RESULTS 1990 RIVER RUN 1s,ooo NON-PROFIT ORG U.S POSTAGE PAID JACKSONVILLE. FL PERMIT NO. 1191 3853 Baymeaaows Road Jacksonvllfe, FL 32217 1990 RiverRun GoldMedel GATE Sponsor N0RTH€RN. Qv. BRAWNY. AtlanticI nfi n iti OFF/CA L SUPERMARKET Zep,yrhills ··; ; ~!i:·iCellular .· ·••····.••• • 0 OFFICIAL SOFT DRINK ········ ne OFFICIAL CELLULAR TELEPHONE OFFICIAL SPORTS DRINK BOTTLEDWATERS eoou 0~ LIGHT . OFFICIAL ORANGE JUICE 'JbeSihrersuHet OFFIC E EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COMPANY ~~ VALENCIA ~ OFFICIAL RADIO STATION .-~o<t..~ &ORANGE f~ 1" JUICE DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION ANO PUBLIC AFFAIRS ' RNER RUN RACE COMMITIEE Race Director Doug Alred Assistant Race Director Jane Alred Sponsor Relations Colleen Clarson Finish Line Tom and Carolin Skordas Banners Ric Clarson Host Organization Jacksonville Track Club Medical Director Jay Edelberg The Voice of River Run Everett Morris "'Special Thanks To The Following Groups and Corporations: Radio Communications Jacksonville Amateur Radio Emergency Service Finish Line Gate Employees and Wolfson JSA's Water Stations Gulf Life Insurance Company 2 miles Baptist Medical Center 3 miles Southern Bell 4 miles Photo Credits: Bell South Services 4.5 miles E.J. Morrow ATandT 5 miles Marathon Poto Florida Community College 6 miles Christy Forrester Bell South Advertising 7 miles Dial Page 7.5 miles St. Vincent's Medical Center Start and Finish Blue Cross and Blue Shield 5K Course Gator Bowl Facilities City Of Jacksonville Recreation Department Timing 1st Place Sports Finish Line setup and removal John Thrush, Alan Thomas, Bob Fair, Lamar Strother Becky and Randy Barnett. From The Race Director: 6,503 fmishers in the 15K!!! That's about 1,500 more finishers than in 1989. This makes River Run the largest single race in Florida and the largest 15K in the Nation. I can only thank our fine sponsors, the thousands of volunteers and of course you. Mark March 9, 1991 on your calendar. That's the date for River Run XN. Doug Alred 1111•••••••R111111a Ia1 R1vERRUN 1sooo ~v ~0.:i~~'!i, GATE t • • ~t No matter what the race is ••• James River Produds set the pace! Our track record of proven product quality and consumer value keeps us out in front. James River ••• Where Performance Comes First! Im JAM~S RIVER CORPORATION tcr:lCONSUMER TOWEL & TISSUEBUSINESS P.O. Box 6000, RiverPark, Norwalk, CT 06856-6000 ---,oc::::::::=~~~ TOP 50 MEN AND WOMEN Women 1 Ed Eyestone, 28, Bountiful Ut 43:59 1 Francie Larrieu-Smith, 37, Dallas Tx 49:39 2 Jesus Herrera, 27, Boulder Co 44:04 2 Lisa Weidenbach, 28, Issaquah Wa 49:42 3 Steve Spence, 27, Chambersburg Pa 44:10 3 Kim Jones, 31, Spokane Wa 50:39 4 Martin Pitayo, 29, Mexico 44:22 4 Kellie Cathey, 28, Arizona 51:01 5 Marcos Barreto, 29, Mexico 44:31 5 Carole Rouillard, 29, Trenton Ont 52:08 6 Bob Kempainen, 23, Raleigh Ne 44:35 6 Jane Welzel, 34, Gainesville, Fl 52:13 7 Mark Curp, 31, Less Summit Mo 44:37 7 Mary Alico, 26, Raleigh Ne 52:18 8 Steve Taylor, 24, Fincastle Va 44:42 8 Karolina Szabo, 