START MICROFILM COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS ON CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY FORMERLY: MICROFILM COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS ON AMERICAN INDIAN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND MICROFILM COLLECTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS ON THE MIDDLE AMERICAN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Series: J_LXX vi No: ]~394 Photographed by: Department of Photoduplication - The Joseph Regenstein Library University of Chicago - Chicago, III. 60637 REDUCTION RATIO: Sol Taxf Coordinator DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE FOX PROJECT 1948-1359 Edited by Fred Gearing Robert McC. Netting Lisa Peattie MTCRDPHM (XILLECT10N O f MANUSCRIPTS o n CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Nb. 394 Series LXXVX University of Chicago Library Chicago, Illinois April 1/ 1988 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE FOX PROJECT 1940 - 1959 A Program in Action Anthropology ERRATA Mote: Apologies are clearly needed for issuing a publication with as many errors as this. The proof-reading was contracted and paid for; it just didn't get done! Most of the items in the long list below are small and obvious errors, and you may not wish to bother with them. An asterisk * indicates an error that may con- fuse the meaning; you may wish to go through the book and mark these. P. i, 1 .21: for the editing read and P.16, ,11: for ast read at edi ting P.18, .19: for speciments read specimens P. ' > . 7: for Province read Provinse P.21, ,51: delete an before anthro- P. ' « . 6: for Province read Provinse pology P. ' » .32: for Sox read Sol P.22, ,15: for the read that p. ' » .33: for Sox read Sol P.23, . 9: for misconcevied read mis- p. .42: for Sox read Sol conceived p. ' > .43: for of read on P.30, for fissue read fissure p. ¡¡1 1.3: for Sox read Sol P.32, .21: for washborads read wash- p. ¡¡,1 .31: for 240 read 242 boards p. V, .26: for Schwartzhaupt read P.32, .32: for occured read occurred Schwarzhaupt P.32, .47: for lisa read Lisa p. v, 1 .36: for Womans read VJomens *P.32, .52: for with read without p. v, 1 .17: read Action Anthropology P.33, .50: delete in the way that we (Extracts)—Sol Tax...388 take Illinois a rcheology p. v, 1 .19: read Letter (extracts)..from as a responsibility Steve Polgar to Sol Tax..398 P. 34, for potawatomi read Potawa- p. 1. 5: insert " after project tomi p. 3, 1 .22: for famlies read family P.34, 1.41: for possibile read possible p. 3, 1 .26: insert " after summer house P.34, 1. 5" for sucy read such p. 4, . 4: for aerea read acres P. 34, 1. 9 for situations read situation p. 6, .23- insert a after many P.36, 1. 8 for phi 1ospher read ph 11 o- p. 6, .31- for occuped read occupied sopher p. 7, . 4- for beg read big *P.36, 1.17 for forming read farming p. 7, .18- insert New York after 326, *P.39, 1. 3 for conclusive read conducive p. 7, .27 insert " before They P.40, 1.47 for idioscyncratic read p. 7, .35 add " after (p.120). idiosyncratic p. 9, .12 for Pemoussa read Pemoussa's *P.4l, 1.30 for trees read trees p. 9, .15 for numberous read numerous P.45, 1.35 for receiprocal read recipro- *p. 9, .32 for custom read costume cal *p. 9, 1.41 for feats read feast P.45, 1.35 for practises read practiced p. 9, 1.45 for reprach read reproach P.47, 1. 3 for Nasquakie read ¡iesquakie p. 10, 1. 2 for barette read barrette P.47, 1.33 for track read tracks p. 11. 1.10 for syl1abery read syllabary *P.48, 1.12 for even read every p. 11. 1.41 for catamential read cata- P.48, 1.40 for onto read into menial P.49, 1.41 for varlties read varieties p. 12, 1.28 for Oklahom read Oklahorna *P.53. 1.14 for outsides read outsiders p. 13. 1.31 for appelation read appel- P.54, 1.49 for sourvenir read souvenir ation P.53, 1.50 for bear read hear p. 13, 1.33 for epidemic read epidemics P.69. 1.22 for bretheren read brethren p. 1*. 1. 