FREE PRE ss SSPORTPORT SS Colby Free Press Thursday, October 22, 2009 Page 7 Seconds before impact Colby High runners win league championship The Colby High boys cross Nathan Reed took 13th with The junior varsity boys team country team won the Northwest 19:31. also ran at the meet. Freshman Kansas League championship Other times included seniors Blake McNinch finished second meet for the eighth time in the past Kalen Rasmussen, 20:41, and overall in 22:09. 10 years last Saturday at Hoxie, Brock Wagoner, 20:55, and soph- Senior Dylan Stithem snared with 38 overall points. omore Jordan Rasmussen, 21:31. fifth place with 24:09 and senior Goodland came in second with Nally and Reed both received Jacob Hutfles came in sixth at 48. Other schools that competed medals and were named to the 28:33. in the meet were Oberlin and Oak- All-Northwest Kansas League Both teams will be running on ley. Team. The top 10 finishers in the Saturday in the Regional meet at “We had good balance, with race made the all league squad. Lake Afton in Wichita, sponsored each runner having a good run On the girls side, junior Katrina by Bishop Carroll Catholic High throughout the race,” said Coach Kaus took first overall in 17 min- School. Bob Mannebach. utes. The girls will start at 2 p.m. and Mannebach said the team had Junior Sara Martin snared ninth at the boys at 3 p.m. worked hard at practice for the 19:05 and sophomore Andrea Tor- To get to the meet, take Inter- last two weeks in weather that was res finished in 24. Mannebach said state 70 east toward Salina for less than favorable. the girls didn’t have a full team 196 miles to Exit 250A, Go south “They have worked very hard because senior Rhett Martin and on I-135 for 84 miles to exit 11B, during the past 2 1/2 weeks, be- junior Katherine Kaus were ill. then take I-235 south to Exit 5 (K- tween this meet and our last meet, The girls and boys teams together 42). Head southwest to Macarthur and they all accepted the challenge were missing seven runners be- Road, then go right (west) for 8 and performed well,” he said. cause they were sick. to 10 miles until you reach Lake Sophomore Jared Nally took Both Katrina and Martin re- Afton. The first entrance to the third in the boys’ race with a time ceived medals and made the All- park is by a red barn. The second of 18 minutes, 7 seconds. League list. involves making a left turn right Freshman Dustin Reed snared “We had some really good prac- after you pass the park building fifth place with 18:28. tices during the cool, damp weath- and going two miles to the dam, Freshman John Faber came in er which helped us perform well,” where the runners will be. 12th with 19:16 and sophomore said Mannebach. LOCAL TV LISTINGS sponsored by the Saturday Evening October 24, 2009 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KAKE/ABC College Football Local KBSL/CBS CSI: NY 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery Local KSNK/NBC Mercy Trauma Law & Order: SVU Local Saturday Night Live KSAS/FOX Cops Cops Most Wanted Local Talkshow With Spike Sit Down Local Cable Channels A & E Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Criminal Minds AMC Alien 3 Alien Resurrection ANIM SuperFetc SuperFetc Dogs 101 America's Cutest Dog Dogs 101 SuperFetc SuperFetc BRAVO Housewives-Atl GoodFellas GoodFellas CMT Strict Parents Cheer Strict Parents Cheer Extreme-Home CNN CNN Presents Newsroom CNN Presents COMEDY Let's Go to Prison American Pie American Pie DISC MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters DISN Wizards-Waver Phineas Montana Wizards So Raven The Suite Cory E! Chasing Amy Lamas The Soup Chelsea Chasing Amy ESPN College Football SportsCenter Football Final ESPN2 College Football Scoreboard Baseball NASCAR Racing FAM The Goonies The Mask FOOD Halloween Sweets Extreme Sweets Cakes Cakes Iron Chef America Extreme Sweets ANDY HEINTZ/Colby Free Press FX Snakes Van Helsing Sunny Sunny Damages Sophomore LeAnna Sheaffer went up for a tip shot during the Lady Trojans’ match against HGTV Halloween Color Color House House House House Color Color Barton County on Wednesday at the Community Building. Colby fell to the Great Bend team in four sets, 23-25, 25-13, 25-17, 25-15. HIST Extreme Marksmen Ext. Marksmen Extreme Marksmen Public Notice LIFE Murder-Hamp. The Two Mr. Kissels Project Runway The Two Mr. Kissels MTV Made Super Psycho Fantasy The Matrix Revolutions NICK iCarly Jackson The Troop iCarly Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny Malcolm Malcolm ORDINANCE NO. 1461 the effective date of this Ordinance and the SCI Splinter Ghost Town Phantom Racer date the first installment is payable, but not DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AN ORDINANCE LEVYING SPE- less than the amount of interest