jvirww.magicvalralley.coin ■ _ G n n g ■ 'r 'r O s M■ Twin Falls, Idadaho/95th year, No.0 . 3 1Tl Mbn(nday, January 31, 202 0 0 0 . 0 cencs r C O O D M O>RNING R j - idley W e a t h e r [NEElL i m i p r e s ss e s a e" tiv is tjs Today:ay: Cloudy w ithtia a chance o f snoinow in th e | | | ^ _ ^s^n m omrning.'High, ij r u n 33. Low, 26. Page A2 11 offeensive M a g ic V a l l : H i Bush, McCainM argue over reac;adinessas N.H. prisrimary hears !: i: The A»»oclat»(ated ^ei> ■ ': - MANCHE!3ESTER, N.H. - Al G ore an d1 fellow Democrats - jumped “intcinto bed with spedal U ttle skiers: T he Hlem er iogw ay interests” duringdui the 1996 ftind- ; E l e m e n t i ^ School Sl jr iJ a M raising scandsmdal, rival Bill Bradley ;C ; said SundayJay, as he struggled • P ro g ram in tro d u cesiS !<kid s to with questiostions about his own the slopes. isS y health twovo id ay s b efo re New Page B4 Hampshire’se's ]primary. Sen. John |||BH|h McCain clainlaimed, “There’s only Horse sense: A neww eeq u in e one man whoivho is fully prepared” . .. , ' to be commaimander-in-chief, andi' - class at.M inico H igp hl !School is - he said it’s! noinot George W. Bush. ! tea ch in g stu d en ts theth e basics . With pollsoils showing Gore’s> ofchorses. once-commannanding lead narrow-. ; ■ Page B4 • ... ing, the vicece jpresident struggled; : • • to deal withilh Bradley’s sudden' ‘ * . eagerness to attack. A political , S p o i^ i^ flame-throw‘ower himself,'Gore ;• • ■ accused BraeIradley of impugning his Integrityty anda “stepping down • - .. • ■ - . m^ ... to * e levelvei of personal vilifica- UMQOnVD/nd Bush, thee two-termt^ Texas gov- 3eau8olell, manager of th« Radloiidloactlve Waste Managementit Complexi at INEEL, answers«rt visitors’ questions about waiwaste destined for a disposal sitesl In ern o r.an dI nanational GOP front- Mexloxico. runner, saidid 1his executive office experience:e \would make for a ____ better presidesident. "Pm not of the iclearwatchdcdog alliance jgets a tour,, 1likes som e; o( f what it seC C S Washingtonin s(scene. Pm not a corn- B M ' N u c mittee chairmirm an,” Bush said, dig- ging at SenateSe Commerce ByN&NoNokkentved Department. Committee5 chairmanch McCain. f TlmeaKewewBWritef '________'' At 42 barrels per shihipment, «pni the! guygu who can'beat Al that totals 588 barrels - or widi Gore,” McCacCain replied, as the Jw - , scovnVTLLE - It‘appears to be the barrels already sent,, justov»j GOP and DemocraticDer campaigns . better>nunm and more open vtrlih 700 barrels by the endid of this appeared heaheaded for dose finish- 'E year. That leaves 14300 \ informaticition than some other fed- Dbaxrds- es.McCainhcli holds a slight edge or itorybopHflnW ir'niehe.season enilla^lis,,but it’s not a.good place. , ■ or '340 shipm ents - due'te m 2001 is tied „ithth Bush1 in polls here, >- and2002 th a t c o t i l d n ^ e t ^ afttf leadingihg the Texan for eight ^ a ...V Clements says die dPPattmen* ^ weeks. Gore^)re> e ^ e oyer BradiBy | did just thatfdrKurt t, ’ ■can’dbit. • is slightly wider,wit btit that contest m .d th e S t. Louis Rac^ o n M emibers be of the Alliance for “It’ll be a ‘Strain,”'.MNEEL also M be dd se Tuesday. Sunday.' N u c l^r AAccountability, a nadoh- , spokesman Brad Bugg<Iger said. Bradley,y, McCain,ft Bush and Page Bl al hctworrork of nuclear, watchdog ' INEEL Is adding new ti Republicanan Alan Keyes made groups, visitedvi the Idaho National casks and a new loadingng facility the round of Simday talk shows ering and Environmental . for the waste. __ . w hile th e3 stseven major-party S kin cKy: i t was a rec tory last week, Delay in opening WIP:[PP, prob- W hite HouselUse hopefuls plowed w e e k e n d fo r th e Seni5mor.Skihs The totour was part of the lems with waste prepanjranon at toward Tuesdlesday’s vote' with rai- . G am e. g ro u p s’’ regularr meeting, held lUJWPnTO Wm INEEL and new requirlirements lies and news!ws conferences, Page B3 about thnhree dmes a year around induded in a perm it is:issued by R u n n inlg g a distant third in > thc count]intry near federal Energy . Probes lowered Into a serifries of holes will tell scientistssts about what's under New Mexico to disposei t of haz- Republicann pollingpt here, million- DeptirttneTientsiies. the surface of Pit 9 st INEi(EEL ardous waste have made5 It1 harder aire publisherihcr Steve Forbes kept p in io n During)lg a break in the tour, Don to meet the deadline, QemcntsCl his eye on Bush.Bu; After the Texan O tlement agreement; 1between plutonlum-cn-contaminated waste, ' said. H ancockck . of the Southwest a l govern- which openejned last year, .