HISTORY! THE STORY OF PAST DEEDS Qp HEN AMD NATIONS. IT IS A RECORD OE THE PROGRESS OF THE AGES FROn VHICH VE TARE OUR LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE. lit; BOOK or MARIETTA Being a Condensed, Accurate and Reliable Record of the Important Events in the History of the Citv of Marietta, in the State of Ohio, from the Time of Its Earliest Settlement bv the Kirst Pioneers of the Ohio Land Company OB April 7th, 1788, to Ihe Present Time INCH DING A. Careful and Authentic Compilation of Statistics and Useful Information About the Commercial, Industrial and Municipal Development of the City, With Up-to-date Railroad and Steam- :>?at Information, Distance and Fare Tables. County and City Officials, Churches. Societies, and,a Fund of Other Information •M.Sl) INI 1,1,u A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE GAZETTEER ALL COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAI AND BUSINESS INTERESTS INC [AIDING THOSE OP WlLLlAMSTOVN. VEST VIRGINIA COMPILED AND PUBLISHED UY F. M. MCDONNELL MARIETTA, OHIO 1900 M. MCDONNELL 1906 rid Money PREFACE II nol claimed thai within HIP following pnfjes tl will be round a voluminous history, n Hie'sense thai exhnu tivc descriptions 'if things mil events have I n iittemjited The Book of Marietta is intended for easy ami ready reference. it is MU encyclopaedia of historical raets and data; nntion both practical and useful, pertaining to tlm :ity "f Marietta, This information, while tersely "Id, and free of superfluous words, does not, how sver lose its value by its brevity; bui rather makes •Hi- • move interesting and of a grcnter iven herein have been gathered from bh authorities Many important oo- rh dates, that have in all probability eei long since fnrgotten and of which there has leretofore I n no published record, will be found ithin ill,"a, pages. In fact this work in Hi,' years ... come will l',. invaluable to the seeker after accur- :t.- information al i the Brst iiiv of the Northwest Territorj . \ •,, i > valuable feature, and on,* that will appeal • 'i the la, \ man MI- v, oinau, is thn arrangement of the :.'" 'i • mi"mil "f information which is here gath ered nd which is presented in the most accessible md ,-it loiin for ready reference. Tho mat- prehensivi index makes il a Bimpla and easy task to turn directly to any topic desired. \- ouvenir of ill" city The Hook of Marietta n .a be urpassed, containing as it does a guide o every historical point of interest, with briei hut comprehensive historical notes. The illustrations also add to tin- value of the hook and iis Bize makes it, as convenient for mailing as a picture pot card. The various tables giving the distance by river or railroad routes, together with the fare, t" points within a wide rndins of the city fill be found very "ial and handy. Tin. posial information "ill also and valuabh . The Gazetteer of tin- Industrial, Oommei ial and Business interests "f Marietta which forms i most important part "f the book, contaii is • amount f rarefullj printed information. It is o com leti snd romprehensive that H has no equal !n any directory heretofore published for the city "f Ma­ rietta, Tli" illustrations in this book are printed from Bpecial half tone plates made from photos taken by Mr. II. I'. Fischer, "f this city. The photograph of "City Pink and the Boat House" is copyrighted b? Mr ' Plsi ' or. THE PUBLISHER. ai Fairview Heights BOOK ar MARIETTA Wu a ih" Southeastern I llOlinded "II III" "ih ih" Ohio Itivi r, between Ohio and 111" south i". '.Vest "ii" ., i" foi 111 the I". »• -I bj Alliens I in face of V\ u li­ lt population il I" .lull "I III in Hi inn Iioili del ih "I' III" t .•.""il."- Ill" stales • •""Mil and Miclligl hill : i ih.. meeting nil with that or i pi, ,:., "I.-;,I ii" for a • i I i npl heel , an justl) it he titli . aoiinil Marietta" and "I 11 y nf 111 • • Hi vol II I- llnaln! aliollt niidu •-.in, boundai > and u| i thorn h Washington rounty. rti. i ii. tin II population o and Ih" nv.-llil, .-.•iistd gives n 13,."1 I", whi .-limai. ,1 ih,,i todnj 1906), ii has a population d .oar I7,<»00. It i- ,- i I'-ii" progressive city, with il- llouiishing .ndn tries, n handsome business blocks, line re idc nces, magniflcenl churches, the bei I -elm,,!- iii ill" eoiyitn and the greatest college in tho lei,- Willi ill! tin in advantages, and many others, there i- every promise for a great future for Ma liciia. Tin- city was incorporated December 2nd, i .