Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus College Bulletin, 1885-1902 Ursinusiana Collection 2-1891 Ursinus College Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 5 Augustus W. Bomberger Ursinus College Harvey E. Kilmer Ursinus College Irvin F. Wagner Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ucbulletin Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, History of Christianity Commons, History of Religion Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Bomberger, Augustus W.; Kilmer, Harvey E.; and Wagner, Irvin F., "Ursinus College Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 5" (1891). Ursinus College Bulletin, 1885-1902. 63. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ucbulletin/63 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Ursinusiana Collection at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Bulletin, 1885-1902 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r - lrd~siFlYS a®Ile~e VOLUME SEVEN, NUMBER FIVE. <><lFEBRUARY, 1891.[::» Commencement THE CHAS. H. ELLIOTT CO. Visiting Cards Class Day ENGRA.VE RS Plat e a nd 50 for $1.00. AND So lety COLLEGE ST ATIONERS, Addre!l8 D ies. W 'dding- Monograms. 9 12 F i l bert Str eet, Invitationll. 834 C h estnut Str eet, Philadelphia. Con ts of Arms. Vi ANTS AND READING NOTICES. $75.~0 to $250.22 A M~NTH can be madc workIng for us. Per on. pr 'fClTl'c\ \\ ho an furnish Ii. hor..;c and give their All of r C' lInblc . " lllllclnrcl ilud l4 uIH' rlor qllllllly. whole time to the I,usiness. Spare moment. rna) he POPULAII NOR 101111 14. 1:111. :~CI. ~·H. 12I!. 1:16. Itll. 21111. prof.tahly employed also. ,\ few van acie in to\\ n . 1<'01' fIJI by nil StatiOIlOrs, TII "~ ~~T R UnH()OI < ~'l'EE ) , ,.EN ('0. and cities. II. F. JDlll ·SO!. ~()., 1009 Main Worlui ClUlldeu, N J 26 J o hu ~t. , /Ii \V Y or k . Street, l' khmond, \'a. Reformed Church Publication House. DR\L}<'Tt IN REV. CHAS. G. FISHER, Proprietor. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COLLEGEVI LLE, PA. r B )ol , ell L' anel Stati n r Large assorlment of (;cnt's Furnbhing Good. 907 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Finc Shoe. I ,atcst Style Il ats. Pcad), madc 'lothil1~, .c. l'ubli.hcrs of th> books nnd periodicals of the Reformed Church in the nited State~. JOSEPH W. CULBERT, APOTHECARY, RELIGIOUS AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS COLLEGEVILLE, MONTGOMERY CO" PA . constantly on hand 01' proem 'd to order. Parti ulnr Fam.), and Toilet ,\ rtic\e. Pure Drug. and attention paid to thc c1 ,ction of Spices a Sp 'ciall),. Proprietor of 'ulbert" Liver and . \ ~lIe Pill. Phy .. icians' pre. criptions and fami ly Sunday S chool Libra ries . receipt carefully compounded. E STA BLISH E D 1816. HORSTMANN BROS. & CO., Fifth and Cherry Streets, Spemal Pnces to Stude nts of UrSlllUS College. PHILADELPHIA. Cabinets, $2 and $2.40 per Dozen. Gymnasium anu BoatinR Gootls J CLASS GROUPS U6x20 ins.) $1 EACH. Fencing Foils, Swords, Gloves, Gauntlets, Masks, Shoes, Jackets and Boxing Gloves. <><lCHAN DLER & SH EETZ,t::» Boating lIo'iery of all kind. Shirts, Pant, H ose and Caps. 828 Arch S tr e~ t, 1.. PilI LA [WJ.I' lIIA. Polo, Foot-Ball and Bicycle Jer. cys. 1433 Che tnut Strcet, I .Q'"SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. ~a UR I US COLLEGE BULLETIN. URSINUS COLLEGE. A eadeIIlic DepartIlleI1t. INSTRUCTORS AND T E ACHERS. ALCIDE REICHE BACH, A. 1., Principal; Instructor in Pedagogy, 10rals and Ianners. AMBRO E L. CU TER. M. E., Vice Principal; In tructor in English. \\,ARRE~ H. RAH1 , 1. E., In tructor in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Book-keeping. H. E. JO E ,Teacher of Penmanship. IRYIN C. WILLIAM, Teacher of Type·writing. The Latin and the Greek of the Academic Department are taught by the respective College Professors. COURSES OF STUDY. 1. ELEMENTARY E 'GLISH COURSE. Two years. This course is adapted to young people who want the culture of a higher training than they can get in the public schools, at the same time that they are fin· ishing the common English branches. Association with advanced students, broader instruction than that of the public schools, under more experienced teachers and the inspiration of College surroundings, are as educational as text-book work, and every young person who wants to advance himself must get into the stimulating atmosphere of a school that rises above the grade in which he is tudying. II. PREPARATORY COURSE. Three years. The studies in the English branches of this course are tbe same during the first two years as those of the Elementary English. The third year is devoted to ad­ vanced work in English, to Book keeping, and other branches that