Sensitive – Law Enforcement GIPA 2019-1099 – Strip search request The data in this request has been extracted from the NSWPF Computerised Operational Policing System (COPS) via EDW. The data is current at 29/04/2019. • Strip searches can occur in two contexts: in the field and in custody. The information below only includes strip searches done in the field. • These statistics are searches where LEPRA powers have been used and exclude those undertaken as part of police arrest and custody procedures. • The total number of strip searches in this request have excluded searches where the age and gender of the POI are unknown. 1. A location break-down by suburb where strip searches by NSW Police occurred for the calendar periods: 2016-17 & 2017-18. Suburbs where no strip searches have occurred are not included in this list. Suburb 2016-17 2017-18 Abbotsbury 0 20 Abbotsford 1 0 Aberdare 1 0 Aberglasslyn 1 1 Abermain 0 2 Adamstown 2 1 Adelong 0 1 Airds 7 5 Albion Park Rail 3 2 Albury 11 5 Aldavilla 16 24 Alexandria 1 0 Alfords Point 1 0 Allawah 1 1 Alpine 0 1 Ambarvale 17 3 Anna Bay 2 3 Annandale 2 3 Argenton 0 1 Ariah Park 0 1 Armidale 6 9 Arncliffe 0 1 Arndell Park 0 1 Artarmon 1 0 Ashcroft 7 10 Ashfield 20 12 Ashley 1 0 Ashmont 9 2 Asquith 1 0 Attunga 0 2 Auburn 15 28 Avoca Beach 1 0 Back Forest 2 0 Balgownie 4 0 Ballina 2 3 1/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 1 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Balmain 2 1 Balmain East 0 2 Balranald 1 1 Bangor 4 3 Banksia 3 0 Bankstown 6 12 Banora Point 2 4 Bar Beach 1 0 Baradine 0 2 Barangaroo 0 2 Bargo 0 1 Barham 1 0 Barmedman 0 3 Barnsley 1 0 Barooga 1 2 Barrack Heights 2 6 Bass Hill 1 1 Bateau Bay 3 0 Batehaven 0 1 Batemans Bay 7 9 Bathurst 35 25 Baulkham Hills 4 10 Beaumont Hills 3 1 Beelbangera 3 0 Bega 1 3 Belfield 1 0 Bell 0 1 Bellambi 7 5 Bellevue Hill 2 3 Belmont 1 1 Belmont North 1 0 Belmore 2 4 Bendemeer 0 1 Bennetts Green 1 0 Beresfield 1 0 Berkeley 15 8 Berkshire Park 10 1 Berowra 0 1 Berrima 0 3 Beverley Park 0 1 Beverly Hills 3 0 Bewong 0 1 Bexley 6 3 Bidwill 2 1 Bingara 0 1 Binnaway 1 0 Black Head 0 3 Blackett 1 0 Blacktown 12 9 Blackwall 1 0 Blakehurst 0 4 Blaxland 1 0 Blayney 1 0 Blue Bay 2 0 2/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 2 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Blue Knob 1 0 Boambee 0 1 Boambee East 1 0 Bobs Farm 1 0 Bodangora 1 2 Bogan Gate 0 1 Boggabilla 3 4 Bomaderry 21 9 Bomera 2 0 Bondi 4 8 Bondi Beach 18 19 Bondi Junction 28 38 Bonnet Bay 1 0 Bonny Hills 1 0 Bonnyrigg 4 0 Bonnyrigg Heights 3 3 Bonville 0 1 Booragul 0 3 Bossley Park 1 3 Bostobrick 1 0 Botany 0 1 Bourke 6 4 Bow Bowing 0 1 Bowen Mountain 1 0 Bowenfels 1 1 Bowman 0 2 Bowral 2 1 Bradbury 3 0 Bray Park 2 1 Brewarrina 1 0 Brighton-Le-Sands 1 2 Bringelly 0 2 Broadmeadow 11 6 Brocklehurst 0 1 Broke 0 1 Broken Hill 2 14 Bronte 2 4 Brookvale 5 6 Brownlow Hill 5 8 Brunswick Heads 3 1 Budgewoi 0 1 Bulahdelah 2 1 Bulli 4 0 Burwood 6 2 Burwood Heights 0 1 Busby 1 1 Byron Bay 3 37 