The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Charles L. Epstein The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Introduction Operator Splitting Methods in Data Analysis Workshop Discrete Problem Torus Geometry Reconstruction Charles L. Epstein Algorithms Numerical Examples CCM at the Flatiron Institute University of Pennsylvania Other Conditions History of CDI March 20, 2019 Bibliography Acknowledgment The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Charles L. Epstein I want to thank Christian and Patrick for inviting me to speak. Introduction What I will discuss today is somewhat unconventional, ongoing Discrete Problem work, at the intersection of pure mathematics, numerical analysis Torus Geometry and mathematical physics. Reconstruction Algorithms This work was done jointly with Alex Barnett, Leslie Greengard, Numerical and Jeremy Magland and supported by the Centers for Examples Computational Biology and Mathematics at the Flatiron Institute Other Conditions of the Simons Foundation, New York, NY. History of CDI Bibliography Outline The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem 1 Introduction Charles L. Epstein 2 The Discrete Phase Retrieval Problem Introduction 3 Geometry of the Torus Discrete Problem Torus Geometry 4 Reconstruction Algorithms Reconstruction Algorithms 5 Numerical Examples in Phase Retrieval Numerical Examples 6 Other Auxiliary Conditions Other Conditions History of CDI 7 Short History of CDI Bibliography 8 Bibliography High Resolution Imaging The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Charles L. Epstein Introduction Today I will speak about inverse problems that arise in Coherent Discrete Problem Diffraction Imaging. This is a technique that uses very high Torus Geometry energy, monochromatic light, either electrons or x-rays, to form Reconstruction high resolution images of animate and inanimate materials. The Algorithms goal is to achieve resolutions in the 1–10nm range. Numerical Examples Other Conditions History of CDI Bibliography What is Measured? The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Charles L. The photons used to illuminate the samples are in the 0.1-10KeV Epstein range; the light is typically assumed to be monochromatic, Introduction produced either by a laser or as synchrotron radiation. The object Discrete being imaged is typically many wavelengths across and the Problem measurement is made very far from the object and light source, Torus Geometry Reconstruction hence in the far field (the Fraunhofer regime). As is well known, Algorithms if .x/ describes the density of the object, then the leading order Numerical Examples term in the far field expansion of the scattered radiation is .k/; : Other proportional to the square of the Fourier transform, b of At Conditions such small wavelengths, one can only measure the intensity of the History of CDI 2 scattered field, b.k/ ; and not its phase. Bibliography j j Examples, I The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Here are computed far field diffraction patterns produced by (a) a Problem semi-circle, (b) an equilateral triangle. Charles L. Epstein Introduction Discrete Problem Torus Geometry Reconstruction Algorithms Numerical Examples Other Conditions History of CDI Bibliography Examples, II FROZEN-HYDRATED YEAST SPORES RECONSTRUCTION The Geometry of the Phase Here is an actual diffraction• E. Lima, patternPhD Thesis, produced Stony Brook by frozen-hydrated University Retrieval Problem yeast spore at 520• eV.Unstained Courtesy frozen-hydrated E. Lima PhD yeast thesis, spore, Stony at 520 Brook eV Charles L. U, from [8]. Epstein • First CDI reconstruction of a frozen hydrated biological object Introduction Discrete Problem Torus Geometry Reconstruction Algorithms Numerical Examples Other Conditions History of CDI Bibliography Signal extends to 25 nm Brightness - amplitude half-period Hue - phase ESRF Lecture Series on Coherent X-rays and their Applications, Lecture 7, Malcolm Howells What is Needed? The Geometry .x/ of the Phase Of course we would like to reconstruct from this Retrieval Problem measurement, but we need to, at least, estimate the unmeasured Charles L. phase of b.k/: This is called the phase retrieval problem. Epstein It also arises in x-ray crystallography, but is really quite a different Introduction problem for a periodic structure. In the context of a compact Discrete object, the possibility of solving this problem was first suggested Problem Torus Geometry by D. Sayre in 1952. He saw it as a consequence of Nyquist’s Reconstruction sampling theorem! See [1]. Algorithms For this problem to be solvable, even in principle, some auxiliary Numerical Examples information is required, such as an estimate for the support of the Other object, or knowledge that the function .x/ is non-negative and an Conditions estimate on the support of its autocorrelation function. History of CDI Bibliography Many attempts have been made to solve this problem, but with rather limited success. Today we’ll discuss the underlying