ISSN 2239-2122 7 The cooperation between the European Union and the United Nations, as well as other S IAI Research Papers regional organizations, is assuming an increasingly important role in the prevention of TOP The IAI Research Papers are brief monographs written by one or mass atrocities and implementation of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). The present M more authors (IAI or external experts) on current problems of inter- N. 1 European Security and the Future of Transatlantic Relations, TOP ASS TROCITIES ASS S M A report, which is the result of a joint eort between the IAI in Rome and the EUISS in national politics and international relations. The aim is to promote edited by Riccardo Alcaro and Erik Jones, 2011 A greater and more up to date knowledge of emerging issues and Paris, has been conceived as a mapping exercise of the EU's ongoing and potential TROCITIES DVANCING OOPERATION WITH N. 2 Democracy in the EU after the Lisbon Treaty, partnerships with other international organizations (namely the United Nations, the A EU C trends and help prompt public debate. edited by Raaello Matarazzo, 2011 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Europe, the Council of Europe, the African Union, the Arab League, the Association of N. 3 The Challenges of State Sustainability in the Mediterranean, South-East Asian Nations and the Organization of American States) in these elds. The A non-prot organization, IAI was founded in 1965 by Altiero Spinelli, edited by Silvia Colombo and Nathalie Tocci, 2011 aim of the report is to assess both best practices and gaps, including areas that have not its rst director. N. 4 Re-thinking Western Policies in Light of the Arab Uprisings, been explored or in which there is scope for improvement, in order to make policy The Institute aims to promote understanding of international politics edited by Riccardo Alcaro and Miguel Haubrich-Seco, 2012 recommendations that are relevant for all the actors involved. through research, promotion of political ideas and strategies, disse- mination of knowledge and education in the eld of foreign policy. N. 5 The transformation of the armed forces: the Forza NEC program, LUIS PERAL is Senior Research Fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies IAI main research sectors are: European institutions and policies; edited by Michele Nones and Alessandro Marrone, 2012 (EU ISS). His research interests include EU's contribution to multilateralism and in Italian foreign policy; trends in the global economy and internationa- particular to the international security system, and international responses to conict N. 6 Strengthening the Africa-EU Partnership on Peace and Security, situations. His areas of expertise also cover humanitarian law and human rights. lisation processes in Italy; the Mediterranean and the Middle East; edited by Nicoletta Pirozzi, 2012 PAPERS security and defence; and transatlantic relations. N. 7 Stop Mass Atrocities, edited by Luis Peral and Nicoletta Pirozzi, NICOLETTA PIROZZI is Senior Fellow in the European aairs area of the Istituto Aari 2013 Internazionali (IAI) of Rome. She deals mainly with EU security and defence policies and institutions, civilian crisis management and civil military-cooperation, EU relations with the United Nations and the African Union in the eld of peace and security. RESEARCH Luis Peral, Nicoletta Pirozzi IAI Edited by Luis Peral and Nicoletta Pirozzi 9788868120412_88_FM_6 www.nuovacultura.it SEGUICI SUI SOCIAL NETWORK 9.40 EURO IAI Research Papers Stop Mass Atrocities Advancing EU Cooperation with Other International Organizations Edited by Luis Peral and Nicoletta Pirozzi Edizioni Nuova Cultura Acknowledgements This report has been published by IAI with the support of the Paris‐based EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS). Series Editor Natalino Ronzitti _________________________ First published 2013 by Edizioni Nuova Cultura For Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Via Angelo Brunetti 9 - I-00186 Roma www.iai.it Copyright © 2013 Edizioni Nuova Cultura ‐ Roma ISBN: 9788868120412 Cover: by Francesca Minnocci Graphic Composition: by Luca Mozzicarelli The unauthorized reproduction of this book, even partial, carried out by any means, including photocopying, even for internal or didactic use, is prohibited by copyright. Table of Contents List of Contributors ........................................................................................................................ 7 List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction Luis Peral, Nicoletta Pirozzi ..................................................................................................... 13 I EU‐UN Cooperation: From Safe Altruism to Reluctant Pragmatism 1. EU‐UN Cooperation: From Safe Altruism to Reluctant Pragmatism Richard Gowan ................................................................................................................. 19 1.1. The EU, UN and R2P before Libya: selective engagement? ............... 21 1.2. R2P on Europe’s doorstep ................................................................................ 23 1.3. Reinforcing R2P at the UN: political debate and operational initiatives ................................................................................................................. 27 II EU Cooperation with Other European Organizations: A Work Not So Much in Progress 2. Cooperation with NATO on the Military Dimension: Surrendering to a “Step‐by‐Step” Approach Vincenzo Camporini ...................................................................................................... 31 2.1. The state of play of EU‐NATO cooperation ............................................... 32 2.2. Turning obstacles into opportunities? ........................................................ 35 3. Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe: Encroach‐ ment and Other Obstacles to Complementary Action Luis Peral ............................................................................................................................ 3 7 3.1. The OSCE’s role in preventing R2P situations ......................................... 38 3.2. EU‐OSCE track record and stalemate .......................................................... 40 3.3. How to get back on track? ................................................................................ 42 4. Council of Europe: How Can Prevention Be More Specific? Ana Salinas ................................................................................................................................. 45 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.1. EU‐CoE cooperation in respect to the prevention of mass atrocities ................................................................................................................... 46 4.2. Proposals for more specific preventive action ........................................ 48 III EU Cooperation with Regional Organizations beyond Europe: Une‐ ven Record, Much Room for Improvement 5. Preventing and Halting Mass Atrocities in Africa: Would Enough Funding Be Enough? Nicoletta Pirozzi .............................................................................................................. 53 5.1. Four dimensions of Africa‐EU cooperation .............................................. 53 5.2. Shortcomings of the existing partnership ................................................. 55 6. EU‐Arab League Cooperation: Opportunities Not to Be Missed Yasmine Farouk ............................................................................................................... 59 6.1. Past unfinished experience and existing mechanisms ........................ 59 6.2. Major impediments ............................................................................................. 61 6.3. Promising indicators and fields for cooperation .................................... 62 7. The Incipient Development of ASEAN: A Chance for Mutual Learning Lina A. Alexandra ............................................................................................................ 65 7.1. Action undertaken by the member states and ASEAN ........................ 65 7.2. Potential areas of EU‐ASEAN cooperation ................................................ 67 8. Organization of American States: Potential for Multi‐Level Cooperation Claudia Medina Aguilar ................................................................................................ 71 8.1. R2P‐related practice in Latin America ........................................................ 72 8.2. Potential for multi‐level cooperation .......................................................... 75 Conclusions Luis Peral, Nicoletta Pirozzi ..................................................................................................... 79 Annex ‐ Elements for Potential Cooperation Between the EU and its Stra‐ tegic Partners on R2P Luis Peral .......................................................................................................................................... 83 6 List of Contributors Lina A. Alexandra is a researcher in the Department of International Rela‐ tions at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies CSIS in Jakarta since 2002 and also a guest lecturer in the Postgraduate School of Diplo‐ macy, Paramadina University, Jakarta. Her research interests focus on the implementation of
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