ttoo CrCranbrook,ranbrookk, BCBC ttoo RReeggina,ina, SKSK ttoo Cardston,Cardston, AABB ttoo AAssssiniboia,iniboia, SKSK to Lethbethbrethbridge,ridge, AABB toto KildeeKildeerr,, SSKK CANACA NADDAA to Swiwifft Current,Current, SKSK ReRexfordxforrrdd CANA DADA D EurekaEurekka WWeesstbytby N YYaaaakk , GLACIEGLACIER SSweetgrasweetgrass WhitetailWhitetail BBabbabb FoFourur una una, ND OpheimOpheim ButtesButtes t Fortinee NANATIONATIONAL Turnerurner or BLACKFEETBLAB CKFEET SunburstSSunburstt ort PARK FlaxvilleF F Tregregoo SStt. MMaarryy INDIANINDIAN PePeerleserlesl s Scobeyy PlentywooPlentywood WWhitewatehitewater to F PPoollebridgebridge Loring Lake RESERVATIONRESERVATION AApgapgararr McMcDonalDonald CUT BANKBANKNK BrBrowningowningn CHINOOCHINOOK FORTORT PPECKECCK Medicine Lakkee TrTroyoy COLUMBIAO A WeWestst GlacieGlacier SHELBYSHELBS Y IINDIANNDIAN RRESERVATIOESERVATION FALLSLSS CoraCoramC m RuRudyardyard LibbyLibby CChestehester FrFroioidd WHITEFISHWHITEFISH Martina Citytyy HAVRHAVRE Hinsdale D FoFoorrtt SaSaintaia nt D I HungrHunnggry EaEastst GGalataalata Saco N , BoBoxx LustrLustre t GlaGlacieacieciecierr BeBelknalknap MaMariariear e VVaalilieerr , nt Horse i KALISPELLKALISPELLLLL EssEEssexex PPaarrkk ElderEldere Agennccyy DoDodsonodson VaVandaliandalia MALMAM LTATA BBainvillainville CulbertsoCulbeertsort n ston i KKilaila Hearteartart Butte FORTFORTR BEBELKNALKNK AP i illiston, ND DupDupuyepuyer ill WOLFWOLF PoPoplaplarp r andpo RROCKYOCKY BBOY’OY’S INDIANINNDIIAN NNaNashuashuas W Marionn W S S POINPOINT HeronHeron SSomersomers BigforkBig ConraConrad Big SaSandndy ININDIANNDN IAN RESERVATIONRESSERVAVATION o to to Sandpoint, ID to Noxon LLakesideakeside RRESERVATIONESERVATION RollinRRo s BBynuynumm Swan LakeLakeakk BradBrady FFaaiirrview DaytoDtn FortFort Troutrout ROCKHOUNDING & GEOLOGY VirVirgellegelle Peckecck A CreekCreek Elmo LomaLoL A T BiBBigg Arm ChoteauChoteau LanduskL kyy ZortmaZoZ n T D THOMPSOTHHOOOMPSP N SIDNESIDNEY O ON O I , K FFAALLSLLSLS PoPollsosonn K e Hot SprinSpringsngsn FFoorrtt A Lambert A ene BeBentonton D D l THE TREASURE STATE CondoCondon CranCrane Al Alene, ID ’ H H d RonaRoR nann VaVauughnghn r T GREAGREGRREEAT T R DDee BorgiBorgiaMontanaa is knownPlainPPlainsnsn as the ChCharloTreasurearloo State. Augusta WWinifredinifred SaSavvaage R oeu O Pararadiserar dises FALLSA S O C ASt century. RegisRegis and a half ago, these hills crawled N HauganH FFoort ShShawaw Brusett CCircircllee N o MoieseMoiesM e e to Coeur d’ t IDID with prospectors lured by rich gold strikes Ulm AHOAH 435 BBeltelt O Dixon StS . IIgnatiusgnatius RoRoy in Bannack, Butte, and Last Chance Gulch. JordanJ SSuperiouperiorr CascadeCascade SStocketttockett Raynesfordrd BrockwayBrockway More recently, sapphires mined inAArle therleee Geyser SeeleyS y DentoDentonn 253 Philipsburg region have become prized by LakeLaL ke D 434 N jewelers across America. GLENDIVGLENDIVEE , Ovando MonarchMonarch SStanfordtanford LEWISTOWNLEWISTOWN Albertonrtoon Craig WinnetWinnett SandS Springs WiWibauxbaux CohageCohagen nson i MISSOULAMISSOUULALA Lincoln HHobsonobson inson, ND Wolf 25253 ki c Even today, you can tap into the euphoria of GrassGrass ck Creek NNeiharteihart MosbMosbyy FaFallolloonn i making a find