rfi. Wearlie," ul But p...,....., ............... ~ .... - Maris 54 era .,. thunderstorm. north_t today, ...nne .......... w.................... , cooler _th..... , Wt ... upper 711 northw." to _ " MUIhu.. (See Page 3) Further outIeok - Sc:MteroII ...... FriILIy, of owan cooler ... ",...t. as a specialist," Coacb IIun! Serotng tM- State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City three other quarterbacks 811! Established in 1868 Aisociated Press LeaJed Wire and Wirephoto Herald Tribune News Service Features Thursday, September 7. 1961. Iowa City, Iowa hOllnor,es and are unlikely to tit action this fall. They ~ Brocavich, Freehold, NJ.. Sherman, Durand, Mich., • .; be used as a defenslve ball. ; and Arthur Massucci, Jt.. Highland Park, Mich. first team fullback of lJI. ams of Rahway, N.J., W_ the best sophomores ia ie and coaches feel that lie a standout. Williams aver. eport e ucear cst on 70 carries, scored 5 , ht1nw". and averaged 20 y.... returns. His fumble l'& went for a 67·y~ broke up the MichiPi Bomb Tests, game in the final mioults Committee Kills 20 Strike Averted Iowa was trailing, 15-1t back of Williams the situa. is almost desperate. No clear Begun Friday, No. 2 fullback yet has <leve). Bi/ls To Increase By Union·GM lfobby Grier, Detroit, Mic!t of 181 pounds, cou1d Continue evaluated because 01 a Agreement injury and Dick Turiti, · f 'H U.S. Announces rg, Pa. teammate to Sz.7. S. Ize 0 'National Economic does not seem ready. ouse Fallout Detedecl close of spring drill, Coach WASHINGTON (A P) - If nothing is done, it means all Package' Includes shifted Right End Bill Per. In Alaska Area Twenty bills aimed at increas­ congressmen in tbose states may Three Principles Jersey City, N.J., to fuJIbad have to run at large, and that WASIII CTON (AP)-Tha the 197-pounder could htIp ing the House membership whichever pLlrty sweeps the state DETROIT III - The United Auto he learns the posllion. Jim were killed at one swoop Wed­ will sweep all congressional seats. Workers and General ~otors reach· Sovi t Union d tonated an­ , 183 from Hubbard, ... 0 cd an "a,reement in principle" other Duel ar d vi in th nt~ nesday by the House Judiciary There is al the added cost and sophomore. dificulty of running on a state· Wednesday on a national economic mospher early Wedo day. Committee. wide basis rather than in a small· packaee. UAW President Waller tll Atomic En rgy ommi~ The committee action wiped er congressional district. P. Reuther announced immediately ion announced Wednesday lhe slate of all legislation de­ The states where this could hap. that " Ford i the ne~ door 1 will knock on." signed to save congressional seats pen are Minnesota, Ulinois, Penn· night. sylvania and Massachusetts. GM and the union reached a bas· The site o( th blast was de­ in 16 states which are losing them ic agreement on economic is ue In an effort to lIet around this scribed liS in the low to interme­ because of relative population de· at 3 a.m., seven hours before a impasse, bills were introduced to diate range. clines. union·imposed strike d e a d 1 i n e. The losses will be offset by gains authorize the director of the Cen· Thl. I. the fourth Soviet blest sus Bureau to redistrict states In They agreed to extend the dead· ia states which showed large pop. line until 10 a.m. Monday. cr.tected by tho U.S. Gov.,. u1ation increases in the 1960 cen· which the legislature failed to net. ment slnc. I... Frld.y, This ran into strong opposition and At 01'1' tim. Wedn.sd.y 13,500 sus. wlldc.t afrlkers idled ..ven OM The site of the lotest blost - The Hou.. m.mbership, fixed no redistricting bill was approved said to hove occurred early Wed­ by the subcommittee. pl.nts, and GM ..nt home 2. It 435 In I'll, will rev.rt to that from Its FllMr Body plant at nesdoy by Wa hiniion lime - was fItIur. .ft.r n.xt y ..r', .I.c· Pontl.e, Mich., beeau.. of wh.t given as east o( Stallngrnd. tIon.. It w.. incr••• ed tempor· It .ald w., poor worllman5lllp. In This is some 1,000 miles west .rily to 437 to admit m.mbers .11 GM h•• 129 pl.nts 'mploylng of the area given for the three of Neves Brazil1s from the new statu Hawaii .ppro.lm.tety 350,* unIOll·r.p­ previous explo ions. They were and Alaak •. r ...nted ~ers. set 0(( in the SemipalaUnsk area A judiciary subcommittee ear· The GM package is expected to of central Asla. Stalingrad lies Iier approved a bill