DIRECTOR João Carlos Correia (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) EDITORES | EDITORS João Carlos Correia (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Anabela Gradim (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) PAINEL CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL | INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC BOARD António Fidalgo (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Afonso Albuquerque (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil) Alfredo Vizeu (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil) António Bento (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Barbie Zelizer (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Colin Sparks (University of Westminster, United Kingdom) Eduardo Camilo (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Eduardo Meditsch (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil) François Heinderyckx (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique) Elias Machado (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil) Francisco Costa Pereira (Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Portugal) Gil Ferreira (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) Helena Sousa (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) Javier Díaz Noci (Universidad del País Vasco, Espanã) Jean Marc-Ferry (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut d’Études Européennes, Belgique) João Pissarra Esteves (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) João Canavilhas (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Joaquim Paulo Serra (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Jorge Pedro Sousa (Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal) José Bragança de Miranda (Universidade Lusófona; Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) Manuel Pinto (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) Mark Deuze (Indiana University, USA) Maria João Silveirinha (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) Mário Mesquita (Escola Superior de Comunicação Social de Lisboa, Portugal) Marcos Palácios (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil) Martin Jay (University of California, Berkeley, USA) Miguel Rodrigo Alsina (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España) Michael Gurevitch (University of Maryland, USA) Nelson Traquina (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) Nico Carpentier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel -VUB- , Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - KUB) Nathalie Zaccai - Reyners (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique) Paula Espírito Santo (Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal) Peter Dahlgren (Lunds Universitet, Sweden) Pedro Coelho (SIC, Jornalista; Investigador) Ramón Salaverría (Universidad de Navarra, España) Stephen K. White (University of Virgínia, EUA) Rosental Calmon Alves (University of Texas, USA) Steve Reese (University of Texas, USA) Susan Buck-Morss (Cornell University) Tito Cardoso e Cunha (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) Todd Gitlin (Columbia University, USA) Xosé Lópes García (Universidad Santiago de Compostela, España) AGRADECIMENTOS António Tomé e Manuela Penafria (UBI) c Estudos em Comunicação | Communication Studies Universidade da Beira Interior Abr. 2007 ISSN: 1646-4974 Periodicidade semestral | Semestral periodicity Contacto dos Editores: [email protected], [email protected] Edição Gráfica: Catarina Rodrigues [catsofi[email protected]] Índice Forward por João Carlos Correia 1 On the political possibilities of therapy news: Media responsibility and the limits of objectivity in disaster coverage por Mervi Pantti, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen 3 Dutch government communication professionals X-rayed: Their role and attitude in public communication about policy intentions por Dave Gelders, Guido Rijnja 26 Mediatised Emotion por Eugenia Siapera 43 Deliberative Democracy and Public Sphere Typology por Rousiley Maia 69 Community and mediation por Paulo Serra 103 Fonction de l’élite et fonction de la presse en France au début de la Troisième Répu- blique por Roger Bautier, Élisabeth Cazenave 119 Intelectuais e mídia: um estudo comparado entre Brasil e França por Fábio Henrique Pereira 133 Como, onde, quando e porque fala a audiência nos telejornais por Beatriz Becker 161 Lula e a blindagem arquetípica: Como a retórica supera o contrato eleitoral por Dirceu Lima Filho, Mannuela Costa 197 A gênese do conceito de dispositivo e sua utilização nos estudos midiáticos por Otavio José Klein 215 i ÍNDICE ÍNDICE As Presidenciais de 2006: reflexões sobre a interpretação da política nos jornais por Susana Salgado 232 A perturbação deliberativa: de Habermas, ao empirismo e ao realismo por António Rosas 250 Espaço público, opinião e democracia por Nilza Sena 270 Between facts and news: Journalism, common sense knowledge and public sphere por Alfredo Vizeu Pereira Júnior, João Carlos Correia 305 A função social das televisões de proximidade. Por um modelo de comunicação alter- nativo por Pedro Coelho 319 El reto de la docencia de Teoría de la Comunicación on line y presencial en el marco del EEES por Anna Estrada, Miquel Rodrigo 332 Adaptación al E.E.E.S. en la Licenciatura de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Una experiencia de innovación docente por Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño 362 Communication Studies – Abstracts 377 ii Forward João Carlos Correia(∗) (∗)Universidade da Beira Interior E-mail: [email protected] HIS is the first issue of “Studies in Communication” (Estudos em Comuni- T cação), published by Labcom (Online Communication Lab of the Univer- sity of Beira Interior, Portugal). The general subject of study of this first issue is Communication and Politics including, among others, essays focused on the following topics: journalism and public sphere; journalism and democra- tic deliberation; ethical and political problems concerning the representation of politics by news media; media regulation and Public Service Broadcasting; the role of intellectuals in the public sphere during different periods of Euro- pean history; the status of emotion in practical philosophy regarding the pur- suit of the good life; impact of regional media on democratic deliberation and representation; epistemological status of journalism in what concerns the en- lightment of well-informed citizens; analysis of media discourse on electoral campaigns; the rule of audiences in the building of political meaning; empiri- cal work on the role and attitude of government communication professionals regarding external public communication about policy intentions, and theoreti- cal examinations of concepts such as “deliberation” or “public sphere” among others. The concept of public sphere has been subject to an intense re-examination, since the classic theoretical approach carried out by Jürgen Habermas (1961) and Hannah Arendt (1958). The eruption of identity issues and the intense changes verified with the profissionalization of political communication de- mands a critical look on concepts acquired in reflection on public sphere and i the theory of democratic deliberation. Most of the essays that have been selected give interesting and original contributions to re-think some classical concepts and, even, its pertinence. In this issue of the review we underline mostly the intense diversity of methods and theoretical approaches, and also the profound diversity of the schools and of the origins of the authors: Neatherlands, United Kingdon, France, Brazil, Spain and, of course, Portugal. With the use of four working languages, our commitment is to try to build a place of academic and scientific Estudos em Comunicação, 1-2 2 João Carlos Correia encounter among different cultural realities working with a common subject and sharing identical scientific purposes. This first issue of the review hase accepted also essays and articles to a thematic dossier on “The Teaching of ‘Communication Sciences’ in Europe after the Bologna Process”. The essays and articles accepted include episte- mological, institutional and pedagogic angles of approach, presenting relevant opinions, analysis, examples and case studies about the teaching of Communi- cation Theory. This issue of the review has all the problems of a first atempt. But we think that, generally, we are going to maintain this structure: so each issue of the re- view will maintain a general subject of study and a thematic dossier. The general subject and the thematic dossier will be different on each issue. The general subject will include only academic and scientific essays. The thema- tic dossier, besides essays and papers, may also include interviews, articles or statements about a subject of general interest to the Academy and to the study of Communication Sciences. Our purpose in these thematic dossiers is to make some kind of scientific journalism without losing an academic perspective. In what concerns its contents, this review will cover several areas of re- search, having in common a deep scientific concern with media studies and interface areas among Social Theory and Communication Sciences including cultural criticism, communication and culture, media and politics, media and identities sciences including cyberculture, communication and culture, media and politics, media and identities, citizenship, and so on. “Studies in Com- munication” cannot forget its origin in one particular school of the scientific Portuguese community: following the good practices of the University of Beira Interior we will give a deep attention to Rhetoric, Image Theory and New Te- chnologies of Information and Communication. We believe in a global idea of new humanities, emphasizing the bridge between Communication and Arts. So, perspectives coming from Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Psy- chology, Education Sciences and Arts and all the fields of study that make sense to the study of Communication Sciences, with particular emphasis in the mentioned subjects, will always
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