THE FARMEB : 1IAY 7, 1915 f Local Happenings j, SPORTS Outside Observations THING-- IN LATEST - EDITED BY WAGNER- S!!GI1 HELPS ' ARTHUR FROillME MAY PROVE HE rIORE TROUBLE O ROURKE TO TELL TOMORROW TESREAU IN : YANKS 'TO Wlfi IS FIRST STRING SLAB A TIST FOR KAUFF ON WHETHER EASTERN WILL START FORM; GIANTS " 13 INNINGS SUNDAY PLAYING JUMP TO SIXTH l Newark Internationals Will Be Pre- - 7. 7. be- 7. -- Those Tanks New "tork, May Benny Kauff, the Boston, May John McGraw is New York, May to look By won. up at the Polo Brookfed outfielder who caused such from ginning pleasant again. - another game,' vented Transferring Club of he sea- Oroonds yesterday, after fighting- the a commotion in baseball circles last copping their first game Sox tooth and nail for son here the Giant's new winning Boston .Bad a week when be jumped to the Giants to Hartford streak stretched out to three games, HiirtMm. irmines. Doc Cook,, with and was turned back to the Feds by which would make it as to sent . appear though heaithy smash right, Hugh .. , the 'National League, has written a the Giants have started mov overvth plate with" the winning FlP letter of to President Gil-mo- re finally High one man was out in the repentance (By Y.'agner.) York State league baserunners are ing up. By beating the Braves here run when stating that he is sorry that he liberties who is 3 to 1, the Giants hurdled thirteenth. The score was 4 to 3,; It violated the rules, and that President O'Rourke said today that taking with Nagle yesterday, extra-inni- ng asking out with over the Brooklyns and landed in sixth ' was the first game of his suspension be lifted, as he is anx- he' could not confirm the story pub trying Albany. about 6,000 fans were . 1 t t ' as place. the eeson, and ious to play with the Brookf eds lished in a which stat fetched , ust morning paper is said Tom who has "to mid-Aug- enthusiasm i It that Wilson, brother Big Jeff. Tesreau, worked up i soon as possible. Kauff states that the ed the Eastern association would of Capt. Wilson of the Yale in half of McGraw' s this sea- over tutssle. s?, that eleven, the' whole affair, was the rsult of a mis son, was for the The Bostons looked like . sure and that the trouble start this season. "We are not ready may coach the Princeton line. He is largely responsible in- understanding, de a former Princeton star and coached New York victory, as the Ozark bear enough, winners up to the ninth was caused by his folowing the advice to announce our plans yet, he the line at Wisconsin season. hunter held the World's Champions ; i last ning1. At that time Boston was lead- of older men in the' game. He further clared. "I will make an official an to four half of them ta 3 of 'the even which will tell hits, going ing to 2. In the last ninth, states that the Giants would now nouncement tomorrow vanla crews row on Lake at Sherwood Nottingham Magee. with two out, Daniel Boone set off be gladv-t-o get him if the National the fans just where we stand." Many Carnegie The was two-ba- se , Princeton tomorrow. Columbia is Missouri mountaineer very some, fireworks with a slam Commission would allow them to have newspapermen have expressea. me wild. He seven men and hit '" - - looked upon as having a good chance passed to centrevjvhich scored JDoc, Cook. With; him. opinion during the past month that to win. another, but the Braves could not hit run. - About , this time Cy While in on ' the Eastern would not start so tnere the tying', Kauff seemingly the after they got on the bases, i Jeff did Plea went'in to pitch for the Yankees,, verge of getting out of the trouble he is nothing particularly new in the in sevens, as he also struck - M. who was everything and, too- much cannot bo said about caused, last week, 'he is in danger of story. We must wait for the official George Cameron, out seven men. the line. He into more if he with the statement in order to have ejected from the Eastern association Pieh's eSorts ir pitching getting plays ' everything to George Tyler, Stallings's sterling ; Red; Sox. in All-Sta- rs Lenox Oval next ' because he failed post his forfeit held the' threatening' at Sunday, straight. to start his New Haven club, has re lefthander, pitched his first game of check andtmowed them down in, order as has been announced by the man- the season, and a clever pitch- - All-Sta- rs. to the Elm He is out fought on ac- ., turned City. when' had designs agement of the Kauff, The