THE WEATHER TODAY $1 1 0001000 to Get Rid Of Wife NEW YORK (JP)- It was reported last night that orator Partly cloudy and warm weather is prSdict8d frank Woodward, multi-millionaire "gelatin king," had agreed to pay his ex-actress wile $1,000,000 in cash to end their mari­ for today. High temperature will be between tal difficulties. Mrs. Woodward, the tonner Mary Task, re­ portedly agreed to accept the lump sum in lieu of $4,OOO-a- 94 and 98. Low tonight 75. 1II0nth alimony and to go to Reno and validate the pair's e at divorce. ....tabllahed 1868-Vol. 79, No. 296-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday. Septemb.r 10. 19-47-Five Cents I Former SUI No (arriers The Blush is Becoming India Goes on VA Threatens Sludent Denies In Russ-Asked 'War Basis'; Crackdown Murder (ount Police Force Riots Spread On Builders WASHINGTON (iP)--The vet­ COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., LAKE SU ESS (iPj-Ru ia's Min­ erans administration yelterday ('p)--Davld A. Downey, 29, ex­ long-awaited patt rn tor a global iter Jawaharlal Nehru declared threatened to dlscipUne buildar., army navigator and one-time pollee force without battleships la t night that lenders and appraisers because ot Itudent at the University 01 Iowa, or carriE'rs was made publlc yes­ the lovernment ot the Dominion what it called shoddily-built pleaded Innocent yesterday in terday by Ih Unit d Nation. hom s flnanc d with GI loans. ot India WIS conronted with a district court to a murder charge, The Soviet plan call d for a At the .me hme the CIO de­ through his attorney. His trial was maximum for!.'e of 12 troop divi­ situation "analaa:ous to war" and clared It i, time for the federal let for Oct. 7. sions, 1,200 planes and five or Ix that It would meet lhe ",eriou. government to et up .n aid pro­ Downey. a San Francisco ac­ Starr and Brannaman cruLers. ('rlls .. • on a w r bull." cram for ma I production at countant, was charged with killing It ignored any ne d 10);. the Nehru a erted that the military hom. his Czechoslovak war bride, DollY, * * * capital ship contlngents advocated And • 14-man enate-hou.. 24, Jast July 18 while the couple World War I Veteran by th United States, Britain, "still are rna ters of the situation" Jews Protelt commItte to inv sUgate the na­ was on an outing in the mountain France and China In th ir origi­ and soon would be "llIore the mu­ hon's houslna situation announced nfar here. The two were on thelt Elected VFW Chieftain nal sUmates. trrs" in dealing with the crlsl he * * * lhlll public hurinp will beain way home from visiting Downey's CLEVELAND (A')-Ray M. There WB.. no expl nation of d scribed as threat nlng the tu­ here today, with dditlonal ses­ mother, Mrs. Jennie Downey, at Brannaman, World War I veteran the omi sion ot battleships and tur of the nation. .Ions to be h ld later In major Bloomfield, Ia. from Denver, Col., yest rday was carriers in tile statement from the H did not specHy what mili­ Jews, British cities. The defendant made on state­ elected national commander-In­ Russian delegallon to the U.N.'s tary measur would be taken to The veterans aiency said that ment during his art'algnment. He chief oJ: the Veterans of For ign Big F'ive military slatt committee. nd' th communal flghtlna, loot­ veterans complain dally about Wars at the close of the organiza­ Informed sources speculated, ing, arson and carnage that have "serious defects" in construction. appeared pale from spending laid wast great areal of the par­ nearly two months In the county tion's 48th annual encampment. however, that the Russions ne­ Soldiers Bailie It told bullders, I nders and ap­ tition d Punjab and, in th lasl Selection was without opposi­ glecfed to propose capi tal ships HAMBURG, Germany IID\ _ prais ra that It expects eondl- jail, to which he was returned lew days, paralyxed hi own capi­ ,fler being arraigned. tion under the unofficial but tra­ because they have insisted on V' I tiona to b corr ct d "wherever ditional seniority system used in equal contributions from the pow­ tal. J wi h r fu es and British troop. they may ari e." Downey was accused of striking Thousands Mosl ms, hearing fought In a bloody pitched batUe Furthermor , VA announced, his bride on the head with a rock fHUng the top oUlce. ers and becau Ru la has only ot Brannaman, 55, succeeds Louis lour old battl