Downloaded from genesdev.cshlp.org on February 3, 2014 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Riboswitch RNAs: using RNA to sense cellular metabolism Tina M. Henkin Genes Dev. 2008 22: 3383-3390 Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.1747308 References This article cites 69 articles, 32 of which can be accessed free at: http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/22/24/3383.full.html#ref-list-1 Email Alerting Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the top Service right corner of the article or click here. Topic Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections Collections Bacteria and Viruses (34 articles) Post-transcriptional Control (113 articles) To subscribe to Genes & Development go to: http://genesdev.cshlp.org/subscriptions Copyright © 2008, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from genesdev.cshlp.org on February 3, 2014 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press REVIEW Riboswitch RNAs: using RNA to sense cellular metabolism Tina M. Henkin1 Department of Microbiology and Center for RNA Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA Riboswitches are RNA elements that undergo a shift in very rapid response to changing environmental condi- structure in response to binding of a regulatory mol- tions. ecule. These elements are encoded within the transcript Gene regulation in bacteria can also use RNA-binding they regulate, and act in cis to control expression of the proteins that interact with the RNA transcript to control coding sequence(s) within that transcript; their function its fate. Regulatory outcomes include effects on attenu- is therefore distinct from that of small regulatory RNAs ation of transcription (in transcriptional units that con- (sRNAs) that act in trans to regulate the activity of other tain a termination signal, designated an attenuator, early RNA transcripts. Riboswitch RNAs control a broad in the transcript), mRNA stability, and translation ini- range of genes in bacterial species, including those in- tiation. Like DNA-binding proteins, RNA-binding pro- volved in metabolism or uptake of amino acids, cofac- teins that function in gene regulation are often expressed tors, nucleotides, and metal ions. Regulation occurs as a constitutively, and their activity is modulated in re- consequence of direct binding of an effector molecule, or sponse to the environmental signal (e.g., Bacillus subti- through sensing of a physical parameter such as tempera- lis TRAP protein is activated by tryptophan). Constitu- ture. Here we review the global role of riboswitch RNAs tive synthesis of a regulatory protein is potentially in bacterial cell metabolism. wasteful of cellular resources, but allows the cell to be poised to respond rapidly to physiological changes. RNA- binding proteins can also regulate their own expression, A wide variety of mechanisms that regulate genes in- via direct binding to their own mRNA (e.g., ribosomal volved in response to environmental changes, including protein autoregulation). availability of cellular metabolites, have been uncovered Recent studies have revealed an important role for in bacteria. Historically, analysis of gene regulation has RNA as a regulatory molecule in bacteria. Small un- focused primarily on DNA-binding regulatory proteins translated regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) can be encoded on that affect the interaction of RNA polymerase (RNAP) the opposite strand of the DNA from their regulatory with the promoter region of the regulated genes. The target (cis-encoded antisense sRNAs) or in other regions DNA-binding proteins may act to increase or decrease of the chromosome (trans-encoded sRNAs) (Wagner et transcription of their target promoters, and the activity al. 2002; Gottesman et al. 2006; Storz et al. 2006; Brantl of the regulatory protein is often modulated by interac- 2007). Both cis- and trans-encoded sRNAs usually act by tion with an effector molecule that activates or represses base-pairing (perfect or imperfect, respectively) with the DNA binding (e.g., lac repressor binding is decreased by target mRNA, often by affecting accessibility of the lactose, trp repressor binding is activated by tryptophan). translation initiation region of the target transcript or by Collaboration of multiple regulatory proteins at a single affecting mRNA stability. Trans-encoded sRNAs can promoter can be used to integrate multiple signals. Use also act by other mechanisms, including titration of a of DNA-binding regulatory proteins requires that the regulatory RNA-binding protein, as in the CsrA system cell encode and express these proteins, often constitu- (Babitzke and Romeo 2007) or direct interaction with tively, so that the proteins are in place to sense the RNAP (Wassarman 2007). Both cis-encoded and trans- physiological signal and promote the appropriate genetic encoded sRNAs can diffuse throughout the cytoplasm to response. Regulation at the level of transcription initia- modulate expression of targets encoded elsewhere in the tion is efficient, however, in that transcript synthesis genome. In systems of this type, the abundance