This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu May 20, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO SENATOR DOLE FROM: SUZANNE HELLMANN RE: MAINE POLITICAL BRIEFING Primary: 6/14 U.S. SENATE RACE Roll Call and Cook rate this a "toss-up." A confidential poll done right after Mitchell's announcement showed Snowe in the lead by 8 points. This information was not released. o Closure of Loring AFB is an important issue for the Snowe campaign as Rep. Andrews supported the closure and Snowe opposed it. Two other military facilities - the Portsmouth Shipyard and Brunswick Naval Station - could also face some cut-backs or closure in the future. Interestingly, the Pentagon announced on 5/3 that it will locate a 750-job defense accounting center at Loring, one of 25 sites chosen nationwide to consolidate the work of 300 existing defense accounting centers. Loring officially closes in late summer, but many of the 4,600 employees have already left. (Andrews does not support the bill to delay further base closures) . o Gun control is a big issue. Andrews supports gun control and Snowe opposes it. Their recent vote reflects that -- this is viewed as a negative for Andrews as the Maine population is made up of avid game hunters. o The Health Security Act could cause the loss of 3,852 - 4,800 jobs in Maine and a possible 106,179 could face reduced wages, hours or benefits. o Courting the Perot voters will be important as he received 30% of the vote as did Bush. (Clinton received 39%) . o According to the latest FEC reports, Rep. Andrews raised $216,000 leaving him with $217,000 cash-on-hand. Rep. Snowe raised $66,000 and reported $147,000 cash-on-hand. Page 1 of 67 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu GUBERNATORIAL RACE (See enclosed briefing from Republican Governor's Association). U.S. HOUSE RACES ME 01 -- (Andrews is running for Senate) . Roll Call rates this one a toss-up. Name recognition and fund-raising ability will be crucial for this Republican primary. The three leading candidates are: o Kevin Keogh, ex-ME GOP chair o James Longley, Jr., son of ex-Gov. Longley o Charles Summers, State Sen. o ex-Portland Councilor, Ted Rand is more of a longshot Longley led the GOP field in fund-raising, $10,100. Keogh followed with $9, 800. The leading Dem. candidate, State Sen. President Dennis Dutremble led the Dems with $12,750 raised. ME 02 -- (Snowe is running for Senate) . Roll Call also rates this one a "toss-up." The highest Perot vote in the country, 33%, was in the second district of Maine. There are four Republicans vying for this seat: o Stephen Zirnkilton, State Rep. o Richard Bennett, State Rep. o Glenn MacNaughton, businessman o Hollis Greenlaw, tax attorney Zirnkilton and Bennett have the best name recognition and have the political experience that the other two candidates lack. This puts Zirnkilton and Bennett as the leading two candidates. They have raised $15,100 and $22,700 respectively. Sen. George Mitchell's nephew, ME Dem. Chair James Mitchell, raised the most money according to the latest FED reports - $60,500. There are six other Democrats in the race. Page 2 of 67 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 16:39 NRSC 2ND ~L OOR' 202 408 51 17 N0 . 