Cabramatta 51 19 Cabramatta West 11 8 Calderwood 2 0 Callaghan 1 0 Cambewarra 0 1 Cambridge Park 0 1 Camden 2 7 3/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 3 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Camden South 1 0 Cammeray 1 0 Campbelltown 28 30 Camperdown 21 46 Campsie 7 4 Caniaba 2 0 Canley Heights 10 2 Canley Vale 12 5 Canterbury 10 3 Cardiff 0 2 Caringbah 16 11 Caringbah South 1 0 Carlingford 4 5 Carlton 2 1 Carramar 1 1 Carrick 3 0 Cartwright 1 0 Casino 1 2 Castle Hill 11 12 Casuarina 1 0 Casula 0 2 Catalina 1 0 Cataract 1 0 Cecil Hills 0 1 Centennial Park 66 83 Cessnock 39 41 Charlestown 2 2 Charmhaven 1 3 Chatswood 4 3 Chatsworth 0 1 Chester Hill 2 5 Chifley 0 3 Chinderah 0 6 Chippendale 7 5 Chipping Norton 4 0 Clarenza 0 2 Claymore 5 0 Clemton Park 1 0 Clovelly 2 1 Cobar 0 4 Coffs Harbour 35 37 Colebee 0 1 Collaroy 1 0 Comberton 0 1 Como 2 0 Concord 0 3 Condell Park 0 3 Condobolin 0 2 Coniston 3 3 Conjola 0 2 Coogee 0 7 Cooks Hill 2 2 Coolongolook 4 0 Cooma 5 8 4/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 4 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Coonabarabran 9 13 Coonamble 2 7 Cootamundra 1 3 Cordeaux Heights 0 1 Corlette 1 0 Corowa 2 7 Corrimal 6 8 Cowra 7 2 Cranebrook 2 2 Cremorne 0 4 Cringila 2 7 Cromer 2 0 Cronulla 4 4 Crookwell 0 1 Croom 2 0 Croydon 1 0 Cundletown 1 0 Cunningar 0 2 Curl Curl 1 0 Daceyville 1 3 Dapto 6 6 Darawank 1 0 Darling Harbour 0 2 Darling Point 1 4 Darlinghurst 29 46 Darlington 0 2 Darlington Point 1 1 Dean Park 1 0 Dee Why 8 7 Deepwater 0 1 Denhams Beach 2 0 Deniliquin 14 17 Denman 1 2 Diamond Beach 2 0 Doctor George Mountain 2 0 Doonside 0 2 Dorrigo 0 1 Double Bay 8 28 Downside 1 0 Dubbo 15 31 Dulwich Hill 2 12 Dungog 1 0 Dungowan 1 0 Dunolly 0 1 Dural 1 0 Dyers Crossing 1 0 Eagle Vale 2 1 Earlwood 2 0 East Albury 1 0 East Corrimal 1 1 East Kempsey 1 0 East Lismore 2 0 East Maitland 6 0 Eastlakes 0 2 5/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 5 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Eden 1 2 Edensor Park 1 1 Edgecliff 5 4 Edgeworth 2 2 Elderslie 2 2 Elermore Vale 1 0 Elizabeth Bay 12 16 Emerton 2 1 Emu Plains 0 2 Enfield 1 0 Engadine 11 1 Enmore 6 0 Epping 0 4 Erina 3 2 Ermington 1 1 Erskineville 1 1 Eschol Park 1 0 Eveleigh 3 2 Failford 3 2 Fairfield 5 14 Fairfield East 2 1 Fairfield Heights 1 0 Fairfield West 9 1 Fairy Meadow 2 3 Falls Creek 0 3 Fassifern 1 2 Figtree 15 3 Fingal Head 2 0 Five Dock 3 0 Forbes 9 9 Forest Lodge 3 0 Forestville 0 2 Forster 80 40 Frenchs Forest 2 5 Freshwater 1 0 Georges Hall 2 0 Georgetown 1 0 Gerogery 1 0 Ghinni Ghinni 2 0 Gilgandra 3 10 Gillenbah 1 1 Gillieston Heights 0 1 Girraween 1 0 Gladesville 0 1 Glanmire 1 0 Glebe 44 45 Gledswood Hills 1 0 Glen Alpine 0 1 Glen Innes 1 2 Glencoe 3 2 Glendale 0 1 Glenfield 8 2 Glenreagh 1 0 Glenroy 3 0 6/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 6 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Glenthorne 0 3 Glenugie 1 0 Glenwood 1 3 Glenworth Valley 0 10 Gloucester 1 