University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 11-19-1937 The onM tana Kaimin, November 19, 1937 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, November 19, 1937" (1937). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 1605. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/1605 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, MISSOULA, MONTANA Z400 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1937. VOLUME XXXVII. No. 17 WHO’S In the News Montana Favored Over Strong Vandals ? 9 GrizzlyHorde Foresters Find Rifle League Simmons Breaks 8-Year-Old Santa Ideal Location Big Announcement Grizzlies Face Tough Will Descend Will Arrange Girl Is Lead For Ski Slide President Officially Adds Friday Hurdle in Tomorrow’s New Schedule To Thanksgiving Vacation In New Play UponM oscow Hill In Blackfoot Valley Decided Attracted by ASMSU President Upon (or Scene of Club Peter Murphy’s promise of one of Practice Meetings Battle for Tenth Win Many Students, Fans Plan University to Have Four the “big announcements of the Gwendolyn Keene to Play Teams as Freshmen year," one of the largest convoca­ Role o{ Heroine Trip to Neale Field An “ideal slide (or all types of tion audiences ever assembled at Fessenden, Bank Are Skeptical on Game’s Outcome; skiing, from slalom to practice Enter Matches For Big Came Montana State university, yester­ In One-Act slides,” was located last Sunday day heard President George Fin­ Idaho Confident Neale Field’s Unbeaten by a committee from the Forestry Representatives from each rifle lay Simmons officially add Friday An eight-year-old girl will play Record Will Remain Intact Ski club, according to reports made Advance Sales Mount team in the Garden City league to the Thanksgiving holiday. the lead in one of the three one- by Boris Vladimiroff, Chicago, a will meet with Major George B. President Simmons admonished I act plays which the Masquer lab- member of the committee. Fighting for their tenth straight victory, Montana Grizzlies Norris, associate professor of mil­ students to keep three things in oratory theater will present De­ Fessy, Wildly Cheering Rooters The site is 40 miles up the Black- itary science, at 7:30 o’clock Tues­ mind over vacation—“ the triumph cember 2 in the Student Union clash with Idaho Vandals on Neale field in Moscow tomorrow Give Team Send-off foot valley, accessible by good day night to draw up a schedule of the Grizzlies over the Sioux on I building. The child, Gwendolyn aftemooh. Expert opinion favors Montana in the annual bat­ At Station roads to within 500 yards of the for winter quarter. Thanksgiving day, of America over Keene, Missoula, plays Vergie in tle. Students of both schools are confident of victory. “ We slide. Vladimiroff said the ter- the world in personal benefits, and “The Telephone Rings,” by Eliza­ Represented in the Garden City ^have never been beaten on our Iritory about the slide is normally man over turkey.” beth Marsh. A horde of Grizzlies will descend league are Garden City rifle team, home field,” rings out from the ] covered on the level by two feet Dean A. L. Stone, guardian of "Gwen is learning her role very tomorrow on Neale field at Mos­ Forest Service rifle team, men's Idaho campus. The Grizzlies' of snow, ample for all types of Silent Sentinel, senior honorary well,” said Violet Thomson, Hel- GonzagaWins cow for the Montana-Idaho foot- varsity rifle team, ---------university wom- boosters are confident that Mon­ I skiing. fraternity, announced the pledging ena, director of the play. “ She tana will win. ball game. | on'e sector of the sUde, with both I « ’» te»m- ' of Robert Van Haur, Hilger. knew all the lines of her long part Audience Poll Not voicing the optimism of the Cold but wildly cheering Grizzly steep and gradual slopes, creates !**"*'■ y ........ .. ntlnr Fort The Dixie Jubilee quartet, on a at the first rehearsal.” students, the competing coaches supporters braved the Hellgate an unusually adaptable situation 0 Pm , | tour of colleges in the nation, pre- The other plays on the program wind, to hit a high peak of en-1 lor experienced skier, and novices,! Missoula and the officers reserve are skeptical. Fessenden says that sented a program of plantation will be “Portrait of the Artist's On Arbitration thusiasm at the send-off rally-par­ corps, outcome of the game can be told said Vladimiroff. On another slope melodies, negro spirituals and imi- Wife,” by Roland English Hartley, ade for the football team yesterday better after the final gun. Bank timber is scattered, necessary for Tryouts for the teams will be tations, interspersed with short and “ Release” by E. H. Smith. All afternoon. fears the Grizzlies’ touchdown trio. President Simmons offers- stu­ obstacles in slalom racing. A run conducted during the remainder of readings. three are student directed and Visiting Debaters Oppose “Last week in Spokane,” says dents "gentleman’s agreement” —- Advance ticket sales indicate of three miles is a possibility in the quarter. League competition Ray Whitcomb, president of student produced. Forced Mediation the Vandal mentor, “we had to read “Simmons Breaks,” page one. that many Missoulians, university one place. will start during winter quarter. ASMSU during the 1936-37 term, Masquers are also rehearsing a watch Karamatic. This week we students and other supporters will A state ranger’s cabin near the I The university will have a fresh- led the record-breaking student radio play, “Mrs. Worthington’s In Labor have three backfield stars to stop cheer for the Grizzly football team slide may be available as a shelter j man team in the league this year convocation-goers in yells. Whit- Daughter," which they will present —Popovich, Lazetich and Szakash, at the crucial game with Idaho. for skiers, he said. If that is not for the first time. Any freshmen 1 comb has gained much praise from j from 8 to 8:30 o'clock Monday over Ticketeer In a poll determining audience all equally good.” Paraders, clad in mufflers and obtained, the Blackfoot logging with shooting experience are urged the student body for his high in- KGVO. Every member of the cast shift of opinion, Gonzaga's debaters “I have a hunch,” commented heavy overcoats, led by Fessy and ] headquarters cabin for the Ana- to try out for a place on the team. | terest in campus affairs. is a Masquer Royal. Violet Thom- outpointed Montana last night on Fessenden alter the Gonzaga-Idaho the Grizzly band, marched from j conda Copper Mining company ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ison is director. Anyone desiring a the question: “ Resolved, the Na­ game in Spokane, “that we are in Main hall to the Northern Pacific “ “ F 8* utilized. < r 1 * 0 1 r s part in possible future radio plays tional Labor Relations Board Shall for a busy afternoon in Moscow depot by the way of University | Safety, said Vladimiroff, will be y 0 ( 6 O l o t l H i C l l t S l i t f 0 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 should see her. Be Empowered to Enforce Arbi­ Saturday. That boy Durham, as and Higgins avenues. emphasized. Only experienced Beside Gwendolyn Keene, mem­ tration in all Industrial Disputes," well as Roise and Trzuskowski, Rally Organized skiers will be allowed on the more bers of the cast of “The Telephone Representing the affirmative for will stand plenty of watching." Yell leaders quickly organized difficult runs. This move, he said, Supports Voluntary ROTC Rings” are Margaret Clark, Trout Montana were Bill Scott, Great Doug Fessenden, Harry Adams, the rally on the depot platform, was to eliminate unfortunate acci­ j Creek, as Jean Pomeroy; Robert Falls, and Walter Coombs, Mis- Jiggs Dahlberg, Lefty Hoagland which was filled by the paraders dents as that which occurred to Dr. I Kretzer, Anaconda, Herbert Gard- soula. Bob Doellwo and Bill Royce and the entire Grizzly squad rest and those who came in cars. Mon­ c. f . Deiss last season. i Smith, Paulson, Browning and Payne Lead Discussion Iner; *** Hammon». Plains, taxi defended the negative point-of- J Lewiston, Idaho, today and will tana songs were sung, accompanied The Blackfoot slide will be ex- n r u •• d l . C L r - l n n driver; Bill Baucus, Great Falls, view for Gonzaga. I ®^^e the short trip to Moscow by the band, and yells were led elusive to members of the For- yuestion; itesult 5I10W8 LlgntV Hallots Adam Pomeroy, and Effiellen Jef- The actual shift in the audience Iearly tomorrow morning, by the cheer leaders. Doug Fes­ estry Ski club. Against Compulsory Training [ fries, Missoula, Eloise Denny. senden, Grizzly coach; Lefty Hoag- showed the affirmative changed _ . ®ne InI“ red Grizzly ____________________ __________________ I Players in “ Release" are Don Grizzlies will take the field at land, athletic manager, and Presi- the opinions of 12 people while the I Hopkins, Whlteflsh, Bull; Frapk : almost full strength. Only Roily (Continued or Page Four) Rx Ball Will Be By a vote of 80 to 11 for voluntary ROTC, the third Campus stanton, Hamilton, Lefty; Bob negative debaters shifted 16 opin- ions"~Heven'membersoftteaudi-1j* <» doubtful list, I Congress audience last night answered Bill Browning’s plea Warren, Glendive, Rabbit; Emer- with a leg injury.
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