New Mexico Anthropologist Volume 6 | Issue 4 Article 3 12-1-1943 Volume Information Department of Anthropology Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_anthropologist Recommended Citation Anthropology, Department of. "Volume Information." New Mexico Anthropologist 6, 4 (1943): 171-174. https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_anthropologist/vol6/iss4/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Anthropology at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Anthropologist by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. INDEX VOLS. I-VII Abilene, Tex., culture, archaeology of, I, 44 Artifacts, flint,of Great Plains-by Baker, Adze, elk antler, distribution of, in Cali- II, 83; relation of, to geological struc- fornia, III, 24 ture-by Baker, II, 83 Alaska muck deposits, archaeology of, V, Atlatl dart, from Pershing Co., Nevada, 151 II, 70 Alluvial sites, in central New Mexico, VI- Ayllu, Peruvian, origin of, IV, 2 VII, 19 American Association for Advancement of BAILEY, FLORA L.: See L. C. Wyman Science, Southwestern Division, April Baker: Flint Artifacts of Great Plains- 1938 meeting, exhibits and displays, II, summary of, II, 83; Relation of Arti- 87; papers presented, II, 80 facts to Geological Structure-summary Andean archaeological area, notes on, I, 68 of, II, 83 Anthropo-geography,in Mexico and U. S., BAKER, ELE M.: SUMMARY OF PLEISTOCENE IV, 49 FINDS IN NORTH AMERICA, I, 41 Anthropology,history of, in Brazil, V, 99; Baldwin: New Pottery Type from Eastern and the Museum-by Bartlett, II, 85; Arizona-summary of, II, 83 status of, in Chile, V, 55; status of, in Bartlett: Anthroplogy and the Museum- western U. S., II, 4, 51; of Tarascan summary of, II, 85 region, Mexico. VI-VII, 37f. Bibliographic notes, on Tarascan region, Antillean area, affiliationwith Florida, IV, Mexico, VI-VII, 61 27 Bibliography, of Araucanian ethnography, Apache(s), ethnology of, IV, 42; humor V, 30; of Araucanian history, V, 20; of of, III, 3; Jicarilla, Navaho shaman- Araucanian linguistics, V, 26; of Arau- istic practice among, VI-VII, 13; physi- canian physical anthropology, V, 34; of cal anthropology of, V, 3 Brazilian history,V, 125; of Chile, north- APPEL, WILLIAM J. : ANDEAN AREA, I, 68 ern, anthropology of, V, 61; of Chile, Araucanian, land tenure, IV, 9; linguistics, peoples and languages of, V, 86; of V, 36; studies, historyof, V, 19 Chilean anthropologists, biographies of, Archaeological material, identification of, V, 67; of Chilean anthropology, 1920- III, 12; from Nevada, II, 70; photography 1940, V, 58; of Chilean museums, pub- of, in color-by Boucher and Postle- lications of, V, 63; of Chilean univer- thwaite, II, 85 sities, societies, academies, anthropologi- Archaeology, of Abilene, Tex., culture, I, cal publications of, V, 63; of Edgar L. 44; Alaskan, V, 151; of Alberta, Can- Hewett, I, 52; of New Mexican archae- ada, II, 46; of Andean area, I, 68; Arau- ology, 1936-37, II, 36; of New Mexican canian, V, 35; of Brown's Valley, Minn. ethnology, 1936-37, II, 52; of South- (Pleistocene) man, I, 46; of Burnet western archaeology, 1938-39, III, 