New York Press stated today .". He broke in, they, desperate roast . on ing battle with Tesreau. the game. JI Sid a smart piece of cording to the notices sent out, is to that the Newark Internationals were with his usual President the the Giants bot to O'Rourke. The trouble with the seventh, when work in the (eleventh inning, when- the play left field for the tars next Sun- thinking of transferring their club to him for two runs. However, Tyler two men. .on bases. Pieh day,- but Manager Dick! Car- Hartford. This cannot be done be- ousted magnates was that they de goi: got on (Business voted too much time to looked to be in mighty fine fettle, and tightened up and retired the side roll of the Brookf eds stated yester cause the Eastern association holds roasting with James apparently back in ehap-- a. O'Rourke Instead of base striKe-iOut- day that Kauff had been forbidden that territory even if it 4oes not start providing it looks as though the Braves should ' the left-hand- ed to iwith the team, and if he did this year. ball for the fans. Nobody cares what soon For Boston, big. play of O'Rourke. is ' a hit their stride.' Babe . was all that a play 'he would be placing a lot more they thought It pitcher, t Ruth, - pitcher is, supposed to be, and some trouble on- his? shoulders. - Secretary Reddy of the Bridgeport cinch that O'Rourke didn't. 'more his team into the nul--- presi-dfem- Gilmore has remove club was unable to get the New York Hevput - Boone hit- FOB ning in the third inning by smashing Kauff-- suspension. Benny can play Americans for next Sunday. Instead Lute is proving a timely THREE GAMES a mighty rap into the tipper tier of tomorrow. - - he has booked the Lake Torpedo team ter for the New York Americans this : season. the right-fiel- d grand stand. Ruth of the Industrial league to oppose the Last year he was,' a poor two other hits to his credit. McCabe and Carlson will sticker but he took a trip to Honolulu INDUSTRIAL FAtIS also had Penn State Beats Bridgeports. -- ' ' His pitching throughout was of high with the All Americans. He batted ' was-onl- hard- orderand it after the. PrinCetOll in Twelfth Jack Egan will catch. Speed Finn against Alexander, James, Vaughn 'UrDF-TnMhnRnw est kind of effort that the Tanks were wiH twirl for the Torpedo boys. This and Tesreau in ther" daily' exhibition " " to a little ex- games and that makes ordi- able to break, throughhis jBeryice.' N. 7 In ought provide Sunday probably was ; not Princeton, J., May a fans. seem easy to him now. Jack Warhop's pitching twelve inning game full of thrills citement for the ... nary pitchers "badly abused by the Bostons. They Princeton lost to - State The line up: The opening of the Industrial Base did not hit him very often, but when. Pennsylvania- Lake Torpedo: Berlin, c; Finn, p; Bill Rodgers, the former Waterbury ball league last Saturday was a great : Cqllege here yesterday afternoon by De- - . they did connect, the ball lieemed to the score of 3 to 1. was a Wilson, lb; Seltzer, 2b"; Sank, 3b; infielder, continues to play good ball success The brand of baseball put intention of out of It pitch- lorme, ss; If; Troutman, cf; for Cleveland. It looks as if he will on by the Industrial leaguers was as have every going ' ers battle from start to finish and Hurley, ' 1 ' ' StZ a orris, rf. I v remain in the big show. Hammond, good' as professional ball. The scores the lot.. ."V neither twirler had the shade of an -- Qfsw c; last with - is still on were errors and the field 8F , Poor at. critical Bridgeport: Eagan, McCabe, p; year Springfield, small, few, OOSX.'KtSEV advantage. fielding " ; 2b; the Cleveland roster as - in- ing was of the "middle of the season" ByiEEBALIU. times, lost Princeton the game. Carlson, p; Clark, Lourkey, utility an There was no advantage until the Clinger, 3b; Coles, as; Fltzhenry, .If ; fielder. class. Baseball fans will have op r$Qi- distracttoiui ci r Roilly, cf; Smith, rf. portunity of seeing good baseball ev In spite of the twelfth inning, When Link weakened taV.etheir thAmaorisagnecontests,.a-grea- t deal and the visitors scored two runs on Yale and Princeton track teams will ery Saturday afternoon, and - choice- of to the-cols- a an error and a base on balls. Columbia, Princeton and Fennsyl-I- t clash in a dual meet at Princeton to- of games, as there are threg one of hit, is" that Jack Nagle, the morrow.
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