„ told “Fox NevNews Sunday" that he Hollo, IRS? Hiere^iK; no e n d to Research Idaho and thc federal Trish N eusch o f Ankm arilio, would cut taxi ch and Interest Center in' menl. INEEL stastarted sending waste to taxes “hopefully in the Bill C linton’s plan sIto to sp en d A lbuque:uerque, N.M., said hc - ' Texas, was impressed byy die ope- n rst term," ForbesI questioned F ed eral officials' willill use th c New Me;cic<ico last y ear an d has ness at INEEL. Quesrioi A m eric a’s m oney, aa gigu est edi* jhoughtt ilthe Energy Department ut 126 barrels so for. Ions w ere Bush’s commiiim itment to the issue.. exai.sc th at changcs rccequired by sent about met with information,, noti just “I don’t wai fo ria l sjqrs. ^ would be)c unlikely1 to m eet its goal ■ N6w Mcxico havc madele It harder Officials plplan to send 14 ship- want to say, 1 told you aing 15,000 barrels of plu- public relations spin, she!esaid. so’but haviniving led with a timid .ragoPago AIO«iw tomum-co to get thc waste ready, ]prediaed ments thi:his year, said Tom Neusch works with i -contaminated waste to a , transuranic waste pro- I Serious tax cut andid nowr hedging about Hancock, a long-dmc cri3id c of the Clements, ti Texans Against Nuclear^ whedier he c * ' New Mexexico disposal facility by Plant - the gram manajnager for Bechtel BWI, le qm even get that, I Wastelsoladon Pilot P] Dumping, a group th at't watches think this is j H e a l t h the end ofof2001 . • y government’s controve:/ersial and - die contractactor that operates the is part of the waffling That deadline’isde part of a set- often*delayed disposal;ai site for INEEL ffor the Energy Please see INEELEL, Page A2 imd isqilivralocating that people arc tired of.” ForiForbes said in &n inter- & F a s h io n ^ ■ view. Next: S o m e p aren ts:s sws ear by T T" the conservative fire- 3 a l - S p i c kcked o up thc endorse- cHiropractic adjustm(m e n t of 1nited . Wg^ay fundi-raising5 falls sh<lort of gc ment of Davi)avid Schippers, chief th e ir bab ies, b u t mledical ed doc- GOP investicstigator for President to rs h av e a d iffe rennt t opinion.( By BrianI HaynesH M issed goal meeans missed need:ds for agencies Meals on Wheels it delivlivers, and Clinton’s impimpeachment trial. He PageA5 Tlmw^New Spencer hopes to see ann increase ,|,e tacc•ace between ^radley agencies, and not inee;eting that . goal, the lalatest campaign was a in funding to match that,tl she i,„d Goreis is a choice between TW INti FALLS] - The United goal means some agehd<d es will bc success, shehe said, and the.United said. , , “the devil oror] Beelzebub." Section by seSECTION Way of MMagic Valley set a high left short, she said. Way wantsIts “the. community to “Pni just hoping for thetl best," pellow conservativeco Gary ^ marlic foror fund-raising thi^ year, “The real pressure is knowing feel positiytivc,\becau^e1» e y did . Bauer, struggiLiggllng to keep his can- Section A SeciS C tlo n B and to thithc disappointment’ipf its that every dollar you1 don’ti get m akea bigiig impact.” At the Crisis Center: otc Magic alive.ve, maintained a light means not meeting tlth e n eed . How muduch im p aa e ^ agency V alley, E x e c u tiv e 'ED ire cto r Weather . 2 Sport! ve direaor, the cam pa^ . S o ; ?rt. • ' ’:••• . That’s the real pressurure,” Boyd feels won’t’t Ibe known uhtil Feb. 8, D eborah G a b ard i saysa s th e PleasesISC sec PRIMARY, Page A2 Nation . 3 4 Magic.glc\ailey4.6 ■ meaas the group will ^ said. when the UiUnited Way announces United Way distribtb u tes its World . 4 Obitucituaries...5 • short of: whatw it wanted to give to The United Way camime dose to who gets wlwhat. The agendes will money fairly and sheleM ltak e J7, when it make theiriir requests during the what she is ^ven. *i b e r o n e !_ Features.
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