University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 9-30-1983 Montana Kaimin, September 30, 1983 Associated Students of the University of Montana Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of the University of Montana, "Montana Kaimin, September 30, 1983" (1983). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 7506. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/7506 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. New drunk driving laws begin tomorrow The the new laws include: a fine of $100 to $500 and the considers people operating gram for the Missoula City- By Kathie Horejsi motor vehicles on state roads KtlmYiCottttwftg Report* stiffer penalties for convictions, offender's driver's license is County Health Department. automatic suspension of a driv­ suspended for six months. A to have given their consent to a Drivers found to have an alco­ People convicted of driving er’s license for refusal to take a second conviction brings a chemical test to determine the hol concentration of .1 percent while under the influence of al­ blood alcohol test making high sentence of seven days to six alcohol level of their blood. or more in their blood, bre8th cohol will spend time in jail blood alcohol levels while driv­ months in jail, a $300 to $500 Drivers who refuse to submit to or urine, regardless of any when Montana's new drunk ing a criminal offense, and ex­ fine, and the driver's license is such a test of their blood, other wrongdoing, can be ar­ driving laws go into effect to­ panded jurisdiction over pri­ revoked for one year. If a driver breath or urine will automatic­ rested under the "Illegal Per morrow. vate roadways. receives a third D.U.I. convic­ ally have their licenses revoked Se” law and receive the same Four new laws were passed The penalty for the first con­ tion, the license is again for 90 days. penalties as someone con­ by the 1983 Montana Legisla­ viction of driving while under revoked for a year along with a If that happens, "their license victed of D.U.I. ture after the successful lobby­ the influence of alcohol or 30-day to one-year jail sen­ is gone and there isn't anything To drive with a blood alcohol ing efforts of groups such as drugs (D.U.I.) is now no less tence and a fine of $500 to anybody can do about it." said level of .1 percent is a new Montanans Against Drunk Driv­ than 24 consecutive hours in $1000. Betty Wing, director of the ing (M.A.D.D.) jail and no more than 60 days. The "implied consent” law Drunk Driving Prevention Pro­ See “ Driving,” page 20 THE MONTANA KAIMIN Friday, September 30,1983 Missoula, Mont Vol. 86, No. 4 Resignations open positions on Central Board By Brian L. Rygg number of openings to three, notice this summer because he when Jill Ingraham resigned at freshmen. Another provision of KaMncoftftutngEdnor according to Paula Jellison, had signed a job contract that the final CB meeting of the last the 1970 document mandates Two Central Board mem- ASUM vice president. will keep him home in Billings school year so that she could that the general elections be bers resigned before classes Greg Pederson, a freshman until December, Jellison said, attend the University of Geor- held Spring Quarter, even began this year — raising the in pre-med last year, gave his Don Bielen, a business ad- gia in the National Student Ex- though they have been held ministration sophomore from change program this year. during Winter Quarter for the Fort Benton, also resigned be- Jellison said the openings past several years, cause of a job, Jellison said, present an "excellent means" While acknowledging that the and was just visiting Missoula to help fill a provision in the selection of CB replacements for the weekend when he told ASUM Constitution that calls is not the same as having them her he was resigning. for freshman elections. elected, Jellison said a "good Neither Pederson nor Bielen The constitution, which possibility” exists that at least could be reached for comment ASUM President David Bolin- one of the three will be a fresh- Jellison said the resignations ger said he will seek to change man. Some enthusiastic fresh- were unexpected and regretta- by referendum during registra- men have talked with her about ble, because both were “very tion for Winter Quarter, con- the openings, she said, and good members.” On the other tains many provisions that have she'd like to have a freshman hand, she said, it is "nice to long been ignored. One calls on the board, have those openings.” for a separate election process, One CB position opened to be held Fall Quarter, for