March 11, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1517 the Commission’s Performance and Account- President of the Senate on March 6, 2014; to Miele: None; Anthony Miele: None; Amy ability Report for fiscal year 2013; to the the Committee on Finance. Stewart: None; Tavis Stewart: None; Lindsay Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- EC–4884. A communication from the Chief Westphal: None; Xavier Keutgen. ernmental Affairs. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, 4. Parents: James W. Westphal: Deceased: EC–4874. A communication from the Chair- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Margaret Westphal: Deceased. man, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 5. Grandparents: Guillermo Westphal: De- Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Withholding of Tax ceased; Lidia Westphal: Deceased. Board’s fiscal year 2013 Performance and Ac- on Certain U.S. Source Income Paid to For- 6. Brothers and Spouses: Arthur Westphal; countability Report; to the Committee on eign Persons and Revision of Information $560.00, 2012, Act Blue; $1120.00, 2013, Act Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Reporting and Backup Withholding Regula- Blue; Laura Westphal: N/A. fairs. tions’’ ((TD 9658) (RIN1545–BL18)) received in 7. Sisters and Spouses: N/A. EC–4875. A communication from the Asso- the Office of the President of the Senate on ciate General Counsel for General Law, De- March 10, 2014; to the Committee on Finance. *Douglas Alan Silliman, of Texas, a Career partment of Homeland Security, transmit- Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a f of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- vacancy in the position of Under Secretary REPORTS OF COMMITTEES traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the for Intelligence and Analysis, Department of United States of America to the State of Ku- Homeland Security, received during adjourn- The following reports of committees wait. ment in the Office of the President of the were submitted: Nominee: Douglas Alan Silliman. Post: Kuwait: Senate on March 7, 2014; to the Committee By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee (The following is a list of all members of on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- on Foreign Relations, without amendment my immediate family and their spouses. I fairs. and with a preamble: have asked each of these persons to inform EC–4876. A communication from the Asso- S. Res. 361. A resolution recognizing the me of the pertinent contributions made by ciate General Counsel for General Law, De- threats to freedom of the press and expres- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- partment of Homeland Security, transmit- sion in the People’s Republic of China and formation contained in this report is com- ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a urging the Government of the People’s Re- plete and accurate.) vacancy in the position of Assistant Sec- public of China to take meaningful steps to Contributions, amount, date, and donee: retary, Immigration and Customs Enforce- improve freedom of expression as fitting of a ment (ICE), Department of Homeland Secu- 1. Self: none. responsible international stakeholder. 2. Spouse: Catherine Raia Silliman, none. rity, received during adjournment in the Of- S. Res. 365. A resolution deploring the vio- fice of the President of the Senate on March 3. Children and Spouses: Benjamin Douglas lent repression of peaceful demonstrators in Silliman unmarried; none; Zachary John 7, 2014; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Venezuela, calling for full accountability for rity and Governmental Affairs. Silliman unmarried, none. human rights violations taking place in Ven- 4. Parents: Robert Harvey Silliman, none; EC–4877. A communication from the Chair- ezuela, and supporting the right of the Ven- man of the Administrative Conference of the Elsie Pearl Silliman, deceased. ezuelan people to the free and peaceful exer- 5. Grandparents: Chauncy Henry United States, transmitting, a report of cise of representative democracy. Silliman—deceased; Mildred Silliman—de- three recommendations and one statement By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee ceased; Roy Homer Skidmore—deceased; adopted by the Administrative Conference of on Foreign Relations, with an amendment Pearl Bieneman Skidmore—deceased. the United States at its 59th Plenary Ses- and with an amended preamble: 6. Brothers and Spouses: Gregory Scott sion; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- S. Res. 375. A resolution concerning the Silliman, none; Mary Adelsberger, none. rity and Governmental Affairs. crisis in the Central African Republic and 7. Sisters and Spouses: none. EC–4878. A communication from the Direc- supporting United States and international tor, Office of Personnel Management, trans- efforts to end the violence, protect civilians, * Luis G. Moreno, of Texas, a Career Mem- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule and address root causes of the conflict. ber of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of entitled ‘‘Pay for