Student government embroiled in power struggle OREXEl INSTTTUTt OF TECHNOICXJY PHILADEIPHIA, PA. VOLUME XLIV FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 NUMBER 1 Student Senate retains power over rebellious Class Council student Senate retained its role tion by David Furniss (EE ’67) Class Council expenditures. of financial domination over to delete from Senate’s consti­ By a vote of 3-27-3, Senate Class Council in defeating a mo­ tution the power to review all elected to retain this power at PENCIL IN HAND, Tony Piersanti makes constitutional objection its January 5 meeting, at which to point Furniss withdrew his re­ Council actions mode under leadership of Ho Corbin (inset). maining motions related to Class Council’s having to report to Stu­ dent Senate. Council goes its own way, Furniss defends Council Furniss moved that Art, IV, Sec. 1, No. 7 of the Senate’s appoints Senior successor constitution be deleted. The rul­ ing states that Senate has the The Class Council, maintain­ muddy the waters of the debate.” power “ to approve or disapprove ing its position that it is free The letter of resignation was not all expenditures of the classes to interpret its constitution in accepted by the Class Council through the approval of the Class the way it feels is correct un­ since in fact the proceedings Council budget.” less specifically vetoed by the before the body had declared him Furniss argued that no other Student Senate, proceeded at its im p e a c h e d . organization is required to sub- meeting last Tuesday to appoint Up until the point of his re­ mit its budget to the Senate be- a successor to the post left va­ signation, Tedesco considered Text of Tedesco’s letter — cant by the Council’s impeach­ his impeachment invalid because ment of John Tedesco (C&E 67) See page 14. ___________ procedural changes in the im- as vice-president of the senior Continued on Page 16, Col. 3 fore it goes to the Student Ac­ c l a s s . tivities Committee for passage. The appointment of Irving SAC is composed of three stu­ Campbell (C&E 67) as senior Debakey to receive dent senators, three faculty m en’s president by the executive members and three administra­ committee of the Council is the tors, one of whom. Dean of Wo­ latest step in a controversial engineers* aw ard men Shirley D. Welsh, is also struggle between this body and c h a ir m a n . the Student Senate. The Council at 18th convocation JOHN TEDESCO, President of Student Senate, addresses that By retaining this power of re­ has previously made several Dr, Michael E, DeBakey, noted igroup. His impeachment from the C lass Council is yet to be brought view, Senate “will help expedite amendments to its constitution doctor and surgeon, will become jfore the body. m atters for the Student Activi­ and has chosen not to submit them this year’s recipient of the Sci­ ties Committee,” continued An­ to the Senate for approval as re­ ence and Engineering Award dur­ thony Piersanti, Senate Trea­ quired by the constitutions of both ing the Engineers’ Day program ritic of W arren Report surer. “ If we relinquish, we are bodies. Horace Corbin, modera­ on February 21, definitely on a downward trend.” tor of the Class Council, ex­ Individual technical society Sen. Charles Colver (C&E ’67) pressed their feelings. “If we sem inars will begin the program ^o speak at DIT Thursday observed that “Class Council is would submit such actions to the at 12 noon. These will be fol­ organized for the areas of social Student Senate the posts would lowed by a coffee hour at 2 p.m., Mark Lane, author of “ Rush than one person fired at the responsibility.” Colver feels that not be filled for the rest of the held in the Main Building Lounge, Judgment," a critique of President, that there is no evi­ ‘ ‘This is a good check to see that year.” This comment was in an­ The convocation commences at le Warren Commission’s report dence which compels the conclu­ the money goes to that purpose. ” swer to a question of constitu­ 3 p.m. in the Main Auditorium ind the topic of Playboy maga­ sion that Oswald was involved in Steve Cohen (CBA ’67) also tionality raised by Anthony Pier­ wito a welcome by President zine’s February issue will make the assassination, that there is thought that this would “ assure santi, spring prom chairman. William Hagerty, Dr, H,H, Sun, >ne appearance at Drexel on overwhelming evidence that some no duplication.” Piersanti, Student Senate trea- shots were fired from points head of Drexel’s Biomedical En­ lursday, January 19 at 7:30 Unnecessary power surer and not a