International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research Vol. 3, No. 12; 2019 ISSN: 2456-7760 MODEL OF INTEGRATED CHILDREN PROTECTION IN THE FAMILY IN WEST TIMOR INTEGRATED AREA IN BELU DISTRICT Prof. DR. Mientje Ratoe Oedjoe, M.PD1, Apriana H. J. Fanggidae, SE, MSi2, Reny R. Masu, SH, MH3 1)Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science – Nusa Cendana University- Indonesia 2)Management- Faculty of Economic and Business- Nusa Cendana University- Indonesia 3)Faculty of Law, Nusa Cendana University- Indonesia Abstract Overall activities carried out in support of the Three Ends strategy, namely 1) End Violence Against Women and Children (ending violence against women and children); 2) End Human Trafficking (end human trafficking); and 3) End Barriers To Economic Justice (ending economic inequality). The Three Ends Strategy was developed by KPP-PA RI to implement Ministerial Regulation PP and PA Number 6 of 2013 concerning the implementation of Family Development as an integral part of the implementation of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning PKDRT. Domestic violence (domestic violence) is an event or event that damages the main joints of family resilience. This threatens the sustainability of household life and negatively affects the life cycle and child development in the household. Recognizing the high number of cases of violence against children, it is necessary to make an integrated model of child protection in the family in the Kupang-ex-East Timor integrated region which is appropriate in carrying out approaches to mobilize Belu district communities who are actively involved and coordinated in efforts to prevent violence against children and respond or respond to violence against children through the development of networks with affordable and quality support services. As well as building a system at the community and family level for care that supports safe relationships to prevent violence (peer to peer approach). Along with the explanation above, the following research problems arise; how the child protection model is integrated in the family. The objectives of the study are: 1) Identifying and classifying the level of child presence and the needs of children in the family. 2) implementation of integrated child protection models in families in integrated areas of West Timor. The qualitative approach method is the characteristic of the approach that is in line with the research objectives, namely formulating a more effective child protection model. the right method is participatory approach. The results of the study are as follows: The presence of children in the family is the greatest asset in the future. Children will be the pride of parents when they grow up and are able to meet their needs and family needs. The government must be responsive to events that occur in the community, especially related to meeting family needs. Providing services to children must be maximally good from family, community and government. The advice that can be given is that the central and regional governments with the support of families and civil society need to enforce the law that applies to those who make mistakes against children. Support for increased income and social welfare services can be useful for children and families. Keywords: Model, Protection, Children, and Family www.ijebmr.com Page 124 International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research Vol. 3, No. 12; 2019 ISSN: 2456-7760 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Government of Indonesia has made various efforts to ensure that Indonesian children can grow and develop optimally by issuing policies and programs of activities that support the fulfillment of children's rights and protection. Overall activities carried out in support of the Three Ends strategy, namely 1) End Violence Against Women and Children (ending violence against women and children); 2) End Human Trafficking (end human trafficking); and 3) End Barriers To Economic Justice (ending economic inequality). The Three Ends Strategy was developed by KPP-PA RI to implement Ministerial Regulation PP and PA Number 6 of 2013 concerning the implementation of Family Development as an integral part of the implementation of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning PKDRT. However, various efforts that have been running so far are more focused on handling vulnerable and risky families and children / have become victims of violence. While related programs strengthen social levels, such as social norms, attitudes, behavior of parents and the community about the adverse effects of violence on children have not been carried out to the fullest. there are still many Indonesian children who are not protected enough to be in a dangerous situation for them. As experienced by children in East Nusa Tenggara, especially Belu District which is in two different environments namely the environment of children from the local community and children of parents of ex-East Timor. During the period of 2015 - 2017 the number of children recorded and experiencing violence amounted to 201 children (Kupang Post, May 2018) with the largest range of violence and violence being in the family environment. The reality is that children are forced to work abroad to maintain the prestige of the family in the eyes of the community, children are not given maximum education, children are tortured and more fatal Children are raped by biological parents. Latest data; in 2018 until July 2018 there were more than 46 children who experienced violence (Source: NGOs (P2TP2A, Child Care Institutions, Child Fund and other institutions). Domestic violence (domestic violence) is an event or event that damages the main joints family security This threatens the sustainability of household life and also negatively affects the life cycle and child development in the household Realizing that there are still high cases of violence against children, it is necessor that is appropriate in take an approach to move the Belu district community to be actively involved and coordinated in efforts to prevent violence against children and respond or respond if violence occurs against children through the development of networks with affordabary to make an integrated child protection model in the family in the integrated area of West Timle and quality support services such as P2TP2A, NGOs, Community Health centers, Community Development Agency, and institutions social as well as cooperation with other village organizations such as the Foresting Family Welfare, Integreted Healthcare Center, fraternal fraternity association, Local Government Organization and school. As well as building a system at the community and family level for care that supports safe relationships to prevent violence (peer to peer approach). 1.2 Research Problems As a long as with the explanation above, the following research problems arise: how is the development model of integrated child protection in the family? www.ijebmr.com Page 125 International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research Vol. 3, No. 12; 2019 ISSN: 2456-7760 1.3 Research objectives The research objectives are: 1) Classifying the level of child presence and the needs of children in the family. 2) Analyzing the factors that influence the occurrence of violence in children. 3) Design a model for developing integrated child protection in families in the integrated area of Kupang - ex-East Timor. LITERATURE REVIEW AND ROAD RESEARCH MAP 2.1. Literature review 2.1.1. Child protection Children are every person under the age of 18, except according to the law that applies to children, it is determined that the age of adulthood is reached earlier (Convention on the Rights of the Child). The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international instrument that encourages and binds countries to make efforts to ensure the fulfillment of children's rights. The convention regulates what children's rights must be realized and how the obligations of the state and the world community in making it happen. UNICEF groups the children's rights into: the right to survival, the right to growth, the right to protection from various dangerous situations, and the right to social participation. Children, like humans in general, have inherent human rights, which are universal, inviolable to enable them to carry out life with dignity. For this reason, every child also has the right to grow and develop properly. The rights inherent in children are referred to as children's rights. Aspects of child development as a form of changes are: a. Physical (Motor) Development. Physical development (motor) is a process of growth and development of a child's movement ability. Every movement a child makes is the result of a complex interaction pattern of various parts and systems in the body controlled by the brain. Physical development (motor) includes the development of gross motor and fine motor. Gross motor development; The ability of children to sit, run and jump include examples of gross motor development. Large muscles and parts or all parts of the body are used by children to do body movements. Gross motor development is influenced by the child's process of maturity. Because the process of maturity of each child is different, the rate of development of a child may be different from other children. Fine motor development The development of fine motor skills is the development of a child's movement that uses small muscles or certain parts of the body. The development of this aspect is influenced by the child's opportunity to learn and practice. The ability to write, cut and arrange blocks including examples of fine motor movements. b. Emotional Development. Developments in this aspect include the ability of children to love; feel comfortable, brave, happy, scared, and angry; and other forms of emotion. In this aspect, children are greatly influenced by interactions with parents and the people around them. The www.ijebmr.com Page 126 International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research Vol. 3, No. 12; 2019 ISSN: 2456-7760 emotions that develop will correspond to the emotional impulses they receive.
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