‘BEASTS’ IS A WILD RIDE | 4 ADVENTURES IN JOURNALISM | 6 THE SECRET LIFE OF A MASCOT | 12 The Princeton s ummer J ournal A Publication of The Princeton University Summer Journalism Program Monday, August 13, 2012 Founded in 2002 princeton.edu/sjp RELIGION IN AMERICA Ignorance about Sikhs persists By Makenna May an activist group. and Laura Núñez Eleven years later, Sikhism remains badly misunderstood. Several days after the Wis- coeur d’alene, idaho, consin shooting, the Princeton andThe los Aug.angeles, 5 attack calif. on the Summer Journal asked ap- Sikh Temple of Wisconsin proximately 260 people in and was the latest incident in a around New York’s Central decade-long pattern of anti- Park several basic questions Sikh discrimination. Since about Sikhism. The results 9/11, American Sikhs have suggest that, even in Amer- been routinely labeled as Mus- ica’s most cosmopolitan city, lims; in the three months fol- people remain by and large lowing the terrorist attacks, woefully ignorant about the BRIAN ROKUS :: THE PRINCETON SUMMER JOURNAL Sikhs suffered more than 300 world’s fifth largest religion. A sign at the University Medical Center of Princeton’s former building directs visitors to the new location in Plainsboro. Many residents have struggled incidents of harassment, ac- Elizabeth, 44, who majored to travel to the new site and are unaware of low-cost ways to get there. cording to the Sikh Coalition, See SIKH page 10 Left behind low-income community where it used to be located? When a hospital moves, what happens to the and the staff of The Princeton Summer Journal By Lorena Aviles, Delia Beristain, Stephanie Frescas and Angela Kim ONG BEFORE IT OPENED this past May, the healing through conscientious design.” The Star- new campus of the University Medical Ledger headlined an article on the move: “A hotel- Center of Princeton at Plainsboro was like hospital in Princeton health network brings already turning heads. In 2009, a health comfort to its first patients.” Lcare staffing company called Soliant Health ranked Many local residents have been equally im- the hospital the 16th most beautiful in the United pressed. “This hospital is like a five-star hotel,” States—based only on the building’s architectural marveled Gloria Martinez, who was escorting her plans. friend to the clinic on a recent weekday afternoon. Meanwhile, the building attracted rave reviews And moving the hospital has had undeniable ben- BRIAN ROKUS :: THE PRINCETON SUMMER JOURNAL from the local press. The Trenton Times described efits. The state-of-the-art $447 million building— A candlelight vigil was held on Wednesday at Princeton’s Scudder Plaza for the new facility as a place “that aims to promote See HOSPITAL page 10 the victims of the shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. ELECTION 2012 MONKEY BUSINESS POLITICS Response Professor studies Holt takes on tough topics to Romney baboons’ secrets By Delilah Vasquez ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: By Laura Núñez ning thereof.” By Marco Rivas its violations of the federal EWINGchicago,—Rep. ill. Rush Holt Speaking just two weeks pick mixed Animal Welfare Act. Though (D-N.J.) addressed citizens’ after the shooting in Auro- several of the violations con- concerns Aug. 4 in a town EWINGlos angeles,—Rep. calif. Rush Holt ra, Colo., and the day before By Amy Char losOn angeles, Aug. calif.11, the animal cerned administrative prob- hall meeting. About 100 (D-N.J.) told a packed the Sikh temple shooting rights group Stop Animal lems such as incomplete people attended the meet- crowd at an Aug. 4 town in Oak Creek, Wis., Holt Exploitation NOW! contin- paperwork, the USDA also ing in order to bring up hall meeting that he sup- cited his recent success sanHours francisco, after calif.Republican ued their year-long protest cited the University for fail- controversial topics that ported stricter gun control, in authoring and pushing presidential candidate Mitt in front of Princeton Univer- ing to provide animals with affect people across the saying, “Americans’ rela- through a law that extended Romney announced Rep. sity’s Green Hall. sufficient water and adequate country. In turn, Holt went tionship with guns is very criminal background checks Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as his But for Jeanne Altmann, medical care. into detail about key issues, troubling. The presence of for firearms. vice-presidential running a professor emerita of ecol- Princeton tied with Yale including unemployment, guns is more damaging to- His comments were in- mate on Aug. 11, people ogy and evolutionary biol- to rank second only to the See HOLT page 2 ward liberty than the ban- See TOWN HALL page 2 strolling around Princeton ogy, balancing University of said they thought Ryan the needs of Pennsylva- would