H6344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 29, 2016 healthcare system that coordinates looking at this, and we are saying: this Florida (Mr. MILLER) and the gen- care for veterans and affiliates with is working. Why wouldn’t we push it? tleman from California (Mr. TAKANO) university medical schools and teach- I thank everyone for looking at this each will control 20 minutes. ing hospitals to train our healthcare in a bipartisan measure and saying this The Chair recognizes the gentleman providers and perform groundbreaking will help our veterans. Let’s move this from Florida. medical research. forward. GENERAL LEAVE I look forward to learning more This therapy has shown enormous Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, about this treatment and its effects on successes, and I think that when the I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- those veterans who have continued to American people look at this and they bers may have 5 legislative days within suffer from the wounds of combat trau- say, we have got these successes, let’s which to revise and extend their re- ma here at home. Innovative pilot pro- make sure that we push this forward, I marks and add extraneous material on grams and continued investment in re- think that we should also look at other H.R. 6323. search will help to ensure that our Na- treatments that might not be having The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tion’s veterans get the high-quality these types of successes and saying, objection to the request of the gen- care they have earned and deserve. you know what, we can do different tleman from Florida? Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of changes, and the medical industry, I There was no objection. my time. am sure, would support that. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, So that is what we are trying to do I yield myself such time as I may con- I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman with the No Hero Left Untreated Act. sume. from the 25th District of California That is why we have named it that be- I do rise today in support of H.R. (Mr. KNIGHT), the prime sponsor of this cause that is exactly what we want. We 6323, a bill to name the Department of important piece of legislation. don’t want to leave any hero un- Veterans Affairs healthcare system in Mr. KNIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I want to treated. Long Beach, California, the Tibor thank the chair and ranking member I appreciate the support from both Rubin VA Medical Center. for their support of this piece of legis- sides of the aisle, and I ask for support Mr. Speaker, as a young man, Cor- lation. of this important measure. poral Tibor Rubin survived 14 months The No Hero Left Untreated Act is Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I have no in a German concentration camp in just that. We expect our young war- further speakers. I encourage my col- Austria during World War II before it riors to protect our values and our leagues to support this legislation and was liberated by the United States ideals, and we, as Americans, should do join me in passing H.R. 5600, as amend- Army. nothing less than to take care of them ed. Corporal Rubin was so inspired by when they return home. The No Hero I yield back the balance of my time. the American soldiers who rescued him Left Untreated Act is a new and inno- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, that he eventually moved to the United vative way of looking at how we can I too encourage my colleagues to sup- States, enlisted in the Army, and be- treat our veterans, and I think that port this piece of legislation. came a United States citizen. He was that is what people in America are I yield back the balance of time. deployed as a member of the 1st Cav- looking for. They are looking for how The SPEAKER pro tempore. The alry Division during the Korean war, we can help our veterans in new and in- question is on the motion offered by and was eventually captured by the novative ways. Well, this is one of the gentleman from Florida (Mr. MIL- North Korean military. those. LER) that the House suspend the rules During his captivity, he provided cru- This is a way that we have taken 500 and pass the bill, H.R. 5600, as amend- cial moral support and improvised veterans, we have given them this ed. medical support to his fellow prisoners treatment, and about 95 percent of The question was taken; and (two- of war. For his service, Corporal Rubin them have said that they have had thirds being in the affirmative) the was awarded two Purple Hearts and the some difference in their life because of rules were suspended and the bill, as Congressional Medal of Honor. the treatment. Sixty-one percent have amended, was passed. Sadly, he passed away just last year. said that it is a dramatic change be- A motion to reconsider was laid on After such an outstanding life of serv- cause of this treatment. If we took the table. ice and survival, it is only appropriate those numbers and we took them to f that we honor Corporal Rubin by nam- any kind of treatment or any kind of ing the Long Beach VA Medical Center TIBOR RUBIN VA MEDICAL medical help across this country, I after him. H.R. 6323 satisfies the Com- CENTER think that all of the physicians and all mittee’s naming criteria and is sup- of the medical industry would say: yes, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, ported by the entire California congres- those are great numbers. I move to suspend the rules and pass sional delegation, as well as many So what we are trying to do here is the bill (H.R. 6323) to name the Depart- local veterans service organizations. we are going to put it into two of our ment of Veterans Affairs health care medical facilities; put it into two of system in Long Beach, California, the b 1730 our VA centers, and we are going to ‘‘Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center’’. I am grateful to Congressman collect some data on the enormous suc- The Clerk read the title of the bill. LOWENTHAL for sponsoring this legisla- cesses that we have seen in the past The text of the bill is as follows: tion, and I urge all of my colleagues to and hopefully in the future. Then, I H.R. 6323 join me in supporting it. hope to come back at a certain time in Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the future and say: this has been great; resentatives of the United States of America in my time. the data that we have collected has Congress assembled, Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield helped our veterans, has helped our SECTION 1. NAME OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VET- myself such time as I may consume. warriors when they have come home. ERANS AFFAIRS HEALTH CARE SYS- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Let’s put this across the country. TEM, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. of H.R. 6323, to name the Department I expect that everyone in every dis- The Department of Veterans Affairs health of Veterans Affairs health care system trict across this country, when they care system located at 5901 East 7th Street, in Long Beach, California, the Tibor Long Beach, California, shall after the date Rubin VA Medical Center. see this, these types of successes, of the enactment of this Act be known and would want to put it into their VA fa- designated as the ‘‘Tibor Rubin VA Medical What a remarkable story about Tibor cilities. So that is kind of our goal in Center’’. Any reference to such health care Rubin. Tibor Rubin survived the what we are trying to do here. system in any law, regulation, map, docu- Mauthausen concentration camp for 14 Mental and physical injuries are part ment, record, or other paper of the United months before being liberated by of battle. Treatment that works should States shall be considered to be a reference American soldiers in May of 1945. After be pushed by our legislative bodies. It to the Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center. immigrating to the United States in shouldn’t be stagnated. And that is ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 1948, he enlisted in the United States actly what this body is doing. We are ant to the rule, the gentleman from Army and volunteered to serve in VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:48 Nov 30, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29NO7.048 H29NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 29, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6345 Korea despite not being required to such engagement, Tibor enabled the United States, and when I became a serve overseas as a non-U.S. citizen. complete withdrawal of his com- citizen, it was one of the happiest days While in Korea, Corporal Rubin was patriots to the Pusan Perimeter by in my life. ordered to defend a road while his divi- solely defending a hill under an over- ‘‘I think about the United States, and sion was in retreat. He held that posi- whelming assault by North Korean I am a lucky person to live here. tion for 24 hours until the 8th Cavalry troops.
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