ANCIENT STONES and SACRED SITES in CORNWALL ======Editor: Cheryl Straffon

ANCIENT STONES and SACRED SITES in CORNWALL ======Editor: Cheryl Straffon

MEYN MAMVRO - ANCIENT STONES AND SACRED SITES IN CORNWALL ======================================================== Editor: Cheryl Straffon INDEX - ISSUE 1,1986 to ISSUE 89, 2016 ******************************************************************************* Index compiled and maintained by Raymond Cox The Index is by issue and page number, e.g.15/23 = Issue No 15 page 23. Entries for the Isles of Scilly are listed under "Isles of Scilly". ............................................................................................................................................................... A Abbotsham - 73/14 Aboriginal Songlines (see Songlines) Adder's Beads - (see Milpreves) Alex Tor (Bodmin Moor) - 64/12 Alignments - 1/12; 2/7; 3/6; 4/5; 5/2; 6/7; 7/2; 8/4; 8/8-10; 9/4; 10/4; 10/7; 14/4; 20/4-5; 23/3; 23/24; 29/5; 31/3; 32/3; 34/8; 37/16; 47/11; 61/18; 63/18; 65/18; 66/14; 67/14-19; 68/10; 69/13; 70/8-10; 72/6; 73/13; 74/7; 77/6; 77/13; 77/16; 77/20; 78/3; 78/6; 78/7; 78/21; 79/2; 79/8; 80/12-24; 81/7; 81/9; 81/24; 82/6; 82/19; 83/6; 83/10; 84/6; 84/24; 85/6; 85/18; 86/6; 86/8; 86/14; 86/24; 87/16; 88/8; 89/6 Alignments map - 87/23; 88/21 Alignments map- 88 Supplement insert (Palden Jenkins) Allentide - 1/19 Alsia Mill - 74/6 Altar stones - 10/5 Anasazi - 14/21 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - 8/20 Ancient Egyptian Centre - 59/24 Ancient tracks - 81/9; 82/6; 83/6; 84/6; 85/6; 86/6; 88/6 Ankh - (see Crosses, General) Animals (see Celtic totem animals) Anomalous phenomena - 4/3; 10/8; 11/19; 11/20; 12/19; 12/24; 14/3; 16/5; 17/2; 17/5; 18/5; 19/5; 21/3; 21/15-19; 25/18; 25/20-21; 25/24; 32/14; 32/18; 33/6; 34/24; 35/4; 35/24; 36/4; 46/4; 47/4; 52/14-19; 71/6-9; 73/13; 78/21 Anu - 11/16; 17/6; 25/1; 57/8; 87/15; 87/19; 88/2-3; Aphrodite - 69/16 Apollo line - 79/3; 81/3; 81/3; 82/19-20 Aqua Sulis (Bath) - 71/14 Archaeology, Alternative - 28/22 Archaeology, finds - 3/24; 4/24; 11/3; 34/6; 40/13; 43/3; 46/3; 47/3; 50/10-14; 53/6; 7215 Arcturus - 66/7 Arddhu - 43/14 Arianrhod - 17/9; 73/14 Arthurian Cornwall - 7/21; 15/4-20; 25/21; 38/8; 38/14; 72/12-22; 88/11; 89/4 Arthur at Tintagel - 38/10-13 'Arthur' Stone, Tintagel - 38/8 Astro-archaeology – 2/10:12/5; 14/7: 19/2: 20/6-10: 26/6; 29/5; 42/9; 44/1; 47/13: 48/7-11; 55/7;55/10;58/8; 58/11; 59/14; 59/19; 62/8; 63/10; 63/23; 64/10; 66/5; 66/7-13; 67/2; 67/8; 67/10; 67/13; 68/15-16; 69/11; 72/6; 72/20; 74/13; 76/10; 78/6-7; 80/12; 80/15; 80/19; 80/20; 80/23; 83/10; 84/20; 85/18; 86/17 Astrology - 39/8 Athena/Minerva - 71/15 Athena line - 70/11; 82/19-20 Atlantis - 36/7 Aunt Mary Moses - 48/20; 69/20 AUTHORS of articles: Adamson, Jan - 8/22 Alba, Tyto - 55/8; 56/8; 57/5; 58/7; 59/7; 60/6 Andrew, Geraldine - 18/20; 19/16; 20/16; 32/22; 46/5 Angrove, Pat - 9/15 Aviva, Elyn - 87/17; 88/18 Baimbridge, Kate - 56/3 Balmer, Howard - 47/6; 51/18; 57/22 Barley, Nigel - 32/10 Bayfield, Su - 10/11; 13/15;14/4 Bayfield, Tony - 10/11; 14/4 Beale, Carole - 29/20; 31/20 Bishop, George - 19/5; 27/22 Blackman, Tony - 49/8 Bleakley, Alan - 2/14 Blight, John T - 2/6 Blunsdon, Rodney - 42/17 Bond, Kris - 26/6 Bonnington, Paul - 53/14; 57/14 Borelli, Lucia - 23/20 Boyd, Marina - 21/6 Brampton, Lynneth - 16/9 Branwen - 15/22 Bright, Sheila - 35/20; 39/8; 46/20; 47/21 Broadhurst, Paul - 9/4; 12/8; 20/6; 21/10; 40/9; 72/19 Burl, Aubrey - 24/4; 26/3; 44/11; 45/8; 47/19 Charles, Geraldine - 52/19 Coles, Diana - 49/12 Collins, Andy - 27/6 Coombs, Mary - 27/20; 37/18; 56/21 Cooke, Ian McNeil - 2/9; 6/16; 9/8;14/6;16/19; 19/6; 20/15; 22/23; 30/6; 85/22 Cooper, Chris - 62/9 Courtney, Margaret - 48/17 Cox, Raymond - 27/21; 30/12; 31/12; 32/12; 33/12; 34/12; 35/12; 36/10; 37/12; 41/12; 42/12; 43/12; 44/12; 45/12; 46/12; 47/10; 52/14; 63/8; 64/8; 65/18; 66/14; 68/10; 71/7; 73/8; 74/6; 75/6; 81/9; 82/6; 83/6; 84/6; 85/6 Croxford, Jenny - 14/20 Dash, Jackie - 60/14 Devereux, Paul - 11/16; 23/24; 25/15; 25/20 Du Maurier, Daphne - 10/23 Ellis, Robin - 12/19; 17/16; 22/14; 23/4; 32/18; 40/14; 70/14 Elston-Jenkins, Lee - 12/15 Evans-Gunther, Charles W - 38/14 Falconbridge, Gloria - 66/16 Farnworth, Roger - 63/10; 64/10; 79/14; 81/17; 84/14 Ford, John - 38/10 French, Su - 3/16; 4/22; 7/15 Garcia, Rachel - 4/3 Gary, Gemma - 60/3; 62/5; 63/5 Gary, Shane R - 49/19 Gilbey, Dr Alice - 2/11 Gill, Elaine - 23/21 Goddard, Jimmy - 27/10 Goutte, Roy –-88/12; 89/9 Gutrerrez, Modesto & Janet - 42/10 Hannigan, Des - 8/21 Harris, Jean - 30/21; 33/20; 47/5 Harris, Jill - 28/14; 29/18 Harvey, Pamela - 41/21 Hassall, Andrew - 33/18 Hatton, Pam - 42/20; 43/20 Hawkes, Gabrielle - 9/22; 19/20 Head, Sarah - 49/20; 58/14 Heafield, Barry - 6/8 Heath, Robin - 39/14 Herring, Peter - 40/8; 80/16; 85/17; 86/14 Hill, Graham - 85/14 Hikka, Daveth map - 12/16 Hutchings, Sandra - 74/22 Hutton, Ronald - 36/20 Hutton-Squire, Chris - 8/5 Jarvis, Lana - 76/10 Jeffries, Sheila - 30/17 Jeffries, Ted - 48/7 Jenkins, Chris - 13/10; 34/8; 35/14; 37/14; 89/4 Jenkins, Lee & Jerry - 8/3 Johns, Charlie – 89/14 Johnson, Nicholas - 12/2 Jones, David - 72/6 Jones, Kelvin - 29/14; 30/14; 36/12; 38/16; 41/8; 43/17; 46/14; 48/18 Kaiser, David - 50/8; 54/6 Langstone, Alex - 73/14; 88/20 Lewis, Rose - 17/22; 60/17 Lobban, Alexandra - 7/23; 12/10; 36/17 Long, Anne - 10/14 Lovegrove, Chris - 72/14 McCarthy, Geraldine - 60/18 