Senior-Level and Scientific By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- or Professional Positions’’ (RIN3206–AL88) on Foreign Relations, without amendment traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the received in the Office of the President of the and with a preamble: United States of America to Jamaica. Senate on March 5, 2014; to the Committee S. Res. 376. A resolution supporting the Nominee: Luis G Moreno. on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- goals of International Women’s Day. Post: Jamaica. fairs. S. Res. 377. A resolution recognizing the (The following is a list of all members of EC–4879. A communication from the Chair- 193rd anniversary of the independence of my immediate family and their spouses. I man of the Council of the District of Colum- Greece and celebrating democracy in Greece have asked each of these persons to inform bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report and the United States. me of the pertinent contributions made by on D.C. Act 20–288, ‘‘LGBTQ Homeless Youth By Mr. LEAHY, from the Committee on them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Reform Amendment Act of 2014’’; to the the Judiciary, with an amendment in the na- formation contained in this report is com- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- ture of a substitute: plete and accurate.) ernmental Affairs. Contributions, amount, date, donee: EC–4880. A communication from the Chair- S. 1410. A bill to focus limited Federal re- sources on the most serious offenders. 1. Self: $200/$100, 2008/2012, Obama. man of the Council of the District of Colum- 2. Spouse: N/A. bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report S. 1675. A bill to reduce recidivism and in- crease public safety, and for other purposes. 3. Children and Spouses: N/A. on D.C. Act 20–289, ‘‘Public Service Commis- 4. Parents: N/A. sion and People’s Counsel Terms of Service f 5. Grandparents: N/A. Harmonization Amendment Act of 2014’’; to 6. Brothers and Spouses: N/A. the Committee on Homeland Security and EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF 7. Sisters and Spouses: N/A. Governmental Affairs. COMMITTEE EC–4881. A communication from the Chair- The following executive reports of * Mark Gilbert, of Florida, to be Ambas- man of the Council of the District of Colum- nominations were submitted: sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report the United States of America to New Zea- on D.C. Act 20–290, ‘‘Electric Company Infra- By Mr. MENENDEZ for the Committee on land, and to serve concurrently and without structure Improvement Financing Act of Foreign Relations. additional compensation as Ambassador Ex- 2014’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- * Joseph William Westphal, of New York, traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the rity and Governmental Affairs. to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- United States of America to the Independent EC–4882. A communication from the Chief potentiary of the United States of America State of Samoa. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nominee: Mark D. Gilbert. Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Nominee: Joseph W. Westphal. Post: New Zealand and the Independent Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Post: Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. State of Samoa. report of a rule entitled ‘‘United States and (The following is a list of all members of (The following is a list of all members of Area Median Gross Income Figures’’ (Rev. my immediate family and their spouses. I my immediate family and their spouses. I Proc. 2014–23) received in the Office of the have asked each of these persons to inform have asked each of these persons to inform President of the Senate on March 6, 2014; to me of the Pertinent contributions made by me of the pertinent contributions made by the Committee on Finance. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- EC–4883. A communication from the Chief formation contained in this report is com- formation contained in this report if com- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, plete and accurate.) plete and accurate.) Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Contributions, donee, date, and amount: Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 1. Self: None. Mark Gilbert: DWS PAC, 04/22/09, $2500; report of a rule entitled ‘‘Method Changes 2. Spouse: None. ACTBLUE, 04/26/09, $4800; Evan Bayh Com- for Tangible Property Disposition’’ (Rev. 3. Children and Spouses: James Westphal: mittee, 04/26/09, $2400; Evan Bayh Committee, Proc. 2014–17) received in the Office of the None; Candice Westphal: None; Heather 04/26/09, $2400; Evan Bayh Committee, 3/10/ VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:36 Oct 28, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAR 2014\S11MR4.REC S11MR4 ejoyner on DSK7QTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S1518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 11, 2014 2010, ¥$2400; Paul Hodes for Senate, 12/29/09, *John L.
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