5 for afaield read afield P.76, 1.25 for relif read relief -2- P.76, 1.43 for ad read had P.151, . c> for 1 i mi tied read limited P.85, 1.29 for copied read copies P.151, 1.10 for curreny read currency P.88, 1.45 insert in after is *P.151, 1.47 for Peach read Peace P.SO, 1.25 for sofa read soda P.151, .52 for put read out P.so, 1.31 - for It's read its P.152, .12 for plants read plans P.si, 1.13s for lonly read.' lonely P.155, .18 for Icearly read clearly P.S4, 1.42: delete Probably the most P.164, . 5 for preveáis read prevails important is the economic P.1Ó8, .53 for unerstaning read under- situation of the community standing P.S4, 1.43: for whi te read wh i tes P.lóS, . 9 for pi it read spl it P.96, 1.26: for carry-out read carrying P.170, .24 for comming read coming out P.171, .28 for predudicing read pre- P.9G, 1.23: for admustments read adjust- judicing ments P.173, .42 for come read came P.105, 1.27: for afr read far P.173, .43 for Iroquoi read Iroquois P.105, 1.50: for aba i 1 able read available P.174, .37 for occur ing read occurring P.IOS, 1.38: for coes read codes P.176, .10 for grant read great P.IOS, 1.42: for freq ency read frequency P.17S, .55 for America read American *p.lll, 1..3: for feats read feasts P.184, . S for findings read finding P.Ill, 1.37: for blamed read blamed P.185, .53 for ignor read ignore P.113, 1.11: for ski Is read skills P.186, .53 for sornan read woman P.123, 1.33: for the read these P.193, .42 for Introducer read introducer P.124, 1.58: for aruging read arguing P.200, .42 for tobe read to be P.126, 1.28: for lwest read lowest P.188, .53 for person read personal i ty P.130, 1.47: for flucturating read P.201, .30 for as read has fluctuating ' P.202, .IS for Keshana read Keahna P.136, 1.24: for av..able read available P.202, .32 for straight forward read P.136, 1.34: for i read in straightforward P.139, 1.32: for they read the P.204, .51 insert : after job P.139, 1.39: for devises read devices P.210, .45 for 1 i ke read 1 ? ked P.139, 1.40: for sic read six P.212, . 1 for (talk to) read take P.141, 1. 4- for excudive read exclusive P.213, for Marshal town read P.141 1.17 for metters read matters Marshal 1 town *p.i4l 1.45 for satisfaction read P.214, .36 insert - after (c) suspicion P.222, 1.42 for clusterins read cluster- P.141 1.51 for assumblyman read ings assemblyman P.224, 1. 2 for frist read first P.142 1.30 for off ides read offices P.228, 1.32 for Kluckhorn read Kluckhohn P.142 1.41 for branee read branch *P.229: .35 for Will i am read Edward A. P.142 1.42 for veqatable read vegetable P.232, 1.47 for ¡nceeased read increased P.143 1.46 for clannheadman read clan- P.236, 1.26 for attemping read attempting headman *P.237, 1.5 for Stolte read Stolpe P.145 1. 4 for invi..read invited P.238, 1.18 for well-means read well-meant P. 145 1.38 for viryually read virtually P.239, 1.30 for Stolpes read Stolpe's P.147 1. 5 for ¡ndpendent read independ P.243, 1.34 for Old Bear's read Old Bears' ent P.243, 1.42 for legitimazation read P. 147 1.13 for nodel read model legitimization P.147 ,1.48 for anees tores read ancestors *P.243,*P 1.44 for dependent read independent P.147 ,1.54 for yhe read the P.256, 1 -IS for Schwartzhaupt read P.143 ,1. 4 for unsuitable read unsuitable Schwarzhaupt P.148 ,1.35 for dicision read decision P.256, 1.28 for Schwartzhaupt read P.148 ,1.52 for ceries read series Schwarzhaupt P.149 ,1.13 insert a before renegade P.261, 1.13 for Anademan read Andaman P.14S ,1.25 for sieries read series P.261, 1.43 for focuse read focus P.14S ,1.35 for Uited read United P.263, 1.12 for they read the P.14S ,1.36 for ox read Fox P.263,1 .37: insert , after government 3— P. 264 1.20 for the read then n P. 307 ,1.1 insert , after action P. 266 1.33 for probelm read problem P. 307 ,1.15 for be r¿ad by P. 266 1.39 for admisistration read P.307 ,1.25 for study ready steady administration P. 308 ,\. k for souther read southern P. 268 1. 5. for quckly read quickly P. 308 ,1.17 for Somes J"ead Sometimes P.268, 1.15: for explointing read exploit- P.308 ,1.33 for Son't read Don't ing P. 308 ,1.48 for instances read instance P.268, 1.31: for ex i stance read existence P.
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