reasons for the difficulty of this problem...which may suggest better approaches. Outline of this Lecture The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Charles L. Epstein Introduction We will try to cover to following material: Discrete Problem The Discrete Phase Retrieval Problem (a simpler model) Torus Geometry Geometry of the Amplitude Torus Reconstruction Algorithms Reconstruction Algorithms Numerical What We Learn from Numerical Examples Examples Other Conditions History of CDI Bibliography Outline The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem 1 Introduction Charles L. Epstein 2 The Discrete Phase Retrieval Problem Introduction 3 Geometry of the Torus Discrete Problem Torus Geometry 4 Reconstruction Algorithms Reconstruction Algorithms 5 Numerical Examples in Phase Retrieval Numerical Examples 6 Other Auxiliary Conditions Other Conditions History of CDI 7 Short History of CDI Bibliography 8 Bibliography A Simpler Model Problem The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem Charles L. The phase retrieval problem encountered in coherent diffraction Epstein imaging is fraught with many practical difficulties. For the Introduction remainder of the talk we focus on a simpler model problem, which Discrete Problem already proves very difficult to solve. We call this the discrete, Torus Geometry classical phase retrieval problem. We imagine that the unknowns Reconstruction are samples of an object on a finite uniform grid: Algorithms Numerical xj .j1x; j2x/; where j J: (1) Examples D 2 Other Conditions Here J Œn1 N1 Œn2 N2; is a rectangular grid. We call D W W History of CDI such collections of data indexed by J images. Bibliography The Measurements The Geometry of the Phase In our model problem, the measured data are the magnitudes of Retrieval Problem the DFT of these samples: Charles L. Epstein aj xj j bJ ; (2) f D j O j W 2 g Introduction where bJ is a set of sample frequencies, with J bJ : If Discrete d j j D j j Problem J Œ0 N 1 ; then D W Torus Geometry X 2ij k N Reconstruction xj xke : (3) Algorithms O D k J Numerical 2 Examples We let RJ RJ denote the measurement map: Other M W ! Conditions C History of CDI .x/ . xj /j J : (4) M D j O j 2 Bibliography There are important differences between these model measurements and the samples of a continuum Fourier transform that would actually be collected. The Support Condition, I The Geometry of the Phase As noted above we need to have auxiliary information to be able Retrieval Problem to solve the phase retrieval problem. We imagine that the support Charles L. x;S ; Epstein of the unknown image x is contained in a rectangular subset R J with the side lengths of R at most half those of J: In the Introduction literature it is often said that we “oversample,” but really we just Discrete Problem need to sample in k-space on a fine enough grid for the data set to Torus Geometry contain information about the support of x: Reconstruction Algorithms Our auxiliary information will be an estimate for Sx: This is a Numerical subset S with Sx S R J: We are therefore looking for an Examples image x so that xj 0 for j S; and Other D … Conditions History of CDI xj aj for all j bJ: (5) j O j D 2 Bibliography This problem usually does not have a unique solution, but generically, the non-uniqueness is of a simple sort. Trivial Associates The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem x J; Charles L. If is an image indexed by then we think of it as being Epstein periodic in Z2; with j J representing a single period cell. We f 2 g can then translate an image by any lattice vector k Z2; defining Introduction 2 Discrete Problem .k/ d xj xj k: (6) Torus Geometry D Reconstruction Algorithms We can also define the inverted image by setting Numerical Examples xj x j : (7) Other L D Conditions History of CDI Translation and inversion lead to images with the same magnitude Bibliography Fourier data; these are called the trivial associates of x: Uniqueness The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Hence there are always many images with the same magnitude Problem R; Charles L. Fourier data, and support in a translate of but there is a Epstein theorem, due to Monson Hayes (see [5]) which states that Introduction generically this is the only form of non-uniqueness one Discrete encounters: with sufficiently fine sampling in the Fourier domain, Problem the only images with the given magnitude Fourier data are the Torus Geometry trivial associates of a given image with this data. Reconstruction Algorithms Let Sx S R; as above; the support condition S defines a Numerical J Examples linear subspace of R ; Other Conditions J BS x R xj 0 if j S : (8) History of CDI D f 2 W D … g Bibliography 1 In all cases . .x// BS is a finite set, and generically it M M \ consists of trivial associates of x: The Support Condition, II The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem The better our estimate, S; for the support is, the fewer trivial Charles L.
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