wagon. and no car­ d ath at the hands ot Inflamed aboard a transport ship y 5t rday wher th fault il definll Iy de­ and Ulen strangling her as they Sikhs and Hindus, t1 d ye terday b (or the Brlh&h suet ded In I termlned, it wlll take "disclpil­ climbed a mountainside 22 miles E. Starr of Portland, Ore. rier4. By quol contributions, the Rus­ from th twin cUi • or Old and landl.ng on G rman soli th last ot nary measures " which might from Colorado Springs. When her N w D lhi, wher an estimated th "Exodus 1947" J ws who set mean removing' appraisers from body first was found, Downey sians want the nations to chip in man for mall, plane tor plane, 1,000 have 10 t their lives In bru­ out two months ago for Palestine. the approved list, suspending said his wife had fallen as the Charge Nude Body tnl massacr s Ln the lut thre lIundreds ot the Jews fought aU 1 nders [rom the proll'alll, or, If couple walked In the mountains. ship tOr ship. CAUGUT WITH JlER SKIRT DOWN \VIL drum major tt ruble The United States, supported by Irel (rlrht) at a LOllI' Beach, Cal.. drum ILnd bUl'le co rl rompelltlon. days and wher guntlr was heard th WBY from th grim holds ot the ottender is 11 bUilder, requtr­ Undersheriff Henry Clark told a by night nd day. th Runnymede Park to . B dock- Ing a lower valuotlon on future coroner's jury Downey later ad­ Added to Her Portrait oth rs in the Big Five, want. When she to d her balon hll'h in III air, the lOrt dropped. h ls landlnl' while II I n IcC rlhy mak r paIn. Th Incident 0 curred Id tallway train to aVOid enter- building "in anticipation 01 poor mitted in an oral statement he comparable contribution , such as HOLLYWOOD (JP) - Model durlnl'the ollvl'ntion bf tll N tive Son and DaUlhl4'n of the Golden ing the country they describe a8 worlurumshlp." strangled his wife. the nation with greotest torce of the lI'ovcyard of mllliollJ of their _ • • Carol Janis said yesterday she had carriers contributing more -car­ Wts1. in whlch her I'roup. the Utopia. Parlor, won th womtn.'a CIa Downey, who was a student at wielded a butcher knlte on a kinsm n. The CIO contended that pri­ lhe University of Iowa in 1939, riers, the largest army contribut­ B drill team vent. (AP WIREPHOTO) Republican Claims painting and then threw It in An By o ftlcl al British account at vate enterpri II building only formerly lived at West Liberty ing more men and so on down Incinerator atter she became en­ the line. least 33 J ws, including 13 wo-­ hall the housing unlts "the nation and once lived in Davenport. raged because, she elalmed, the Pennsylvania Vidory m n, w r wounded in a two-­ ought to have" and cailed for a artist painted a halt-nude body on hour melee In which th British "pubUc enterprise" progrllIJl. the face for which she posed. Bus-Truck Crash Paddles Ready lor President ALLENTOWN, Pa. (JP)- Re­ used clubs, tire has and fists. The CIO said In Its monthly SHELTON, Neb. (A')- One per­ pubUcan FrankUn H. Lichten­ Thr e British soldlen were of­ publication, Th Economic Out­ Its creator, Edward Withers, ABOARD U.S.S. MISSOURI rA') portrait painter and stud tillt' son was killed and al least ven walter last night declared "I am iI ially reported hospjtallz d by look, that the government must U. May Pay - PI' Id nt Tl'l1Mlln ouk 11 b k s. artist, said It had won for him a others were hasp ita liz d lost night hock, on open­ d linltely el cled" as returns from Injuries llt th hands of J w who step in with loans and plans to workout Ilboard th is lei urely as the result or a bus-truck col­ air shnve or v n 0 paddling. 84 ot 214 pr clncts in Pennsylvan­ fought with such Improvised wea­ spur housing construction. gold medal from the Painlers and cruislni battl ship yesterday, get­ Sculptors club. He then presented lision at a street Intersection here. Is he worrie«? If wouldn't ia's 8th congressional district gav pons as broken bolU s and clubs "The need for housing is grave," Calvin L. Krepick, 21, at Goth­ ting In trim Cor th Dge-old "cross_ him 20,264 agaLnst 9,669 lor tipp d with barbed wire or razor lhe CIO sald. "The r medy is ob­ Gerinan (osts it to Miss Janis, who became tired, IIdmlt It to report 1"5. enburg, Neb., driver ot the truck ing the equator" haZIng ceremon­ Democrat PhIL H. Storch. blades. At least one Jew hurled II vious.
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