July 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S7253 leaked into the environment. Ade- is sufficient for the TWRS project to slow down work on the Hanford tank quately addressing this situation is ab- proceed with absolutely no delay in the farm cleanup. We are, in fact, trying to solutely essential, and is in fact codi- schedule or change in the intended ensure a stable funding environment fied in the Tri-Party Agreement en- work scope. The TWRS project will for such projects in order that they can tered into by the DOE, EPA, and Wash- have $371 million in authorized funds move forward expeditiously. ington State. Regardless of the method available if the committee mark be- Mr. GORTON. I thank the Senator of contracting selected, the time line comes law. Given anticipated spending for his clarification on these points. I required in that agreement must be rates for both contractor teams, the also appreciate his assurance to sup- met. TWRS project will end fiscal year 1998 port $147 million in TWRS in con- Currently, DOE is employing an in- with a surplus of $207 million. We be- ference and his demonstrated commit- novative contracting approach to deal- lieve this authorization level sends the ment to the environmental manage- ing with the remediation of those tank proper signal to the contractor and the ment privatization concept. I yield the wastes called privatization. DOE em- investor communities that Congress is floor. barked on privatization to attract out- committed to cleaning up Hanford's f side financial resources to finance the tank farm. GULF WAR VETERANS' HEALTH final design, construction and oper- Mr. GORTON. Does the committee Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I support ation of cleanup projects, which would and the chairman further understand the amendment offered by my col- in turn allow their scarce budget re- that the $147 million provided in fiscal league from Connecticut, Senator sources to be used to accelerate other year 1998 represents a very minimum DODD, and I am asking that I be in- amount given the overall work in- cleanup actions. The Department also cluded as a cosponsor. This amendment tended, and the need to bank some wanted to take advantage of a commer- addresses some of the lessons to be budget authority to avoid significantly cial approach that has shown in the learned from the Persian Gulf War in larger budget authority requirements private sector not only to save dollars, relation to the health of U.S. military in later years? but to reduce the time required to ac- personnel who served in that operation, complish the task. Mr. SMITH. Yes, and I can assure the Senator that this committee will take many of whom are suffering from what Section 3104 of the bill authorizes has come to be called Persian Gulf War a close look at the TWRS project next $275 million for DOE environmental Illness, or Gulf War Syndrome. year, and if the issues and reporting re- management privatized projects, in- This amendment requires the Depart- cluding $147 million for TWRS at Han- quirements identified in section 3131 ment of Defense (DoD) and the Depart- ford. This funding is critical to dem- are addressed by DOE, and hopefully ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assess onstrate to the privatization contrac- they will be, we will provide the budget the needs of, and prepare plans to pro- tors the Department's financial com- authority necessary for the continu- vide effective health care to, veterans mitment to proceed with privatization. ation of the project. of the Persian Gulf War and their de- Mr. GORTON. Finally, section 3131, Without sufficient funds being re- pendents. It also directs the DoD and particularly subsection (b), suggests served, the privatization contractorsÐ VA to consider the health care needs of that the authorization amount for pri- which plan to put up their capital to reservists and former members of the develop the cleanup projectÐand the vatization projects as defined in sec- military who suffer from Persian Gulf contractors' investors have little as- tion 3104 cannot be used for new con- War Illness and who have fallen surance that TWRS or other privatiza- tractual obligations until DOE pro- through the cracks of the military and tion contracts will be fully funded. vides a report setting forth a number of veterans health care systems. If ulti- While I am concerned that the com- basic cost, construction, and savings mately implemented, this plan, which mittee's authorization is not high related provisions. Yet, in the context is due by March 1, 1998, would be a sig- enough to preclude some out-year BA of the TWRS project, contracts are al- nificant improvement over the existing spikes for the privatization program, I ready in place with two contractors. tragic situation faced by many Gulf will forgo offering an amendment to in- Each contract contains two parts: a War veterans and their families. This is crease this year's funding with the un- part A in which the contractors will the responsible way to deal with this derstanding that the committee recog- provide deliverables to support the con- issue, rather than leaving these fami- nizes the need to provide at a minimum struction and operation of a TWRS fa- lies to struggle individually to deal $147 million in budget authorization for cility, and a part B in which DOE, as- with the effects of the invisible wounds TWRS to send the correct signal to the suming part A deliverables are accept- suffered in the service of our Nation. I contractors and financial community. able, authorizes the contractor, or con- have spoken previously about a soldier Do I have the assurance of the Sen- tractors, to proceed with the permit- struggling to provide health care for ator that he will stand fast on the Sen- ting and construction of a waste proc- his child, fighting to cope with the ate position of $147 million for TWRS essing facility. Since two Hanford tank child's severe deformities and health in the upcoming conference with the waste remediation systems' contracts conditions that may have resulted House? have already been awarded, and any from his exposure to toxins during the Mr. SMITH. If the Senator will yield, followon work for part B would be con- Gulf War, and about service members yes I will vigorously defend in the con- sidered an exercised option, I want to who have left the military because of ference the Senate position of provid- be clear that these provisions in sec- their declining health and who cannot ing at least $147 million for TWRS. tion 3131 do not constitute an abroga- get medical insurance because of Mr. GORTON. Even if we secure the tion or termination of the current con- health conditions they believe are the full $147 million in conference, as I tracts in existence. direct result of their service. hope we do, the fiscal year 1998 author- Mr. SMITH. If the Senator will yield A special concern that has arisen ization is significantly less than the further, that is correct. It is not the in- from our Gulf War experience concerns administration request. Does the fail- tent to abrogate or terminate the ex- the use of new and investigational ure to authorize TWRS funding at the isting contracts. However, it is the in- drugs and vaccines to protect our mili- administration's request level in any tent of the provision that any future tary personnel from the deadly effects way suggest that Congress is backing privatization contracts or contract re- of chemical and biological weapons. My away from the TWRS privatization newals or options exercised pursuant to colleague from West Virginia, Senator project? an existing contract funded under sec- ROCKEFELLER, has taken a particular Mr. SMITH. If the Senator will yield tion 3104 must be preceded by a de- interest in this matter, and I commend further, the fact that we did not au- tailed DOE report to Congress as called him for his vigilance in looking after thorize TWRS at the level initially rec- for in section 3131(b) of the bill. With the interests of our military personnel ommended by the administration in no respect to the TWRS contract, the sec- in this regard. This amendment con- way should be viewed as prejudicial. tion 3131 limitations and notice and tains a provision to modify the U.S. We believe the authorization of $147 wait requirement are applicable to the Code to require notice to all service million, coupled with the $170 million authorization to proceed with phase personnel whenever new or experi- already appropriated in fiscal year 1997 1B. We are in no way attempting to mental drugs are being administered. S7254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 11, 1997 It also requires the Secretary of De- fense or by the VA, and I am pleased should allow them to choose the meth- fense to ensure that all service mem- that the DoD has moved quickly to od and practitioner they prefer, espe- bers' medical records accurately docu- award those funds to peer-reviewed re- cially when evidence indicates that a ment the administration of these search programs. I hope that these group of practitioners provides high drugs, so that possible involvement in studies will provide answers in an expe- quality, cost-effective care. future post-war illnesses can be better ditious manner, so that any findings While I am not a doctor, I do believe studied. might be rapidly put to use in provid- that chiropractic health care presents In addition to looking at ways to ing effective treatment for our Persian an important health care option for deal with the health after-effects of the Gulf veterans.
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