in Montana. The public landsBonneB r Uticai RRangeange Di Helmville o t TTeerrrry to Di near our friendly communities aboundLoloLolo with ClintoClintonn opportunities to pan and search for Marysville Spokane Bar precious metals and stones - Drummond HELENA JudJudithith GGaap includingtoto Kooskia,oo goldskia ,and IDID sapphires. Elliston IngomarIngomar Ismay D Many of these sites are free and Garrison East MelstoneMelstone Plevna N White SuSulphurlphur TTwwoo open to the public year-round. VVictorictor Philipsburg DEER Helena MILES CITYY n, n LODGE SpringsSprings DDoott HARLOWTONHARLOWTOOWTOT N man, ND Boulder River ROUNDUPROR UNDUP BBakeakerr ma CorCoC rvallisvallis MaMMartinsdalertit nsdale w Philipsburg Cable Mountain Basin Hyshaysham FoForsythrsyth Rosebud Bow Rockhounding Townsend Bo RinglinRingling o to Georgetown t Gem Mountain Basin Radon Mines BiBighornghornoro Geologic Feature ANACONDA DarbDarbyy 399 Ringing Rocks CusteCuC ster Conner BUTTE WiWilsallsalll WoWorrdenddenen EkalakEkalaka Calvert Hill Mine Radar Creek/TL oll Mtn. LogaLogann SulaSula Lewis & Clark Caverns BIG ManhattaManhMaan attann PoPommpeyspeys ThTThrehreeee ClydeClyde PPaarrkk TIMBERTIMB Pillar Wise River Whitehall FoForksrks BelgradeBe Humbug Spires GreycGreG yclliffiff LIVINGSTOONN Reed PPoointint LAURELLAAAURELRREL Wisdom COLUMBUS BILLINBBILLINGSILLINGS A Crystal Butte McLeodMcLeod CrCrowow ASHLANASHLAND A T ttoo WARRIO OOlivelive T Indian Creek AAgengenccyy LameLame R O CRCROWOW INDIANINDIAN O Salmon,Salmon, IIDD Crystal Park BOZEMABOZEEMEMAN PaParrkk TR AIL K Twin DeerDeer H K 278 GGallatinallatin AbAbsarokesarokee RESERVATIORESERVATION IG A Cityty H A Bridges Sheridan RockvaleRocckvavaleval SaintSaintt XavierXavier BusbyBusby NONORTHERNRTHEERNR CHEYENNECHEEYENNNE WAY BRB OAOADDUSUS D GGatewaatewayy FFiishtail D Polaris River of Gold JolietJolieJ li t INDIANINDIAN RRESERVATIOESERVATVA ION H Jackson H RobertsRoberts PrPryor T NyNyee T ENNIS BBigig Pray FoForrtt SmithSmiththh LodgeLodgge Birney U Alder U Grass Sky EmigrantE RoRoscoscoe O O 278 Virginia Bridgeeerr S Bannack S DILLON City OtterOtter RED LODGLODGE Biddle AlzadaAlA zada Ruby Reservoir BelfrBelfry Wyola Grant GardineGardiner SilveSilver CookeCooke DeckerD GateGatet City Glacier National Park 324 WYOYOMINGMING ttoo BBeelllele FFoouurrcchhee,, SSDD MammotMammothh 324 ToTower JunctioJunctction WYWYOMINOM ING toto GGilleilletttte,e, WYWY Hot SpringsSpringgss to CCodyoddy, WWYY ttoo SSheridan,heridan, WWYY MISSOULA BBEAREARTTOOOOTTHH to LLoveovvellll,, WWYY HELENA MONTANA Dell CanyoCanyonn BOZEMAN NorrisNorris YELLOWSTONEYELLOWSTONE BUTTE NANATIONALTIONAL Yellowstone National Park Lima WeWessts MadisoM n PPAARRKK Monida YeYeelllowstonlowstone JunctionJ LLakeake WeWesstt too IdahoIdaho FaFalls,llls, IDID IDIDAH O to RReexburrgg,, IIDD OlOld ThumbThumT mbb SOUTHWEST MONTANA • 1105 MAIN ST, DEER LODGE, MT 59722 • 1-800-879-1159 • SOUTHWESTMT.COM FFaaithfulithful GGrantrant VilVillaglagee too GrandGrand Tetonn NatlNattl PaParkrk andand JaJackckson,son, WYWY ROCKHOUNDING Georgetown Lake GEORGETOWN LAKE AREA Georgetown Lake is located 18 miles west of Anaconda, at 6,000 feet. Visitors enjoy the Pintler Scenic Route through the mountain pass and along