28, Hungary 53:24 9 Paul McCloy, 26, St Johns Canada 44:45 9 Gordon Bloch, 29, New York, Ny 53:28 10 Don Janicki, 29, Louisville Co 44:45 10 Cassandra Davis, 28, Guilford Uk 53:45 11 Norm Tinkham, 26, Halifax Ns 44:45 11 Elspeth Turner, 24, Scotland 53:50 12 Mauricio Gonzalez, 29, Sta Clara Em 45:07 12 Jeanne Pare, 29, Gainesville, Fl 53:55 13 Thom Hunt, 31, Coronado Ca 45:09 13 Barbara Filutze, 43, Erie Pa 55:07 14 Casimiro Reyes, 28, Mexico _ 45:11 14 Nan Doak-Davis, 28, Iowa 55:16 15 Ivo Rodgiques, 30, Alamosa Co 45:27 15 Yoli Casas, 26, Ponte Vedra, Fl 55:16 16 Mark Stickley, 27, Boulder Co 45:34 16 Kelly McNee, 25, Nn Arbor Mi 55:37 17 Ron Johnson, 25, Detriot, Mi 45:35 17 Alena Palmquist, 24, Atlanta Ga 55:38 18 Jeff Smith, 28, Colorado 46:08 18 Roxanne Polo, 24, Dallas Tx 56:32 19 Herb Wills, 29, Tallahassee, Fl 46:08 19 Alice Bulinski, 32, Marietta Ga 56:37 20 Paul Waldron, 28, Tallahassee Fl 46:11 20 Dorthe Rasmussen, 30, Denmark 56:52 21 Guillermo Serrano, 29, Boulder Co 46:13 21 Cher Patterson, 20, Jacksonville, Fl 56:53 22 William Weidenbach, 30, Issaquah Wa 46:19 22 Jane Eddy , 31, Ormond Bch, Fl 57:20 23 Chris Schille, 23, Boston Ma 46:26 23 Judy Greer,43, Orlando, Fl 57:30 24 Carlos Retiz, 28, Mexico 46:45 24 Mary Wood, 44, Montrose Co 57:33 25 Jeffery Wentworth, 29, Gainesville, Fl 46:53 25 Rushton Haskell, 25, Jacksonville, Fl 57:47 26 Ken Hamilton, 40, Maple Ont 47:09 26 Claudia Ciavarella , 41, Winter Park Fl 58:02 27 Are Nakkim, 26, Oslo Norway 47:11 27 Adri~ Lilburn, 40, Ponte Vedra, Fl 58:21 28 Ron Shaiko, 30, Blackburg Va 47:17 28 Marie Farrar, 22, Jacksonville Fl 58:37 29 Brian Walter, 23, Blackburg Va 47:23 29 Pamela Eldridge, 34, Atlanta, Ga 58:40 30 Victor Mora, 45, Bogota 47:27 30 Beth Farmer, 26, Clearwater Fl 59:05 31 Travis Walter, 20, Blackburg Va 48:01 31 Lisa Emry, 31, Ponte V edra, Fl 59:28 32 Max· Minter, 30, Jacksonville Fl 48:11 32 Joan Hammeren, 24, Gainesville, Fl 59:40 33 Cris Rauber, 21, Edinboro Pa 48:12 33 Jenny Lamoreux, 26, Jacksonville, Fl 59:47 34 Paul Self, 23, Waterloo Ont 48:18 34 Jenny Kyle, 40, Savannah Ga 59:49 35 Mike Wacholz, 32, Runner For Christ Oa 48:20 35 Anne Shumaker, 39, Jacksonvillefl 59:54 36 Socorro Neri, 43, Mexico 48:21 36 Lori Taylor, 26, Fincastle Va 1:00:06 37 Todd Smoot, 26, Marietta Ga 48:22 37 Freida Chewning, 35, 78 1:00:16 38 Carlton Law, 27, Atlanta, Ga 48:25 38 Linda Banning, 41, Mt Pleasant, Sc 1:01:05 39 Howard Jacobs, 24, Williamsburg, Va 48:28 39 Lisa Monteau, 25, Jacksonville, Fl 1:01:26 40 Drew Sanders, 19, Blackburg Va 48:29 40 Elfrieda Wyner, 47, Jacksonvillefl 1:01:28 41 Brent McClain, 24, Gainesville, Fl 48:38 41 Patt Sher, 42, Jacksonville, Fl 1:02:18 42 Jessie Close, 31, Jacksonville, Fl 48:44 42 Lyn McDonald, 26, Winter Park Fl 1:02:19 43 Chase Vanvalkenburg, 30, Marietta, Ga 48:45 43 Peg Miller, 40, Cortez Fl 1:02:20 44 Earl Owens, 40, Dunwoody Ga 48:46 44 Angeles Guerrerobarreto, 23, Mexico 1 :02:35 45 Mark Kathman, 25, Port Orange, Fl 48:54 45 Jane McCurdy, 33, Stone Mountain , Ga 1:02:35 46 Allan Rushmer, 46, England 