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OCIATU pun m BERLIN DECORATED FOR 'BIG THREE' MEETING Japanese Refuse to Fight As U. S. Pia nes H·it ·Tokyo 4-Power Rule Senators Would Give Aboard Truman's Ship- , 152 Enemy U. S. Delegate Right Enroute 10 For Berlin -------Potsdam Planes Down To Commit hoops By ERNEST B. VACCARO he traveled to the United Nations ABOARD CRUISER AUGUSTA conference at San FranclBco. Reds, Britain, U. S. Connally, Vandenberg, WITH PRESIDENT T RUM A N Capt. James H. Foskett com­ Communique Fails (AP) - PI'esident Truman sped mands the ship carrying the presi­ To Disclose if Strike Solve Problem White Say Reservation through p I a c i d mid-Atlantic dent. The other cruiser is com. Of Feeding Civilians Would Destroy Charter waters yesterday enroute to Pots­ manded by Capt. Robert L. Boller. Still Continuing f dam lor a "Big Three" meeting' he (In Washington, the navy said BERLIN (AP) - The United WASHINGTON (AP}-Senate hopes may speed victory over Foskett commands the U. S. S. QUAM, Wedn sday (AP) Japan as well as chart the course Augusta and Boller the U. S. S. States, Britain and Russia, setting leaders m~de it plain yesterday The Japanese airfol'c(' 1'rf'llsPll up a four.power "kommandature [or permanent European peace. Philadelphia. Foskett's home is lo put up anything 1'('. cmbling­ they think the American delegate A batlle-tested war s hip is Strafford, Pa.; BaUer's at Bremer­ (command post)" for a rotatin& a. rea I fight OVCI' Tokyo 'I'llI'. dflr military government of Berlin, to the United Nations should have carrying the president to the ses­ ton, Wash., and McCann's home is IN ,REPARATION for the meeting of President Truman, Prime lint ter ChurehlJl and 'i\larshall Stalin as more than ] ,DOO ('UlTi el' yesterdaY solved the frlction­ the right to commit United States sions with P I' i m e Min 1st e r North Adams, Mass.) II Berlin July 19, Russian occupation authorities erected giant poster portraits of the three men. Presl- planes of the rna .. i"e 1 nitl'll packed problem o[ feeding the troops against a potential aggres­ Churchill and Premier StnJin­ Tanned and apparently in tip 1Ie.1 Truma.n left the United States last Saturday by shlr) for the conference. Note Berliners on the tate Third fleet destroyed Qt. German capital's 3,000,000 ci­ talks which may help shape the top physical condition, President Jlreel haullnr household goods In kiddie wagons. sor. course o! history lor generations. Truman is cruising toward his damaged 152 enemy planes Oll vilians. This position was taken in the ------------------ ------ The intra-allied deadlock over The vessel is part of a two first conference with Premier the ground and hot down two Berlin's food and fuel supplies senate foreign reluUons committee cruiser task force, under the com­ Stalin and P rim e Min i s t e r SnOOpBI'$ near the fle et, fl'ng-­ was broken by high allied military by Chairman Connally (D., Tex.), mand of Rear Admiral Alian R. Churchill through mid-Atlantic mentary reporls discloRecl today. chiefs, who assured that Anglo­ Senator Vandenburg (R., Mich.) McCann. waters as placid as those of a mill Wbether Admiral William F. Balikpopan Bay Area Secured The presidential party, which pond in his native Missouri. American troops would assume and Minority Lea d e r White (Bull) Halsey's world's largcst --'-- includes James F. Byrnes, secre­ Wearing a sporty cap cocked Immediate and full control of their (R., Me.). task force tuck Ilron nd toc1l1~r occupation zones. The way was The development in the United tary of state, and Fleet Admiral jauntily on the side of his head, for another strike was not made William D. Leahy, the president's paved for a harmonious opening Nations charter hearing was pre­ the president seems to feel the clear but even the first preilmi­ Aussies Hold Refinery IAt a Glance- Grew Rejects Vague chief of staff, will fly from the peace of his journey may augur ot the imminent Big Three meet­ cipitated by Senator Millikin nary accounts left no doubt that. port of debarkation to the Berlin