McCarthy, Patrick - 45/14 McMahon, Brendan - 28/9; 76/18 McMillan, B S - 3/6; Macfarlane, Bruce - 27/8 MacIntosh, Calum - 3/4;12/5 Main, Laurence - 68/5 March, Caeia - 21/20; 23/16; 24/6; 24/14; 28/6; 31/8; 33/22; 39/20 May, Jo - 3/7; 4/15; 31/17 May, Kenny - 27/3 Meaden, Terence - 35/17; 36/8; 40/18 Michell, John - 8/8; 23/3; 56/9; 70 (obituary insert) Miller, Hamish - 5/3; 12/8; 54/8; 63/18; 70/9; 72 (insert) Miller, Margot - 47/24; 50/20 Millington, Jill - 48/12; 69/14 Miners, Hugh - 1/2; 2/12; 3/20; 5/23; 70 (obituary insert) Mitchell, Simon - 62/19 Morgan, Levannah - 41/6 Negus, John - 36/17 Norfolk, Andy - 26/10; 27/18; 29/5; 34/14; 35/4; 37/6; 44/18; 44/23; 47/16; 54/9; 62/14; 63/14; 67/14 Nowakowski, Jacky - 32/6 O'Cleirigh, Jo - 1/10;16/22; 23/22 O'Farrell, Bart - 67/14 Pacsoo, Jo - 37/22 Palmer, John E - 7/6; 18/16 Patterson, Steve - 83/20; 86/18; 87/20 Pennick, Nigel - 8/16 Penwrath, Wella - 52/20; 53/20; 54/20; 55/22 Petherick, Caroline - 75/19 Phillips, Andy - 65/22 Reilly, Barry - 78/14 Roberts, Tony - 13/18; 14/15 Rogers, Trevor - 82/11 Rose, Peter - 60/8 Rundle, Keith - 76/9 Saward, Jeff & Deb - 5/15 Sawyer, Katharine – 89/14 Seaney, Vivien & Robert - 84/18 Seddon, Richard - 15/20 Semmens, Jason - 58/20 Sheils, Tony 'Doc' - 11/20 Sivier, David - 58/18 Sjoo, Monica - 16/18; 21/4; 38/20 Slater, Carol - 1/14 Simkins, Alan - 82/22 Smith, Jill - 26/19; 81/14 Smith, Rodney - 75/10 Steadman, John - 23/7 Stringer, David - 25/8 Straffon, Cheryl - 1/18; 2/18; 4/4; 5/6; 6/16; 7/20; 8/4; 10/16; 11/4; 12/15; 13/6; 15/5; 16/6; 17/6; 18/6; 19/15; 21/20; 22/10; 24/6; 24/14; 25/6; 25/18; 26/14; 27/14; 28/6; 28/18; 29/8; 30/18; 31/8; 32/14; 33/5; 34/4; 35/8; 36/20; 37/8; 38/19; 39/4; 41/14; 42/14; 43/8; 44/8; 45/18; 46/8; 47/12; 48/20; 50/11; 51/6; 52/6; 54/9; 54/14; 56/14; 57/8; 59/16; 60/14; 61/14; 61/16; 61/18; 62/8; 64/18; 65/14; 66/16; 67/8; 67/14; 68/14; 68/20; 69/7; 69/19; 69/20; 70/18; 71/18; 75/16; 76/10; 76/14; 80/18; 82/19; 83/12; 83/16 Swingler, Malcolm J - 56/20 Tagney, Joanna - 66/8 Taylor, Jonnie – 89/16 Te'Tigo, Rory - 52/6; 53/8; 61/6; 71/14; 78/20; 85/8 Thomas, Charles - 13/4; 19/11; 20/11; 30/10; 38/8; 47/12; 47/18; 85/11 Thomas, Paul - 9/7; 23/15 Thomas, Sally - 27/14 Toms, Pat - 70/8 Vivian, Sarah - 44/18; 58/5 Walker, Julie - 49/18 Weatherhill, Craig - 1/5; 15/14; 22/6; 31/14; 33/14; 43/6; 77/14; 84/10 Wilson, Joy - 15/8 Woodley , Helen - 4/6 Woolf, Michael - 4/3; 7/4;16/20; 87/14 Avebury - 13/6; 76/15 Axe, Bronze Age - 24/10; 62/16 Ayers Rock - 63/18 ...........................................................................................................................................................

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