMBINATIVE & MATING POWERS BIBLIOPHILES: A must for your collection, regardless of your playing strength; beautifully designed, produced, and baund. Selling for $6.95 in leading Postpaid to bookstores and by mail order. USCF Members 5.90 USE ORDER BLANK ON PAGE 208. 198 CHESS LIFE .::r UNITED STATES ~ , Vol ume XXI N umber 9 Septe mber, 1966 EDITORS: Lt. Colonel E. B. Edmondson and Wm. Goichberg CONTENTS CHESS FEDERATION Piatigorsky Cup ., .... " ....... " .... , .. " ....... " ... " .. , ....... ....... , .. ..... , ......... 200, 219 PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland Byrne, Benko Tie in Open ......... " ... .................... .. .. ... ........ .... ......... .. ... .. ,,203 VICE-PRESIDENT Vo lley of the Moon .............. " ........... , .. ... " ........ , ........... .. .. .. .. .... ............. 203 Isaac Kashdan REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Martz Tokes Masters Open .. " .. "., .......... " ....................... ....... " .... ...... .. ,,203 NEW ENGLAND James Bolton Harold Dondl$ Ell liou rdon Chess Life Celebrates Twenty Years of Service, by EASTERN Robert LaBell" Peter P. Bedow ................... " .............. .. .. .................. " , .... .... ........ ".204 Lewis E. Wood "1lehacl Raimo MID·ATLANTIC Earl Clary U.S. Intercol legiate Pi ons, by Paul C. Joss ..... " .............. .. .. .. .. ....... .... ...... 205 Steve Carruthc" s Robert Erkes OOPs! (Ra ting Li st Corrections) " ............... .. .... .... " ............. ... ....... ..... ... .. 205 SOUTHERN P hilip Lamb Pe ter Lahde Catroll M. Crull Cata log Changes ................ .. , ... ", ................... ...... ........................ ...... .... 205 GREAT LAKES Donald W . HUdln~ Dr. Harvey McClellan V. K Vandenburg Western Open .......................... " .. " ........ "." .. ", ................... .... .... .... ... ... .206 NORTH CENTRAL Dr. George Tiers Hoberl Le rne r Chess Life Here & There ......... " ........... " .. , ... " ... , .. ... ..... ... , .. .. .. ....... 208, 213 K en Rykken SOUTHWESTERN W. W . Crew John A. Howell Attock a nd Defense, by Pol Benko .. ............ " , .. ... ... .. ... ............... ....... .. ... .210 Park Bishop PACIFIC Burrard Eddy Kenneth Jones Upset of a Champion, by Edmor Mednis ....... " .................... .. .. .. ... .......... .. 212 Col. Paul L. Webb SECRETARY, Upset in U.S. Junior Open ................. , ......................... .. .. ....... ..... .. ...... ... 215 Dr. Leroy Dubeck EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Gomes by USCF Members, by John W. Collins ..... ......... .... ... ............. ,.216 E. B. Edmondson NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Chess Tactics for Beginners, by Dr. Erich W . Morchar.d .............. ... .. .. ... 218 ARMED FORCES CHESS .. .......... __ _. noberl Karch COLLEGE CHESS .. _.• __ ......... ......... __ .. ... !"aul C. J oss Tournament life .. .. .. ... .. ... ..... ................................................................. 222 INOUSTRIAL CHESS... ... ......SI" "lcy W. I). Klnll- INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ........ .. ..Jcrry Spann W"m",,,', Int" rnal[onal.. ............ Kathryu Sl . \~j JUNIOR CHESS ............... ................... Robert Erkel MASTERS AFFAIRS ........ ... ............... Robcrt Byrne MEMBERSHIP ......... ...............•.. ... ..D onald Sehu ll ~ JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NATIONAL OPEN. ....................... Hcrma n F..alrada USCF II a DOD.profit democr atic or,anlullon. t he oWdal ,overnlng body a nd FIDE unit for NOMINATIONS .................................... Frank· Skoff RATINGS & PAIRINGS.... ....... ... .. Arpad E, Elo "hess In the USA. Anyone Interested 10 advpnclng Amulcan chess Is eligible for membership. RATING STATISTICIAN ............ Wm. Golchber, TAX DEDUCTIB1LITY .............. ......lIarold Oondls Mambershlp, Includln, CHESS LIFE , ubscriptlon. eligibility for USCY·ratlng, and aU TOURNAMENT ADM• ... .....Geo rge KOltanowl kl privilege.: 1 yr.: 5.00; 2 yn.: $9.50; 3 yr• . : $13.50; S Ul ta1n.ln" $10.00 (becomI ng liIe Member,h lp TOURNAMENT RUI..ES ...... .. ..... ... J ames SherwIn attn 10 payments); Life : flOO. OO. Famllv Mamb4i!rship Itwo or mOre family member. a t same TREASURER .. .............. ........ .......... Davld Hoftmann addr ess, only one CHESS Ln'E subscripllon): rate.s I , above for first family mem ber. plU5 U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP. ..... .......... Maurice Knper tollowln, tor each addlUon. 1 member: I yr.: $2.50; 2 yrs.: U .75; 3 yrs.: $6.75. U.S. OPEN ........ .. .....................•...... .. ........ W . B. Akin WOMEN'S CHESS .•.••.................•..•... .•. Eva Aronson CHESS LIFE Is pubUahed m onthlY by USCF and entered as second·elu. matter at Ea.t Dubuque, nUnol. Non.mtmber I·yr. subscription: U.OO (U.OO outside USA); sln,le cupy: 4o,! (SOt! WORLD CHESS FEDERATION outlide USA). Chanoe of addrus: Allow Ilx weeks notice; please ,Ive us both the n ew addr ess (F.I.D.E.) and the old address, In e lud~ the numbers and date. on the top line 01 your stencll. Jerry Spann Vice·President, Zone:; (U.S.A.) Addreu all communications. and make aU Ch ecks payable to: -,------ UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, to East 11th Street, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 SEPTEMBER. 1966 199 Fisher Surge Half Point Short Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union, play World Champion Petrosian. Clearly fall into a tie for fifth through eighth playing with unshakable consisteney Fischer would go all-out to win, while places. He recovered to score 2"h out of throughout, went undefeated through Spassky would be content with a draw. his last 3. eighteen grueling rounds of play to cap. Fischer opened with a Ruy Lopez which Although he did not win the tourna· tUfe the Second Piatigorsky Cup Tourna­ Spassky countered with the Marshall ment, Fischer's performance in the seL­ ment, held in Santa Monica, California Attack, once thought of as a risky, and half demonstrated that when be is in July 17 to August 15. Although Spassky aggressive line but now considered a form, no one in the world is better. was rarely In danger of losing a game, good drawing variation; Spassky had Spassky is more consistent; usually Petro· be did have to withstand a dramatic used it as such in his match with Tal. sian Is also, as are several other Soviet challenge by U.S. Champion Robert J . Jo'ischer played an unusual 12th move. players; but Fischer seems superior to Fischer, who came {rom far behind to tie He held the gambit pawn and did not any when in top fo rm. His second balf fo r first place with two rounds remai n­ aHow a Kingside attack, hut his develop. score was 7!A .l lh , representing a per­ ing. Fischer was tied for last place, with ment was always backward. While Fisch· formance rating of approximately 2900! three points, after eight rounds; after er was in no danger, neither could he Probably the only other player capable round nine, the half-way mark, he had shake oU the pressure and use his extra of having such a streak is the erratic 3% and trailed the leaders by 2Y.! points. pawn to play for a wi n. A draw was former Soviet Champion Victor Korchnoi. At this point, a sudden change occurred agreed to on the 35th move. Fischer, at 23, is much yo unger than - the Fischer who had won the inter­ The final round proved decisive. Spas· any of the top Soviets; also, his slow zonal 2% points ahead of Petrosian and sky played the Ru y Lopez against Don· start in this event may have been in part GeUer, who had swept the U.S.
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