49:16 46 Sue Scovill, 33, Clearwater Fl 1:02:37 47 Bryan Stride, 39, Fergus Ont 49:19 47 Birgit Hom, 45, Decatur, Ga 1:02:54 48 Ben Arritt, 18, Blackburg Va 49:20 48 Claire Koch,26, Alachua, Fl 1:03:01 49 George Buckheit, 32, Pomona Ny 49:25 49 Kathy Fox, 36, Orlando Fl 1:03:39 50 Jim Pearson, 41, Lakeland, Fl 49:28 50 Carol Vosburgh, 44, Seminole, Fl 1:03:55 RIVER RUN 15,000 CASH AW ARDS OFF ICE [OU IPMEN I 6 SUPPLY COMPANY AMERICAN CUP 1st Place American Male Ed Eyestone Bountiful, Utah $ 2,000 1st Place American Female Francie Larrieu-Smith Dallas, Texas $2 ,000 FLORIDA CUP 1st Place Male and Female Florida Resident Herb Wills Tallahassee 19th Overall 46:08 $ 500 Jeanne Pare Gainesville 12th Female Overall 53:55 $ 500 ··::m:······1 Ce IIu I ar .............. .... One DUVAL COUNTY CUP 1st Place Male and Female Duval County Resident Max Minter 32nd Overall 48:11 $ 100 Cher Patterson 21st Female Overall 56:53 $ 100 OVERALL PRIZE MONEY WINNERS Ed Eyestone Utah $ 6,000 Francie Smith Texas $ 6,000 Jesus Herrera Mexico $ 3,000 Lisa Weidenbach Washington $ 3,000 Steve Spence Penn. $2,000 Kim Jones Washington $2,000 . Martin Pitayo Mexico $ 1,500 Kellie Cathey Arizona $ 1,500 Marcos Barreto Mexico $ 1,000 Carole Rouillard Canada $ 1,000 Bob Kempainen N.C. $ 900 Jane WeJzel Florida $ 700 Mark Curp Missouri $ 800 Mary Alico N.C. $ 500 Steve Taylor Virginia $ 700 Karolina Szabo Hungary $ 300 Paul McCloy Canada $ 600 Gordon Bloch New York $ 250 Don Janicki Colorado $ 500 Cassandra Davis England $ 200 Norm Tinkman Nova Scotia $ 450 Mauricio Gonzalez Mexico $ 400 Master's Female Thom Hunt California $ 300 Barbara Filutze Penn. $ 700 Casimiro Reyes Mexico $ 250 Judy Greer Florida $ 200 Ivo Rodgiques Colorado $ 200 Master's Men Ken Hamilton Canada $ 1,000 Victor Mora Bogota $ 500 Total Purse $ 41,840 Socorro Neri Mexico $ 200 AND THE WINNERS ARE: #12 ED EYESTONE #45 FRANCIE LARRIEU-SMITH TEAM RESULTS OPEN MASTERSMALE CORPORATEMALE OPEN MALE Reebok AtlantaTrack Wht Patrol Wing Eleven Buddy Phillips, 25 53:37 Patrol 2 Jesus Herren, 27 44:04 Reebc 44 Earl Owens, 40 48:46 Allant ', 114 54:()6 Patrol 4 Mlrtln Pltayo, 29 44:22 Reebc JOO Tracy Peugh, 43 S2:SO Atlant 131 Bill Kovar.h,30 Joe BIUllllll, 40 SS:31 Patrol 12 MauricioGooulez., 29 4S:07 Reebo 178 George Sharp, 48 SS:40 Atlant 172 Places• 417 S Fmishers Tune• 2:13:33 Places• 18 S Finish~ Tune• 2:37:16 Places• 322 S Finishers lime • 2:43:14 Univ MedicalCente 1st Place JlcMasters TimothyGoedde, 30 54:33 Univ! 32 Max Minter, 30 48:11 1st Pl1 68 Bryan Bartosik, 41 S0:4S JlcMa 141 DanielRicroda, 26 S9:17 Univ} 39 HowardJacobs, 24 48:28 1st P11 130 Philip Gibbs, 48 54:04 JtcMa 319 1:01:54 Univ? SI Bill Fisher, 32 49:31 1st Pl1 161 BobHans,40 S5:17 JtcMa 461 Geoff Nochinson,27 Places• 921 3 Finishers Tune• 2:26:10 Places • 122 4 Finishers Tune • 2:40:06 Places• 359 3 Finishers Tune • 2:55:44 Brooks Atlanta Track Mast Hs-lSeahcnes 58:34 Hs-H 2S Jeffery Wentworth,29 46:53 Brook 308 Peter Ward, 42 59:04 Atlanb 282 Pablo Araya.
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