backed by First Premier serve as a model for Ford and • roughJy between the Black and Rep. Francis Walter (D·Pa.) to in· Chrysler contracts. All This and More In the Car? Ca plan as. erease the membership by three. BRASILIA, Brazil L4'I - Presi· Bargainers at both Ford and The AEC declined to .I.bor.t. Walter said that would take care dent·designate Joao Goulart was Chrysler agreed to extend their F.II 1, 1M ..ason when an,ulshad parents try t. I.ad two van. full o.s Main.,; Ginney Stll., Al, Park Ridge, 111.; Marty Sla., A4, on It, "atement, other th.n to of the three members that will t r('ported Wednesday night to bave contracts to midnight, Sept. 13. of b.gg... Into on. c.r to tr.n,port • d.Ughter b.ck to .chool. Dubuque: Pam Wallter, A2, Algon.; and M.rgl. Ruopp, A2, M.... confirm th.t tho new bl •• had represent Hawaii and Alaska aft· chosen veteran conservative poli. Chrysler's contract will expire au· been detected In • dHf.r.nt .r••. ~o.JII er 1962 without cutting into the Moving 1"11." Into tho K.". Alpha Thet. hou.. via .,sembly shalltown. ISH PlIt. 3 for ,torles on rush wHk and erltnt.t/on .e· tic ian Tancredo Neves to be tomatically at that time. Ford's The low to intermediate yield 435 seats assigned to the older lin. or. (I. to r.): Rolph Hillman, -'4, Es.. x: Denny Lumb.rd, Al, tlvltl ..,) -D.lly Iowan Photo by Lorry R.popert Brazil's first prime minister 01 the requireS II 48·hour termination no· given for the Intest blost was the states . new parliamentary system adopted tice. sam liS that which the AEC said .Lt,i1cb Rep. Emanuel Celler (D·N.Y'), under milJtary pressure. Jerry Atkin ...., Chrysler's I.· charact riud No. S, announced chairman of the full committee, bor m.n.g.r, .ald .... company" TUesday. said, however, that any increase Doutel de Andrade, a deputy close to the leftist vice president original offer was .tlll on tho t.· Nehru Tells Khrushchev Integration Last Friday's blast, the first de­ bill reaching the House floor would bl ••nd "the comp.ny h.s noth. tected, was described as of Inter­ "open a Pandora's box" of amend· and a member of Goulart's own n.w to offer .t tfris t/ me. II mediate yield and the second, on ments to raise the total still higher. Labor party, said Neves has ac· 'ng ~~i; cepted. Neves was justice minister Reuther told reporters the union ilI . ~ Try Futile Monday, of low·kiloton size. A kilo­ W~., 'UI· II ' Mel _tified tfNIt he ton II the equivalent ol a lbouaaJId in VIII regime of the late dictator and OM "have completed euenti· tho",ht hll bill r.pr••• nted ttl. ally the national economlc point" ARo# her : ~r; Qr II male r :O y In ~hicago t_ of· TNT. most th.t COIIld b. pas.ed In the Getulio Vargas and is one at the most powerful politicians in Brazil. of what he termed "1\ three·point 8y PRESTON GROVER a new test as to whether the non· down and Ghana fia,s were run Tho Govemment also .n­ Hous., where Speak.r S.m Ray· contract package." He gave no d . CHICAGO (.fJ - Negroes made a IIOUIIeeCI that f.11out from tho bum (D.Tex.) h.. .xpr.ssed He I, a leaefer in form.r Pr•• I· MOSCOW (AP) - Premier aligned - which Nehru says up alongside the Soviet red flags. tails. should never become a third pow· futile effort to enroll their chUdren r.newed Sovltt nucl •• r te.ts h•• ~ I strong opposition to any incr..... dent Juac.lino Kubitschek', So­ Pictures of Khrushchev and Nehru in public schools attended by white Louis G. Seaton, GM Vice presi· lChru hchev r ccived Wednes­ shown up In AI ••k., followlnl Rep. Frank Chelf (D·Ky.l push· ci.1 D.mocr.t party, Brazil'. er bloc - can influence Eastern were turned against a wall of the dent, agreed that the two sid pupil, Wednesday in a peaceful resumption of tho Sovltt bl ..... ed a bill to increase the member· larg'lt. But h•• upported Goul­ day night the Belgrade confer­ and Western blocs in a seUiement airport build in,. were in essential agr ement on a or differences ,rown so hot in reo prelude to a suit to force a re­ The Welfare Department said ship to 469. This would have saved art in last y.ar's .Iection, whll. ence appeal for p ce talk be­ mapping of Chicago's school dIs· national economic package. cent weeks. Nkrumah cnme in on a Soviet· !bat, based on readjngs taken in Ii-I &eats for 14 of the 16 slates due to being defeat.d him.elf in the built Ghana Airways airliner.
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