2 15 Gl 02 MEMORANDUM TO: Senator Dole FR: Jim Dornan, NRSC DA: May 19, 1994 RE: Your upcoming trip to Maine POLITICAL IJPDATE: The retirement announcement of Senator George Mitchell has moved Maine from a 1'snoozer" to a "scorcher." Both of Maine's current House Members have announced that U1ey arc running, setting the stage for a fierce and ve,ry competitive campaign. Rep. Olympia Snowe announce.d her candidacy last month. She is putting together her campaign team and is already actively campaigning around the state. Her campaign manager will lie Sharon Miller, curri:mtly Chief of Staff to Governor John McKeman, Congresswoman Snowe's husband and the former congressman from the First Congressional District. The First CD is the more metropolitan district of Maine's two CD's and includes both Portland, the largest city in the state and Augusta, the capital. Congressman Tom Andrews has represented the First CV since 1990. Cong. Snowe repri:sents the Second District, which is more rural and where the voters tend to be more conservative. The Bar1~u1 Daily News reported thnt Mitchell strongly urged Andrew~ to run and "'111 be actively involved in this race to ensure his seat does not go to the GOP. Andrews is one of the most liberal Members of th.eHouse. R~ll Call rated him in the top five and The National Journal rated him the most liberal. He carries some serious baggage, too. Last year, he Vigorously supported the Base Closure Commission's r~ummendations to close Loring Air Force Base in northern Maine whose shutdown cost the state 5,000 jobs. The outcry in the state was great, but apparently he clidn 1t learn his lesson. This year's recommendations could affect Brunswick Naval Air Station, Kittery Air Force Base, and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, all major employers in the state, yet Andrews is very vocal in his support for these r~ommendations, too. The bottom line in the race will be who can turn out their voters in the other's \:ungressional district. The early line is that Cong. Snowe will be able to do it better than Cong. Andrews. Page 3 of 67 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 05/ l S. 9 4 16:40 ~ l R :3C 2~m FLOOR ~ 202 408 51::. 7 POLITICAL SITUATION IN THE STATE With Mitchell's retirement leading to Snowe·s and Andrews '· n.inn ir..g, the state now has two open seat that have attracted over 20 House candidates in both patties. And with Governor McKernan havini to step down after two terms, tl1e go\iemor 1 s race has attracted another doi.en or w candidates, <ndiJding independents. Needless to say, the focus in the media has been all over the board and in-state fundraising has been difficult for everyone. Primary Dale l'oord. Limit June 14 $117,200 j· Page 4 of 67 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu I() (•..j - - -------- THE BOSION SUI\DAY GLOBE • M.o\.Y S, 19':~ t- M.ttNE .._, .-, TO win, Senate hopefuls must be versatile taret'u:l:1 l'tom '.\o· ~~o:a1, Sfl(r,r;;_ ; ~ "-- 's B~ fior:ii LroJ >. ·.·.ith :'cw pc9pk. Al-..> o;.ll:;:hcd !'J"e .. tl'.r mro§d; in i:,.. r..tbt-r·,. ,J;,,._ t:l.•.ltLl' ~: ~_ ...... m J der.U : Republk.m ~. r_ •)"· r. for ·.·.iL b~ ho-" Soo... 'e . ~ ti:· perwrul lr'ct. Th!ll ·.-iJ ~ _,,., - t,;(k;ng :h~ p.:ir:y .tin.e, and .0\drewo.. ·!:nrp<.1g:ns ~s •:·Js (l:lea" space Alu:tJ:e ...a=. cu the ocher -:21 1 d~ ~J1.L f'()?..TLANIJ, Mabt> - Fot Tlllll ,;_ Jib;; rJ.I [:,"Jll:(rat, ;ll~ ~''ir._g ur• Jnd th.f: w:1nnth I.ha~ o..;w : r.2rs in lha: \.'bE.t ~ "'-" "-.-.ll'ke.j f-OI l~rr in tbt .\ndreo..i, ..,_mlr.g the US ~r: ate thO? ir E«<t3 :n th~ Doo&E c~· Jlep:i;- ~·::h ·Jlitpc.st b"''<! gi-..cr. he:- c"'t'r !to e jX..'il wil ,...,r.k: l!@Jl. ·'You ,J;an12: st!:ll: 'r.ftnl!' v~ by Gt..Jrge l\Ltdt- :erowliv:~ 11, :ia,·e;i: : :acb 01..1er iD :: _rear3. will operdlle in t\n~'Oi'l;· m.:- 11illi :t,e om that : .....ru ;;;:ll }'"'·· ht el wilil :ilf!<u> "'1r- nin~ v{.jei; in the cono:.:!ntiou!!. !'°dl°t: t>J sucd.ro _\1ic~tdl .jja.. i:ilefloi,·e diotr,~t, 11·.lu;TO? a ,;.illjth! s<litl. 'ar·d 5:lr me ilia• '~ gY:a.,..r1...it>. 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