due during SPIKE UFC 104 Count. Ult. Fighting Resident Evil The Hills Have Eyes CIAL ASSESSMENTS ON CERTAIN the coming year shall be added to the first TRACT 2: A tract of land located in the TBS MLB Baseball MLB Post TBA TBA PROPERTY TO PAY THE COSTS OF installment. The interest for one year on all Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) of Section TCM The Letter Quartet Painted INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE unpaid installments shall be added to each Seven (7), Township Eight (8) South, Range TLC Dateline Myst. Dateline Myst. Dateline Myst. Dateline Myst. Dateline Myst. CITY OF COLBY, KANSAS, AS HERE- subsequent installment until paid. Thirty-three (33) West of the Sixth Principal TNT The Patriot We Were Soldiers TOFORE AUTHORIZED BY RESO- Meridian, more particularly described as TOON 6teen: Dude of the The Othersiders King-Hill King-Hill The PJs Boondocks Boondocks Bleach LUTION NO. 969 OF THE CITY AND SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordi- follows: TRAV Terr Places Most Terrifying Ghost Ghost Halloween Terr Places PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION nance shall take effect and be in force from TV LAND M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne OF SUCH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. and after its passage, approval and publi- Commencing at the southwest corner of USA NCIS NCIS NCIS Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU cation once in the official City newspaper. said Section, thence, on an assumed bear- VH1 The Temptations Real Chance of Love WHEREAS, the City Council of the City ing of N00º12’21”E, along the west line of of Colby, Kansas has heretofore authorized PASSED AND APPROVED by the City said Section, a distance of one hundred WGN Pet Sematary Two Funniest Home Videos Scrubs Scrubs Jay and Silent Bob certain internal improvements to be con- Council of the City of Colby, Kansas on Oc- seventy and eight hundredths (170.08) feet, Premium Channels structed pursuant to K.S.A. 12-6a01, et tober 20, 2009. and S89º47’39”E for a distance of seven HBO Milk 24/7 Harold & Kumar Escape Curb seq. (the “Act,”); and hundred fifty-five and sixty-nine hundredths MAX Welcome Commando Burn After Reading Life on Top Erotic (S) K. G. Bieber, Mayor (755.69) feet to the point of beginning. SHOW Dexter Bon Jovi: We Were Beautiful Beer League All Star Comedy Jam WHEREAS, the City Council has here- ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it tofore conducted a public hearing in ac- ATTEST: From the point of beginning, thence cordance with the Act and desires to levy (S) Joni L. Ketchum, City Clerk N00º11’35”E for a distance of five hundred Sunday Evening October 25, 2009 assessments on certain property benefitted sixty-three and ninety-seven hundredths by the construction of the improvements. (SEAL) (563.97) feet, thence S89º48’20”E for a dis- 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 tance of two hundred thirty and sixteen hun- KAKE/ABC Extreme-Home Desperate Housewives Brothers & Sisters Local NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY Exhibit A dredths (230.16) feet, thence S00º12’21”W KBSL/CBS The Amazing Race 15 Three Rivers Cold Case Local THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY for a distance of six hundred thirty-five and KSNK/NBC Football NFL Football Local Dateline NBC OF COLBY, KANSAS: Sewell Avenue Street Improvement 2009 ninety-four hundredths (635.94) feet, thence KSAS/FOX MLB Baseball Local N72º25’57”W for a distance of two hundred Cable Channels SECTION 1. Levy of Assessments. For Resolution No. 969 forty-one and two hundredths (241.02) feet A & E Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Criminal Minds the purpose of paying the costs of the as- to the point of beginning. AMC The Shining Mad Men Mad Men Breaking Bad phaltic paving, together with curb and gut- DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ANIM Weird Weird Werewolves Weird Weird Werewolves ter of Sewell Avenue from the intersection Less: BRAVO Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI of Willow, extending North approximately TRACT 1: A tract of land located in the three hundred seventy feet (370’), there are Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) of Section Seven A tract of land located in the Southwest CMT Nat'l-Christmas Caddyshack Cable Guy hereby levied and assessed the amounts (S07), Township Eight South (T08S), Range Quarter (SW ¼) of Section Seven (S07), CNN CNN Presents Newsroom CNN Presents against the property described in Exhibit A Thirty-three West (R33W) of the Sixth Prin- Township Eight South (T08S), Range Thir- COMEDY Amer Pie The Ex Dunham S.
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