See “Positions,” page 20. No rebates for water customers By Barbara Tucker age. KiMn sum Report* According to Daniel Conway, fessor Bert Pfeiffer called the Mountain Water Co., which vice president of Park Water ceiling too high. He also said provides water to many Mis- Co., which owns Mountain the water company should be soula residents, announced Water, refunds would not be “taken to task" for selling the yesterday that its customers made because: giardia-contaminated water, will not receive rebates. t Mountain Water's operating which he called "toxic mater- Customers, who had bean costs had risen due to the re- iais." restricted to watering lawns cent giardia epidemic. Mountain Water’s decision and gardens one day a 9 Mountain Water Co.'s not to refund portions of sprin- w eek over the past summer, revenues had decreased be- kling fees drew fire from many had hoped to receive a re* cause the unusually wet sum- persons attending the meeting, fund of about one third of mer, na<j resulted In less water Linda Price, a representative their sprinkling fees. usage. of Montana People's Action, During July, Mountain Water # yhe water c o m p a n y anticl- saicl the consumer organization Co. stopped using water from ted mak|ng fewer pJofit8 jn was "outraged" by the action Rattlesnake Creek, after it was 1933 due to the giardia out- and- “We demand our 38 per- identified as the suspected cent rebate." source of the giardia cysts con- The' Pub|ic service Commls- taminating the municipal water a(on wh|Cb sponsored the Dennis Lopach, lawyer for system. meeting, disclosed that the the water company, contended About one third of the city's water company Is allowed to that the PSC has no legal water supply was lost when the make a profit of 11.6 percent, authority to order Mountain RATTLESNAKE CREEK .which runs Into the Clark Fork River, company switched to well Although the water company Water Co. to give customers a Is the suspected source of the giardia parasite. See related water. Water restrictions were has yet to make a profit, Univ- refund, story on psge 8. (Staff photo by Brad Evanger.) imposed to avert a water short- erity of Montana zoology pro- Opinions CoIm r M ---------------- -P M N n tM i MONTANA XAIM IN Cotw *t--------------- — LwyHMNf No indeed, this Isn't an editorial. Aa you can see It's a statement of ownership, manage* EXPRESSING 96 YEARS Cartoonht fg jum, ment and circulation. Every newspaper in the country Is reQuired by law to print one of these Cartoonist--------------- Santi IfcClaki OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM each year; we thought this was as good as time as any to get ours out of the way. It's kind of CartoonW--------------- UMThM E d M o r .____ _________M W * Contributing Editor---------- M m Lftiw a blessing for the editor because he couldn't think of an editorial Idea. If nothing else, publish* t u ir m **‘~~r* lKkl« P*t«r*o« Contributing EdMor-----------ScaMOnaon Managing EdMor.. Oraaa ing this form will give you just a little more insight to your student newspaper, the Mmtm AdwIWftfl Manaftr-----------U m l d w * U 1N M lantaa Olflct Managtr. ....Patty Mlnon STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT ANO CIRCULATION ----------------------------- ftayMmy Letter* to the editor should NnrtEdHot PatTuCkat be no longer then 300 words. U TITU OP PUBLICATION 7.0ATC OF FILING FIn* Art* Editor----------------- OtbSchartr SUM RtporWr . ---- B u t Tuck*f PubMahad awry Tuaaday. Wadnaaday. Thu* Montana K aialn Sept. 23, 1963 ■ day and Friday ol lha school ytar by DwAaao- Photo Editor--------------- “ 5 2 ' datad StudanU ot lha UMrwNy al Mm m J. FREQUENCY OF ISSUE PRICE ThaUM School at Journalam uaaa lha Baa- ANNUALIY tana Malaria lor pracfloa couraaa but am** D ally, Tuesday through Friday I lk $21.00 S-to, editor.__ __________ —<*> * » * no control oaarpolcy or oontamThacpMe ** * , T - . _JWn FalrchPd «. COMPLETE MAILING AOORESS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 0M<r. Off/. CoMf/. jMtt uti AitocUlt E d M o r ----------- M ax aapraaaod an »a adnorial pap da not naoa* AMOdata Editor------------- — tardy raftact Vw dav d ASUM. •* MU or n# KtoM EdMor----------------- urWvariay adaanMralan SubtcripDon raUa Journal Isa 206, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 99812 NlaM ______________ Th«m« M a a—t»r. 01 par achooi yaar. Eetarad tt 5. COMPLEU MAILING AOORESS OF THE HEAOOUARTERSOF GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICES OF THE PUBLISHER iSalfiUtlf) B J S E l IZjoannaOtPut.
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