help Romney appeal scientific re- nia among Ivy to more conservative vot- search with a League univer- OTHERWORLDLY ers. commitment sities in its fed- But while some were to the ethi- eral violations, Curiosity touches down on Mars enthusiastic about Ryan’s cal treatment in a ranking by policies, many were skep- of animals the Physicians By Alejandro Izquierdo tical that Ryan’s propos- has always Committee for als—including cuts to so- been a prior- Responsible cial service programs like ity. Her work Medicine. Pri- chicago, TARINGill. AT THEIR Medicare, Medicaid and with baboons mates under- COMPUTER moni- food stamps—would be is particular- going research tors, NASA sci- good for the country. ly notable at at Princeton entists at the “It seems like [Ryan’s] a time when “were routine- JetS Propulsion Labora- trying to get towards bal- the treatment ly forced to go tory paced nervously on ancing the budget, which of animals more than 24 Aug. 6 as they awaited isn’t a bad idea,” said Char- by major re- hours without the news. The room sud- lie Clapp IV, 20, a Republi- search institutions across the water,” among other viola- denly erupted in cheers: can. “But some of the steps country has come under in- tions, according to a report Curiosity, NASA’s most he might take might not be creased scrutiny. by the Philadelphia Inquirer. advanced rover ever, the best route.” Last year, the U.S. Depart- The University, however, had successfully touched “I think it’s important ment of Agriculture issued an has reiterated its commit- down on Mars. to try and control gov- official warning to Princeton ment to animal welfare. President Obama congrat- COURTESY OF NASA See RYAN page 3 University, among others, for See BABOONS page 10 See MARS page 2 This artist’s rendering shows the Curiosity rover exploring Mars. Page 2 August 13, 2012 The Princeton Summer Journal COMMUNITY HOUSE enriches youth SummerBy Amy Char program Jocelyn Vega sanHillsborough francisco, calif. resident Ken- nedy Penn was a precocious child. “I interviewed my dog chicago, ill. when we first got her because NTERING THE room I wanted to see if she was a at Princeton Uni- good dog,” Penn, now 13, said. versity’s Com- “I asked things like, ‘Do you munity House, bite a lot?’ ” IE noticed immediately Penn honed his interview- that the traditional class- ing and other skills as a room had been left at the participant in Summer Ex- door. Students sat facing plorations in Writing and Sci- each other, fully engaged ence, a two-week enrichment in discussions ranging program for rising seventh, from fashion to education. eighth and ninth grade stu- Marjorie Young, who di- dents, held at Princeton Uni- rects the Summer Explora- STEPHANIE FRESCAS :: THE PRINCETON SUMMER JOURNAL versity’s Community House. tions in Writing and Sci- The program was founded ence at Community House, Ruthie Bzdewka welcomed customers at the House of Cupcakes store on Witherspoon Street. She runs the store with her husband and son. three years ago to close the invited us in, and we were achievement gap, director quickly welcomed by the ex- SWEETS AND TREATS Marjorie Young explained. cited students. “During the summer months, I came to report on a minority students tend to program that was trying All in the family at House of Cupcakes lose a lot of the things that to close the achievement they’re learning because gap for local students, but By Angela Kim contestants on the Food Net- something that makes peo- ders, her husband, Ron, man- they’re not engaged academi- I soon found the tables work’s “Cupcake Wars” to win ple so happy,” Bzdewka said. ages the House of Cupcakes’ cally,” she said. turned. I was peppered a $10,000 prize and national “They can take a moment to website and finances. At 6’6”, Penn and his classmates with questions. losThe angeles, door calif. to the House cupcake fame. be so happy no matter what’s he makes an intimidating met every weekday at Com- “Where are you from and of Cupcakes opened, and a As part of their prize, the going on in their lives.” first impression, Bzdewka munity House from July 30 why are you here?” asked middle-aged man cheerfully Bzdewkas got the chance to Bzdewka said her family said, and most people do not until Aug. 10. The classroom one excited student. walked in. Ruthie Bzdewka, show off their creativity in a has always enjoyed baking think that he would run a featured inspirational posters “So you’re a journalist, the storeowner, greeted the cupcake display at Cirque du and creating cupcake recipes. cupcake shop. with quotations like, “You’ll huh? Interview me!” an- customer with a warm smile Soleil’s show, “Viva Elvis” in “I think the recipes from roots The Bzdewkas strive to always miss 100 percent of other implored.
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