of the occurs only under the appropriate condition. In some sRNA usually changes in response to an environmental cases, regulatory proteins (such as MerR), and even signal, therefore affecting the fate of its mRNA targets. RNAP, may be prebound to the promoter site, allowing a RNA segments can also act to regulate the expression of the transcript in which they are encoded. These RNA [Keywords: RNA structure; gene expression; regulation; transcription at- segments (which are both cis-encoded and cis-acting) can tenuation; translation] serve as targets for RNA-binding proteins or sRNAs, as 1Correspondence. E-MAIL [email protected]. FAX (614) 292-8120. described above, or can directly monitor a regulatory sig- Article is online at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.1747308. nal without the assistance of any additional regulatory GENES & DEVELOPMENT 22:3383–3390 © 2008 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/08; www.genesdev.org 3383 Downloaded from genesdev.cshlp.org on February 3, 2014 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Henkin factor. Regardless of the involvement of a separate regu- latory factor that transmits the signal to the regulatory element in the transcript, changes in the structure of the target RNA can affect gene expression. This effect is most commonly mediated through controlling the for- mation of the helix of an intrinsic transcription termi- nator (which therefore determines whether transcription terminates early) or through controlling formation of a helix that sequesters the translation initiation region of the downstream transcript (Grundy and Henkin 2006). Effects on mRNA stability can also occur, either through direct modulation of cleavage by specific ribonucleases or by secondary outcomes of primary effects on transla- tional efficiency (as nontranslated mRNAs are often more susceptible to degradation). RNAs that directly monitor a physiological signal, in the absence of any other cellular factor (such as a regulatory protein or Figure 2. Basic model of a standard metabolite-binding ribo- translating ribosome), and exhibit structural shifts in re- switch RNA. (Left) In the absence of the effector, the ligand- sponse to that signal have been termed riboswitches. binding domain (L) is unoccupied, and the RNA is in a confor- These RNAs fall into several different groups that differ mation that allows expression of the downstream coding se- in their overall architecture and the type of signal they quence, either through formation of an antiterminator element (AT) that prevents formation of the terminator helix and there- recognize. The recognized signals include various small fore allows transcription to continue (top), or through capture of molecules (e.g., cofactors, amino acids, nucleotides, and the ASD into a structure that liberates the SD sequence and metal ions), cellular components (e.g., specific tRNAs), allows translation to initiate (bottom). (Right) In the presence of and temperature. Overall, riboswitch RNAs can have a the effector (*), the ligand-binding domain is occupied, resulting major impact on cell physiology because of the large in a structural shift in the downstream region of the RNA. This number of gene families that they regulate. allows the terminator (T) to form, which results in premature termination of transcription (top) or sequestration of the SD sequence in an ASD–SD helix that prevents translation initia- Riboswitch architecture tion (bottom). Variations from this basic model are discussed in the text. Several classes of riboswitch RNA structural arrange- ments have emerged. The simplest class of riboswitches instead tuned to the melting temperature of the inhibi- are the RNA thermosensors. These are RNA structural tory helix. Small changes in the stability of the helix can elements that affect expression of the downstream therefore result in major changes in gene expression and genes, usually by sequestration of the Shine-Dalgarno in temperature response. These regulatory elements are (SD) sequence (Narberhaus et al. 2006). The regulatory often used to control genes that allow the cell to respond response occurs in response to a change in temperature to sudden changes in temperature, including heat-shock rather than binding of an effector molecule. In most genes (Morita et al. 1999); this type of system is also used cases, the RNA is in an inactive state (e.g., with the SD in pathogenic organisms to induce virulence gene ex- inaccessible to ribosome binding) under normal growth pression in response to entry of the bacterium into a conditions, but an increase in temperature results in the mammalian host (Johansson et al. 2002). melting of the RNA helix and release of the SD sequence In contrast to the single-domain thermosensor RNAs, into a single-stranded state (Fig. 1). RNA thermosensors a standard small molecule-binding riboswitch RNA is differ from other riboswitches in that no effector recog- comprised of two separate elements, a ligand-binding do- nition domain is required, with the regulatory response main and a gene expression domain (Fig.
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