-in, EARLY HISTORY. Of ih.- first inhabitants of the lands of thai vast ii-niioiv lying Nortbwesl of the Ohio river bul little known, aside from ihai which can be deduced from the study of the curious earthworks or mounds, . and irks -a •Hie he name of the ' ,ii,l- ,-n ill" next peopl -iiny -- Ini ':1:„ t eilivized ma and " „g : '-I,"- -'- by 1 the innks lined rith not a • till o! Retui J, Matl .vs. •ill •r A' i PI, l l i, ll.-li" ni r ,li!l - ill White Win Monllon I'al- d Moult' - iw Jervis Cufler— . nell Ebenezer Oorey Jabez Barlow- Al 1 ,, l I lanlon Samuel John Gardener- • Blirur lull Spront- Allen De- rti Pali tlah White. • . •<• .1 at once begun on the 9th— •• hile tne balance of the ring ih" land. Every- moothly and there was in ni. ' i i ni"":; Hie set- , i :-i I'utnam ,a-y ever ,f the coloi Indian n pris- 11 recti '" I 'am pus ml three-quarters ol I tl • I'eint, where most . , hed by a 1 EuBkingum treet.) The ,.. better understood by When ed m In.-. -i> •ttlemenl In d Hen Samuel Ebenezer Bat- I ! • !.• 1 Pul Honorable Ji i. , , ,1 Paul Pi aring. In this ni. naily ••eve .1 .mas Owen and wife. Tim , , • i families to arrive ".'ere those of Qeneral Benjamin Tupper, C i,ml led,, d Nye fson inlaw , f >••• Tupper), M: nr Mai thaniel Cushil g Major '-:• ,1, • I "."dale, Mai ,• \-a Coburn, Sr md An dr.. ", ' •... Tie , Vugust 19th, 1788. (SFC Memoiial Stones P its of Interest.") I ", ->. i lo\ "i 1101 Ai linn' si ur, the f il,, N'm thwest ten itorj. ivi il ui been commissioned by Cm s Oct il,.. time of his appointmei flair • i of 1',ingress. He ha. n ar- • ,.. Tien, Ii and Indian Win a liie! ,i, ,,le lb \ obdionai y ai in - or n ni rival ..i Mavi. tta the emoi man.as ai Port Harmar s the It was not until ft 17ft, tVnitoiinl government wn mally HI, the JI'.III day of nae iuni .: ns iss I ereatii, Yuan . IV ill Ohio. () io Land Com va, i.,i, I , 88, but ri.ti- . Vugusl l lib ui ih' Ih Vded ii'-in • tin^ unci agents , 1700, when ill: it:MAN WARFARE. a 1795 tin 'tiers el the ni" villi of Indian lilitv in tribes <! i ii,-, . the r ill, 91, d on tie nla I, Tun' iml than , ded. whih 'III' le-t of this Ml tlghti nthony Wi e's "ih. 1791 the 795 when h'i General ^ ne twelve li an ughout tin &• itmpus Ma is St. Clair, on Putnam, • : neval n- id two dm. -Il- mis and 0 two apprcn .'0 Harvey— 'I. y—Col, En Ii Shepherd, wife and nine children- Charles Greene, wife and three children, and Miss Sheffield, sisbr of Mrs. Greene Col. Ichabod Nye. wife and two or three children Major Ezra Putnam, wife and two daughters Major Ha'ffield While and son—Joshua Shipinan. wife and three children Captain .Strong, wife, two -on; and one daughter Captain Davis, wife and live children tames Smith, wife and seven children John Russel, a son in law of Smith - Archibald bake, wife ami three sons- Bleazer Olney, wife and fourteen thildren Major Olney, with two sons, Columbus and Discovery Ebenezer Corey and wife Richard Maxon, wife and Beveral children- - James Wells, wife and ten children Maim- Coburn, wife, three sons nnd two daughters Joseph Wood, •.•.if,- and , liibl - Captain John Dodge, wife, two sons Rob it Vllison, > if- ami BI veral children -Elijah Wm. it, v. if. and child- Gii-sham Flagg, wife and several 'hiMren Widow tCelley and four sons — Hon. Winthrop Sargent, Secretary of the Territory Major \n elm Tupper Rev, Daniel Story -Thoa, lint' bin-on Wiliam Smub--Cilbevt DeVOl, Jr.- Oli­ ve,. Dodge Alpheu- Russell -Thomas Corey—Ben jamin Tupper A/aiinh Pratt. 'I'h" names m those within the ;arri on al "The Point" during tins war; William Moulton, wife, two daughters, on,, on and Dr, Jnbez Truo, who board­ ed el. the familt Cnptain Prince, wife and two children- Moses Morse and wife Peter Neiswanger, ••• 11- , i d Iwo "i- three children William Skinner and .1. McKinley—R. .1. Meigs, Jr., wife and child and Charles Greene, who resided with them Hon, Dnd lej W Ibridge, wife an 1 children- Captain Josiah Monroe, wif" and Iwo children Captain William Mill-, v- if- nnd child Captain Jonathan Haskell- Hamilton Kerr Col l'.beiie/er Sprout. wife ami daughter Commodore Vhrahiim Whipple, wife and son Joseph Bnell, wife and two children levy Mnn-eli and wife- Wiiliam Staeey, wife and two or ihr hildr'n - Joseph Stacy, wife and Iwo or three children Nathaniel Patterson, wife and children Capt. Abel Matthews, wife and six ehil dven- Thomas Stanley, wife and three or four ehil dren Klenzar Cintiss.
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