2 Gollan 1 0 Goonellabah 3 0 Gorokan 0 1 Gosford 18 7 Goulburn 64 96 Grafton 15 9 Granville 5 9 Gravesend 0 1 Green Valley 2 1 Greenacre 2 4 Gregory Hills 1 2 Greigs Flat 1 1 Grenfell 4 0 Griffith 11 6 Guildford 3 5 Guildford West 0 1 Gulgong 2 2 Gundagai 1 0 Gunnedah 4 0 Gwynneville 0 1 Gymea 6 2 Haberfield 4 1 Hamilton 5 4 Hamilton North 1 0 Hamilton South 6 3 Hamlyn Terrace 1 0 Harden 3 0 Harrington 0 1 Harrington Park 3 5 Harris Park 3 0 Harwood 0 1 Hay 3 2 Haymarket 22 36 Hazelbrook 0 1 Heathcote 4 0 Heatherbrae 0 3 Hebersham 0 1 Heckenberg 0 3 Helensburgh 2 0 Hexham 0 2 Hill Top 1 0 Hillsdale 2 1 Hillston 1 0 Hillvue 0 1 Hinchinbrook 1 0 Homebush 4 4 Homebush West 0 2 Hopefield 1 0 Hornsby 5 3 7/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 7 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Hornsby Heights 1 0 Horseshoe Bend 0 1 Horsley Park 4 3 Howlong 1 0 Hoxton Park 0 1 Hurlstone Park 3 6 Hurstville 3 13 Illawong 1 1 Ingleburn 17 23 Inverell 20 3 Islington 4 1 Jamisontown 1 0 Jannali 1 3 Jeogla 0 4 Jerrabomberra 1 1 Jesmond 1 0 Jilliby 1 0 Jindabyne 2 12 Jones Island 0 2 Junction Hill 0 2 Junee 19 36 Kanahooka 1 1 Kanwal 0 2 Karabar 0 1 Kareela 0 3 Kariong 17 29 Katoomba 1 1 Kearsley 0 1 Keiraville 0 1 Kellyville 1 0 Kellyville Ridge 0 2 Kelso 8 13 Kembla Grange 1 2 Kempsey 1 3 Kensington 4 3 Kiama 0 2 Kianga 1 1 Killarney Vale 2 2 Kincumber 2 0 Kings Park 0 1 Kingscliff 0 1 Kingsford 4 10 Kingsgrove 5 0 Kingswood 7 12 Kippenduff 0 2 Kirrawee 15 11 Kirribilli 0 1 Kiwarrak 0 4 Kogarah 10 9 Koonawarra 4 6 Koonorigan 0 1 Kooragang 1 0 Koorainghat 1 1 Kooringal 2 4 8/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 8 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Kootingal 4 5 Korora 1 1 Kotara 1 0 Kurri Kurri 2 6 La Perouse 0 2 Lake Cargelligo 2 0 Lake Haven 1 1 Lake Heights 6 2 Lake Illawarra 3 5 Lake Tabourie 0 1 Lakemba 4 4 Lakesland 0 2 Lalor Park 1 0 Lambton 1 1 Lane Cove 1 0 Lansvale 15 1 Largs 0 1 Lavington 7 4 Lawrence 1 0 Lawson 3 0 Leeton 3 6 Leets Vale 0 1 Leichhardt 8 9 Lemon Tree Passage 0 1 Lethbridge Park 1 0 Leumeah 6 2 Lewisham 0 2 Lidcombe 5 2 Lightning Ridge 3 6 Lilyfield 4 4 Lindendale 1 0 Lismore 24 8 Lithgow 10 18 Little Bay 0 1 Liverpool 28 33 Loftus 0 3 Londonderry 1 1 Long Jetty 4 0 Lord Howe Island 1 0 Lorn 0 1 Lucas Heights 0 2 Lucknow 6 2 Lugarno 0 1 Maclean 1 6 Macquarie Fields 18 9 Macquarie Park 0 1 Magenta 1 0 Maitland 17 23 Malabar 9 27 Mallabula 1 0 Maloneys Beach 0 2 Mangerton 4 7 Manly 6 7 Manly Vale 1 3 9/24 Government Information Public Access Act (2009) Document has been released by InfoLink, PoliceLink GIPA 2019-1099:ED - PAGE 9 Command, NSW Police Force Sensitive – Law Enforcement Marayong 0 1 Mardi 1 0 Maroubra 16 24 Marrangaroo 3 1 Marrickville 16 30 Marsden Park 1 0 Marsfield 4 0 Marulan 1 1 Mascot 3 8 Matraville 4 9 Mayfield 3 0 Mcleans Ridges 1 0 Mcmahons Point 0 1 Medowie 0 1 Menai 3 2 Merewether 0 1 Merimbula 2 2 Merrylands 14 5 Merrylands
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