prepare for active life. Type-writing is also taught. \, ith Latin and Greek included, this course prepares for admission to College. III. 1 OR)1AL COt;RSE. Three years. The special branches of the Kormal Course are in charge of the Principal of the Department, who has perfected himself for teacher training by study and ob ervation of school methods and educational principles in this country and in Europe. The course includes all the branches required by law in tbe Tormal ."chools of the State. EXPENSES. The charges for board are $3 a week. Room rent, 50 to 75 cents a week, according to location of room. Tuition, 67 Yz cents to $1 a week. Fire and light: Fall term of 16 weeks, $5; Winter term of 12 weeks, $5; Spring term of 12 weeks, $2.50. Incidental expenses, $7 a year. • Students are received at the opening of any term. Particular attention IS paid to English. Spring Term opens Monday, April 6, 189 1. For additional jnformation address PRINCIPAL Dr ACADEM IC DEPART MENT, Collegeville, Montgomery Co., Pa. II R. ~ I U C LLE E 13 LLETI ur ,r n' Furnishing toc1 11 t on f th fat-n w-l C\ n-to-m r- ~tne row rt. Plump, well-round d all th tim. Isatest gooks And it isn't a athering of che t­ nut. an 1 trad -drift in Furni hings poblisl1ed that cro\\ d man) sh 1 e her and k 0 many s lling hands at Retail. bu y. If y u are on th hunt for iLl -track 1 t 1 and back-n um- b r hape kip \\ anamaker's. 0\' It), fr . hnes, brightne s School and Coll~~~ T~xt-Books, y rywh re alon the line. Doe a new thoua ht in eckwear, for in tance, pop up in Pari or Lon­ SCQool StatioQery don, or at home, where on thi I ide of the ocean can you see it I fir t? At TT'(17w11laker's, nll1e J. 8. Lippincott Company, times in ten. 7 15-7 1 7 lYlarket St., Phila. JOHN \V .l Ai\I KER. - ------=-- ARE THE BEST, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST OR WE T. GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS thoroughly r~cleaneo, free from we~d and tra h of every kind. LANDRETHS' LAWN GRASS SEEDS producing a beautiful and permanent sod in a short time, FLOWER SEEDS AND BULBS of the be t American and Imported ·tocks. Horticultural Implements and Tools of the best quality, Rustic ettees and Chair. Hanging Baskets and Flowtr tands. Flower Rods, Flower Pots, c ' C. Fertilizers, In ecticides, &c. GIRARD BUILDING, Catalogue and Price List Mailed Free to all Broad and Chestnut Stree ts. Philadelphia. applicants. THE LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND D. LANDRETH Be SONS, [n March, ]885, 'rhos J. Prickett, Founder of Prickett Nos, 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, PhiladelDhia, College of Commerce. purchased BRANCH STORE-So W. Corner Delaware Avenue and Bryant & Stratton Business College. Arch Street. URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. VOLUME V II. FEBRUARY, 189 I. N UMBER 5. the vital energy of individual intelli­ PUBLISH~ D TEN TIMES A YEAR , ONCE A MONTH FROM gence and the personal imp ulse of in­ OCTOBER T O .JU LY· INCLUSIVE. dividual soul -power. One man, in the EDITOR : hand-breadth of time between the ris­ A. V\. BOMBERGER, '82. in g and the setting of the sun, may lift himself to a hi gher plane of acti on and Contri butors : HARVEY E. KIDIER, ' 90. TRV] F. WAGNE R, ' 9 1. draw the world up wi th him, where a thousand men for a thousand years were ZWINGLIAN. SCHAFF. CALVIN D. YOST, '91. IRVIN C. WILLIAMS, '91. un equal to the task. The golden lad­ OLEVIAN . EBRARD . der of opportunity by_w hich human ity LILLIA ' PRESTO)l, '91. P. E. H E IMER, ' 9 1. may climb to broader fi elds and nobler elevati ons, is let down and drawn back TERMS. OKE COPY, a year , 50 cts. again unse'-' n, many a time and oft, ere FIVE COPIES, to one person, • $2.00 the quick, di scerning eye of some new INGLE COPIES, 5 cts. trave ll er catches .its momentary gleam, ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST B E PAID IN AD VANCE. seizes with energetic grasp its glitter­ Post-Office Address: in g rounds, mounts it swiftly with spon­ URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN, Collegeville, M ontgomery County, Pa. taneo us steps, and,-the hig her emi­ nence attained,-fixes it securely and P ersons wishing to discontinue their subscrlptious should send immediate notice of tbe fact. Mattl'r fo r publication (including literary articles. items permanently in positi on for the use of of news in any way pertailling to URSI NUS l'OLLEG~ , ane special communications as to current pbases of its work the more sluggish multitude that fol­ aud welfare), will be gll!d!y receivl'd from all students, alumni and professors of the institution.
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