ing. (R., Col.). Millikin wanted to well for the outcome of the the enemy airforce as Igned to area. Mr. Truman will use the Area North of Town know whether It would violate the defend the homeland was in hid­ Jap Peace Feelers Arreement a. m 0 n r Ute three big C-54 luxury linet· in which (See TRUMAN, page 5) Todoy's major allies was reached In I con­ charter to reserve the use of ing. It obvlousl, has been driven Complete Chain Insists U. S. Interested ference of Soviet Mlrshal Geor.1 troops to either congress or the K. Zhukov and Lieut. Gen. LucJUI president, w hen the security there by I week of strikes by Iwo­ Of Amphibious Hops In Unconditional D. Clay and Lleut. Gen, Sir ROn­ council Of the United Nations de­ Chinese Isolate based army Muatanrs, scores of Around Borneo Port Iowan ald Weeks, American alld British cides force is needed to keep .U. S•. Nearly which de.troyed or damared 19 Surrender Only representatives In the allied con­ peace. enemy planes yesterday at Hon. shu's port city of Kobe while the MANILA, Wednesday (AP) trol commission for Germany. Sensing a move to write in a Former U. S. Base ' WASHINGTON (AP)-Japan's reservation, Connally declared carrier Hellcats, Helldlvers and Baii~papan's broad Bay, an an­ Jap aircraft* faiJ* to* put liP de­ Beaming with evident pleasure fense as cart'iel' planes I'aid vague peace feelers were brushed that such an idea would violate Attack Japanese Doubles 7th Aven.ers were roaming the Kanto (horage capable of handling un­ over the oulcome of the confer­ aside yesterday by Acting Secre­ 'the spirit of the charter." plains around Tokyo to the north­ limited shipping, is completely in Tokyo. ence, Maj. Gen. Floyd L. Parks, tary of State Grew with a sharp Vandenberg argued warmly that Beachheads on Coast east looking for tarreta. the hands of allied forces, Gen. American military commandant reminder that the United States is it would violate the constitution Only one of the 19 was bagged Douglas MacArthur reported to- Four· po\yec cOlTjmand post es­ ot Berlin, announced details of the Below Amoy tl1biished in Berlin. interested only in the enemy's un­ of the United States. Bond Q'uola in the air by the Mustangs and day. I conditional surrender. solution of the food problem and The Michigan senator took the the first reports of the powerful At the 'Same time a headquar- of the new "kommandature" that CHUNGKING (AP) - Chinese Senate leaders believe United Grew told of four specific indi­ pOSition that the United States carrier plane blow at Tokyo did t e r S spolsesman disdo ed the will rule Berlin. troops have isolated Japanese­ Nations delegate should have rect apPl'Oaches on behalf Q1 the del ega te is the instrument of the WASHINGTON (AP) - Final not so much as list a single enemy Aussies now hold all of the hotly Berlin's food, it was decided, held Kanshlen, a fOl'mer American Japanese but said that the gover,n­ fisures ilt th!! Seventh War Loan Inter~ptor lihot down. eontesled Pandan~ ari r~finel ' y area unresel'v~d power. president and holds the president'li a1r base 200 miles north of Hong I ment never has recelvell II r~nl will be supplied from "contribu­ )Il~t north of Bahkpapun town. powe'r to I!8IL out tl'OOpI. Thi3 Kong, and have hurled a strong showed last night that America The air opposition to Vice­ peace offer from the J apanese gov­ tions from all allied occupation ~ linnl link in a cbain of 8111- Balikr.apan bay 'etlll'cd i.Jy doesn't interfere with congress' ilank attack against enemy beach­ piled up the fabulous, aU-time rec­ Admiral John S. McCain'S carrier ernment. zones in Germany," and Zhukov, right to declare a slate of war, he rAiders was so weak during the phibiota hops around the p rime- I Au~tralians . heads on China's southeast "in­ ord amount of $26,313,000,000, The foul' "ulleged peace feelers" Clay and Weeks took steps to pointed out. tirst hours that undoubtedly they tel' ot Borneo's "iggest oil port solve the coal problem along the vasion" coast below Amoy, the lown.
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