44; Cave, N. M., I, 43; of California, I, of Southwestern ethnology, 1938-39, III, 45; III, 24; of Carlsbad region, N. M., 49 II, 44; of Chihuahua, Mexico. II. 84; BLISS, WESLEY L. AND ALDEN HAYES: AR- VI-VII, 117; of Clovis Lake, N. M., I. CHAEOLOGICAL WORK IN ALBERTA, CANADA, 42; of Coahuila, Mexico. II, 45, 84; of II, 46 Conkling Cave, N. M., I, 42; of Dent, BLUMENTHAL, E. H., JR.: GALLINA ARCHAW- Colo.. site, I, 44; of Florida, III, 35; IV, OLOGY, IV, 10 22; of Folsom man, I, 42, 56; of Gallina Boucher and Postlethwaite: Photography region, N. M., IV, 10; of Gypsum cave, of Archaeological Materials in Color- Nevada, I, 45; of Hidalgo Co., N. M., summary of, II, 85 III, 21; of Homo Novusmundus. I, 43; BRAND, DONALD D.: CHIHUAHUA CULTURE of Kuaua, N. M., II, 71; of Lindenmeier AREA, VI-VII, 115; CONTEMPORARIES OF site, Colo., I, 43; of Lone Wolf Creek, CORONADO, III, 72; GEOGRAPHY AND AN- Tex. site, I, 45; of Leyit Kin, N. M., I, THROPOLQGY IN TARASCAN REGION, VI-VII, 84; Mexican, IV, 44; of Minnesota 37; HISTORY OF ANTHROPOLOGY IN BRAZIL, New Mex- V, 99; HISTORY OF ARAUCANIAN STUDIES, (Pleistocene) woman, I, 46; NEW ican, 1936-37, bibliography of, II, 36; of V, 19; OLDEST UNIVERSITY OF WORLD, IV, 61; PEOPLES AND LANGUAGES OF CHILE, central New Mexico, VI-VII, 19; of INDIAN POPULATION OF N. of V, 72; PRESENT Paa-ko, M., I, 73; II, 71; Peru, AMERICAS, VI-VII, 161; STATUS OF AN- IV, 2; of Pinto Basin, Calif., site, I, 45; THROPOLOGY IN CHILE, V, 55; STATUS OF Pleistocene, of North America, I, 41. 56; ANTHROPOLOGYIN WESTERN UNITED STATES, of Pueblo area, III, 53; of San Diego II, 4, 51 Mission, N. M., II, 16; of Scottsbluff, Brazil, anthropology in, V, 99 Neb., Bison Quarry, 1, 45; Southwestern. Brown's Valley, Minn. (Pleistocene) man, IV, 45; Southwestern, bibliography of, I, 46 III, 44; of Tarascan region. Mexico. VI- Burial, mid-Columbian River district, of Walhalla Glades, Grand Washington, III, 80 VII, 37f.; MAN OF THE CARLS- Canyon, Ariz., II, 81; of Washington, BURNET, R. M. P.: EARLY of Yuma 56 BAD REGION, II, 44 III, 80; points, I, Burnet Cave, N M., archaeology of, I, 43 Archaeo-zoology-byHargrave, II, 85 ARISS, ROBERT: SMOKING PIPES IN PUEBLO) Calusa Indians, Florida, notes on, IV, 22 AREA, III, 53 Canada, Alberta, archaeology of. II. 46 Arizona, Early Cultures in San Francisco Ceramic sequence. South Florida, III, 35 Mts.-by Colton, II, 82; Tree-ring Dat- Ceremonies, Navaho, V, 6; Pueblo. II, 21, ing in,-by Giddings, II, 82 89; III, 30, 62 171 172 NEW MEXICO ANTHROPOLOGIST Chaco Canyon, N. M., anthropological con- FENENGA, FRANKLIN: ELK ANTLER ADZE, III, ference at, II, 100; III, 10; IV, 39; 24 archaeology of Leyit Kin, I, 84; Field Field sessions, Univ. of N. M., II, 62; Sessions, 1938, II, 62; Navajo myth from, Vassar College, IV, 17 IV, 63 Field work, in anthropology, summer, 1939, CHAPIN, GRETCHEN: NAVAJO MYTH FROM III, 57; New Mexican, 1936-37, II, 52; CHACO CANYON, IV, 63 Univ. of N. M., 1941, V, 14 Chapman: Meander Motif-summary of, Fisher: Outline of Pueblo Indian Religion- II, 85 summary of, II, 86 Chatto, measurements of, V, 3 Florida, South, affiliations with Antillean