Georgetown Lake to kick start their exploration. Old tailings of scheelite and epidote are found at Cable Mountain, northeast of Georgetown Lake. Argillite and quartzite can be found to the west of Georgetown Lake. In addition, prospectors find argillite and quartzite can be found to the west of Georgetown Lake. For information, call 406-563-2400. BOULDER RIVER BARITE Nice cubic crystals of barite can be found about five miles west of the Whitehouse campground along the Boulder River. Take the Bernice exit off I-15 between Basin and Butte. It is about five miles to the campground. For information, call Montana Tech at 406-496-4395. RADAR CREEK & TOLL MOUNTAIN Butte is known around the world for the incredible stores of gold, silver, and copper, that were mined in the 19th and 20th centuries. The area remains one of geologic wonder begging exploration. Limonite cubes can be found near Toll Mountain just south of Butte. In addition, the Radar Creek area located near Toll Mountain yields incredible smoky quartz crystals (smoky quartz are also found in the Boulder Batholith region). For information, call Montana Tech at 406-496-4395. CALVERT HILL MINE The Calvert Hill area west of Wise River is noted for epidote, aquamarine and garnets. The area is reached by driving about six miles west of Wise River on Highway 43 to the campground on the south side of the Dickey Bridge. From there it is about eight miles on a gravel road to the mine area. The minerals can be found in the country rock and mine dump. For information, call Montana Tech at 406-496-4395. SOUTHWEST MONTANA • 1105 MAIN ST, DEER LODGE, MT 59722 • 1-800-879-1159 • SOUTHWESTMT.COM ROCKHOUNDING Gem Mountain CRYSTAL PARK Crystal Park is a unique recreation area at 7,800 feet in the Pioneer Mountains. Open to the public, you are welcome to dig for quartz crystal here if you follow the posted rules. There is a $5 per vehicle fee charged to help maintain the facilities. Brilliant amethyst and smokey quartz crystals can be found in the normal form as well as scepter, double terminated and Japanese Law Twin forms. Open from May 15 through October 15 weather conditions permitting. From the town of Wise River take the Pioneer Scenic Byway and drive 17 miles to the site. For information, call the Forest Service at 406-683-3900. CRYSTAL BUTTE Located eight miles west of Twin Bridges, Montana, Crystal Butte can be accessed via county roads from Twin Bridges on the east, or Melrose on the west. White quartz crystals can be found scattered across the landscape. HELENA AREA The Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine and Gold Fever Rock Shop is the place to mine for beautiful Montana Sapphires. Located near the Missouri River, the Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine allows digging for a fee and will rent the proper equipment to you if you don’t have your own. For information, call 406-227-8989. PHILIPSBURG AREA Search the tailings of old mining sites for tiny crystals of manganese minerals. Beautiful Montana sapphires can be “mined” year-round indoors at the Sapphire Gallery on Philipsburg’s main street and during the summer months at Gem Mountain off
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