THE LONDON GAZETTE, HTH APRIL 1974 4783 London, E.I, carrying on business as "Apex Hairdress- of Warwick, and lately residing and carrying on business ing Saloon " and " Golden Gloves Salon ", HAIRDRESS- in co-partnership at 159, Albert Road, Stechford, Birm- ING SALOON PROPRIETOR, and also in partnership ingham, 33 aforesaid, as CONFECTIONERS and with another as "Golden Gloves Club", CLUB PRO- TOBACCONISTS, under the style of " R. J. & M. PRIETOR, and lately in partnership with another as Hall". Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—55 "Golden Gloves Salon", HAIRDRESSING SALON of 1971. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— PROPRIETORS, and formerly on his own account as Gwyther, Arthur David, Official Receiver's Office, Com- a GAMING CLUB PROPRIETOR, all at 80, Bell mercial Union House, 22, Martineau Square, Birming- Street, Edgware Road, London, N.W.I, described in the ham, B2 4UP. Date of Release—9th April, 1974. Receiving Order as Wilfred James Small. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—210 of 1962. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Clifford, John JOHNSON, Desmond Clarence, COMPANY DIREC- Basil, 4, Bucklersbury, Cheapside, London, EC4N 8AY, TOR, residing at and formerly carrying on business at Chartered Accountant. Date of Release—7th Jan., 57, Newton Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham in the county 1974. of Warwick, as WHOLESALE WINES and SPIRIT MERCHANT, lately residing and carrying on business TERRELL, Brian Christopher, sometime known as at 71, Newton Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham aforesaid, as TERRELL, Bankhaus Briaen Christoph, lately of 1, WHOLESALE WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, pre- Quarrendon Road, Amersham, Bucks., of no occupa- viously carrying on business at 12, Abbey Green, Nunea- tion, described in the Receiving Order as whose present ton in the county of Warwick, under the style of " Abbey address and occupation are unknown. Court—HIGH Green Supermarket", as a RETAIL GROCER and COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—615 of 1965. CONFECTIONER. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Henry William Wainwright, 95, Wigmore Street, Matter—26 of 1971. Trustee's Name, Address and Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Shaw, Francis Description—Gwyther, Arthur David, Commercial Union Henry William Wainwright, 95 Wigmore Street, House, 22, Martineau Square, Birmingham, B2 4UP, London, W1H 9AA, Chartered Accountant. Date of Official Receiver. Date of Release—9th April, 1974. Release—13th Dec., 1973. LEITCH, Christopher Neil, unemployed, residing and lately YEHAZKEL, Jacob, of 20, Bergholt Crescent, London, carrying on business as a PRIVATE SCHOOL PRO- N.16, and HADI-RAHMANI, Nourallah, of 64, Durley PRIETOR and HEADMASTER, under the style of Road, London, N.16, Merchants, ktely trading as Per- Keyse School at " Elsinore" Wyndley Lane, Sutton sian Fur Agency (a firm) at 12-13, Bow Lane, London, Coldfield in the county of Warwick, formerly residing at E.C.4, as FUR and CARPET AGENTS. Court— 6, Wentworth Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield aforesaid, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—830 of 62, Tudor Hill, Sutton Coldfield aforesaid, and Flat 36, 1967. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Martin, Moorfield Court, Boldmere Road, Sutton' Coldfield afore- Owen Neil, 19, Eastcheap, London, E.C.3, Chartered said, formerly carrying on business as an ASSURANCE Accountant. Date of Release—25th Jan., 1974. CONSULTANT under the style of Wyndley (Assurance) MUNNS, Anthony Ronald, Demolition Company Director Consultants at "Elsinore", Wyndley Lane, Sutton Gold- of Bridge Farm, Girtford, Sandy, Bedfordshire, formerly field aforesaid, 52, Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield afore- carrying on business as a Sole Trader from the afore- said, and 35, Waterloo Street, Birmingham 2, in the county said address and MUNNS, Roy, of 14, Kitelands Road, of Warwick and previously trading in partnership with Biggleswade, Bedfordshire both previously in partner- another under the same style as " Elsinore", Wysjdley ship as Demolition Contractors under the style of " Munns Lane, Sutton Coldfield aforesaid, formerly carrying on Bros." from Hazelwood, Sand Lane, Northill, Biggies- business as an ESTATE AGENT and VALUER under wade, Bedfordshire. Court—BEDFORD. No. of Matter the style of Graham Leitch & Co., at 52, Boldmere Road, —10 of 1970. Trusee's Name, Address and Description Sutton Coldfield aforesaid, and previously trading in —Savage, Ronald Frank, 6, Cheyne Walk, Northampton, partnership with another under the same style at the NN1 5QA. Date of Release—25th March, 1974. same address. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter 22 of 1969. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Gill, David Greatorex, "Cornwall House", 31, Lionel In the Birmingham County Court Street, Birmingham, B3 1AP, Chartered Accountant. Date In Bankruptcy. No. 150 of 1970 of Release—28th Nov., 1973. Re: BURNS, Michael, School Teacher, residing and carry- ing on business as a RETAIL GREENGROCER at 255, LOFTUS, James, Public Works Contractor, residing and Eachelhurst Road, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield in the carrying on business at 14-24, South Road, Sparkbrook, county of Warwick, and also carrying on business at Birmingham in the county of Warwick, lately residing and 244, High Street, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 6SN carrying on business at Flat 1, 50, Longmore Street, Balsall in the county of Warwick as a RETAIL GREEN- Heath, Birmingham aforesaid, as a PUBLIC WORKS GROCER. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— CONTRACTOR. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter Gill, David Greatorex, "Cornwall House", 31, Lionel —102 of 1970. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Street, Birmingham, B3 1AP, Chartered Accountant. Date —Gwyther, Arthur David, Commercial Union House, 22, of Release—29th Jan., 1974. Martineau Square, Birmingham, B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of Release—9th April, 1974. CHARLTON, Bruce, of 36, Clent Road, Amblecote, S tour- bridge, Worcester, OFF LICENCE MANAGER, lately LORENZ, Dieter, PET SHOP PROPRIETOR, residing at carrying on business at 632, Bristol Road, Birmingham, 37, Romilly Close, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, in the 29, as "Freshways Markets" and also at 634 Bristol county of Warwick, and carrying on business under the Road, Birmingham, 29, carrying on business as " Selly style of " Lorenz Aquatic Import & Export Services ", at Oak Pets and Aquatics". Court—BIRMINGHAM. 166, Witton Lane, Witton, Birmingham, formerly trading No. of Matter—5 of 1972. Trustee's Name, Address at 1059, Coventry Road, Hay Mills, Birmingham aforesaid. and Description—Gwyther, Arthur David, Commercial Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—115 of 1971. Union House, 22, Martmeau Square, Birmingham, B2 Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Gwyther, 4UP. Date of Release—9th April, 1974. Arthur David, Commercial Union House, 22, Martineau Square, Birmingham, B2 4UP. Date of Release—9th April, DEACON, Bernard, unemployed, residing and formerly 1974. carrying on business at 22, Scotland Lane, Bartley Green, Birmingham, B32 4BS in the county of Warwick as a SUB-CONTRACTOR BRICKLAYER. Court— PALMER, Derek Stephen, unemployed, residing at 27, BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—40 of 1972. Trus- Viceroy Close, Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B5 tees's Name, Address and Description—Gwyther, Arthur 7US in the county of Warwick, and lately carrying on David, Official Receiver's Office, Commercial Union business at 66, Hurst Street, Birmingham, B5 4TD afore- House, 22, Martineau Square, Birmingham, B2 4UP. said under the style " Derek Palmer " as HAIRDRESSER Date of Release—9th April, 1974. and WIG MAKER. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—92 of 1971. Trustee's Name, Address and Des- HALL, Raymond John, Heating Engineer, and HALL, cription—Gwyther, Arthur David, Official Receiver's Maureen (wife), unemployed, residing ait 10, Frensham Office, Commercial Union House, 22, Martineau Square Close, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham, 37 in the county Birmingham, B2 4UP. Date of Release—9th April, 1974 F.
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