Chetro Ketl, outer walls of-by Postle- area, IV, 27; ceramic sequence of, III, thwaite, II, 81 35; pottery types, IV, 22 Cheyenne Indians, Okla., use of peyote by, Folsom, points, I, 56; sites, I, 42 III, 26 Chibcha, land tenure 9 of, IV, Gallina region, N. M., archaeology of, IV, Chihuahua, Mex., culture area, VI-VII, 10; physical anthropology of, IV, 13 115; archaeology of-by Lister ,II, 84 Geography, of Tarascan region, Mexico, Chile, anthropology in, V, 55; Araucanians VI-VII, 37f. of, IV, 9; V, 19, 36; immigration into, Giddings: Tree Ring Dating in Arizona- V, 79; peoples and languages of, V, 72 summary of, II, 82 GILLIN, JOHN: CHATTO'S MEASUREMENTS, V, Chiriguano, land tenure of, IV, 9 3 Chronology, methods in-by Yelm, II, 83 JOHN M.: CALENDAR OF EASTERN Clovis N. 42 GOGGIN, Lake, M., deposits of, I, PUEBLO FESTIVALS, II, 89; CALENDAR OF Coahuila, Mex., archaeology of, II, 45; EASTERN PUEBLO SEPT. TO sites 84 FESTIVALS, DEC., in-by Taylor, II, CERAMIC IN SOUTH COLLIO MARTIN: TRILINGUAL II, 21; SEQUENCE HUAIQUILLAF, 35; CHEYENNE PEYOTE, III, TEXT, V, 36 FLORIDA, III, 26; FLORIDA GLADES POTTERY, IV, 22; Colton: Basic Culture of Early People PRESENT CONDITION OF FLORIDA SEMINOLES, about San Francisco Mts., Ariz.-sum- PUEBLO 82 I, 37; PUEBLO DANCES, III, 30; mary of, II, 62 Columbia River burial CEREMONIES, 1939, III, district, Washington, Goodwin: Social of Western in, III, 80 Organization Apache-review of, VI-VII, 23 Conferences, anthropological, Albuquerque and Goshiute Indians, Utah, use of peyote by, Chaco, 1940, IV, 39; Chaco, 1938, II, 34 100; III, 10 IV, Gypsum Nev., archaeology of, I, 45 Conkling Cave, N. M., archaeology of, I, 42 Cave, Contacts, Ute-Pueblo, III, 66 Coronado, Congress, 1940, IV, 39; contem- Hall: Archaeological Survey of Walhalla poraries of, III, 72 Glades, Grand Canyon, Ariz.-summary Cranial series, north central N. M., IV, 13 of, II, 81. Cummings, Byron, biography of, I, 77 Halseth: Maricopa Pottery Making-sum- mary of, II, 85 Dances, Pueblo, III, 30; Sioux. III, 68; Hargrave: Archaeo-zoology-summary of, Southern Ute, III, 68; Taos, III, 66 II, 85 Dent, Colo., site, archaeology of, I, 44 Haury: Evidence for Mogollon Culture Design, Tarahumara belt, I, 87 from Neighboring Areas-summary of, DICK, HERBERT W.: ALLUVIAL SITES IN CEN- 11, 81 ffl TRAL NEW MEXICO, VI-VII, 19 HAYES, ALDEN: PEYOTE CULT ON GOSHIUTE Dog-Dance. Sioux. III, 68; Southern Ute, RESERVATION, UTAH, IV, 34. See also III, 68; Taos, III, 66 W. L. Bliss and D. Osborne Douglas: Prehistoric Pueblo Decorated Cot- HEIZER, ROBERT F.: ATLATL DART FROM PER- ton Textiles-summary of, II, 86 SHING CO., NEV., II, 70 Dust, dry. removal of, from caves-by Hewett, Edgar L., biography of, I, 53 Smith, II, 84 HIBBEN, F. C.: ARCHAEOLOGY OF ALASKA Dutton: Leyit Kin. A Small House Ruin. MUCK DEPOSITS, V, 151 Chaco Canyon, N. M.-abstract of, I, 84 Hidalgo Co., N. M., archaeology of. III, 21 HILL, DOROTHY W.: See W. W. Hill Ear'y man, Carlsbad region. N. M., II, 44 HILL, W. W.: NAVAJO USE OF JIMSONWEED, Economics, Tarascan region, Mexico, VI- III, 19; AND DOROTHY W.
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