MINUTES OF A MEETING OF HIGHAM FERRERS TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 26TH JULY 2016 AT THE TOWN HALL AT 7.30PM. PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Mrs P H Whiting) The Deputy Mayor (Councillor P Tomas) Councillor D Drage Councillor R Gell Councillor D Hamblin Councillor H L Jackson Councillor D C Lawson MBE Councillor Mrs S Mantle Councillor Mrs O Mayes Councillor C O’Rourke Councillor B Prigmore Cllr A M T Reading Councillor Mrs C Reavey Councillor Mrs A Sauntson Mrs S J Mitcham (Town Clerk) IN ATTENDANCE: PCSO K Lumbis, District Cllr G Harwood and 1 members of the public. 16/138. APOLOGIES Cllr J Smithers and Cllr Mrs V Newbery. 16/139. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Other Interests Cllr Mrs O Mayes – 7.1.(ii) -77 Kimbolton Road – Lives near the site. Cllr D C Lawson MBE and Cllr P Tomas – Item 19 Live in Mallard Close. Cllr R Gell – Item 13 – Knows resident. 16/140. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 28th June 2016 be signed by the Mayor as being a true and correct record. 16/141. POLICING It was with regret PCSO K Lumbis informed the council of the death of Amanda Wood, a Special Constable. On behalf of the Council the Mayor passed condolences to the force and her family. He continued with the following report:- In the last 12 months crime figures were as follows:- Criminal Damage 75 Dwelling burglaries 19 Theft from motor vehicle 24 Theft of motor vehicle 3 Violence with Injury 24 Violence without Injury 38 The following questions and queries were asked:- • Could we have separate domestic violence figures. • Parking issues by the School and the Post Office. 16/142. PUBLIC FORUM (15 minutes) No public present at this point of the meeting. 16/143. MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4622 The Mayor gave the following report:- • Wednesday June 29th - Moulton College Award Ceremony at Moulton • Friday July 1st - RAF Alconbury Independence Day Celebrations § Saturday 2nd July -Judged the Fancy Dress Competition at Newton Bromswold Village Fete • Sunday 3rd July - Daventry Civic Service • Sunday 10th July -Kettering Civic Service at Desborough • Tuesday 12th/Friday 15th/Monday 18th/Tuesday 19th Junior School End of year Awards § Thursday 14th July -Northamptonshire Heritage Forum Awards in the Bede House, special guest was Lord Spencer • Saturday 16th July Pate, Cheese & Pud event - raised £750 • Sunday 17th July -South Northants Civic Service, in the form of “Songs of Praise” on the Piazza outside Brackley Town Hall • Wednesday 20th July -University of Northampton Graduation Ceremony at The Derngate Cllr Whiting reported that she had raised £750 at her recent fundraising event. Dates for future events were :- Civic Service – 9th October. Snail Racing – 22nd October. 16/144. PLANNING. 16/144.1. To consider planning applications received:- (i) 16/01244/FUL: Single storey extension: 86 Patenall Way, Higham Ferrers. RESOLVED: That no comments or objections be made. (ii) 16/01227:FUL: Erection of a pair of semi-detached houses:77 Kimbolton Road, Higham Ferrers. RESOLVED: That no comments or objections be made. 16/144.2. To note determinations on planning applications. RESOLVED: That the report on determinations of planning applications previously considered be noted. 16/144.3 To note the Appeal Decision for 14 Tenter Close, Higham Ferrers. RESOLVED: That the appeal decision for 14 Tenter Close be noted. 16/144.4. To receive and note the report of the meeting held with Crown Estates about Rushden Lakes. A report had been circulated of a meeting held with a representative of Crown Estates. Some Councillors had additionally attended a meeting on site at Rushden Lakes. Works on the roundabout by the site were due to start soon and would take 7 months. It had been agreed that the works only had to be completed substantially before the centre was opened. The pedestrian bridge would be installed before the site was open. A bus service would be subsidised for 5 years. 85 % of the units in phase 1 were full. The cinema would be phase 2 and would not open until 2018. RESOLVED: That the report be noted 4623 16/145. TOWN CLERKS REPORT CCTV Report A report from the CCTV Monitoring Station had been circulated. Phase 5 Kingsmeadow Lane David Wilson Homes are waiting for a specification from the Consultant to enable them to obtain tenders for the work to repair the collapsing footpath. A site meeting had been held to go through all other outstanding issues. Churchyard Wall The traffic lights have been removed. The wall on Midland Road is almost finished and then the contractor will start on the one by the Green Dragon. Kings Meadow Lane footpath down to A45. Where this path meets School Lane, the vegetation has been cleared back from the ditch. We had received a complaint from the Highways Department that the Council was committing an offence under s163 of the Highways Act 1980, as water was discharging onto the public highway. This clearance has shown the issues are further down on phase 4 land which is not owned by the Council. The grill under the road is also partly blocked which is the responsibility of AWA. Both parties have been informed. I will be looking in the autumn at undertaking some works on the ditches to ensure that they do remain clear down towards Parker Way area. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerks Report be received and noted. 16/146. QUESTIONS. Cllr Mrs A Sauntson asked whether there had been any applicants for the School Crossing Patrol. The Clerk responded that there were none to date. Cllr P Tomas asked about the bus shelter on Station Road. Clerk responded that she was constantly chasing its replacement. 16/147. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER BODIES. None. 16/148. FINANCE. 16/148.1. To approve accounts for payment as at 26th July 2016. RESOLVED: That the accounts for payment total of £30503.34 be paid. 16/148.2. To receive and note the budget report as at 30th June 2016. RESOLVED: That the budget report as at 30th June 2016 be received and noted. 16/148.3. To approve the Bank Account reconciliation as at 30th June 2016 RESOLVED: That the bank reconciliation as at 30th June 2016 be signed by the Mayor after being checked by Cllr D C Lawson MBE. 16/148.4. To approve the following expenditure:- (i) Computer and Office Items for Assistant Clerk. RESOLVED: That a budget be agreed of £1500 for the Clerk to spend on a computer and office furniture and equipment for the Assistant Clerk. (ii) Annual subscription to CPRE. RESOLVED: That the annual subscription of £36 be paid for 2016/17. 4624 16/149. COMMITTEES RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Recreation and Amenities Committee held on 12th July 2016 be received and adopted. Recommendation: RESOLVED: That the planning permission for the Storage/Toilets adjacent the Tennis courts be renewed. (Cost £385) 16/150. TREES SAFFRON ROAD RECREATION GROUND RESOLVED: That the Council decline to carry out further works on the trees adjacent to the property in Vine Hill Drive. This would be against the adopted Tree Management policy of the Council and works were being carried out in accordance with a maintenance plan. 16/151. EXTENSION TO THE GREENWAY The Highways and Transport group met with officers from East Northamptonshire Council about extending the Greenway from Queensway through to Kimbolton Road, which was one of the actions from the Community Plan. Indicative costs of £250 per metre used by the Greenway Project Board showed costs as follows:- Section 1 -113.36m - £28340 Section 2 -145.93m - £36482.50 Section 3 - 334.31m - £83577.50 Total 593.6m - £148,400 There was £50,000 in S106 monies available from developments in the town to help fund the scheme. These funds can used for design costs which had been estimated as £13406.54 and can only be used for improvements to the ‘Greenway.’ The first section, which was owned by Ferrers School, would open up the route. Ferrers School had indicated their support. During the debate the following points were raised:- • What were the benefits of the project? • In 2009 phase 1 and 2 had been costed by East Northamptonshire Council at £153,517, as the first section needed a significant amount of infilling. • It was a big engineering project. Did the Town Council have the capacity and skills to lead it? • It is a local wildlife site. • The school do not have control of all of its land as some of the gardens of Duchy Close had been extended into it. • What were the long term implications of the project. • The project should not be rushed. RESOLVED: That the Council undertake consultation with nearby residents and approach landowners with a view to an agreement being made with them to use the land for the Greenway. 16/152. TOWN TEAM 16/152.1. To receive the notes from the meeting held on 11th July 2016. RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting held on 11th July 2016 be received and noted. 4625 16/152.2. To agree to fund the initial feasibility study for Tourist Facility Brown Signage. RESOLVED: That the Council fund the £250 fee for Northamptonshire County Council to undertake an initial feasibility study into brown signage in Higham Ferrers. 16/153. PARKING ENFORCEMENT – MARKET SQUARE HIGHAM FERRERS The Town Council were informed by Northamptonshire County Council that they intended to begin enforcing the parking restrictions on the Market Square from 18th July 2016. On their records it is public highway and they have a right to do this without the consent of the Town Council.
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