member of Class '.M. in the Grand hall of the other than the Texas Schoolbook gineering Program and Dean Ho Corbin's view — See lAC. Depository and that two persons “ How much (power) do you Leroy A, Brothers will both Mr. Lane is a New York at- were involved in Officer Tippit’s want?” retorted Furniss. “ This page 15. ___________ give brief addresses, trney who had practiced law m u r d e r . power is not necessary because Council, later read a letter to the “ Engineering in Medicine” »r more than 15 years, princi­ Lane finds the greatest fault of other powers.” Council which was written by John pally as defense council incrim - with the “ single bullet theory.” Furniss was referring to the Tedesco, who also holds the po­ George E, Bergey, chairman lal cases. In 1959, with M rs. He points out the inconceivabil­ three senators who sit on the sition of President of the Student of the Federation of Engineer­ lleanor Roosevelt and Herbert ity of one bullet tearing throu^ SAC. He also stated that the Senate. The letter criticized the ing and Scientific Societies, will iehmann, he founded the Reform Kennedy’s neck, entering Con- other members of the committee actions of the Council which Te­ present the award to Dr. De- >emocratic Party, and was nally’s back, smashing his rib, will concur with the students in desco termed “irresponsible” Bakey, Dr. DeBakey will give the main address, using as his theme fleeted to the New York Legis- Continued on Page 16, Col. 5 Continued on Page 16, Col. 3 and expressed a desire to “un- iture in 1960. “ Engineering in Medicine,” This Following the assassination, program is open to the public. il.ane was retained without fee Dr, DeBakey obtained his BS, «y Mrs. Marguerite Oswald to Three national health officials MS and MD degrees from Tu- ‘ifepresent her son at official lane University; and, as a sur­ iiquiries. He twice testified geon associated with Baylor Uni­ tlBfore the Warren Commission review DIT medical facilities versity in Houston, Texas, he runs one of the largest cardio­ l)|ut was unsuccessful in his at- dent affairs, the purpose of this A three-man team of phy­ dent medical facilities on Jan­ vascular centers in the world. smpts to act as defense coun- review is “to come up with a sicians from the National As­ uary 9, 10 and 11. He is not only active in the op­ 11. full-fledged report listing the sociation of Student Health Di­ According to Mr. Rudolf F. erating room and experimental Mark Lane’s critique is based strong and weak points” of our rectors reviewed Drexel’s stu­ Vogeler, vice-president for stu- laboratory, but also in councils n more than just the Warren student medical program. of government. He is a pre­ ommission study. Lane formed The men inspected Drexel’s sidential advisor and past chair- ►e Citizens Committee of In- Infirmary and Dispensary facil­ Continued on Page 16, Col. 3 liry, conducted his own investi- On the news scene ities and procedures. Possible ition, interviewed witnesses sites for the location of a future om Maine to Dallas, read the JACK BECKEK has offered a Council, (page 14, column 4) infirmary in view of Drexel’s volumes of testimony on which proposal for taking the academic Council Moderator Ho Corbin expanding number of resident le W a r r e n R e p o rt w a s b a s e d , credit from ROTC, and for mak­ decided to comment, (page 15, students were also considered. idled exhibits in the Nation- ing it a voluntary, extra-curricu- c o lu m n 1) “ I’m not afraid of what they’ll Archives and made film and lar activity. It’s the best idea find,” said Mr. Vogeler, “if interviews of eyewitnesses. we’ve heard yet, and it’s backed th e y show d e fic ie n c ie s , w e ’ll c o r ­ It is Mark Lane’s belief that by a solid argument 1 We wonder rect them.” The findings of the |e Warren Commission, formed if the ROTC Department has any­ WHENEVER we get our new committee will be presented to investigate the assassination thing to say ... (page 5,column!) Men's Dorm, the lucky residents Dr. William W, Hagerty, presi­ President Kennedy, overlooked won't have a curfew. But wo­ dent, and will also be sent to the ‘ misinterpreted some evidence men's curfews remain the same, ■ National Association Student put too much credence in Health Directors. (page 17, column 1) __>ers. Lane believes that more MARK LANE, author of Representing the national as­ **Rush to Judgement,” will be at ^I^Notice to all College of En- sociation were Dr. Willard Dal- leering and Science students Drcxel on January 19.
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